
In just over eight months' time, the PlayStation 3 will turn nine. Sony's always made a point of stressing that it will support its home consoles for at least ten years apiece, and it's not going to break that promise with its previous generation behemoth. But with publishers starting to focus solely on new formats like the PlayStation 4, is the ageing appliance nearing the end of its long and prosperous life? We bashed heads with editors Sammy Barker and Robert Ramsey to see what the future holds for the Japanese giant's elderly device.

It's time to see what the PS4 can do, declares Sammy Barker
When the PS3 first launched, the PlayStation 2 was just over six years old – but the PS4 was forced to wait seven years for its time to shine. Factor in the Xbox 360, which deployed in the heady days of 2005, and the previous generation was an abnormally long one – it's no surprise that many engaged gamers were itching to move on.
There's been a lot of talk about the PS4's success here at Push Square, with its install base now sitting at 20.2 million units; the console's yet to find its 'killer app', and those statistics are taking some by surprise. But by the time that 2013 arrived, Sony's last-gen system was feeling a little long in the tooth – The Last of Us and Grand Theft Auto V aside.
An install base of over 80 million units meant that publishers would be forced to support the format for some time, but I reckon that it's now nearing the end of its life. Hardcore gamers – those that drive the success of all kinds of games – are buying their software for the PS4, and that's evident in various sales charts.
Dragon Ball XenoVerse, for example, debuted fourth on the PS4 in last week's UK best sellers list – but its PS3 counterpart didn't even break the Top 40. Over in the US, meanwhile, next-gen exclusive Dying Light stole the fastest selling survival horror game gong from The Evil Within in January – a game which also deployed on last-gen machines.
There are exceptions: Call of Duty and Japan being the biggest culprits. Advanced Warfare bucked trends in the December NPD report by selling best on the Xbox 360, suggesting that there may still be a market for annualised sequels on the ageing machines. And with the state of gaming in dire straits, the people in the East seem reluctant to adopt Sony's expensive new appliance.
But these are, by and large, anomalies, and the publishers seem to understand that, too; Wolfenstein: The Old Blood is skipping last-gen formats, as is Mad Max and Dragon Quest Heroes. The thing is that you can't look at install bases alone; how many of those 80 million PS3s are broken or waiting for someone to Buy It Now on eBay?
It's time for developers to unshackle themselves from old technology, and really get a feel for what the PS4 can do.

The industry's advancing and so must we, reckons Robert Ramsey
Well, let's be honest: it's about time, isn't it? To be fair, I find it hard to believe that the previous generation has lasted this long, which I suppose is testament to how good of a console the PlayStation 3 was, and still is.
We're beginning to see the true shift between generations now, as last-gen ports are being phased out left and right. Wolfenstein's standalone prequel, The Old Blood, is skipping the PS3 entirely, for example, while the recently re-revealed Mad Max has canned its plans for a PS3 release as well.
Meanwhile, titles like The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt simply wouldn't be able to run on Sony's ageing machine, but at the end of the day, this is the natural order of things. The PS3 is an outlier in that its reign had lasted almost a decade before the PS4 was officially announced, and with technology's constant forward flow, we can't possibly expect the Japanese firm to fully support the creaking older console.
That's not to say, however, that everyone should go and toss their PS3 into the nearest skip. The device has built up a staggeringly good library of releases, and the variety on offer is fantastic for anyone who's looking for a cheaper entry point into console gaming. All in all, though, we have to accept that it's the PS4's time to shine.
There is one continued force that's stopping the PS3 from settling into a cosy retirement home, however, and that's Japan. Unlike here in the West, where sales have sunk like a rock since the PS4's inauguration, the console's still doing relatively well in the Land of the Rising Sun, and it's still getting a steady stream of software to boot. A particularly good example of this increasingly noticeable gulf between Western and Eastern markets is Dragon Quest Heroes – a game that launched on both devices in Japan, but is settling solely for a PS4 launch overseas.
Much like the PS2, it's looking like the PS3 could hang around for some time yet, then, but we're beginning to see its lifeblood slowly ebb away nonetheless – especially as far as Western publishers are concerned. The PS4 may not yet have its 'killer app', but those calling for one must step back and see the bigger picture: most of the industry has already shuffled over to Sony's angular black box, and once it's fully committed, it ain't coming back.
Do you think that the PS3's had its time, or do you think that there's still a sizeable audience for software on Sony's ageing system? Make a difficult decision in the comments section below.
Is the PS3 on its last legs? (94 votes)
- Yes, and it's about time
- Yes, but I don't want it to die
- Maybe, time will tell
- No, but it should be by now
- No, it's still got plenty of life left
Please login to vote in this poll.
Comments 73
They need to drop the price of the PS3, and I think people will still pick them up.
£50 this Christmas. Flies off the shelves.
Then again, dropping the PS3 price at all will hurt Sony's masterplan of convincing people to buy every PS3 game they own again while looking 1.75% prettier or through PS Now.
I'm ready for the PS3 to walk off into the wilderness...
I agree. The PS3 & Xbox 360 are too expensive for this stage of their life cycle.
However, Sammy's constant pointless "PS3 is dead" articles aside, the PS3 is still a WAY better console than the PS4. That will obviously change, but......in my opinion.....Japan is doing the same thing I am: waiting for Sony to earn my money.
Almost every PS4 exclusive has either been underwhelming or a complete mess. Until Sony gets their act together, I will stick to my massive backlog of awesome games.
I sure hope not, if they drop support PS3 games will start to become rare and expensive. I still have alot more PS3 games to buy, but I have little money (I've got a job interview soon but no guarantee I'll be hired).
@ztpayne7 I'm expecting a price drop to $200 New by Black Friday/Christmas, and it'll be permanent.
PS3 is 300 and PS4 400 over here...
Software Sales
[PS3] Dragon Quest Heroes (Square Enix, 02/26/15) – 325,446 (New)
[PS4] Dragon Quest Heroes (Square Enix, 02/26/15) – 269,303 (New)
That said, as someone who just bought a 2nd PS3 at Christmas, I'm ok w/ AAA games moving on. There are still enough indies that don't need PS4 horsepower to run to keep me playing on it.
"In just over six months' time, the PlayStation 3 will turn nine."
"In just over six months' time"
"six months"
Isn't that September? Remind me. What month was that again? It ends when the fat lady sings. The only PlayStation product which would make this early demise - talking point make any remote sense for is Vita. Fading? Yes. End? No.
"But by the time that 2013 arrived, Sony's last-gen system was feeling a little long in the tooth – The Last of Us and Grand Theft Auto V aside."
So, "aside" 2 of the best and biggest selling games on PS3 it had no games in 2013? There are probably peopel who bought PS3 to ONLY play those games.
Also, doesn't the timing of this article seem a bit off what w/ MGSV being announced for Sept 1 on PS3 just days ago? If Konami announced MGSV was canceled on PS3 I'd agre more w/ th timing of the article.
@Punished_Boss_84 Math fail! Fixed!
I think it's time for it to die. I still get PS3 games when a good one comes out, but I'd be happier to play them on the PS4. It still does have a bit of life left on it, especially with Japanese games, but thankfully most are completely moving on. Honestly I can't wait it to stop getting games. But here's to many years of online support.
PS4 games Metacritic scores:
The top SIX scoring games are PS3 ports.
8th is Minecraft.
PS4 exclusives:
Killzone: Mercenary - 74
Knack - 54
inFAMOUS: Second Son - 80
Driveclub - 71 (and was released in disgraceful, broken condition)
The Order - 65
Yea........when Resogun is still the best PS4 exclusive......that's pathetic. And why would I drop $400 on a console that offers me all that medicrity plus I have to pay $ to play games online? Oh and the wonderful value of PS+ on PS4 is immense......oh wait. Nevermind.
My PS3 just choked on a Blu-Ray laughing at this article.
My own PS3 just turned seven last December by biggest problem is I ran out of room on the hard drive and it takes a long time to move 280GB to an external hard drive via USB than move it back to a bigger HDD.
It'll end exactly 1 month after Persona 5 launches worldwide, that's the compromise.
Yeah I've gotta agree with this. Mostly because I hate seeing this generations games getting held back because of them developing on older hardware as well. The ps3 had its time. It was a great time, with so many amazing experiences, but it's time to let it go so the gamers who bought into the next gen start getting rewarded with better games.
It actually blows my mind that mgs 5 is coming to last Gen. I can't help but think if they didn't have to develop for this extremely old hardware, we would be getting to play much much earlier.
Oh and just another little tidbit of info.. I still own a launch edition ps3 ! Not only that, the thing still works perfectly. Now that's some great hardware. Pretty wild. I wonder if it will be worth money some day lol
That was unnecessary, if you are looking to start an argument take it elsewhere. Thanks -Tasuki-
@Godsire- lol you seem angry bro.. seems like the only one wanting to do the arguing, is you
Honestly I think they need to drop the price. I wouldn't mind getting a PS3 but I can't justify paying that much for an older system especially when all the games I want to play on it are just coming out as Remastered editions on the PS4. If Journey or an Uncharted set comes to PS4 well then I probably wont get a PS3.
Not angry........bro. Just making points and opinions.......bro.
@Godsire- LOL a....lrighty slowly backs away
And you deleted my comment, why? I didn't swear or attack anyone. And if you don't like people bringing up opposing arguments to your articles, then maybe you shouldn't write articles like this. What a joke.
Calm down, @Godsire-. It's great that you have an opposing opinion, and we all want to hear/discuss it - but you're coming across a teensy bit aggressive now. No one's denying that the PS3 was and still is a great console, we're just posing the question: is it time to move on? It's fine if you don't think it is, and I think you made some reasonable points above. Just watch the attitude.
@Godsire: I didn't write the article and have no control over the artilce. And I posted the reason for editing your article. It's nice you have strong opinions but you need to do so in a positive way and not upright challenging people to argue with you.
Now then moving on.
Yup I agree with you guys.. I mean @Godsire- you can call the article a joke or whatever all you want, but the fact remains that most of the readers of this site agree with it. Just look at the poll results. I get that you aren't a fan of ps4 for some reason but most people are. And they are ready for ps3 to hang it up. Me included.
How am I not calm? I made opposing points to this article. So what? How do you know if I am "calm", upset, or whatever? Are you sitting here next to me as I type? Nope. A person can be calm and still argue a point.
So because I disagree with you, you delete a comment (that also had valid points)? I did not swear, name call, verbally atrack anyone at all.
Way to go.
@Godsire it had nothing to do with disagreeing with the article it was how you put it. It was unnecessary to call it click bait and such. You made your point that you prefer the PS3 over the PS4 and that's great and now its time to move on.
Genuine question:
Those who think the PS3 still has life, do you have a PS4? Have you played one for any extensive amount of time?
In my opinion, the article is click bait. I can't post that opinion? That's ridiculous. Not using foul language, name calling, etc. If you don't agree, I don't care. Whatever. Lol. Great site you have here.
(Waves while leaving.)
@ShogunRok No, don't have a PS4 yet... hopefully someday budget permitting. But just like Godsire I'm not happy about having to pay to play games online and not having some of the basic the options that the previous console had.
Yes, I have played on a PS4 not extensively but when I go over to a friends house that has one we sit down to play and throw back some cold ones.
Hard for me to really say. I personally still have many PS3 games to get, so it'll still service me for years. From a business perspective though, it does seem like it's on crutches by this point.
Wonder how long til he's back lol.
@ShogunRok I agree. The thing that made the PS2 live on so long during the PS3 era was that
1) Alot of people saw the PS3 as way over priced at the time of the release
2} Lack of backwards compatibility so soon
With the PS4, alot of the top games like GTA V, The Last of Us, Tomb Raider etc have made it to the PS4. And with PS Now for the price of 5 PS3 games the can have access to a pretty nice library of PS3 games that's continuing growing. With PS Now I have been able to experience Uncharted as well as the God of War series.
As it is right now I am seeing no really point of me owning a PS3. Maybe in a few years if say the system drops to $100 or less but for now I can do without one.
Personally I actually went and picked one up a few weeks ago for skyrim purposes as my pc took a large electrical hit which fried a battery backup, psu, mobo, cpu, and gpu. I just couldn't bring myself to spend 5-600 rebuilding when the majority of my gaming happens via ps4/x1. This all said I am in the belief that old gen support should cease after one year of new gen launch. Sequels, new ip should be reserved for the new consoles, so they can get up and running faster. Sports titles I don't mind, and your more kid friendly games wouldn't bother me as well if they continued to span generations for up to 3 years after. In short, it's sad, but it's time. These consoles gave us so many great memories, it's time to allow our shiny new ones to take over.
@BigDaddyT0101 wow that really sucks ! You fried all those parts? Was your pc plugged into a surge protector ? Man what you just said scared the crap out of me lol I just spent a ton of money on a pc capable of 4k gaming with 2 gtx 980s. My first pc build.. how did that happen to u?
I think games which are jointly released for the current and last gen tend to under utilize the full capabilities of the PS4 and the XB1, and it holds developers back........
So the sooner the X360 and PS3 are put out to pasture, the better. Thankfully looking at global sales, this is already happening, nobody expected last gen to fall off as fast as it did considering both consoles had huge user bases in 2013.
@BigDaddyT0101 I know what you mean. My PC vid card went out last year and I thought about replacing it but then again I have an Xbox 360 and a PS4 so I decided to pass on it (that and a vid card wasn't really in my budget at the time). I thought about getting a new PC with my taxes but after thinking long and hard on what I would use my PC for I can do that on a cheap lap top minus games which I can just use my 360 and PS4.
Yea, the battery backup was both a surge protector and battery backup. Something happened and my house took a massive power spike. Somehow my pc which was the most heavily protected took the biggest hit. Still, with your build, I highly recommend a strong battery backup. Mine was 200$ 2-3 years ago and every build I buy a new one. I believe the backup company guarantees this type of thing won't happen and if it does they will replace the part but I have to do more looking into it.
As much as I love my PS3, it's time to move on for sure. In MY opinion, there's been a great deal of games come to the PS4 last year and March has three games coming out that I plan on getting. (FF-Type-0, Bloodborne, & Borderlands Collection) I'm going to be so engaged in those games that even though I have a huge backlog of PS3 freebies, I'm not going to want to turn it on for quite some time unless I somehow magically beat all those games coming out this month and April ends up being a dead spot where I make no game purchases for my PS4. On PS3, I plan on AT LEAST buying Metal Gear Solid 2 HD, and then after beating that, finally getting around to Metal Gear Solid 4 and beating it before Metal Gear Solid 5 comes out later this year. As much as I'd like to get around to finishing freebies such as Dragon's Dogma, Mirrors Edge, Hitman Trilogy, Prototype 2, and games I got for great deals such as God of War 1 & 2 HD, I probably won't be able to get around to those until summer break at my earliest, and I probably STILL won't be able to get through them all. PS4 is really picking up steam, and I'm soooo tired of people complaining saying "There's not enough games for me to pick it up", or "There isn't enough exclusives to warrant getting one yet". I call bull, there's loads of games, and the top quality exclusives will be coming. Yeah, Driveclub was a screw up at first, but now it's practically fixed from what I hear. (I don't own it yet, so I don't know) I quite enjoyed Little Big Planet 3, I thought Infamous Second Son was phenomenal, and while The Order didn't really meet expectations, I'm still interested in it and I might pick it up when it's dirt cheap just to see what it's all about and hope they make a way better sequel some day. I'm quite excited for Uncharted 4, so there's another exclusive, and I feel that E3 is going to be the year things really kick off, and more of Sony's 1st party studios bring their cards to the table and show us what's in store. I already said this, but I definitely think it's time to move forward. It's time to end the hiderence to current gen developement because of last gen still "needing" to be supported.
@ShogunRok I'm glad you asked this! XD I actually own a ps4 and play it frequently. But I believe the console as in the PS3 still has life because of a few different reasons.
1. My backlog (personal reason)
I have around a total of 140 ps3 games (physical & digital) and only around 30 are actually finished.
2. Cross platform
By this I mean majority of the games I noticed are on both, and all ps4 adds is better graphics mostly with a higher price point (xenoverse). Indies don't need more power to run if they work perfectly on ps3 like limbo, the walking dead, life is strange, Akibas trip and murder soul suspect. Not to mention the ps4 has barley any games that are just for it and not the ps3. Granted that this issue is diminished greatly! With the likes of Final Fantasy Type 0, and dying light coming out for it among others.
3. Ps4 features
The ps4 is missing key features that the ps3 has and are supposed to come in future updates. Not going to bother with what features are needed, as those were mentioned in articles by the fine folks here at push square. Lol
4. Ps3 Classics and hidden Gems
There are so many great ps3 games that will probably never be ported due to any kinds of issues, be it publishing or licensing. So they will be ps3 only.
5. PSN
Some games need updates to work properly, or have doc to actually finish the game. Without psn on the ps3 what will happen to the dlc or updates? What if the ps3 breaks down and I can't redownload all my games again? Because PS Now wouldn't cut it.
Just because I believe the ps3 still has life in it, or at least believe that it shouldn't just die doesn't mean I hate the ps4. I love it, lol. I did just get quite a few games for mine. I have been playing dying light and xenoverse non stop and assassins creed unity is actually a really fun game in my opinion. I will be getting final fantasy type 0 and mgs v when it launches. The ps4 is doing much better than it has been. There's still a lot of indies, ports or remasters which while I welcome, I believe they shouldn't concentrate on mostly those ecpescially if the game in question has been on ps2 and up (ffX I'm looking at you). I obviously feel like some remasters are good depending on the new content.
Anyway what do you think?
@Alpha I think you're right with a lot of points for sure. I still use my PS3 quite a lot too, and I don't see that stopping even though I'm using my PS4 more.
But at the same time, I can see the frustration people have when developers are still making PS3 games, and I think that's reasonable too. I guess it all depends on where we think the cut off point should be - when is enough enough? I mean, it obviously has to be soon, but that's not to say we should abandon old consoles - we don't have to scrap it just because there's better hardware.
So like you said, I think it's perfectly fine to have the best of both worlds.
@EyeDeeNO76 Fair enough, nothing wrong with waiting it out for a console. Many would argue that it's the clever thing to do, given how expensive it can be around launch. Plus, like you said, it's got to have the functions you want, otherwise what's the point?
My PS3 is one of the main reasons I haven't upgraded to PS4 yet. Big games like MGSV are still coming out for the console (or I can just get them on PC), and the lack of killer exclusives has waylaid my decision to take the generational plunge (well, that and issues like the small HDD, stripped-back features and unjustifiable cost).
There still plenty jrpgs (the newest Atelier game for example) on PS3 but I don't see myself playing it much. I miss the Vita store (for some strange reason you can't buy and transfer games on Vita from PS4).
However PS3 will be somewhat alive for the foreseeable future. I bet Pro will be released on PS3 for the next 3 years or something.
Not for me, I still prefer the PS3, I'm yet to see a compelling reason to buy any of the new consoles. I still have so many games to play on the PS3, the 'next gen' just doesnt impress me so far, but, I suppose Im more of a retro gamer anyway.
The PS3 isn't allowed to die untill Tales of Zesteria is released.
It's about time, PS3 success fall short in comparison with PS2, and the library isn't good as PS2 too. So it's time to go, PS3 will only hold back PS4 and the quality of PS4's games.
It's definitely time to put the PS3 to rest. It's been amazing but ps4 needs to be the main console where companies focus on to make the best games ever. Especially with virtual reality coming soon, they need to focus on the stuff they can do on next gen
@BLPs I sold all my remaining last gen games and accessories for over £125 in the summer and found a ps4 with 3 months plus, watchdogs and a free game (out if a selection of 3) for £325. After I played it and thought - Actually the graphics and controller are superb - I traded in my remaining games including a few wii games and got the last of us and rayman legends in exchange. For the paltry price of £200 and trading a bit of backlog I had a next gen machine pumping out proper quality with four games a boss controller (its simply awesome) and psplus. Is that too much for the next 8 years of gaming? £200 is the same as a minimum wage worker doing 30 hours. I cant comment on your eyesight but I am colour perception 4 (tested in the armed forces) and the fact you cant see 1080p is you either have a tiny tv, have glaucoma or dont have the correct prescription.
@BLPs I can get you a job on minimum wage where do you live? Good comeback, lol.
Love my PS3 and still play it constantly, but that's only because quite a few Japanese games are only being released on it (and Vita) and not the PS4.
Gundam Breaker, Atelier series, Sengoku Basara 4, EDF4. Although 4.1 is coming soon on PS4.
It really is time to let go and move on to PS4. Cross gen is really holding back some great upcoming games.
@mitcHELLspawn I'm sure if you say his name 3 times, he'll reappear.
@BLPs that's fair enough but as a ps4 owner I would disagree. My family weekly shop is £100 at least, so spending £200 on a luxury entertainment product was an easy decision. But yes your right that as a ps3 owner there hasn't been a massive reason to shell out. But I think that's changed recently.
After 2015 ends, I think the PS3 will still get sports games, licensed movie games, Skylanders, and Just Dance games.
@BLPs In your scenario its not that the product isn't worth the money - its you have more important things to do (which are way more important) If you think £200 on a ps4 is expensive, you will have a heart attack when your first car insurance quote comes in. My understanding or opinion of value clearly isn't the same as yours. But I left uni over a decade ago and probably have more disposable income.
@BLPs why would I want you to have a heart attack? The £200 wasn't a used ps4 it was brand new as part of a trade in with my old games... But look back at my posts I'm not arguing with you I was posing the question is £200 really too much for a next gen machine and having a half hearted attempt to convince you it was. You are clearly agitated so I will leave it there.
No PS4 here, with plenty left to play on my PS3. There's... not really anything groundbreaking the PS4 can do that the PS3 can't, from what I've seen, so I haven't felt much pressure to upgrade. Every time I hear "Cross-gen is holding us back!" I sigh and shake my head a bit, wondering if the truth is that there just isn't that much more to be done with a given game's mechanics and art style.
The exclusivity of Second Son and Type-0 are still the only things that have even really have me tempted so far, and at least one of those could be functionally pulled off on a PSP, of all things.
@get2sammyb I wonder how long until PS3 games are phased out of PS PLUS? Then, we will see some internet outrage I am sure.
Cheapo PS3/360 holdouts are holding us back though.
A few years ago the ps2 was still selling cheaply in countries that couldn't have sold it(or if they did not many people could have afforded it) during its "normal" life time..ps3 is a brilliant console(I have 150games +) and I'd never get rid of mine..maybe it's time Sony started to look at pricing and push the ps3 in those same countries..introduce ps3 to people that simply never had the chance to own one before...after all wasnt the top opening ps3 slim aimed at markets like brasil?
I think the ps3 will still live onto late 2016.
I'm also currently completely uninterested in the ps4 tbh. No exclusives that interest me. Not even Uncharted 4 or Bloodborne. (I was hoping for TLoU2, not Uncharted 4!!! Uncharted 3 ended so perfectly As for Bloodborne, I'm kinda just burnt out on the Souls series...)
The only game I truly care about on ps4 is Persona 5, which is on PS3 as well. So still no need for ps4....
As far as New software yes it on it's last leg. But now it a great time to have one for its software library of older games. I still have mine hooked up and look for good games i missed on sale. Lets NOT! forget the constant Plus free games 24 a Year. Many are great AAA games at this point.
Unless Sony is somehow planning on letting people play Yakuza 5 on PS4 (obviously not) then I still have a major reason to hold onto my PS3 for a long time to come.
Also I'm sure many people bought Kingdom Hearts II late last year on PS3 (I've not even started it yet), so I feel the PS3 still has enough reasons to keep going for a good while yet.
I love the PS4 as a console, but as others on here have rightly said the console is still yet to really take off in terms of "must play" games, while the PS3 has a huge library of "must play" games, many of which I'm still yet to play, and I would guess I'm not alone.
I bought a 2nd hand ps3 years ago for 120euros (without a controller), I can only imagine how cheap they must be now. Having a ps3 is pretty much a must in my eyes, so many good games its impossible to play them all my fat ps3 broke 3 times so you should avoid those like the plague though
I would LOVE to see the PS3 sell 100 Million in the end of it's life (& leave the Xbox 360 at 85'ish) Not sure it will tho only because it still seems expensive really. If they did a £99.99 one i would get another 1(not got the super slim slim slim slim yet) + LOVED the 'gaming' side of the PS3(like the PS2 & PS1 brilliant games again) but the slow store & patch updates for games etc etc i hated :-/ & when you go back to the PS3 from using the PS4 it seems slow the PS3(+ the worse thing was SONY taking out PS2 B/C) :-/ That made(for me) the PS3 seem incomplete in it's life time. But as i said AMAZING 'Games' console it was
I've owned a PS3 since it launched in the UK, and the last 8 years have been great.
I've been gaming on Sony consoles since the original PlayStation - in terms of the home consoles, I've been gaming on each for the following length of time:
PSOne - 4 years
PS2 - 5 years
PS3 - 8 years
I am resigned to the fact that the PS3 is in its twilight years, so it doesn't bother me in the slightest. Getting 8 years of great gaming out of the console is impressive in itself, when compared to the previous two home consoles...
Will I buy a PS4? At the moment... No.
There just aren't enough games peaking my interest enough for me to drop £300 - £400 on the PS4...
A lot of the games I'm interested in that released on PS4 have been released on PS3 also, so no incentive to move generations...
I'm going to watch what happens over the next 12 months with the PS4, both in terms of games and price, before I commit to a purchase. Remastered re-releases of games only a couple of years old on PS3 are not enough to sway me to go next-gen with Sony's console, especially when the asking price of such games is £40-£50, Metro Redux being the exception price-wise.
In the meantime, I've got a huge backlog of great PS3 games to play, and a Wii U with some potentially huge games releasing later this year, and an already impressive (albeit smaller) collection of games...
The PS3 will fade out gracefully in a slow decline....but such is the way of things. Many gamers still haven't transitioned to the current generation so they will make use of the PS3s huge library of games which continues to be bolstered by the PS+ line ups.
@Godsire- killzone shadowfall! Mercenary is on the vita
The premise of the poll doesn't really make sense to me. Yes, obviously the PS3 is decreasing in relevance for publishers.
Doesn't mean that I can't continue using mine or something. Don't really see the relevance from a consumer point of view. (might sound egocentric, sorry for that)
The end of the ps3 for whom?
I would buy another one if the price were cheaper,I have yet to beat beyond two souls and the last of us, because I can only play downloaded games on my ps3
I have my PS3 and Wii U - All is GOOD! I have no need or desire for a PS4,
I feel like I'm in the middle of the two sides in this debate. I agree that cross-gen games are indeed holding back the potential for the newer consoles and it's a good thing that developers have been realising this recently. Those on the ps4/x1 deserve the best experiences possible on their new machines. However, I'd like to see PSN to continue to support the ps3 for as long as possible and for us to still have access to download only/indie games for the foreseeable future. Though aged technology, the ps3 still offers consumers a lot for their money with their amazing library of games (many of which still rival the best ps4 has to offer thus far),a great blu-ray player, Netflix support etc etc. Not to mention all of the patches games needed over the years, without online support, consumers would be getting incomplete games. It's been a funny generational transition to be sure and both sides bring up great points but I think my solution is the best for both parties at least for the next few years before everyone officially makes the jump.
The PS3 isn't going to die any time soon, regardless of how much some people seem to want it to. After the big publishers realise that the cross-gen route only works with certain games (such as yearly sports titles and Call of Duty); I imagine the PS3 will accompany the same space the PS2 did between 2008 and 2012 - a system for smaller Japanese developers and publishers, mixed in with yearly sports games and kid-friendly IPs. This is, naturally, only a good thing - it offers a lower cost system to families and gamers in poorer countries with a large library of inexpensive titles and a healthy secondhand market; while not compromising the experience of those with current gen systems.
Those who can remember 2005-2007 may also remember a large number of "next gen" titles on the PS360 that were either up-ported PS2/Xbox games, or in-development PS2/Xbox games hastily moved to the newer systems mid-cycle. If you can't... look back at the Xbox 360's launch lineup, that applies to about 75% of the games there. In other words, the industry is cyclical as all heck, and it's easy to predict that certain trends (such as every other game being cross gen for no discernible reason) will be dead and gone by the end of this year.
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