Fallout 4 may be the hottest topic of discussion at the moment, but let's take a moment to step back from the ensuing fallout and appreciate another hotly anticipated title coming to the PlayStation 4 this year: PlanetSide 2. Yes, after a long period of beta testing, Daybreak Game Company's sci-fi shooter will finally be causing multiplayer mayhem on your PS4 this 23rd June, as announced over on the PlayStation Blog.
Better yet, as the game is free-to-play, you won't even need an active PlayStation Plus membership to dig into the trenches – but it's probably a good idea to get yourself a sub to make the most out of your PlayStation consoles.
The team behind the title will also be providing heavy post-launch support in the subsequent months with "deeper features, holiday events and content, new in-game marketplace items" and more being promised. Will you be dedicating some precious hard-drive space to PlanetSide 2? Lock, load, and fire off down in the comments below.
[source blog.eu.playstation.com, via blog.us.playstation.com]
Comments 15
I kinda feel like the boat sailed on this one a while ago, personally. There was a lot of hype for it in the early PS4 days, but now that the likes of Destiny, etc are out...
i agree with sammy! I applied a few times for the beta test and i had no reply,maybe,i'm too harsh as this is a Free To Play but i'm still to be convinced.
Its not too bad, at its best it can be as chaotic as MAG - but the player count on the Beta isn't too high these days so I'll probably jump back on when the game releases fully.
Well I guess I'll be getting Elder Scrolls at a later date then..
The game died pretty quickly on PC, it wasnt a bad game per se, it just died
I'm definitally interested in this, but it'll have to wait for Batman.
The game is just rather boring. I played in the Beta for a little bit but there's nothing special about it. The gunplay feels very clunky, traversing the map is very tedious, vehicles don't have fluid controls, and the game is just too open ended. You never feel like you're accomplishing anything. I wasn't crazy for it, plus the whole free to play formula just means that all the best content is behind a pay wall giving an unfair advantage to the premium players.
@Bobbytheb I agree, i was looking forward to it but the beta put me off! Coundnt really drive any of the vehicles as the controls were so bad esp the aerial vehicles also spent half my time wandering around a massive map not sure where I was supposed to go.might be a little bit better now its out of beta tho...
@Faruko It has a large community on PC.
I was waiting for PS2 ever since I got my PS4 as I enjoyed it on PC. I was lucky enough to have taken part in the beta but I was very disappointed when I realized it was region locked. There wasn't even an option to choose which region you wanted to play in. Even the ESO beta had that option. The reason the region lock was an issue for me was because my good friend and gaming buddy is American and we game together all the time and we were both looking forward to PS2.
Having spent a decent amount of time with PS2 I can actually see alot of potential with it. If they can tighten the vehicle controls and do something about the region lock, like maybe giving us the option to choose which region we want to play in, I think the game could do pretty well on the PS4.
I don't agree with Sammy in regards to the boat having sailed as there isn't really anything else on PS4 like it. Yes there is Destiny but thats not free and its been out for a good while now. The only other big PvP shooters are BF4 and COD and imo aren't worth the money or time these days.
Given enough promotion it could do well - but seriously where is the promotion? The only Info is from pushsquare, I havnt seen it advertised anywhere.
@get2sammyb also the fact that it's no longer part of Sony... My fanboy in me lost a lot of interest on it...
Been playing the Beta for months and had a lot of fun with it but started to get boring trying to find the large battles all the time. The bigger population in the final game should help but I also hope they had a lot of new content too as it feels pretty limited at the moment. Excited to see what it's like though.
Can't wait been playing the beta for a while and it's awsome after you get round a steep learning curve but it won't be for everyone, i'll be subbing for a couple of month's at least.
@WARDIE Blacklight Retribution is a pretty good F2P PvP shooter. And Warframe also has PvP modes.
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