Fullbright's critically acclaimed walking simulator Gone Home was announced for the PlayStation 4 eons ago, but financial issues at publisher Midnight City meant that the port was put on hiatus. Fortunately, those problems appear to have been resolved, and the game will open the front door of Sony's new-gen format on 12th January. Hurray!
During the downtime, the developer's taken the opportunity to upgrade the release's engine from Unity 4 to Unity 5, so you can expect the exact same experience that released in 2013 with some additional bells and whistles. "Our goal wasn't to add or change things, but just to bring the game that players know and love onto consoles in the best possible form we could," founder Steve Gaynor explained.
Having not played the game yet – no spoilers, please – this author's really excited to finally "go home". And the fact that the title's barely more than a month away makes this news even more exciting.
[source fullbright.company]
Comments 17
@Swiket No minimap? No open world? No white man with stubble and a gun?
Seriously, though, I guess it just didn't appeal to some people, which is fair enough. I'm glad it's coming to PS4 - can't wait to try it.
Cool that it's finally coming but because I know what the game's plot is, it makes games like this less compelling to buy day one.
I thought the critics were too...generous to this game simply due to its social commentary, but I do think it's definitely worth playing. Nice dialogue, great pacing, etc. Glad to see it come to PS4 so more people can play it.
Now I'm REALLY excited for the developer's new game called Tacoma! That looks much better.
Hmm,I'd like a walking sim thats more focused on exploration rather than story -i guess this ones probably not for me.
@special_donkey Did you try Rapture? I feel like you have to explore in that game in order to extract the story, which maybe sounds like what you want?
@Bad-MuthaAdebisi Here's the blurb: "Investigate the Greenbriar family's house. Discover the story of what's happened to them. Go home again."
@Bad-MuthaAdebisi Its better than Rapture, the story makes for a more cohesive and enthralling experience. Rapture was too plodding with huge expanses of (albeit nice to look at) fields and pathways.
What's also ace is minus them making us stand In a spot for 2 hours, there should be an easy platinum. Yay!!
The top speed run is 44 seconds will a PS4 owner be able to beat this critically acclaimed masterpiece with an even swifter time?!
I have no idea what this game is and it looks BOOOOOORING
It's alright. I did think it was way overrated by most people, but that doesn't mean it's bad, it's an OK game to spend a couple of hours. Although there is an exclusive PS4 game that does what this game tries to do in a much better way. Can't say what that is unfortunately, cause I'd be spoiling both games
@sonicmeerkat Some people van run through Skyrim in 50 minutes. I up to about 60 hours halfway through now.
Well I heard a lot of nice things about it cant wait.
@Swiket because certain terrible people gave it one of their sites few 10/10s not cause of the content but cause of the gender preference of the protagonist. And a lot of people felt ripped off
I enjoy these types of games. Not sure it will top Everybodies Gone to Rapture though
@Flaming_Kaiser Not going to break the record with that attitude.
@get2sammyb Is this game a simulation (like The Sims) or some story-adventure driven game??? Looking and waiting for something like The Sims or Harvest Moon to come out for the PS4, since Farming Simulator confused the heck out of me with the controls and figuring out where to go and what to do.
@get2sammyb Yep,although i haven't booted it up for a while..Rapture is good for what is -i just find the music a bit off putting (can't be turned off) Pedantic i know..Still,great atmos -maybe i'll give it another try.
@JLPick Seriously, it's best to not know what kind of game it is. Just know that it's kind of short. It's a great experience.
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