Just as we were going to press with our report on suggestions that Hideo Kojima has parted company with Konami, our friends at GameSpot posted a slightly more speculative article regarding the inner-happenings at the Japanese publisher. According to the site – via an anonymous source – a power struggle between the organisation and its wholly owned developer Kojima Productions has prompted a fall out of almighty proportions.
The publication claims that senior staff at the studio have been "restricted access to corporate Internet, emails, and phone", while their public appearances will be cut to a minimum in the run-up to the release of Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain on 1st September. As noted in our previous report, the company had outlined plans to restructure its business based around "a headquarters-controlled system", which could be interpreted to mean that it was fed up of Kojima being the face of its products.
Its actions online today certainly suggest that that's the case, as it's removed the executive's customary 'A Hideo Kojima Game' quote from every piece of artwork pertaining to the series. It's also rebranded Twitter accounts and entire development teams that previously carried the veteran's name. GameSpot continues that, perhaps unsurprisingly, Kojima and various members of key personnel are now working as contractors while production on The Phantom Pain concludes.
It also seems likely that the studio will disband as soon as the game ships. "After we finish Metal Gear Solid V, Mr. Kojima and upper management will leave Konami," the source said. "They said that their contract ends in December. At a team meeting, Mr. Kojima explained that the team have to be one and make a good game for fans." Exactly what this means for other upcoming projects, such as the hotly anticipated Silent Hills, remains unclear.
Konami's simply said that it, alongside Kojima, will "continue to develop and support Metal Gear products" – but that's not too dissimilar to what GameSpot's source is saying. If all of this is true, then the coming months are going to be very interesting indeed.
[source gamespot.com]
Comments 35
Well that sucks, I'm super stoked for both those games so I'd be extremely disappointed if this interferes with either one. Regardless I'll be following Kojima from Konami as he is really their only asset of any worth right now.
KOJIMA is Konami, they won't last without him.
@Bad-MuthaAdebisi @Punished_Boss_84 I really don't think so. As much as I love Metal Gear Konami has much more games: Castlevania, Pro, Contra, Silent Hill, Suikoden and more.
I fear the worst
I believe Konami will be new Capcom. They will spread out their IPs to other developers to make them more appealing to the West...like when Capcom gave us a "new" Bionic Commando. Metal Gear will be their "Call of Duty" franchise.
Hudson Soft will emerge from the flames like a phoenix
I will finally get a new sodding Bomberman
They have a lot franchises, only 3 of which is upcoming: PES is annual, MGS 5 is a guaranteed hit and the Silent Hills is gonna be stuck in limbo and/or no longer "A Hideo Kojima Game".
Capcom and SEGA had a lot franchises too.
@belmont They own the brands, but what are they doing with them?
Kojima pretty much deserved to be the "face of its products" because he was one of the only people there actually doing anything.
I fear a massive tsunami is brewing...
Kojima must be the only dev that slaps a "A Hideo Kojima Game" in all of his games (which usually are MGS games anyway). I was never a fan of that.
And even if Konami removes that from the box, it is still his game. And I agree, if he leaves, Konami is as good as dead. Silent Hills will be done, I am sure they will find a publisher.
@get2sammyb @Punished_Boss_84 @Bad-MuthaAdebisi Well it really depends on personal tastes. In my opinion Konami has not abandoned its brands like SEGA (apart from re-releases).
Lords of Shadow was not Castlevania in the traditional sense but it was an enjoyable and successful action game. Pro may not sell as much as FIFA but it has a hardcore community behind it. I don't know if Silent Hill Downpour was successful but I liked it very much. Recently they released Suikoden 1 and 2 on Europe. And after Kojima leaves they may resurrect their brands or try something new.
Konami was popular in the West before the first Metal Gear Solid back in 1998 when Kojima first became famous here. I don't think that Hideo leaving Konami is the end for them. I may be wrong though...
@rastamadeus BY HUDDISSON!
I miss that game, hahaha, so much fun with friends on the couch.
I hope another major studio picks up Kojima and gives him all their money instead.
As I said on the other article, Kojima was the beacon of light in the darkness for Konami.
I used to love a lot of what Konami had to offer, but Castlevania isn't what it used to be, and now it was only Kojima projects I longed for.
If he leaves, Konami will be less relevant than Atari and Sega.
I keep hope in the fact that Kojima could easily be picked up and given creative control by another organization.
Imagine if Square Enix gave Kojima a team and free reign, for example.
If he could bring all the key members of his team with him somewhere, leave behind anyone unnecessary, and just get finances, he could probably do something wonderful that isn't MGS for the first time in a long time.
Konami wants to be another EA or Ubisoft, and it will burn them to the ground.
Uh, just saying, Konami as a company likely won't die, as for exiting the video game market, I can see that happening, but they own one of the 'Big 4' of TCGs, Yu-Gi-Oh!, which could most likely keep it afloat as a company.
Let's petition Rockstar to employ Mr Kojima and maybe they would finally finish agent
Sid Meier
Good catch. Is Kojima the only Japanese dev to do that, then?
This is terrible news, though hopefully Silent Hills and future MGS games will contune to thrive.
I hope his future games will be PlayStation only
I don't believe this until it's proven =). It can be another performance from Kojima.
I didnt particularly like his games in the first place..
*runs faaaaar away and hides
What unbelievable stupidity. I love how this industry is getting f'ed by idiots in suits who have no clue, nor do they give a damn about gaming. Absolute imbeciles. It'll be interesting to see where Kojima ends up. I'm sure one of the big 3 would love to have him. I'd love if Sony could sign him and his team up and nab MGS and Silent Hill in the inevitable Konami firesale. Just going off what I've seen in recent years, Konami has absolutely zero talent outside of Kojima Productions so this isn't like when Miyamoto steps away from Nintendo they'll keep on making great games. MGS is nothing without him and this was the only group with a slight chance of saving Silent Hill. Such a shame seeing legendary studios like Konami, Capcom and SquareEnix get destroyed over stuff so easily avoided. Let these masterminds work their magic and stay the hell out of the way. Kojima is the reason these scumbags are even in a position to be running around with all this power. Sadly, none of them use it responsibly or for the good of anybody. So dumb. You don't see Bethesda treating Todd Howard and his team like this, because it knows better. And unlike Konami, Bethesda has actual other good games outside of Elder Scrolls and Fallout. It seems like aside from Nintendo, most major Japanese gaming companies are run by complete morons.
We need a new contra and castlevania game!
i swear ill go berserk if i find out that silent hills isnt happening as intended. im more excited for that than ive been for anything before. no lie. they cant give us the PT demo and then ........nothing. berserk i tell you .......BERSERK!!!
I never really thought Metal Gear Solid games were that great tbh, although I am giving this new one a try whenever it releases. I mean, theyre good games and all but, there's an abundance of good games in the world. It's the truly great ones that stick with me, and MGS was never one of them.
Incoming 1 april mob prank?
@JaxonH ah, the trick is to play the sh*t out of them😊
I'm betting this is all beaurocratic media hype and won't really change anything. Maybe we'll see Moby Dick Studios again
@JaxonH I would disagree with that statement of lot's of good games being out there. Owning a PS4 were still waiting for any true heavy hitting games. and MGS + Kojima is the reason were all even commenting on this article right now you def should check out some of the older MGS games, at least.
I just wanted to point out that this announcement isn't much of a suprise if we notice what Kojima said during one of the MGS videos pushsquare posted here a couple weeks back @_get2sammyb Here mentions the same thing in a very matter of fact tone of voice.
So resembling the much of the drama between Activision and Bungie regarding Destiny, this tale between Kojima and Konomi is very familiar and could have been long coming of course.
Kojima will have absolutely no problems finding another place to call home.
Hopefully Sony tries to get him and his team working for it. Or maybe he, and any people who follow him from Konami, go the independent route. That'd be interesting.
Hopefully Sony will hire him.
After all the problems caused by a big company do people really think he'll go to another one? He plainly wants away from MGS so buying the license for him won't encourage his signature. Besides the man has a near Zlatan-sized ego so will go it alone with a new start up funded by Kickstarter. It will either be a success or a massive clanger when, pride dented, he'll sign for another company but one where he has freedom to do what he wants - something none of the big three would give him after his first title.
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