Many people were extremely happy yesterday, as Final Fantasy VII's straight PlayStation 4 port – not the remake – was released onto the PlayStation Store. As well as catering to people's nostalgia, a Reddit thread has revealed that there are many built-in cheat modes present in the game.
A click of the right stick gives you infinite limit breaks as well as infinite HP and MP, while a left stick click activates triple speed in the game. Clicking in both sticks activates a "no encounter" mode, too. What's interesting is that these cheats don't disable Trophies, making for a very easy Platinum. The cheats are real-time, too, so can be turned on and off at will.
Will you use these cheats, or are you playing the game without any help? Lug around your oversized sword in the comments section below.
[source reddit.com]
Comments 47
I'll probably give them a try. And what does the article mean by left and right sticks? The analogue sticks?
i'll go through it normally i think unless i come across a boss i just CAN'T beat
@vagineer1 Yeah, L3 and R3.
@FullbringIchigo I managed to get up to a point in the game in which I was fighting a robot boss on an elevator which I could not beat for the life of me.
@vagineer1 yeah we all have points like that for me it's Demons Gate, for some reason i ALWAYS have trouble with it no matter how powerful my party is
although now i think about it MAY use them in the Gold Saucer too as getting all the points for Clouds Omnislash is a bit of a chore and these should make it a lot easier
If the cheats don't disable trophies that makes the plat feel a hell of a lot less of an achievement as anyone can get it. That's a shame. Not so bothered about buying it now.
Has it been confirmed this doesn't affect trophies? I accidentally put the no encounter one on last night lol
@LieutenantFatman Still looks pretty time consuming, though? I mean, sure this reduces the difficulty, but you're still going to have to be pretty darn committed to get it, I imagine.
@mrobinson91 It's been confirmed, there's evidence of it on the reddit page I got this story from
@Anchorsam_9 @get2sammyb pretty sure it's not infinite anything. It maxes health and mp, and gives an obscene amount of gil, but doesn't do anything for your other stats, so a boss like the weapons is still going to give you the same issues as before.
Either way I won't be using it, but I will be using the 3x speed, it's a godsend (never realised how slow some enemy animations were)! No encs is also good when you want to quickly pop back somewhere to heal / explore uninterrupted
Edit: never mind, just read the point about clicking r3 repeatedly to renew the effect by toggling in and out of the cheat mode. Wonder if it also revives from KO. If so that is just ridiculous! Makes it a crazy easy plat :/
@get2sammyb I suppose so, to be honest the only really tough fights are Ruby and Emerald. They take some real strategy to take down. Other boss fights are easy enough but still a lot of fun. I'll probably pick it up in a sale. I would prefer it if they put the cheats in the menu rather than one simple click though. Oh well.
Although as Steve above says, the 3x speed could actually be quite handy in some cases. Knights of the Round for example takes a long time to cast and most people trying to take down the aforementioned super bosses will use that quite a bit I expect.
Oh nice, I havent used any of these. Triple speed and no encounter mode will be used on-and-off. I'll most likely skip god mode though....tempted to use it on those unique bosses.....
Square enix need to get rid if these cheats as soon as possible, they are game breaking.
I intend to play the game properly and get the platinum legit otherwise like people have said what's the point in buying it if you have it already,I intend to kill emerald and ruby weapon and bang my head against a brick wall in doing so. I never got them down in the original nearly 20 years ago a s I don't intend to do it now using unlimited limit breaks.
@vagineer1 lightning magic is your best friend against robot bosses!
If you're at the HQ building, that is a decently tough fight, but you can do it! Don't forget that you can swap materia before the fight - take them off cloud and onto the team actually fighting that battle.
I'll be using disable battles and speed up time, as I mentioned these are in Bravely Default and made the game much more fun. Occasionally you just dont want to deal with battles that you could handle anyway and would rather do an hour of grinding later on. Random battles that you can turn off is the best of both worlds IMO!
And speeding up battles is not cheating at all, just allows you to burn through long limit breaks, magics, summons, battle loading screens etc. more quickly. Nothing wrong with that. L3 away!
But the character boost? Nah, wont be using that.
@marston1983 i understand what you mean but i might still use them every now and then, i beat FFVII 100% back on the PS1 so i feel like i can use them if i want too especially with on few things like getting Clouds last limit break for example just to speed it up a bit
but if someone has never played the game or finished it yet they really should go through without using them for the proper experience.
When all's said and done I think the god mode is a good idea for folks who a) suck at rpgs, or b) don't have the time to play it properly, to enable them to get through to experience the full story.
BUT, I do think it should have to be activated from the menu, blocking trophies while in use. Otherwise the plat is totally devalued :/
Keep the other two as they are though - as @kyleforrester87 said, these aren't really cheats, just quality of life enhancements!
@SteveButler2210 That said I'm not sure how often I'd use disable battles as there are no sections that particularly grate on me unlike some other RPGS.
@kyleforrester87 I agree, after getting off my high horse I realise that some cheats are not so bad like the speed up option but others are almost holding your hand too much,
Ps lets hope they get ffviii and ix out before the next six months
Btw anyone know/ remember how to get ruby and emerald down, do we need to use mime and knights of the round to death.
Is it possible to down the two bosses using unlimited limit breaks alone, or do we need extra fire power before you run out of time/ whittled down ?
@marston1983 I'm going to need to do some revision before taking on Emerald and Ruby again, it's literally been like 16-17 years! lol. All I remember is lots of KOTR against Emerald (I think using W-summon and mime??) and 7777's against Ruby but I'll cross that bridge when I come to it.
@marston1983 i found the being level 99 and using Master Phoenix paired with Master Final Attack, Master Knights of Round, Master W-Summon and master mimes to save MP worked pretty well
for Ruby Weapon don't forget to kill of 2 of your characters before the battle so he will put his hands in the ground so you can actually hurt him and don't worry that Phoenix cures him when ever it's used because it's only a few hundred HP and with the damage KoR causes you won't even notice
just keep re-summoning KoR if Phoenix is used because if you used mime it would just cast Phoenix again
that should get you through both Emerald and Ruby no problem (at least it did me)
EDIT: oh don't forget to get the Underwater Materia for Emerald Weapon to get rid of the time limit and keep in mind that his A.I.R.E.T.A.M attack will cause more damage with the more materia you have equipped so only go in with what you need
I think a lot of people forget how much of a grind older RPGs can be. Younger generations have no idea how soul crushing a lot of grinding used to be - RPGs have been streamlined to a huge extent within the last 10 years. I think things like cheat modes are a decent idea for newcomers who would otherwise struggle to enjoy it, and consequently think that my generation must be nuts for thinking that games like FFVII are good.
It's nice to know they're there in case I need them. This will be my first run through Final Fantasy 7 when I get it, haha.
@ShogunRok True, I don't think FF7 was too hard though as long as you didn't run away from many fights and spent 30 minutes extra grinding every now and then. Materia Keeper and Demons Gate were the hardest bosses on my first run and in hindsight it was because I was just way under levelled. I found FF6 and FF8 harder.
@kyleforrester87 lol last time played it properly was in 1996-97, I was about 13,
Where has the the last 18 years gone ? 😁
I'll probably use the 3x for grinding, but the other two aren't my style.
Very happy that I got it then. My biggest concern were those summons that take forever. Constant battling are a hindrance for exploration so this is like Pokemon's Repel.
@marston1983 I'm not sure what armor I had on cloud being 15 years ago now but emerald weapon did 0 damage to him. I do remember stealing it from rude.
Uh, ah... ughn... I almost feel bad for cheating but what the heck I've played the game a zillion times already.
So thats what that was! I accidentally activated no encounter and 3X speed and didbt know what was going on lol
I have this on Steam but never bothered to play it much, but hearing about these cheats and the free theme pushed me to get this version
Cheating is boss! In games not in real life. I have literally no idea what ruby and emerald are - I felt clever putting my 'all' materia with my 'cure' materia back in the day :/
I really REALLY hate this. Being able to become invincible at the touch of a button seems like the wrong route to go. I accidentally clicked R3 and next thing I know, my HP wouldn't go down and I had unlimited Limit Breaks for like... the entire Reactor intro. Had no idea what was going on. I like the 3x speed but the others are a shameful addition. I honestly can't imagine why people would intentionally take any semblance of challenge out of the game.
At the very least, they should disable any trophies if you use a cheat. It's not really a challenge to beat Diamond, Ruby or Emerald if they can't kill you
@Jayvir Yeah I'm staying away from R3. Don't mind these enhancements being in game but would rather they were a little harder to activate, R3 in particular.
@themcnoisy Yeah? Thought you played quite a bit of FF7. You gunna get this version?
This is the same as in the Steam version that came out 2 and a half years ago. This is just a port of that, after all. I don't remember them being so easy to accidentally activate though. I couldn't tell you how to toggle them on in the PC version and I played it a lot.
@ShogunRok FFVII wasn't one of those games, though. The FF series in general, especially from the PS1 era onwards, is designed to be very forgiving and for everything to fit along the natural experience curve (there are some infamous exceptions, of course). I think some of the difficulty was just from our lack of experience, especially here in the UK where it was the first FF and we still hadn't got a DQ.
Certain difficulty spikes I had the first time around, like those pumpkin heads in the Nibelheim mansion that confuse you, were not remotely a challenge now because I knew how to deal with it rather than not really having any idea what was going on. When I first played FFVII, I didn't know what a "critical hit" was. I remember the first time the screen flashed white as Cloud hit an enemy and did extra damage - me and my friend thought it was because Cloud was getting angry because of the storyline (it was as you climb up to try to stop them dropping the plate) and was powering up like in DBZ.
@Jayvir Agreed. The challenge is part of the story, as well. Areas that are particularly inhospitable usually have a plot reason for being like that. Not to mention, the emotional highs of getting a Limit Break at the perfect moment and other things like that are totally lost.
@kyleforrester87 Yeah I was messing. The all-cure materia in combined slots was one of those "ohh yeahh" moments. I don't get them too often. So everyone would be healed in the party rather than an individual. Sounds mad these days - but that was a fresh mechanic. I had never played ff6 and my limited experience with other jrps was secret of mana, shining force, phantasy star and super Hydalide. So it was great to see the customisation available. Those other mentioned games were limited or used different ways of playing (hydalide your one character, shining force is more overhead tactical play etc)
If ff12 hd materialises we really need to see a 1.5x exp cheat as the grind was monotonous in ff12 at release. I wish ff10 hd had a touch less grinding too.
Is it so bad to cheat in a game most of us have already beaten 5+ times? I mean really? Speeding things up is nice. I don't have so much time that I can spend hours just grinding. You already know you can beat the common enemies. Turn based RPGs are only difficult if you're under levelled anyways.
@get2sammyb Yea the game takes a LOOOOOOOT of time to get the Knights of the nine Materia. So it would still take quite awhile. Still though, ill play without any of the Cheat modes. that would make it less fun.
@ShogunRok I agree with you. I don't like how it doesn't disable trophies. Maybe will be a patch later down the road?
Anyway I agree with you cuz now barb will be able to play this xD
Good; It allows people to play the game how they want, instead of forcing people into "20 year old and aged so so badly" random battles which although nice and nostalgic for the fans, are perhaps the most frustrating part of the game when you just want to get to a save point.
In actual fact, this has made me more likely to buy it. I've completed it at least 4 times, but allowing me to disable battles so i can get to a save point when I need to, but turn them on so I can grind for hours if i want to is a really smart decision for me.
Not getting my breeches in a bunch over the "easy" trophies either, when I get trophies in games for watching intro videos, they are no currency of skill anyway.
I certainly don't play games to earn trophies, I try and earn trophies in games I enjoy playing.
@themcnoisy yeah I remember the same when combing blue materia. Thought it was useless for ages.
@Matroska I don't think it matters if FFVII was one of the easier RPGs from those days. Fact of the matter is that a lot of younger players will look at it now and think it's awful - and not just because it looks like it does.
@LieutenantFatman It's a single player game, so who cares?
@Riririn In a game where materia gives you stat boosts, your level isn't as important as in some other RPGs. You can beat Sephiroth at level 20. What would make it difficult is not having things like HP materia or not having ribbons at certain points. A high level is just a crutch, like giving yourself 100 goals in FIFA because you don't know the controls or the rules of football. This doesn't eliminate grinding, that was never necessary in the first place, it eliminates thinking. You might as well watch a Let's Play.
@glassmusic Exactly, why would you want to cheat when the only person you're defeating is yourself? While I wouldn't condone it, someone cheating in the Olympics makes sense. This is like someone timing themselves to run around the block and then halving their time. Why do that? If you can't accept that then just consider us disliking these people as a single player game that we're playing and leave us to it.
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