Destiny's free-to-play future is looking more and more like an inevitability if this latest rumour is to be believed. According to VG247, brand new microtransactions will soon be worming their way into Bungie's shooter.
Unnamed sources say that you'll be able to spend real money on ammo synthesis packs, which would provide an alternative to grinding for them. More experienced Guardians will already know how important extra heavy and special ammo can be during particularly tricky Raid runs, which potentially makes this alleged implementation seem a little exploitative.
Admittedly, this rumour doesn't come at a great time for Destiny, with large amounts of players currently struggling to find a good reason to keep coming back to the sci-fi foray - especially when so many other games loom on the horizon.
Would you be happy with more microtransactions in Destiny? Are you satisfied with the title in its current form? Shake your head in the comments section below.
Comments 17
Don't care what they do, I finished playing this months ago! It's all about Rainbow for me lol
Ammo synthesis. You mean the stuff you buy with like, 250 glimmer? Or 2 coins? Or from Eris? The stuff you find in chests in the raid? I want to meet the guy who spends real money on ammo synthesis in real life and shake his hand.
When a game charges you money up front. Then gives non cosmetic micro transaction. Then it's time to leave and never come back. I hope players take a stand against this. Well the ones who still play, that is.
No more Activision "revolutionary" FPS, thank you
Personally I cannot stand micro-transactions in full priced AAA games - even if they are just 'cosmetic'. I really think that these items in particular should have been put into the loot table - at least that way it would at least give players a reason to keep playing and grinding the same content.
I see NO reason to spend 'real' money on synth packs or even telemetries to upgrade gear faster - even if they add these for armour. I really don't understand why people may want 'short-cuts' to reach a certain level - particularly in Destiny. I reached level 34 (from 2) in a day or so prior to the release of the Taken King and with so many ways to level up in the early stages (completing missions, PvP, Strikes, Bounties etc), none of which requires you too put too much effort and manually find other players, I really see no point.
Since Destiny introduced micro-transactions, the game has declined. This on part is to do with the lack of meaningful content but I also think that the content this is supposed to be paying for has generally cheapened the game too. By this point in yr1 we had the Dark Below sized content. The Taken King in itself didn't really add a lot in essence. Whilst it did give us a new area, a new Raid and some new strikes and missions, It's certainly not to the same scale as the original Destiny and therefore its no wonder that people are struggling for a reason to keep playing. Even the end-game content doesn't offer much. I admit the single Raid worth playing, can offer something worth doing, but the Nightfall and Daily missions are pointless to players at 300+ light!
@Grawlog @AlexKidd
Its not about the impact of competitiveness, its about what would happen if fans dont speak up. Like the saying, "you give them an inch and they will take a mile". How do we prevent Destiny from going full Microtransactions? by speaking up and voice our concerns.
This wouldn't surprise me but apparently a representative has told Game Informer the publisher simply said, "We’re not doing that".
Other sites are already reporting a Bungie denial of Cash for Ammo.
I gave up on Destiny a while back after tiring of the House of Wolves run throughs - which were great fun up to a point. Now doing stuff on ESO.
Destiny lost all my respect recently when I heard they were pulling DLC and extras for Destiny and were focussing on Destiny 2. Am I the only one that was expecting Destiny to properly fill out the First release into a hefty, memorable number before moving on to something bigger and better. Instead It looks like they're going to hold back and sell us 'off the shelf' content' as "New Game!!" Bollox to that.
F*ck you, Destiny.
I get where you're coming from, but the slippery-slope argument just isn't valid. Inconsequential micro-transactions are a completely different thing to selling better gear. Do you really think that companies like Activision or Bungie aren't capable of realising the backlash they would get if they introduced that? I don't think anyone has to voice their concerns - I'm very confident they are well aware of them.
More importantly, who on earth would feel the need to buy ammo packs??? Bizarre.
Sorry mate, spelled your name wrong, I meant @kayoss
Oh Destiny, oh Destiny. I used to love you so. Then you got greedy and wanted more than you gave me in return. I will cherish my memories with you, but you remind me agian of what went wrong.
In all seriousness, to the poeple saying microtransactions are okay with cosmetic items, how can you say that when the game already wants $135 from you? You're seriously okay with anything being locked behind microtransactions. Heck, it shouldn't be acceptable even a cheaper game. Costumes are unlockables, not overpriced pieces of DLC.
Yup, I am totally fine with not having access to some locked emotes which have absolutely zero bearing on my gameplay. I play it for the shooting, levelling up and gear, you see. But if you are into collecting and displaying emotes, then fair enough, I can see why you'd be upset.
Jeez, what's up with my spelling this evening?!
@JohnnyBastos I think cosmetic items are part of the gameplay though. An awesome costume can make a game all the more fun. A more specific and gameplay centric example is dancing after a strike; it's a lot of a fun, and the celebration really makes winning satisfying. The more emotes you have, the varied and fun the celebration will be, which is still part of the gameplay. If you only the standard dance move it's true you can still do it, but you still shoot with only one gun as well.
I did not buy this game but really more Microtransactions what is this a Free To Play game? All these $60.00 games are getting this Microtransactions they making you pay money for Vitual Stuff! MT everything in the game including the intro screen. LOL. This just killed Destiny Long Live Destiny. The King Is Dead.
@Jaz007 I was a bit dismissive before, but I thought about it more last night, and I now think you're right actually. Costumes, emotes, etc ARE part of the potential fun I could have with a game. So yes, Bungie/Activision are asking us to pay more to enjoy the game more. And for completionists, blocked cosmetic items are certainly a genuine source of frustration.
That being said, it's fighting a losing battle to think this isn't going to become the norm for all sorts of games in future. I guess I'm lucky that I can live with that, but I will be more sympathetic to the other point of view in future. Except when people come across as entitled whiners tho* - no company out to make a profit owes us anything. We do not have a 'right' to these blocked items, but it's fair enough to let the companies know they won't win our loyalty with that type of money grabbing. I wouldn't ever encourage anyone to boycott a company or game though, that's just petulant.
*Definitely not implying you were any of these things btw.
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