Much like a raptor springs from the long grass to get the jump on its prey, Primal Carnage on PlayStation 4 has finally clawed its way back into existence. If you've been keeping up, then you'll know that a title of the same name was originally on display during Sony's GDC 2013 show, but after going dark for some time, the project was all but scrapped last year. The roller coaster ride continued when it was revived with a new subtitle, Extinction, and now it's actually got a release date.
The whole thing's got a lot in common with 2014's Evolve, in that a team of hunters will have to face off against a group of dinosaurs in several different multiplayer game modes. Supporting 16 players, it's bound to be chaotic and packed with moments taken straight out of Jurassic Park, and if you want to see it in action, check out the launch trailer that we've embedded.
And yes, we did just call it a 'launch' trailer; Primal Carnage: Extinction releases in a few weeks from now, on the 20th October. Will you be stocking up on ammo, or will you be sniffing out your latest meal? Do your best t-rex roar in the comments section below.
[source blog.us.playstation.com]
Comments 19
hmm I don't know here, the shooting looks a bit hit and miss. I'll remain undecided on this til I get a few more vids and reviews
Part of me thinks that you'll always want to be playing as the dinosaurs in this one. Hunters look a bit... hmmm. But we'll have to see how the shooting pans out.
A little excited for this, will keep a watchful eye on it though in case it turns out crap.
Was excited before the PS4 came out but my excitement had really waned since it vanished for a couple years. Will keep an eye on reviews, etc but not sure I really care anymore after all this time.
I was very excited for this a couple years ago, but if there's not gonna be a story mode I'm not too sure I'm interested in it. Having a fun survive against the dinosaurs type single player story would be awesome
i love dinos as much as the next person but this looks a little....... bargain bin-y. graphics are kinda horrible looking, especially the shooter mcshootenstiens, look like ps2 models. i get a real serious sam vibe from it. maybe some brainless fun until you decide to go play a "real" game. think ill wait for it to hit ps+
I'll take anything with dinosaurs and/or dragons, we don't get enough games with those.
I prefer superior dinosaur titles like Dinosaur Hunt: Africa Contract*
Can we get Ark instead Sony?
@Gmork___ :') "bargain-biny" that is a classic, had mad laughing out loud. But I agree this would make a really good free game though.
Looks like its taking inspiration from evolve. I see a lot of people commenting on thr lack of a single player. Maybe it decided to differentiate itself from ark? (Which is supposed to come out on ps4 eventually)
Looks fun! But where's the single player campaign?
Oops, forgot to include one eh? Well oops, I guess I'll forget to buy.
I played Primal Carnage on Pc a while back. I was not impressed. The controls felt a bit off, the game had alot of glitches and the graphics was mediocre. This looks the same to be honest, but I might be wrong.
Its time to make dinosaurs extinct...... again!
For some reason, and I could be wrong, I think I remember playing a game like this for Sega Genesis...correct me if I'm wrong. If that is the case, then this will be a surefire pick up for me, just to relive my classic games day...will probably be disappointed, but for some odd reason, I like Dinosaur hunting games (which is why I own Jurassic The Hunted for PS3)
Looks kind left 4 dead with dinosaurs. Am liking.
@Gmork___ is this not a indie game? After watching that trailer, it sure had the bargain bin feel.
Hmm. I had some decent (I won't say "high") hopes for this when I saw the original trailer, but that video is completely underwhelming.
I find myself agreeing with @Gmork___ in as much as it looks a bit "bargain-biny".
Do we know if this will have split screen or not?
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