Please excuse the terrible by-line pun, but there was no way we were ever going to let that one pass us by. Now, onto proceedings...
This year's E3 has been chock full of mega announcements and reveals (Sammy is still not convinced any of it was real,) and while Naughty Dog's Uncharted 4 trailer had us reminiscing of Indiana Jones and The Last Crusade, Guerilla Games had spectators in awe with the gameplay reveal of Horizon: Zero Dawn.
Obviously the announcement of a new IP from Guerrilla was going to go down a treat, but long time fans of Guerrilla's nitty-gritty shooter series probably feared the worst for the studio's famed Killzone franchise. During a live Twitch broadcast, the developers tackled some fan questions, one of which we've been wondering ourselves: "What's happening to Killzone?"
The developer eased the worries of Killzone fans (and this Killzone-loving scribe) by explaining that the team is currently working hard on bringing new IP Horizon: Zero Dawn to the PS4 and that "Killzone is...waiting."
It's worth noting that it'll probably be a while before we hear any new Killzone related announcements, but at least we can rest easy in the knowledge that it's not dead and buried.
[source twitch.tv]
Comments 25
Killzone need to take a break for awhile. Come back in 3 or 4 years time.
@brendon987 Blasphemy! Get another one on the Vita, I say. Mercenary was great, but... yeah, it's not happening.
There's always a home for Killzone as far as I'm concerned. Shadowfall was a game the brushed up against greatness without quite attaining it, but it did great business sales wise and left things open for taking the sequel in an interesting direction.
They should let Guerilla Cambridge make a PS4 KZ, it'd be famtastic!
I loved shadowfall, enough to go out and get the first one on ps2, buy a ps3 and then get the other two along with uncharted and heavy rain. I'd love to see another killzone in the future, but dont rush it.
I couldn't get into the PS4 outing of Killzone at all. The previous games had some really interesting characters, both the protagonists and antagonists, but this one just did nothing for me. So unless they make the characters interesting again, I'm not fussed about them bringing it back.
I adore killzone I think it has the best graphics of any fps and a fantastic framerate too, remember killzone 3 on PS3, that was one of the slickest games I've ever played and kz sf had a great multiplayer which somehow I platted.will definitely get the next one when its released
Guys we got 2 killzone games in 2013. Plus GG wants to make things besides killzone. Killzone isn't dead.
I just started playing Mercenary on my brand new Vita as we speak.
Thanks for the recommendation @ShogunRok.
Killzone is always good to great, but never reached critical acclaim, but it's an amazing series in overall, so yeah give us more in a few years!
When they do eventually make a new Killzone, the plot has to actually have substance. Multiplayer was super fun, but the single player campaign was pretty rubbish in my opinion.
It would totally be down for a new Killzone if the story were as spectacular as its unique feel. The one thing keeping me away from the franchise is actually finding a reason to care about it.
Just end the series already. :X
So Killzone Mercenary 2 for Vita is going to happen. Awesome.
I just want new mp maps in shadow fall. What happened? We only have 17 maps in shadowfall, which isn't quite as much as i thought. I think halo 5 will have 27 and all free, but halo also sells more.
Killzone 2 received a lot of critical praise (sits at 91 on metacritic with 94 reviews), but while it sold decently it never turned into a blockbuster like Halo. Which is too bad, Killzone 2 is still one of my favorite FPS of all time. 3 was a pretty good follow up and Shadow Fall took the series in a different direction that didn't work with some people. I didn't mind it but there were some sections that should've been left out
@Gamer83 Lol staph
I thought that Killzone Shadow Fall started off really well, but unfortunately some parts weren't that interesting. I thought the multiplayer was pretty good too, although I preferred Killzone 3's multiplayer. Overall Shadow Fall was a good launch game and a great show piece of the PS4's future potential. It was definitely one of the better launch games we usually get.
I couldn't believe how good Killzone Mercenarys was on the Vita. Even the multiplayer was really good too. I remember when I first booted it up on my Vita I couldn't believe what I was seeing. It was beautiful!
Its a real shame the Vita didn't sell well as we might have got a sequel.
On topic though, I hope the next installment of Killzone is a masterpiece. I hope that when they announce it at E3 in a few years time its classed as the game of the show. Much like Horizon: Zero Dawn was for many people.
Killzone Mercenary 2 for Vita. Book it!
I played 2, 3, and Shadow Fall. All of them were fun to play through once, and Im the kind of gamer that likes to replay games several times. Looking back on it I think I enjoyed 2 the most. It had the best atmosphere and everyrhing felt new and fresh about it. What I liked best was probably the feeling of the guns and the impact bullets have on your enemies. It seemed to be a awesome combination of ragdoll physics and scripted motions. Something thats desperately missing from any CoD.
Can't wait for the next Killzone! 2016 would be a good year to announce it maybe after the release of Horizon!
Thank GOD! I'm an original online player of Killzone from the first launch back in 2004, and needless to say.... I'm a Killzone junkie now 10 years running! I love every Killzone game that came out,(especially multiplayer) and I can't wait for the next ones. I gotta say, Horizon is not my kind of game, and if it wasn't made by Guerrilla Games, I would not buy it, but since it's a GG game, I'm gonna have to get it and change my ways to RPG games.
@Bigdoggy Your nuts! Killzone is the only reason why I've been playing multiplayer games for over 10 years now. If it wasn't for Killzone, I would have never bought my PS2, PS3, PS4, PSP, PSVita etc.... KILLZONE4LIFE!!
@Gamer83 I agree, Killzone 2 was my favorite KZ game too. The reason why it didn't take off like Halo, is because Sony does't market Killzone like Xbox did to Halo. Halo is all in your face when you sign into Xbox, when you sign into PS, you have to search for their stuff. ( That's why I hate Sony!) The other reason is, the name "killzone" was too strong to the younger audience, so it's basically an adult game, in that case, Call of Duty was always the front runner for FPS.( and Sony promotes that all over PS) Killzone has, and always will be my go to mulitiplayer game. I own plats on every Killzone game ever created.
Killzone is my favorite FPS ever. Keep it comin.
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