No new system launch would be complete without barbed comments about the quality of the box’s lineup. It’s something that both the PlayStation 3 and Vita have gone through, as well as rival formats such as the Nintendo Wii U and 3DS. We’ve always felt that the PlayStation 4 has been unfairly treated in this instance, as rarely a week has passed without some kind of noteworthy release. And as the system sizes up a stunning 2015 with exclusives such as The Order: 1886, Bloodborne, and Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End, we reckon that this Christmas isn’t looking too shabby either.
In order to illustrate that point, we’ve pulled together a rundown of all of the title’s set to deploy on the next-gen machine this November. This excludes all of the blockbuster arrivals due in October, as we’d be here all day if we factored the likes of Alien Isolation and The Evil Within into the list. Granted, many of these are due out on other formats too, so the roster won’t hit quite as hard as the PlayStation 2’s infamous second year exclusive lineup – but we can’t understand how anyone could be genuinely disappointed with this little lot. Let’s take a look, shall we?

Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare
Historically, publishers would run scared of Activision’s first-person shooter series, but the franchise appears to have lost a little of its fear factor of late. Still, that’s not stopping Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare from shaping up spectacularly, with its futuristic warfare bringing a brand new dynamic to the property’s well established formula. Being developed for next-gen formats first and foremost, this appears to be the foray that Call of Duty: Ghosts should have been – and it features Hollywood hotshot Kevin Spacey in a particularly menacing role, so there’s that as well.

The Crew
The first of three Ubisoft games, this also has the most to prove. The Crew aims to repurpose the French firm’s open world formula in a racing game, seeing you dashing across the United States to take back territory and suck up as many meaningless trinkets as you can possibly imagine. Launching after the likes of DriveClub will make this a particularly tough sell – especially if Evolution Studios’ next-gen exclusive hits the starting grid in fifth gear – but its persistent online world may separate it just enough to make it stand out.

Assassin’s Creed Unity
The start of a brand new Assassin’s Creed saga, and also the first developed specifically for next-gen systems. You may still be able to feel the sea air separating pirate Edward Kenway’s fine hair, but that’s not stopping Ubisoft from dropping a sixth pseudo-historical adventure in as many years. This time, you’ll be riding the Animus all the way to the French revolution, where Arno Dorian and his brand of onion adoring brothers seek vengeance against the Templars in the title’s first fully co-operative game.

LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham
It may seem like the least impressive game on this list, but never underestimate the selling power of LEGO and Batman when combined. The latest entry in Traveller’s Tales’ superhero spin-off series – and, incredibly, already the third brick laying release on the PS4 this year – sees the Dark Knight and his band of DC Universe brethren stepping beyond the confines of, well, Gotham in order to thwart villain Brainiac’s maniacal plans. This one is likely to sell and sell and sell if its predecessor LEGO Marvel Super Heroes is anything to go by.

Far Cry 4
Rounding out the trifecta of Ubisoft sandbox escapades is Far Cry 4, a first-person shooter set in the fictional Himalayan district of Kyrat – which just so happens to have, er, strongholds to capture, collectibles to nab, and elephants to ride. Alright, you may be tiring of the previous two checkboxes by now, but this ferocious affair appears to have just enough silliness to separate it from its immediate peers, with the aforementioned wrinkly wildlife an example of that. Purchase the PS4 version and you’ll also grab the ‘Keys to Kyrat’, allowing you to play multiplayer with your buddies for a limited period – even if they don’t own the game.

Grand Theft Auto V
The year of the re-release will end in dramatic style, as an updated version of Grand Theft Auto V breaks into your gaming box and refuses to budge for the remainder of the holiday season. The wildcard which inspired this write-up in the first place, Rockstar appears to have gone all out with this re-release, totally overhauling the visuals, while also adding in new music and commentary from the original’s radio DJs. Granted, many of you will have played this game before, but that’s not going to stop it from selling like One Direction branded LOOM Bands in Claire’s Accessories.

LittleBigPlanet 3
Many may keep forgetting Sackboy’s latest Play, Create, Share affair, but we actually reckon that this is the perfect November exclusive for the PS4. Sure, it may be cute and cuddly – but that’s exactly why it works. A game like The Order: 1886 – which was originally due out in time for Christmas – would have probably struggled against the bigger and brasher brands due out at the end of the year, but Sumo Digital’s do-it-yourself adventure should have no trouble reaching kids who already own all of the LEGO games. Meanwhile, existing fans are going to be all over this like a particularly nasty rash.

Project CARS
With the next Gran Turismo likely still a couple of years away, Project CARS is aiming to fuel your desire for simulation racing action. Developed using a crowd funding model – the name is actually an acronym for Community Assisted Racing Simulator – this is in production at British outfit Slightly Mad Studios, which you may know best for the Need for Speed: Shift spin-off series. In addition to a bunch of real-world circuits, the title also promises one of the most realistic handling models in games today. Oh, and it doesn’t look too shabby either.

Dragon Age: Inquisition
The last really big game of the month, and the moment that everyone at Push Square Towers – aside from reviewer Robert Ramsey – breathes a collective sigh of relief. Aiming to right the wrongs of the derided Dragon Age II, developer BioWare has promised that this entry will succeed where its predecessor failed – by actually, y’know, being good. One way it aims to reverse opinion is by opening up the world, giving you much more opportunity to loot and explore. Of course, you’ll also come across way more mythical creatures in these enormous expanses to boot.
Are you staggered by this lineup, or a bit disappointed? Which of these titles will you be picking up in November, and why? Save your pennies in the comments section below.
Which of the following November PS4 titles are you most looking forward to? (137 votes)
- Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare
- The Crew
- Assassin’s Creed Unity
- LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham
- Far Cry 4
- Grand Theft Auto V
- LittleBigPlanet 3
- Project CARS
- Dragon Age: Inquisition
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Comments 56
After I voted ( at 18.10 ), I saw the results and thought "Woah, Little Big Planet 3's getting a lotta love!" with 40%
Then I realised it got 2 out of 5 votes! 😜
I went with Dragon Age, but Far Cry 4 is a VERY close second. I am so excited as a gamer for November!
Oh um Far Cry 4, but a lot of other games are close.
Is it bad that I'm buying 7 out of 9 of the games listed on day one? lol.. which is preceeded by a ton of titles I'm picking up in Sept and Oct as well. Aw well its my favorite hobby and I'll spend what I wanna spend
Littlebigplanet 3 for me. Love the series.
FarCry 4
None of those but really excited about Uncharted 4 and Treyarch's next Zombie Release!!!!
also PS4's controller with more battery life lol, Gonna just mod mine for now.
Too many games not enought money. The game I'm getting in November is GTA 5, but I also want Far Cry 4, Assassins Creed Unity, and CoD: Advance Warfare from that list.
Was just in Gamestop playing the Hyrule Warriors demo and since the Wii U isn't advertised well in Gamestop there was a giant cardboard ad next to the Wii U for KH 2.5 remix, which I couldn't help but notice said PS3 exclusive. Seems like a big PS4 omission.
On the bright side next year KH 1.5 and 2.5 PS4 box set
@rjejr Exactly.
My November PS4 game is Lords of the Fallen (28 oct). And Lego Batman for PS3 I think
AC Unity if I can
I have been putting money aside on Amazon since July for this year's gaming season
Far Cry 4. But I hope Assassins will be great. I'm skeptical though because the gameplay is getting boring and I don't think co-op is going to fix that. Conceptually though, I still am very interested in Ass Cree. Also the Crew, but probably going to get DriveClub, so The Crew and Projects cars can wait. Not really interested in the rest, unless they really did change COD, and in a good way.
the only game on that list that interests me is Little Big Planet
I'm looking forward to at least three of those titles. Farcry 4, AC:Unity, and CoD:AW
@mitcHELLspawn totally agree with u. There's enough to last me till next summer!!
GTA hopefully sorted out the online bugs..
If i'm lucky Far Cry as well..
Great lineup. I'm planning on getting LBP3 and GTAV for sure!
Want 5 out of whats listed 1 is already paid for.
I'm just waiting for tekken 7
The thing I hate about this argument is when you try to list games that are on PS4 or coming to PS4 they always move the goalposts to suit their agenda. Youtuber Totalbiscuit was the worst at that, he was at it again this week saying there's "nothing worth playing on PS4" if you say Resogun he says "I played Defender 20 years ago" Killzone "hate console shooters" infamous "runs at 30 fps" Last of us "a PS3 game" etc.
@Madd_Hatter401 Ditto!
Asscrred, gta, dragon age
Others i will just take littl by litte along the way
It's october for me:-
The Evil Within (my potential game of the year)
Alien Isolation
Lords of The Fallen
Natural Doctrine
November i'll be getting:-
Tales Of Hearts R
and possibly Far Cry 4 (although i may save this for xmas)
What? People voted for GTA V?? I thought everyone already owned that game. I'm getting FC4, CoD:AW, and DA:I (used because **** EA).
Haven't been following FC4 very closely, but I hope they made a mode where the minimap is disabled. Pretty much all open world Ubisoft games it seems like I'm staring at the minimap literally 75% of the time.
@adf86 kind of a bull**** argument from TB since everyone knows new consoles are investments, not a treasure trove library of must-play games. It's all subjective anyway...PS4 was worth it for me just with KZ alone.
Funny thing is, there's nothing worth playing on his platform of choice, PC...I should know since it's the reason I stopped PC gaming. It's also the basis for his WTF show. Nothing but waves and waves of indie trash, a vile online "adult" community that is FAR worse than the mythological "12 year old playing CoD", and more free-to-play and early access wastes-of-time than you can possibly imagine.
Language - get2sammyb
Nothing on the list that I'll be getting, so it is a no game November for me sadly.
Dragon Age Inquisition.
The thing is, I'm not the biggest fan of pop gaming. Call of Duty, Assassin's Creed, GTA5... all that is meh to me. I like the lesser known games. The more niche and underground titles. The games that don't sell tens of millions of copies every time a new one releases. Granted, just about everything on PlayStation nowadays is some form of AAA, but there's still a very distinct line between commercialized pop games and the rest.
Never liked Little Big Planet even though I'm a diehard platformer fan, but if it reviews well I may look into it after release. I just never liked the mechanics. They feel... off.
For me it's Shadow of Mordor, Natural Doctrine, Lords of the Fallen, Dragon Age Inquisition and Far Cry 4. I'll still probably pick up the trio of pop games too, just because it's hard to say no with GCU discounts and additional preorder certificates. $38 for day one delivered to your door makes almost any game hard to pass up.
The only game that I am interested in is Project Cars, so no wonder I see a PS4 as a 2015/16 purchase.
I have been playing Uncharted 3 lately, so I guess A Thief's End could be the one for me.
3 games dragon age, unity and far cry. Other will be bought probably in the new year lol
My PS4 has so far functioned as an expensive paperweight that screams "LittleBigPlanet 3 isn't out yet!"
Lords of the Fallen and Bayonetta 2. Both admittedly come out in October.....
GtaV for me , I missed it on the ps3
I'm excited for 7 of these games, the 2 I'm not are GTA V and AC Unity, because I've played GTA V before, and I'm a bit bored of the Assassin's Creed franchise... I'll probably going to only be getting one or two on day 1 though, so deciding between them will be a pretty hard decision.
Not a lot for me. Bored of cod and ass creed. Never liked far cry or gta. Driveclub covers my racing needs. Kids will have Skylanders in October so they can wait for lbp and Lego.
Dragon age is a maybe but I'll probably wait and pick it up cheap after Xmas, they usually drop in price quick.
Guess I'll be clearing some backlog...
Dragon Age: Inquisition for me
Far Cry 4 for me, and maybe Project Cars... but that depends on how good DriveClub is.
Not interested in the rest.
Only 2 games(which is enough for me) on that list i want & that is FC4 & LBP3
W_D dlc and ACU for me this year.
Far Cry 4 is my most anticipated but I'm also getting AC Unity, CoD: Advanced Warfare, GTA V and LBP 3, lack of games to play isn't an issue, none of these are games that a PS4 needed to be purchased to enjoy though. In that sense, hopefully 2015 will be much better.
Ik hoop zo dat er volgend jaar max Payne 4 komt een van mij favorieten maar gta5 ben ik ook tevreden mee op de ps4
Nothing excites me in November. Which is too bad because my birthday is that month and I usually buy myself a game on or around my birthday. Probably just pick up one of the few games I want from October since I probably won't be buying everything I want when I want. That's looking like the most exciting month for me; Alien isolation, The evil within, Lords of the Fallen and Natural doctrine.
Little Big Planet and Dragon Age for me! Can't wait!
Nothing for me. My holiday gaming budget only allows for Hyrule Warriors, Bayonetta 2, Theatrhythm Curtain Call, Watch_Dogs and Smash all on the Wii U. I'll have to get Inquisition next year.
My poor wallet... between far cry, project cars, Gta V and Little big planet I will be ruined.... cannot choose... (and my backlog is already full, despite having the console since end of August....)
What the heck's going on, @ShogunRok - Dragon Age faring well!? Have you been creating alt accounts...
@mitcHELLspawn -you can't play 'em all at once!
Dragon Age looks promising,as does FC4.Tempted by GTA 5,but played it on PS3,so no rush.Never understood the hype for the AC franchise.Wish Rockstar would update GTA3,Vice City and San Andreas for PS4,or at least let us play the PS2 classics on Vita,Sony.
@TheBusterMan haha but I can sure try! I'm hoping to have a lot of them beat by the time dragon age comes out because all other games will probably have to take a backseat for a while once I grab that. Hoping it's as awesome as it looks.
@mitcHELLspawn Indeed.I enjoyed the first Dragon Age.Wish there was a new Elder Scrolls or Fallout coming,too,but,fingers crossed,near future.
Far Cry 4 for me! Looks so awesome. Had a cheeky play of it a few months back, and the elephants were boss.
One game that few have forgot about but is coming to PS3 & PS4 I believe in november in the U.S. is Guilty Gear Xrd
I'm really interested in finally having a racing game, if Driveclub kicks @ss I might not get project cars, but I probably will anyway..
Dragon Age all the way for moe, could be my game of the year. I know a lot of people are hating on destiny but it is my current goty. I expect DAI to dethrone it tho:}
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