So, you've excavated a brand new PlayStation 4 from beneath your Christmas tree, and you're wondering what your new box of tricks can do? Well, aside from all of the glorious games that the fat man shoved down your chimney earlier in the week, you've picked the right time to join the new-gen party – delays be damned, 2016 is looking like the best year yet for Sony's parallelepiped. We've compiled no less than 27 exclusives that you should be looking forward to next year. Note: this is not a comprehensive list – yes, the system's lineup is that insane.

Fact: Finnish fave Housemarque makes the best arcade shooters in the industry. Alienation is an extra-terrestrial take on its decent isometric blaster Dead Nation. Can't really go wrong, can you?

The cult PS2 rhythm-'em-up returns on the PS4 – minus Pink and Papa Roach. Amplitude is the consequence of a successful Kickstarter campaign by original developer Harmonix – expect psychedelic, lane swapping synthesia. (Console Exclusive)

Media Molecule may have been smoking the strong stuff when it dreamed up Dreams, but you wouldn't find a game so outrageously abstract on any other system. The game appears to be all about user content creation in a live online environment – at least, that's about the extent of what we've gleaned from the trailers thus far.

Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth
Not just an ITV cartoon from the late nineties, scribe Robert Ramsey likes to remind everyone at Push Square Towers that Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth is a title to look forward to. He's typically wearing his schoolboy's Agumon shirt when he declares it, too. (PlayStation Exclusive)

A game coming from a team with Telltale pedigree, Firewatch whisks you away to the Wyoming wilderness and finds you forming a bond with the lady on the other end of your walkie-talkie. Intriguing. (Console Exclusive)

Gran Turismo Sport
A title which must surely have dollar signs in the eyes of Sony's upper-execs, Gran Turismo Sport is practically a license to print money on the uber-popular PS4. We don't know a whole lot about the game yet, but it does sound like it'll be adopting an e-sports angle. Bet you that it looks prettier than a Camaro with Jessica Lawrence on the bonnet, too.

Gravity Rush 2
The sequel they said would never happen, Gravity Rush 2 puts legendary developer Keiichiro Toyama back in the saddle, as Japan Studio aims to continue the story of topsy-turvy heroine Kat in an all-new adventure.

Gravity Rush Remastered
Isaac Newton may want to revise his gravitational theory, as PS4 owners will be getting a double-dose of Gravity Rush next year, with Bluepoint sprucing up the brilliant PlayStation Vita original for a brand new generation.

Hardware: Rivals
Car combat's coming back – and there ain't no angry clowns with bad BMIs to be found. Hardware: Rivals instead aims to revitalise Sony's lesser-known on-wheels warfare series, and it's due out imminently. Boom!

Horizon: Zero Dawn
Alright, we've got more chance of dating Taylor Swift than Horizon: Zero Dawn hitting its 2016 release date, but you can't rush post-post-apocalyptic prehistoric brilliance. Guerrilla Games is still saying that we'll be dismantling robo-dinos next year, so keep those cavemen fingers crossed.

MLB 16: The Show
The great sport of baseball steps up to bat yet again next year, giving everyone at Push Square Towers headaches as we search for words to write about the very popular property. If only This Is Football would make a comeback, we'd have loads to pen in this space. (PlayStation Exclusive)

NieR Automata
Also known as the 900th project on Platinum Games' docket, NieR Automata revisits the studio's character action blueprint, but promises to add some Square Enix role-playing spice to the bubbling broth.

No Man's Sky
The game that we've talked about so much that it's left us hoarse, No Man's Sky has been in development almost as long as it would take to travel across its enormous in-game omniverse. At least it's finally coming out, though, right? Right?! (Console Exclusive)

It's a MOBA, but it's not a MOBA, but it is a MOBA. Who cares? Paragon is the latest game from Gears of War maker Epic Games, and it promises that you won't need to graduate with a Master's Degree in DotA to be able to enjoy it. (Console Exclusive)

Persona 5
A series that's surely on the verge of its big breakthrough, the anticipation surrounding Persona 5 will hit apocalyptic levels if it can hit its summer release date. (PlayStation Exclusive)

PlayStation VR
Alright, this isn't technically a game, but PlayStation VR is definitely worth looking forward to. We've tried Sony's potentially expensive accessory, and while it's too early to deliver a verdict yet, you may want to hang on to that second kidney for now – it could come in handy.

Ratchet & Clank
Get the ottsel outta here – PlayStation's premiere platforming partnership are back to take the PS4 by storm. Ratchet & Clank may be a remake, but it's the most utterly gorgeous one we've ever seen. Remember when Sony said that the PS2 would deliver Toy Story-esque visuals? Well, it finally achieved its aim – three generations later.

Shadow of the Beast
Those of you with zimmer frames may remember this Psygnosis classic from the old days, but if you don't, worry not: Heavy Spectrum's bringing the beautiful sidescroller back from the dead, and this is shaping up to be a sleeper smash.

Star Ocean 5: Integrity & Faithlessness
Shrug off your amnesia and get set for a role-playing release to remember, as Star Ocean 5: Integrity & Faithlessness continues the series' tradition for elaborate names and even more elaborate hair on PS4. (PlayStation Exclusive)

Street Fighter V
One of the biggest games in Sony's stable right now, the Japanese giant has had a hand in the development of the fifth entry in Capcom's flagship fighting franchise. Street Fighter V is kicking things off with a smaller cast than usual, but long-term post-release support promises to keep this game on its feet for many years to come. (Console Exclusive)

The King of Fighters XIV
Whenever Andy Bogard appears with his flowing blonde barnet, we pay attention, and so The King of Fighters XIV was always a lock for this list.

The Last Guardian
Fumito Ueda's overdue boy-meets-bird adventure is finally on track for a 2016 release, guaranteeing floods of Biblical proportions as the entire PS4 population sobs simultaneously over the animal's inevitable demise.

The Tomorrow Children
An oddball experimental outing about a Soviet-inspired dystopia, where collaboration with your online peers is key to success. The Tomorrow Children is weird and wonderful, but Mark Cerny allegedly asked PlayStation veterans Q-Games to come up with something crazy, and the Kyoto-based outfit hasn't disappointed.

The Witness
A game which was announced back when the dodo walked among us, The Witness has taken Jonathan Blow tens of thousands of years to finish. Fortunately, it's almost here, so come back in a couple of weeks and we'll try to explain what it actually is. (Console Exclusive)

Uncharted 4: A Thief's End
Uncharted 4: A Thief's End loves a good delay, but in April 2016 it should finally be ready to deploy. Will hunky hero Drake snuff it? His outlook doesn't look good, does it?

No, we don't want to tap your katamari, 'cos we'd rather control a toilet that can explode. Wattam's outrageously unusual, but with the bonkers Keita Takahashi at the helm, what else did you honestly expect?

What Remains of Edith Finch
The stupidity doesn't stop there, as What Remains of Edith Finch puts you in control of birds, snakes, and sharks. A walking simulator all about exploring the bitter demise of your family line, this looks like the next big step for The Unfinished Swan creator Giant Sparrow.
Which of these exclusives have tickled your fancy? Which ones are you outraged that we've missed? Could the PS4's lineup possibly look any better in 2016? Answer all of these questions in the comments section below.
Which of the following PS4 exclusives are you most looking forward to? (175 votes)
- Alienation0.6%
- Amplitude0%
- Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth
- Dreams0.6%
- Firewatch
- Gran Turismo Sport
- Gravity Rush 2
- Gravity Rush Remastered0.6%
- Hardware Rivals0.6%
- Horizon: Zero Dawn
- MLB 16: The Show0%
- NieR Automata
- No Man’s Sky
- Paragon0.6%
- Persona 5
- Ratchet & Clank
- Shadow of the Beast0%
- Star Ocean 5: Integrity & Faithlessness
- Street Fighter V
- The King of Fighters XIV
- The Last Guardian
- The Tomorrow Children0.6%
- The Witness
- Uncharted: A Thief’s End
- Wattam0.6%
- What Remains of Edith Finch0.6%
- Other
Please login to vote in this poll.
Comments 65
Im looking forward to Ratchet & Clank, Gravity Rush 2, & NieR Automata (still amazed this is happening, despite the stupid name)
@get2sammyb Why aren't any of the games from Sony's first-party studios labeled as exclusive?
A lot of awesome games on that list.
I'm looking forward to most of the list actually!
There's a lot on that list but Digimon got my vote.
I think overall, Dark Souls III is what I am looking forward to most. As for PS4 exclusives, its a tight race between Horizon and Ratchet and Clank.
Voted Firewatch because that games really has me hooked, definite purchase for me
@Jaz007 I just clarified the ones that are coming to PC or other PlayStation platforms. Everything without clarification is PS4 exclusive.
@SkanetWasTaken "We've compiled no less than 27 exclusives that you should be looking forward to next year. Note: this is not a comprehensive list – yes, the system's lineup is that insane." No dates, I believe, for the last three.
I voted for paragon because currently my game collection lacks the competitiveness of a multiplayer game with depth in its gameplay so hopefully this will cover the emptiness of my life
Where is Ace Combat 7?
Digimon, Gravity Rush 1 and 2, Horizon: Zero Dawn, Nier Automata, Persona, King of Fighters, and one "other" for me!!
What an awesome lineup!
The 4 other games I'm also looking forward to are Nights of Azure (ps4), Mirror's Edge, Recore (XB1) and Twilight Princess (Wii U). 2016 is going to rock!!
And I'm sure there's tons more games that haven't been announced yet (or I'm forgetting)!
@gamma532 "We've compiled no less than 27 exclusives that you should be looking forward to next year. Note: this is not a comprehensive list – yes, the system's lineup is that insane."
That's insane, Sammy!! You're blowin' my mind!!
Of these, Only Uncharted 4 and Horizon: Zero Dawn really appeal. Of the others, 1-2 are maybes but not something I am considering and the rest have no appeal at all. What happened to Hellblade? Isn't that a PS4 exclusive due for release? That appeals more than the majority of these to me.
Oh well, time to sell one of my kidneys..
I voted Persona 5, but there are too many I am going to buy this year, including Jojo's Bizzarre Adventures: Eyes on Haven.
Too many games to choice just one, but I can't let Ratchet&Clank behind on the pool.
Lots of games on this list that I'm looking forward to.
It'll be good to play a Digimon game again, it's been so long... Digimon World 3 I believe?
And Wattam. Been wanting to play this since they announced it!
NieR Automata, Star Ocean 5, Kingdom Hearts 2.8, Sword Art Online: Hollow Realization and Uncharted 4 are the exclusives i'm looking forward too
as for third party multi platform games, Final Fantasy XV, Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja Storm 4, One Piece Burning Blood and the inevitable new DBZ game
Gravity Rush 2, King of Fighters 14, Street Fighter 5, Uncharted 4, NieR Automata, and Horizon: Zero Dawn for me.
2016 is going to be an incredible year. Persona 5 got my vote easily though. Man that games looks too awesome
Not a lot that interests me. No man's sky won't make it out imo, Gravity rush 2 will probably be fun, Alienation looks decent, and Ratchet will be the same old game we've already played a dozen times.
Witness, No Mans Sky, Persona 5
One no one gas mentioned yet....
Titanfall 2.
@get2sammyb thank you Sammy for the interesting article, glad you made it. 2016 is a great year to be PS fan!
Gravity Rush 2 and The Witness I'm psyched to bits for!
for me only ratchet and uncharted 4
Persona 5 the biggest release for me. Also looking forward to Uncharted 4, Nier, Ratchet and Clank and Gravity Rush 2.
I will only believe that The Last Guardian and Persona 5 will be released when I see the discs in the shops and in my PS4. Still not confident for a 2016 release for either of them.
The lack of SF V hype on this site is disturbing
And 1/2 of them will be delayed to 2017.
I'm excited for PS VR, but still waiting to hear the price. Ah, who am I kidding? I'll buy it no matter what.
Amazing list. Cannot wait to play these!
You forgot Kingdom Hearts 2.8 HD Final Chapter Prologue
I know this isn't on topic, but just letting you guys know that Currys are selling Logitech G29 steering wheel for £160. I picked the last one from my store today for my son, but looking online they still have them for the super low price. Hope this is useful to some, especially those with DriveClub, wheel makes an immense difference, although I use the Thrustmaster rs300 wheel so can't tell you how G29 works with DC
Horizon got my vote! 2016 gonna be mad with VR which I been looking forward to for what feels my entire life and a possible new Ninty console. 2015 had me hooked on the strangest of games and saw me neglecting lots of games I bought, my resolution is to buy less games so I can enjoy the ones I get stuck on without feeling guilty
Persona 5, uncharted 4, and the tomorrow children.
Firewatch for me, looks gorgeous and I've been lapping up every video that made about it not sure of a release date yet? Also how cone rime's not in this list wasn't it a exclusive? Or has it been thrown in to a black hole?
Just to let you know me better, I voted for Street Fighter V and Uncharted 4.
So who's gonna take Taylor Swift out first?
Digimon, Persona, Street, Gravity Rush 1,2, God Eater 2 and Horizon.
It would've been a flip of the coin between Horizon and Gravity Rush 2 but like most games on this list, I expect they will both miss 2016. Went with SF V just because that's the one that's the closest. After the latest delay my hype for Uncharted 4 is gone. Yes, I will get it day one, yes I'll mostly likely enjoy it but every time I get hyped Naughty Dog says 'sorry we're not close to being done.' So SF V it is. The list as a whole... Nice mix of big-budget productions, more modest productions and indies.
What will be real interesting is how far Uncharted 4 gets delayed beyond April because unless Sony just simply does not care about Ratchet & Clank being a success it absolutely can not release both games in the same month and unlike Naughty Dog, Insomniac is generally pretty good at hitting deadlines.
Some of these are also on the vita... whatever better than "timed exclusives"
Games from this list alone that I'm either definitely getting or am very interested in:
Amplitude, Dreams, Firewatch, Gravity Rush 2/Remastered, Horizon Zero Dawn, No Man's Sky, PlayStation VR, Ratchet & Clank, The Last Guardian, The Tomorrow Children, The Witness, Uncharted 4, and Wattam.
Holy moly.
I need a better paid job asap!
No Man's Sky, Unchartered 4 and Ratchet & Clank are my wants from 2016.
The Last Guardian
Trackmania Turbo (not exclusive but still my most anticipated game of 2016).
2016 wishlist:
Star Fox Zero
Mirror’s Edge 2
Uncharted 4
Dark Souls 3
No Man’s Sky
Nier Automata
I am looking forward the most is uncharted 4 since I know what I am getting which is a great fun adventure with great dialogue and banter as well. UC4 possibly is the best MP In the series based on playing the beta.
My next game I hope will be great is horizon zero dawn but it's a new ip and there isn't enough information for me to come to the conclusion it will be a great game. The rest of the games on this list I really not sure if any will be good except for Rachet and Clank which I played the reboot demo at Best Buy.
No Man's Sky for me.
I was gutted after seeing an advert about Elite Dangerous going to the Xbox One.
Ratchet! Though I'm interested in 90% of the rest too!
Ratchet and Clank isn't a remaster....
@B-I-G-DEVIL It's a remake of the original game I think, to go along with the movie
Nice feature I went with the witness because after a 8 year wait its finally here in Jan!
Excellent list. I have interest in a huge chunk of them. I put list in a collage.
You mean jennifer lawrence right? On gran turismo...
@Gamer83 Sony will rely on the movie to push R&C, I can't see Uncharted has only been delayed for a month so there can't be too much more work left now.
@ApostateMage I heard that Elite is coming to PS4 next year. It's just Xbox has an early access system so people can play games before there finished.
Persona 5, easily! But that's a hell of a list...
I highly doubt people are going to care about the R&C movie that much. If Sony releases both these in April, R&C gets buried, it's as simple as that. As much as I hate to say it, one of them has to be moved and unless the movie has been delayed, for whatever reason, it's pointless to push Ratchet & Clank back. Wish Sony would've just given the June or September release for Uncharted now rather than later but the public has to be bs'ed to keep the hype high.
@Gamer83 I know your convinced that Uncharted is coming out much later but believe me Sony won't be afraid to put both out in April because Uncharted has to take priority. Sony will just stick a trailer for R&C before the movie and be done, where's Uncharted will be taking up the marketing budget.
Some good games in here. Interested in quite a few in the list, whether they make 2016 or not: Uncharted, KOF14, SFV, the Gravity Rush games, Horizon and Nier.
I agree with you, Uncharted 4 will probably have a new trailer in April and after they show it "also, guys, we are delaying it a bit more". No sense releasing both games in April when they could move U4 a week and put it in May, giving Ratchet the April spotlight. They will probably push it bit by bit to make it easier to digest.
Well, that seems like poor franchise management to me. As annoyed as I am by the delays it's more of a giving release targets that clearly can't be hit and what is an extra month going to do? Give them 3 more months to make sure everything that needs to be done is done and then dominate the Summer with Uncharted 4. Street Fighter is a high enough profile franchise that as long as V reaches the quality of past games should be enough, especially along with a rebirth of Ratchet & Clank, to take care of the first part of the year.
My PS4 2016 Exclusive Day 1 Buys
Gravity Rush Remastered
Gravity Rush 2
Horizon Zero Dawn
Nier Automata
No Man's Sky
Persona 5
Ratchet & Clank
Star Ocean V
Street Fighter V
The Last Guardian
Uncharted 4
Lost all hype for Amplitude after reading Destructoid's review. Also getting Digimon to try it out, both the PS4 and Vita entries.
Hot dang, factor in multiplat games releasing in 2016, along with a few Xbox One exclusives, a few Wii U exclusives, a few 3DS exclusives and even a few Vita exclusives, and this might be my most expensive year yet!
Am I the only one here who's excited for Nioh?... Why isn't Nioh on the list? LOL
Just Digimon and Persona for me. Maybe NieR and Star Ocean.
So many great games! I hope weekends are 3 days long...
I see ones with no Official date they are launching 2016 some timed exclusives and some mediocre one not much of choice really besides Uncharted 4
Very nice list! For me personaly Uncharted 4 is most anticipated game of 2016! Here is another ps4 exclusives list http://www.hotplay.com.ua/publ/15_samykh_ozhidaemykh_ehkskljuzivnykh_igr_na_ps4_v_2015_godu/1-1-0-245
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