Well, it wouldn’t be a new Ubisoft title without a bit of controversy, would it? Assassin’s Creed Unity has ruffled feathers for all of the wrong reasons over the past six months, with pundits complaining about everything from the game’s lack of female characters all the way through to those infamous parity comments. Along the way, though, we appear to have forgotten whether the title itself is any good. While we haven’t quite completed our sojourn through the French revolution yet – you can read our initial impressions through here – we’ve collated some of the best reviews from around the web for your perusal.
Game Informer - 8/10
Unity’s frequent missteps are balanced against an astonishing array of engaging content set in a stunning world. Even as I tallied problems, I marveled at the game’s breadth of gameplay and richly realized world. I encourage fans to give Unity a try, and leave your expectations at the door. For both better and worse, Assassin’s Creed is moving in a new direction.
IGN - 7.8/10
Assassin’s Creed Unity leverages the new-generation consoles to add spectacular new sights and successful co-op multiplayer, but in doing so, it’s created some substantial new problems instead of solving the series’ most persistent ones. The scope is stunning, the customization is satisfying, and the multiplayer touches upon some really ambitious ideas. But the lack of a strong main character or interesting take on the Assassin’s Creed universe costs it momentum and excitement, and the persistent control problems are still a thorn in its side. The first truly new-gen Assassin’s Creed game is a gorgeous, entertaining, and successful proof of concept for what lies ahead for the series, though it isn’t what I’d call revolutionary.
Eurogamer.net - 7/10
As the seventh major instalment in the series, though, not to mention the first designed for new console hardware, Assassin's Creed Unity feels like a missed opportunity. Going back to basics at this point may have resulted in a less substantial game than recent years have led us to expect, but it might have delivered a more satisfying one. As it is, mild improvements in traversal and combat are quickly overwhelmed by the creaking systems onto which they have been grafted. Revolutionary Paris is one of the most beautifully realised environments in a series that has had its fair share of them, but the game you play doesn't really do it justice.
Polygon - 6.5/10
The ingredients are all here for a spectacular new standard for the series on Sony and Microsoft's new machines. But in the quest to build something that looked and sounded "next generation," Ubisoft Montreal failed to fix the problems that have accumulated over so many annual release. Combined with an uninspiring story, and a long list of considerable technical problems, Unity falls short of the fresh start Assassin's Creed needs.
Joystiq - 2.5/5
Assassin's Creed Unity is the best and worst of Assassin's Creed. It's hard not to appreciate everything that it gets right, and you'll have a good time if you can wrangle some friends for co-op, but it's impossible to ignore where Unity falls tragically short.
Have these mixed reviews prompted you to reconsider your purchase of Assassin’s Creed Unity, or are you still planning to pick up the Parisian escapade? Paint your face blue, white, and red in the comments section below.
Comments 19
Yves Guillemot be mad.
Hmmm... That's a bit disappointing. For some reason I was expecting higher overall marks for this...
Was it rushed or too ambitious? probably both but I doubt this will effect sales much.
These reviews are a damn shame. Hopefully some patches will fix some of the smaller issues but I think overall it was too ambitious, as Jazzer stated.
I rarely listen to a review, if it is something I like the look of I will give it a try so can't wait for Friday to get to playing this
bargain bin/second hand for me
Seems this franchise is unable to keep on with expectations and innovation.... I hated the 3 cos was pretty boring, enjoyed the 4 cos it was a novelty in the gameplay..... it looks this one is step backward more than forward
Sounds like Rogue might actually be better by proxy.
Rubbish, with most sites not even mentioning the performance issues.
Early access version?
Buy now, fix later.
I canceled my preorder, actually decided to wait for a complete edition like Jackdaw Edition of AC4 (in the price of the base version all DLCs included) — I can wait, I have my other games...
It's official. I'm done preordering AAA multiplat mega franchises. From now on I'll preorder only the games that really stand out. The likes of this, Shadow of Mordor and CoD will have to be bargain bin titles in the future.
Games like Lords of the Fallen and Dragon Age Inquisition, those are games worth pre-ordering.
My get it this weekend, it I can find it cheap enough.
@BLPs The problem is that we are getting into the "dimishing returns" territory, from PS2 --> PS3 graphics changed a lot (especially since they supported 720p/1080p) so there were games that could simply not bo done on last generation, the scope of the game, the AI, the worlds, some gameplay stuff, etc... it was new, so even if games felt like the same every year, we werent "bored" of it
Next gen consoles, the jump is much smaller, they support the same resolution (1080p and in somce consoles less than that lol) and the graphics while obviously sharper and better isnt the revolution we hoped it would be, some games looks remarkably sharper on PS4 but some could say "hey, it doesnt look THAT different".
So at the end we are just playing (so far) glorified games of a era we are starting to look with much more criticism and less open arms
The Witcher 3
I like how Pushsquare show a variety of reviews for a specific game at once. Much appreciated.
I've never really been a fan of the Assassin's Creed series, although I did enjoy Black Flag. Having just bought Call of Duty Advanced Warfare, Alien Isolation and the amazing Shadow of Mordor I think I'll be giving Unity a wide birth. Im also picking up GTA V and Far Cry 4 next week so Im spoiled for choice in my game collection. I think I have plenty of great games to keep me going until I can get my hands on a copy of The Witcher.
another horrible issues looks like Ubisoft isn't capable for optimising next-gen consoles
@Faruko i agree with you, so far alot of the triple A titles have been lackluster or they just suck, I think the lack of innovation and the fact that we haven't seen anything that breaks the mold. Instead new gen looks and feels like old gen. Except with nintendo and its console only for the fact that they just hit HD so everything seems fresh and new.
@BoltedArc Exactly that, when i fired up Mario 3D World (game i got with the console) i was blown away by it, even if we have been playing with HD graphics since 2006 (even before for PC gamers), its the novelty in it, i had never played Mario in HD on a 40' TV, its gorgeous. Im pretty sure the same will hapen when Metroid/Zelda/Xenoblade release, we all be shocked because its "new", novelty for games like that is still big
Yet, ihavent been blown away by any PS4 games even though they look remarkably better than a WiiU game (Technological point of view, form an artistic point its much more debatable... Mario Kart 8 and 3D World looks miles better than a lot of 1080p PS4 games), because ive been playing ALL these games for about 10 years now... the novelty is just dead at this point
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