Platinum Games know how to put together a flashy trailer, and while this video captured by DualShockers direct from the Paris Games Week 2015 show floor takes a while to get going – well, stick around until the 3:20 mark and you will be rewarded. We get a decent look at PlayStation 4 exclusive NieR Automata in action – and while it's clearly early, we reckon that it's already looking promising.
The gameplay appears to be based upon the Japanese developer's pre-existing blueprint, but with no Bayonetta or new Devil May Cry on Sony's system, we could sure go for some frenetic third-person action. The final release will run at 60 frames-per-second and will include role-playing mechanics as well. Who's in? We're in.
Update (12:45PM BST): Swapped out the video for better quality. You also don't need to skip forward now.
Comments 23
People are already complaining that this isn't a Japanese RPG - more like a NieR spin-off rather than a sequel. I say we wait until we actually know something.
Looks a hell of a lot like MGR, though.
ok XBOX you can keep Scalebound while we have this because this looks a thousand times batter
and the great thing is you don't even need to have played the original NieR to play this as it takes place after Ending D (i'll not put any spoilers for those who have yet to get this ending)
@ShogunRok "Looks a hell of a lot like MGR." Exactly. And people are complaining about this?
@get2sammyb some one always has to complain about something even if there is nothing to moan about, they are just trying to cover up their own inadequacies, loneliness and fear by making themselves the centre of attention
(hey look that Psychology training didn't go completely to waste ^_^)
@FullbringIchigo I suppose it was a niche franchise that had a cult following, so I can understand some people have a sense of ownership over it - especially seeing as this seems to be going in a different direction (and looks all the better for it).
@get2sammyb it does look better and even if it's only halve as good as Bayonetta 2 then it's going to be a fantastic game
Looks pretty cool.
I was expecting something a bit more like Nier but this still looks good. Not so sure about the bullet-hell sections
I just hope the difficulty is more like Nier and not like some other Platinum games.
Can definitely recommend Transformers Devastation if you're waiting for crazy platinum action on PS4, however, I could almost fully recommend a Wii U for Bayonetta 2 alone. I'm excited for this game. Kinda hoping Scalebound manages not to be great, otherwise I'll have to find a way to justify an Xbox One!
I don't know how I feel about this. On one hand it looks amazing, but on the other it looks really tuff.
It looks bland... Jeez, please give us scalebound instead. I just hate the enemy type which are all the same.
Move over Horizon, I officially have a new most anticipated title!
Just try the Star Fox part of Bayonetta 2 once and then come back to me The people working at Platinum Games are shaped by these kinda arcade games and will give Nier the gameplay and mechanics to match the story and setting.
What was the first Nier actually like, I'm intrigued after seeing this now even if like some have said that the gameplay has changed somewhat.
@Sanquine Well, I think we can safely assume there'll be more enemy types in the final game.
@adf86 It was crap:
What if this was originally supposed to be Metal Gear Rising 2 and now that Kojima is gone they had to move the assets to a new project? I don't know, it seems plausible enough to me and would explain its announcement so soon after Transformers.
Kinda disappointed and excited at the same time.
Looks pretty nice. Enemy design seems a bit simple compared to other games by Platinum, but I'm sure that this is just a really small taste of what the game will have to offer. The soundtrack tho.. not sure I'm on board yet.
I don't know now anything about the game, but the trailer looks awesome, and knowing that PlatinumGames have developed this, I have to try it out.
I loved Wonderful 101. I loved Bayonetta 1 and 2. I love Transformers Devastation and even Legend of Korra was decent for a B team budget title. Got Scalebound preordered, and I'll gladly sign up for this too as soon as it's listed.
You are in luck (if you're in US). GameStop is selling Bayonetta 2 for $35 right now, brand new.
@FullbringIchigo "ok XBOX you can keep Scalebound while we have this because this looks a thousand times batter."
lol, OK..., I rather play Hideki Kamiya's "dream game" Scalebound then another one of these Platinum Games style games.
Awesome! that gamey feels, definitely a Platinum's game! Totally on board!
@Ryno well that's ok everyone is entitled to their own opinion, you like the look of scalebound more and i like the look of this more, doesn't make either wrong because everyone has different tastes and this NieR game seems to cater to mine more than it does yours and vice versa with Scalebound
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