Frieza's already returned once after supposedly dying alongside the planet Namek, but even then, he was cut to ribbons by Trunks in just a few seconds. The intergalactic baddie will be having another shot at revenge, though, in the upcoming Dragon Ball feature film, subtitled Resurrection of 'F'.
And so, it only makes sense that Frieza's new golden form will be making an appearance in Dragon Ball XenoVerse. While we're still waiting on the title's second DLC pack to launch, which is supposedly deploying in the near future, the game's third batch of downloadable content will feature the resurrected evil alien himself.
The news comes via the latest Shonen Jump magazine, which also spills the beans on what else we can expect from the DLC. Alongside more unannounced playable characters, the pack will add Jaco the Galactic Patrolman to the roster, who's another of artist Akira Toriyama's creations. It'll also feature a new master, five new parallel quests, thirteen new skills, and equipment from the upcoming movie.
Are you still patrolling time in XenoVerse? Are you excited at the prospect of playing as Frieza in his almighty new form? Tell us that we've got five minutes before the planet explodes in the comments section below.
[source animenewsnetwork.com, via saiyanisland.com]
Comments 23
"five minutes before the planet explodes"
The longest 5 minutes ever.
I think I actually like the gold Frieza, he looks ready for Easter.
Didn't know there was another movie in the works, I spent several minutes this morning putting all the DVD movie packs in my Amazon cart as we just finished watching DB last night. (Those last 5 episodes seemed really unnecessary, and my wife won't shut-up about him not inviting his friends to the wedding.) Maybe I should wait for a couple more movies to get put into another pack? It'll be months before we finish DBZ (already watched 1-3 before DB) and still debating GT.
Long live Frieza!!
Frieza actually looks a bit more similar to Cooler to me, but I do like it.
Death Beam!
@FullbringIchigo why did I know you would be the first to comment lol.I might actually get this dlc.
@BladeRider because it's a Dragon Ball Post, I jump on those like mad man
also the first DLC is decent too unless you don't like GT of course but even then I still think it's worth it
@rjejr GT isn't as bad as people say it is, it's fun if a little silly at times
the argument most people bring up is "it's not a manga adaptation" but this doesn't matter as Toriyama was a character designer, came up with the title plus the concept of the Black Star and Baby sagas
and as for the whole "Gohan going Super Saiyan" never once in the manga did it say he couldn't plus not only does the official daizenshuu say he still can but he transforms in Battle of Gods and Ressurection F both films canon to the series and done by Toriyama
give it a go, yeah it doesn't reach the hights DBZ did but it's still fun plus has a much more fitting ending to the series then DBZ did
@FullbringIchigo @rjejr On the topic of GT, I tend to agree. It's not as good as Dragon Ball or Dragon Ball Z in my opinion (partly because it doesn't have a manga - which I prefer over the anime anyway because I'm rad and old school), but it's still a fun ride and there are some great fights/plot points.
@ShogunRok plus Super Saiyan 4 is AWESOME!
@rjejr GT may not be as good as DB or Z, but it's not terrible. I think it gets some things better than Z (For example, length), and since it didn't have the risk of overtaking a manga, it doesn't have filler and is much better for it.
The only thing I didn't really like was Goku getting turned into a kid again, though that can be personal preference, and I thought it was made up for by Super Saiyan 4. So I think you should give it a shot.
This is about how i feel about this announcement. I need the Season pass now.
GT is no Evolution, so watch away with lower expectations.
Yes Resurrection F DLC kit + extra stuff practically confirmed for DLC pack 3!
@FullbringIchigo @ShogunRok @DerMeister @Punished_Boss_84
Thanks everybody for the feedback (is there a copy all button in here?).
Discussed it briefly w /my wife and kids after school and we're all in agreement on skipping seasons 7,8 and 9 of DBZ. They have their moments, but from my memory just a replay of 4, 5 and 6 only sillier. We were going to stop DBZ after 3 as Goku's story is done at that point (a super saiyan is a super sayian, I don't care if he's level 1, 2, 3 or 4) but we've all grown attached to Gohan so we may finish 4-6, which really ends his story - getting passed the baton from his father. We'll decide on GT after that, though at only 64 episodes we can finish it up in a couple of weeks. We do want to watch the films, just a matter of before, after or instead of GT.
Then we can buy this game (gotta keep it on topic or Sammy gets mad ).
Oh yes Shiny Frieza is byproduct from Pokemon.
So apparently I need to watch all of this before summer.
@rjejr Personally, DBZ feels incomplete without the last few seasons. That's just me though.
@rjejr did you ever think of watching Dragon Ball Z Kai (current release goes till the end of Cell saga Buu Saga isn't finished yet), yeah some of the voices are different but it cuts it down from 194 episodes to 99 episodes (as you were thinking of skiping the Buu saga this could let you finish what you want before the movie comes out)
plus the game uses the Z Kai cast anyway (some of the orignal Z cast no longer work in the industry hence most of the changes for Kai) so it could help you get used to them before you get the game
EDIT: also remember about the movies only Battle of Gods (and the upcoming Ressurection F) are canon to the series (although Coolers Revenge, Bojack Unbound and Wrath of the Dragon can all fit too) so they wont make much sense if you try to fit them in the story line, they are alternate storys, not part of the series itself
oh and avoid Evolution like the plauge
@FullbringIchigo - I've hated all of the voice acting since it changed from what I used to watch on TV when it originally aired so that really doesn't matter at this point. They all just sound like Vegeta to me now
@turtlelink - I've already seen most of it, and what I've seen I didn't like - Hercule and his dog, kid Trunks, Gotenks, the whole fusion thing. Majin Buu is just a pink Cell to me, he even absorbs people. Hardly original. I do like Vegeto, but my kids have already watched all of that on Youtube
Just can't see spending $50 on the last 3 seasons I didn't even like watching the first time. Somebody above said GT has a better ending, so I'm hopeing if we watch that well get some closure.
Oh, and I'm aware the movies aren't canon, but they mostly run about 50-60 minutes, which is all the time we spend together at night watching tv. We'll save the longer movies for the weekend.
@rjejr yeah I hated it at first but it soon grew on me to the point that I like the new Bulma and Frieza more than the orignal ones
it takes a little time to get used too after all the time we spent with the original cast but many of the new ones are just as good as the old ones at least I think so
@Punished_Boss_84 -Went to the library today to check out the DB DVD section, They had 2 movies, DB: Evolution and DBZ: Battle of Gods Uncut. I only borrowed 1. (Though probably according to the MMPA I "pirated" it since I didn't actually pay for it, the library is free - not incuding my $300 per year library portion of my tax bill which I also paid today, its next to the library.)
Then the movie will make sense to you, Lord Beerus is the one to watch. There's also fun little subplots.
@Punished_Boss_84 - We'll probably watch it Saturday afternoon. Watched the first 5 minutes yesterday and it looks good so far. We've been rewatching season 1 of DBZ at night, seemed logical after finishing DB.
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