Bloody hell, between Dead or Alive Xtreme 3 and now Gal Gun: Double Peace, we could turn Push Square into a softcore site and no one would notice. We'd probably get more traffic to boot. Anyway, niche publisher PQube has announced that it's bringing Inti Creates' aforementioned "hyper-moé" shooter to Europe and North America this year. The company's got balls in this current climate, we'll give it that.
For those that don't know, the on-rails PlayStation 4 and Vita adventure has you fending off love-struck ladies by using pheromone firepower. These salacious shots send the opposite sex into fits of orgasmic ecstasy, allowing you to slip by unnoticed as you continue on your crusade for your one true love. We promise that we're not making any of this up.
On the PS4, the hentai crossed with House of the Dead outing includes a so-called "Mum Mode", which turns the game into a traditional looking role-playing release when you push the panic button. The idea, if you didn't figure it out already, is that the action's so saucy, it may give off the wrong impression if you get caught playing it. Ooh, Matron.
Comments 10
Day one buy! Not being sarcastic, I love on rail shooters and I don't mind the soft porn part, this will be especially funny to play with some of my friends! Alone I will playbthis probably way to serious but with some of my friends (both male and female, especially female.) We will burst in laughter non stop.
Also I think there need to be more on rail shooters outside of arcade, and I mean good once unlike rambo and for a reasonable price unlike blue estate (wich was good in my opinion)
@darkswabber I'm sure VR will usher in a new wave of rails shooters. There's that Until Dawn one for starters.
Im to otaku to not atleast rent this lol.
Sold on it since PQ confirmed no censorship.
@sonicmeerkat They'd be doing something wrong if they were going to go to the trouble of bringing something like this overseas only to censor it.
@get2sammyb No kidding its important to know the audience of your game, and what compromises will alienate them, I don't know why this is such a foreign concept to those actually making these choices.
I'm probably not going to bother with nintendo when the NX comes out because I've been feeling burnt over a good few games.
@sonicmeerkat I couldn't agree more. It seems Nintendo, and NoA especially, has no idea what it's doing anymore. They'll have to pull a pretty hard pivot on the NX to keep me interested.
In regards to this, depending on the pricing I'll be picking this up on release for sure.
Looks the vita is starting to ramp up!
Reminds me of No Game No Life's last few episodes. rip NGNL
So why can we get this but not DOA? Because these are drawings? Weird double standards.
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