Popular puzzler pop-'em-up Peggle 2 will be partaking in some PlayStation 4 partying this October, the game's official Twitter account has revealed.
For anyone who isn't familiar with the title, you may remember that it was announced as an Xbox console exclusive back at E3 2013, and what a memorably awkward announcement it was. Nevertheless, it means yet another addictive download is heading to the PlayStation Store, even if the response to the initial release was a little muted. Are you a fan of more casual games on Sony's newest console, or are you craving something a little more dangerous? Rack up a high score in the comments section below.
[source twitter.com, via neogaf.com]
Comments 16
I may as well go ahead and post it.
i don't understand this game, do people really care about it or do they just pretend that it's like the best game ever?
Peggle is awesome. Good to see it coming over.
@viciousarcanum my wife loves it, as does my niece. Definitely looking forward to the release.
This game is alot of fun and very addictive and best of all it makes you feel like you've just won a gold medal when you actually finish a level. The over the top music and celebration when you hit that last peg is so satisfying. I'll be picking this up in October.
@viciousarcanum No, the entire world pretends it's brilliant just to confuse you. We're all in on the act.
Can't wait for this. Love me some Peggle and means one of the two Xbox One games I want is now gonna be available to me. Sunset Overdrive is the other but I highly doubt we'll get that one sadly.
@viciousarcanum Im guessing its the best game ever XD
Could nt help ;P
@viciousarcanum It's just a really fun puzzle game.
@rastamadeus PS4 may not get it. But, i'd be willing to bet, that PC will get it.
This should be a freebie on ps+ dont think anyone would complain about that.
@keyser_soze People complain about anything on PS+.
Thats very true 😂
Is this PS4 only? Seems like a perfect fit for Vita. And I cant for the life of me imagine it couldnt run on the PS3 either. Its a great game, but its a 2D nothing graphically.
Ild hope for a Wii U version but since EA ate Popcap that sure aint gonna happen. Bastards all.
@ShogunRok - Is that an actual announcement vid? The Peggle 2 letters look fake but his lips look like hes saying it. And he kind of reminds me of that nown-defunct videogame tv channel guy.
@rjejr That's footage from the actual EA press conference when it was announced. The font's just been put on by whoever made the gif, though.
@ShogunRok - "EA press conference"
Well that explains a lot. If it was from the X1 conference I was going to feel really bad for MS if that's what they get excited over.
@Swiket - You know, it actually makes sense that way.
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