Right, let's put a recycled bow around our Game of the Year coverage with one last article, asking: what was your favourite PlayStation game of 2015? You've read our picks, so now it's time to have your say – and yes, we're well aware that our forum users selected The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, but please let us pad out another day of content by posting one last poll.
Below, we've included the 25 titles that scored highest in our internal vote. We appreciate that not everyone's favourite will be included here – technical limitations and all that – so we've added an 'Other' option for those outstanding absentees. Don't forget to tell us what you picked and why in the comments section below – that's all part of the fun really, innit.
We'll be keeping the poll open until 12:00PM GMT on Monday, 4th January, at which point we'll take a snapshot of the results and concoct some more filler content while we come to terms with coming back to work. Got it? Good. Have a think, then, and vote away – will it be Bloodborne, Fallout 4, or something a little out of left-field? Let us know down below.
The poll is now closed. Thanks very much for voting.
Comments 85
Fallout 4 for me. Only game this year that has really sucked me in. Rush home from work to play it, get up early to play it.
@OliverCrossland I've got addicted to it over the Christmas break, too. It's very moreish.
I find it hard to choose a GOTY but I chose Fallout i've hammered that game on Survival easy 100+ hour's and i've only done one story mission it's huge and amazing. All my little settlement's i've taken under my wing are like little town's, fully walled off with shop's and even social hall's with pool table's disco floor's and duke boxe's etc. You really can play it however you want and I reckon i'm not even half way through the game yet it really is a work of art loving every minute, it's the only SP game I will have bought the season pass for.
The Witcher 3 brings together a lot of what I like in games, great graphics, humour, well written story and freedom to play the game your way and customize your character.
Fallout was great too, but the graphics weren't all that good and it felt a bit too repetitive in the end.
For most hours played, it's the witcher followed by batman, just started fallout so too early to say yet
Well I chose Tales from the Borderlands because it really surprised me! But I would actually put RocketLeague and Witcher 3 on the top too!
Biggest disappointment gotta be Fallout 4 for sure and maybe MGS5 after the missions start repeating!
Come on Push Square community, don't let your dear friend Ramsey down.
@get2sammyb Just finishing the BOS ending then cleaning up the last few trophies for that juicy platinum!
Dragon Quest Heroes, pure fun!
Gotta be divinity for me. I loved the witcher, and it's goty imo for its brilliance, but after playing it a while, I noticed my game time played was approaching 7 days. I then looked at the map, and the 2 areas I had yet to touch, and my map which was still jam packed with things to do and it was like a mental shutdown. That was maybe a month after release, maybe less because I took a 10 day vacation to coincide with witchers release. Since then I'm lucky to get 10 minutes in a week just because of how overwhelmed I got. My most enjoyed is a toss up between divinity and until dawn. Until dawn I expected just to be so terrible but in that campy b movie way that you enjoy and man it surprised the hell out of me.
Witcher 3, gaming journalist be dammed .........followed by Rocket League and Fallout 4.
I do want to try Divinity though.
@ShogunRok This is bribery.
Bloodborne for me although The Witcher ran it fairly close this year
The only real question to ask this year.......Triss, or Yen?
The Witcher 3! Fallout 4 is a deception, pathetic graphics, watered down rpg, and SO repetitive!
@get2sammyb More like good taste.
I really liked Fallout 4, but it did seem like a step back from the Witcher in some areas,......especially in quests and character development.
Witcher 3 - no question!
Even though it's a remaster. I still feel as though the uncharted collection should be on this list.
mine is the one i had the most fun with, well actually it's a tie between Final Fantasy Type-0 and Sword Art Online Lost Song
actually the only game on that list i own is Dragon Quest Heroes and that was Number 3 in my Top 10 games of this year
Not really got a top game for 2015 there were lots of games I enjoyed in different catergories.
@sub12 - Triss. Yen is kinda of a B...
Will be picking up the Witcher 3 come income tax return...until then, I've been addicted to quite a few Playstation retail games: Tearaway Unfolded, Until Dawn and just recently...Destiny (yup, took me that long to pick it up). For download, it's been Never Alone, Pure Pool and Boggle...sorry, I love the puzzle, platform, adventure and simulation games, so I'm hoping that The Sims 4 comes to the PS4 eventually...or at least a classic look at Harvest Moon.
Def witcher 3 for me. So big beautiful and bold.
Multiplayer wise my goty would probably be black ops 3. Just pipping Star Wars.
I actually played witcher on my pc but did play on a ps4 controller!!
I've had batman since launch but still not got round to playing it!!
Fallout 4, I've spent so much time with it and feel like I've barely scratched the surface and it's one of the few games that you really can play however you want to.
The Witcher 3 has to be my game of the year - its the best game this gen (so far) by a long way. Fallout 4 didn't do enough for me - its like Fallout 3.1 and despite being good, didn't do enough. Batman:Arkham Knight also lost out because of the repetitive use and poor combat offered by the Batmobile. Bllodbourne for me had a great atmosphere and art direction but its too niche and its too diversive too - its one of those games that you'll love or hate.
As far as I am concerned, the Witcher 3 raised the bar significantly for what this generation of games can be like and therefore gets my vote
It's really hard to say. I know the biggest disappointment was The Witcher 3. All the glitches, floating NPCs, quest lines getting messed up and so on completely killed the game for me. Plus the fact everything felt so pointless since it was clear that whatever you did in each area was irrelevant, you'd still not find Ciri until you'd done each area.
Well, putting that negativity aside, probably the game that was the nicest surprise to me, the one that I completely dedicated myself to until I'd platinumed it - 3 times - was The Uncharted Collection. I was expecting it to be "just a movie" but I was wrong. I didn't expect to get so attached to the characters or for the gameplay to be so involving and fun.
I really like Fallout 4 as well, amazingly unglitchy for a Bethesda game and made TW3 look like an unfinished mess by comparison. I never thought I'd say that about a Bethesda game. So much attention to detail in the various stories on the terminals and NPC dialogue that really knitted the world together into a coherent, living and breathing space. Oh, and actually memorable party members, like Fallout should have. Again, never thought I'd say that about a Bethesda game.
Loved em' both, but let's be real here people....
Witcher 3 > Fallout 4
Bloodborne all the way!
Destiny Taken King
The witcher 3 for me, only game I've kept playing all year round and it's still amazing and we've got the expansion soon , fallout 4 is second....
I went with bloodbourne. I haven't got round to playing the Witcher 3 yet and I haven't finished fallout 4 but I can't see them overtaking Bloodbourne it was so rounded as a game it didn't put a foot wrong. I loved the punch and dodge action gameplay it reminded me a little of the 8 bit days
As much as I love FO4 and at 40 hrs in have barely just scraped the surface, my vote goes to Rocket League. Quite simply, there's no other game out there that combines skill and strategy with the perfect difficulty curve in an addictive package the way RL does. Factor in amazing support from Psyonix and this is a game that I know I'll be playing just as much in 2016 as I did in 2015, not sure there's many other titles I can say that about.
Where is Uncharted the Nathan drake collection?..
Star Wars Battlefront for me , had so many great Battlefield type moments in multiplayer and still learning all the maps as my gaming time is limited. Had it since day one and am only lvl 20 so a lot lot more to work towards still. The free Jakku map and new mode where absolutely fantastic and I wasn't expecting to get more than I'd actually originally paid for. Not sure why such a furore over the season pass as if I don't want it I won't buy it .
The top 3 aren't a surprise, but I'm going with Yakuza 5.
@Matroska I honestly can't tell if you're trolling or just delusional. Fallout 4 less glitchy and filled with bugs than the witcher 3? That's actually so ridiculous it's funny.
Literally everything negative you said about the witcher can be applied to fallout 4. Lol wow.
I'm gonna go with Yakuza 5.
PES 2016. For every great game I've played this year (fallout, rocket league, the witcher, bloodborne etc) this is the one I come back to every night; for that reason it has to be my game of the year.
Divinity ;D
It was Fallout 4 for me, no question. It sucked up the most of my time of any game on this list by far. But second would have to be Everybody's Gone to the Rapture because I loved the story and the atmosphere and the way it made you care about the people in the town. I haven't played The Witcher 3 yet. I'm waiting for, ironically, a GOTY edition.
I made a list myself the other day and I surprised myself when I figured out it was TF Devastation.
N++ for me.
...unless we're counting the Uncharted Collection. It was my first exposure to the series and I had a blast, especially with #2.
@sub12 I was a Yen guy myself, I kinda prefer the more "bad girl" especially if there dark haired
@sketchturner N++ was hugely overlooked from a lot of GOTY lists, a shame because it out does pretty much every platformer I've played.
Right, Geralt and Yen, they are both jerks who are also deep down good people,....they are also very both independent and at times sarcastic.
@Sub12 Watch the language -Tasuki-
I wanted to like MGSV a lot more than I did
I'd say a tie between Rocket League and TF Devastation. Thennn... Battlefront.
Yeah this isn't the clique for me
From your list I only have Batman, Bloodborne, & Mortal Kombat. Seeing as I haven't played enough of Bloodborne although it has one many game of the year awards, I just need more game time to make a decision. For me my game will be Arkham Knight.
@Sanquine the game did not make the top 25 from the Push Square teams' internal vote.
Until dawn, life is strange, fallout 4. Make up my top 3 in order.
@iSillyBoiJudas @Sanquine Yeah, we excluded it because we tried not to have remasters/re-releases here. There's no Journey, etc either.
Bloodborne. I have enjoyed both the Witcher and Fallout, but Bloodborne is such a perfect crafted game. Right lenght amd contents (not too short not too long), great visuals, dark atmosphere and every fight is a blast.
A great year for gaming anyway...
When are you guys going to review Trine 3 btw? I heard it's only about 5 hours long.
Making me choose between witcher 3 and yakuza 5? What next gonna ask me which of my kids should die?! You hot heads are outta control.
BattleFront for me. So mant hours playing co op and Heroes vs Villians with my friends. After that would be White Night. Arkham Knight and Type 0
Rocket League all the way for me.
@get2sammyb So I have to ask this now, how come you have Destiny The Taken King, but excluded Driveclub Bikes? Both were expensing to already released games.
If this was a true GOTY competition I might have gone for TW3 (or Xenoblade Chronicles for that matters), but since the question is "What was your fave PlayStation game of 2015?", there is just one option really: Rocket League!
I hear you stumbling "b-b-but Bloodborne?!" and I know, Bloodborne is a magnificent game too, but bear with me. RL did something to me, and to the entire community for that matters, I haven't seen in a long time on this scale: it delivered joy, the kinda joy that takes me back to the good old days. Sometimes a game comes along which I immediately think of as a typical PS game, a game that personifies everything Playstation stand for, and although Rocket League was released on PC and will soon be available on Xbox, it's a PlayStation game through and through.
Playing Rocket League for the first time for me was like playing Parappa the Rapper, Ridge Racer, Wipeout, Tenchu, PES, MGS, Bully, Gran Turismo, Ratchet & Clank, DmC, Silent Hill, Resident Evil, GTA, Puppeteer, Tokyo Jungle, Shadow of the Colossus and many more. This list might seem totally random and most of the games aren't even exclusive (anymore) or had their humble beginnings on another platform, but all of these games have in common for me that they feel like genuine "PlayStation games", a game you can only imagine yourself playing on a PlayStation. If you were to let me play Rocket League on a Xbox One it just wouldn't feel right, heck, I've had it recently with Tomb Raider where I had to look down at times with QTE's or tutorials because it "feels" like a PS game (the low resolution, short draw distance, pop up and jaggies should have given it away, I know ).
Rocket League is a PlayStation game through and through and is reminiscent of the joy so many PlayStation titles brought us before. When playing Rocket League you don't think about your age, your job, your worries and fears or anything else; when you play Rocket League you feel like the PlayStation gamer you are.
I'm gonna have to say Mad Max. It might be far from the best game, but it's the one I had the most fun with. And that world is simple stunningly beautiful.
As m Ch as it pains me to say given the amount I whine about it, NHL 16.
It's broken, it flawed, but I've racked probably 100 times more hours on that game in 2015 more than any other game so by default has to be my favourite game of the year
@DESS-M-8 Watch the language -Tasuki-
Batman Arkham Knight for me, Fallout 4 being a big disappointment. (Can we have 'New Vegas 2' please?) I really liked that Mad Max game too.
Witcher 3, Bloodborne and Rocket League for me. Witcher 3 gets the vote. Fantastic characters, writing and graphics, and let's not forget Gwent, it's the best RPG I've ever played ad I've played a lot of them over the decades, it's a beautiful world that really draws you in.
In terms of multiplayer with friends though, Rocket League and Bloodborne co-op have been fantastic. So it's a tough call.
The Witcher 3 for me. Best game I've played in a long while.
I've recently started playing Divinity and it looks like it's gonna be another RPG 100 hour+ epic. Liking it so far.
@sub12 Triss all day long. I understand Yen from some of the books but she can be harsh.
@FullbringIchigo Type 0 for me too, didn't get round to Lost Song, but enjoyed what I played of Hollow Fragment.
@sub12 It's actually already written, I just need to proof read it.
@Tasuki Destiny: The Taken King was available at retail. You're right, though - the "rules" for what's included/excluded get more complicated every year. It's tough keeping up with a changing industry so we might need to reconsider next year.
@sub12 shani is better than both.
@get2sammyb Rocket League wasn't available at retail.
oh snap, point for me
@Tasuki Point contested! With add-ons, we took the stance that it had to have a standalone version at retail. So, Destiny: The Taken King counted (just), but The Old Hunters and DriveClub Bikes didn't.
@Tasuki what language? English?
The game that I played the most and had the most fun doing it was Disgaea 5
@mitcHELLspawn I've played Fallout 4 for a lot longer than TW3 and only saw a couple of glitches. Here's a selection of my own videos of TW3 that only cover up to when I went to Skellige and stopped playing. Isn't it impressive how I can make videos out of my delusions.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QlFdmavmrd4 (skip through if you prefer, it doesn't get weird until then)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MQ4KLMIbJAI (another great immersion breaking series of glitches)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O0ePoLbmUTk (after fast travelling)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tK4CaZRNM9Q (they can't even get NPCs to walk properly)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9eZ6v9wOC5Y (guy randomly dies as I look at him)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kLAihIs1tR4 (suddenly appear outside in a conversation)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SsIrYwl8cZo (another hovering NPCs)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mq8uO_d7vzE (moonwalking and teleporting NPC in a cutscene...)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aEk0w1LgP3E (after same scene, NPC leaves cloak behind hovering in air)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zpEre0qLlQE (caged prisoner not actually in cage)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MpjzfKVyPkM (more weird horse behaviour)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t_zZgVhfyaM (Vesemir rides an invisible horse in a main quest sequence)
Not a glitch, but it's sad for gaming if the game of the year is an action-RPG with action like this.
I played both as well at launch...
Witcher 3 > Fallout 4
@DESS-M-8 If I edited a comment of yours you can probably figure out what I mean. :/
@get2sammyb Ah ok that makes sense I guess. Not trying to give you a hard time (or am I???) I was curious since alot of people's reason for giving Taken King a GOTY spot is oh because it's like a totally new game, but then at the same time the same argument can be mad for Driveclub Bikes. Heck I have read some places that some people won't play Driveclub but will play Bikes cause bikes plays like a different game.
@Tasuki Yeah, it's tough trying to categorise things. At least it keeps us on our toes, though.
Tales from the Boarderlands was mine with Life is Strange right behind it. Need to play Bloodbourne soon though.
Fallout 4. I spent a huge amount of hours playing it during the holidays... Platinumed it and still many locations I have not yet discovered.
@Neolit Lets just say my partner hates Fallout 4... haha!
@Tasuki I cannot remember what my original message said?
I put more hours into MGS than anything else last year but it was far from my favourite game. That went to Batman or Bloodborne, can't decide!
Fallout 4, of course. I'll surely spent many hours on TW3 once they'll release the Patched Edition on disc.
Everybody's Gone to the Rapture was my favourite, just for the music alone. That said, I can see why it is gaming Marmite. I put mucho hours into MGSV but would probably add Uncharted Collection as the most fun I had on 2015 releases.
Hey Sammy, when are guys going to do that "filler content" on the results from this poll.
@sub12 Now. I'd forgotten.
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