Even though half of our staff members returned home from EGX 2015 carrying inevitable illness, this year's show was an enjoyable one, featuring plenty of unreleased software to sample. We spent four days wrapping our hands around admittedly sweaty controllers, and when all was said and done, we sat down and decided upon our five best games of the show.

Ratchet & Clank - Sammy Barker, Editor
Not every game needs to reinvent the wheel, as Ratchet & Clank's forthcoming PlayStation 4 reboot proves. A budget release from a pricing but not presentational perspective, this game really does look like a Pixar movie brought to life. Sure, the staples of the series' third-person shooting are well worn, but new weapons and an extremely slick control scheme means that it feels like butter on the DualShock 4. And while I'm well aware that there were much bigger releases at EGX 2015 this year – like Tom Clancy's The Division and Call of Duty: Black Ops III – I honestly feel like this one has more personality than all of the blockbusters combined.

Dragon Quest Heroes - Robert Ramsey, Associate Editor
On a PlayStation show floor dominated by realistic military shooters and gritty sequels, Dragon Quest Heroes: The World Tree's Woe and the Blight Below baited me with ease – and not just because it had its own bubble wrap slime wall that was free to pop. The colourful action role-playing release sat quietly in the corner next to a big, boisterous Street Fighter V stand, which meant that its booth never had any massive queues to contend with. Consequently, I went back to slaughter slimes several times and ended up getting a really good feel for the game, enjoying every subsequent demo more than the last.

EVE: Valkyrie - Ben Potter, Video Editor
Among a number of demos designed to show off the prowess of Sony's PlayStation VR headset, EVE: Valkyrie showed us exactly what it must be like to hurtle through space and into an epic intergalactic dog fight. Kind of. While I couldn't help but wish that I had been randomly assigned the highly praised Getaway demo, it was difficult not to be impressed by the quality and promise of the tech – particularly in a space combat environment. Physically looking around my environment negated the use of the right analogue stick, and did an amazing job of totally immersing me in the virtual cockpit. As laser fire flew in all directions, it was surprisingly natural to crane my head around to the right to see targets before banking around to take them out. While the demo could certainly have been longer, what little I played of EVE: Valkyrie proved that there are exciting, fully realised virtual reality releases in development – not just concepts and tech demos.

Star Wars: Battlefront - Alex Stinton, Reviewer
Since the announcement of Star Wars: Battlefront, I've really struggled to build any excitement over what seemed to be Battlefield cosplaying as a Star Wars game. Having begrudgingly had a go on its PvP multiplayer mode at EGX 2015, you can imagine my surprise when I realised I'd turned away from the dark side, and settled on it as my game of the show. For this long time Star Wars fan, there was something truly thrilling about the sheer scale of the action, as my comrades and I fended off an AT-AT assault, as well as a horde of snowtroopers, all while X-Wings and Tie Fighters battled overhead.

Mirror's Edge Catalyst - Simon Fitzgerald, Reviewer
Mirror's Edge Catalyst was my game of the show by a mile; right from the start of the playable demo it sprinted away from its competition and had the stamina to see it through to a comfortable win. The reason that Mirror's Edge felt like it was way ahead was because of its quality in refining mechanics from the original. Combat has been re-created, removing guns entirely, to make it flow with the free-running – a change that many fans of the original wanted – and it sure has made a difference. Parkour and combat now go hand-in-hand and connect fluidly to create a continuously fast-paced, thrilling experience. I feel that Mirror's Edge Catalyst had an outstanding showing at EGX, and that there's still more to come – but fans just need to stay faithful.
So, did you go to EGX this year? If so, what were your favourite games of the show? Are you looking forward to any of the titles that we've detailed here? Tell us what's on your wishlist in the comments section below.
Comments 18
Eve Valkyrie sounds awesome.
Ratchet is a day one for me. Shame it was delayed as I'd love to play that over the Xmas period...
The best game was an indie title callef Party Hard! I hope it comes to the consoles!
What a coincidence you guys all had a different game of the show! Shows how diverse the ps4 line up really is, wink wink
Eve sounds the best for me but I'll play all of them lol, hopefully all on VR ( maybe not ratchet since it's a third person platformer)
@Dodoo I am right there with you!
@Boerewors lol
@thedevilsjester You obviously have good taste!
@ZeD I didn't play that, but it did catch my eye. I hadn't heard of it before, to be honest.
@Boerewors In truth my pick was Mirror's Edge as well, but we thought it would be boring having the same game multiple times.
EVE looked pretty promising, as I think it may become a fully realized VR experience. The rest are more in the realm of meh, for me. Although the reboot of ratchet and clank would probably be a blast with my 8 year old son.
Still worried the shine will wear off of battle front to quickly, and become a battlefield clone wearing syart wars clothes. Shame really, because the star wars universe is so vast and has the potential for truly great games. Take what we can get I suppose.
Star Wars was mine too, even after queuing for close to two hours for it. I think the picture at the top is from EGX 2014
Really glad to see Dragon Quest Heroes being picked. I went back to play it a few times, seeing if I could beat my time on the boss fight.
Not really a fan of DW games but quite enjoyed this and really looking forwards to its release.
Really can't wait for R&C. Star Wars and Mirror's Edge are also something I'm looking out for.
Hopefully R&C is received well enough that we can get a game in the series that's more than just a re-imagining. This is right there for me with Uncharted 4, Horizon Zero Dawn and Street Fighter IV as my most-wanted PS4 games, but a totally new entry in the series would be even better. Assuming Sony and Insomniac would take it seriously like Tools of Destruction and A Crack in Time.
@Gamer83 That's exactly what I hope too. Seeing a brand new game in the Ratchet universe would be sweet. Or Sly or Jak for that matter...
The last Sly Cooper was a great game but I don't think it sold that well unfortunately. I think there's still a market for R&C though. If Sony markets this one right it should sell and hopefully well enough that it convinces Sony and Insomniac to continue going with the series.
@Gamer83 Was that Thieves in Time? Great game!
Yeah, Thieves in Time. I got the Vita version, one of my favorite games on it.
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