Minor exaggeration: every website under the sun is reporting on this 'leaked' Uncharted Trilogy Collection for the PlayStation 4, so we suppose that we better chime in and tell you why it's fake. Available for pre-order now from a Swiss retailer's website that totally doesn't look dodgy in the slightest, anyone with half a brain should be able to figure out why it ain't legit – but apparently some sources think that that may be up for debate.
Well, let's just look at the box art for a second shall we: it's got the old PlayStation Network logo on it and the 'Only on PlayStation' symbol is in the wrong position. Moreover, there are no ratings, and the artwork is old. The proposed release date – 30th September – is a Wednesday, so it would be in line with usual European deploy dates, but Sony's yet to even acknowledge this collection's existence, so we doubt that a small online shop would be privy to such important launch plans.
This listing is as bogus as Kim Kardashian's buttocks, then – but Sony could still be quietly beavering away on a supposed Master Thief Collection behind-the-scenes. In fact, there's plenty of reason to believe that Bluepoint Games may be working on it right now.
[source cede.ch]
Comments 18
Still think we will see a Uncharted: Remastered Collection in 2015.......it may have been pushed from mid 2015 to holiday 2015 to make up for the absence of Uncharted 4........I'm expecting a unveil at E3, one can say that we are sick of remasters, but I wholly believe that the vast majority of gamers would love to see a Uncharted: Remastered Collection.
@sub12 It's clearly going to happen, isn't it? I'm not sure it would be a suitable subsitute for Uncharted 4, though - I'm not even sure Uncharted 1 would be much fun these days.
@get2sammyb Coming from someone who just played the entire series for the first time about a year and a half ago and still play them to this day, Uncharted Drake's Fortune still holds up better than you'd expect. For a 2007 title it's actually still quite impressive except for the siaxxis motion control grenade throwing. If they could fix that and make it at least U2 style, and give a few other areas polish, I believe people would still have a blast with the original like I still do. I tell anyone who's first getting into the series to play the original first regardless, because it makes the immediate transition to among thieves and Drake's Deception that much more amazing. Just some thoughts
@get2sammyb heck I just played Resistance Fall Of Man for the first time last week and aside for it not having trophy support, that 2006 launch game surprised me a helluva lot with how well it still holds up. On the sequel now, which I'm loving that much more. There's nothing else out there like PS exclusives
I still need to play the third game. Need a powered HDMI splitter to get the PS3 and X360 plugged back into my receiver (got a lot running through there right now).
I expect this to happen eventually as Sony spearheaded the "HD remake" concept last generation.
Always go for a mechanical splitter! Or just change cables
Totally agree with you, outside of the wonky grenade throwing, Uncharted: Drake's Fortune is still a very enjoyable experince. It does show it's age as a quite early 7th gen title (mechanically speaking), but overall it has held up well, the emphasis on actual gameplay is nice.
It's not a substitute for Uncharted 4, but as a Remastered collection, it would be just as hyped, and comparable to the Master Chief Collection, which was Microsoft's core title for the 2014 Holiday season. For sure it would help soothe the sting of that delay.
Agreed. The sequels (specially 2) improved upon it a lot, but without making comparisons I find the game fun in its own right. I also dig the Spanish Conquistador setting. Nazis feel tacked on though.
@Kidfried The Tomb Raider remaster was not lazy... The graphics from PS3 to PS4 improved dramatically. I never played the game on PS3 and that is why I bought it, but it didnt seem like a quick grab for money to me.
It's inevitable we'll see this and I'm confident it'll be announced at E3. I'd love to be able to play the first two games again and experience 3 for the first time. If they get the multiplayer components up and running at launch then this could be a big seller for people who just jumped on the PS platform with the PS4.
i would play the whole triology again with out a doubt. my favorite game series of all time!
@Kidfried Watch Dogs wasn't a remaster though, it was a cross-gen game. And while I haven't played GTAV in any form, didn't have a lot of effort put into with the first-person mode and all?
@LAdrew87 I like the grenade motion controls in U1. I switched them to motion in 2&3.
@Kidfried umm watch dogs was not a remaster
@sub12 agreed completely! Look at it this way, Drake's Fortune came out in 2007, Resident Evil 5 came out in 2009........ And guess which game allows you to move while you aim and shoot while the other doesn't? Haha nuff said
@sinalefa yes the Nazi zombies perhaps could have been implemented better but it was a neat twist to throw at us after we spent the entirety of the game before that getting adjusted to the duck and cover system and now suddenly it was a horror game for about a half hour lol but definitely agree with all your points
@sinalefa yes the Nazi zombies perhaps could have been implemented better but it was a neat twist to throw at us after we spent the entirety of the game before that getting adjusted to the duck and cover system and now suddenly it was a horror game for about a half hour lol but definitely agree with all your points
@Jaz007 ha I suppose some people did like that technique then that's cool. I personally don't mind it, it was something different at the time and required precision
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