If you've got to go, for God's sake don't relieve your bladder all over a bunch of video games. That's what one Target shopper did, as he was caught on CCTV urinating over a shelf of software and accessories. The incident took place on 5th January in Pennsylvania, and police have since brought the chap in for questioning after he pulled the tinkle trigger.
A report reads: "The male took a handicap electric cart and drove around the store coming to a stop in the electronics aisle. After removing one set of urine soaked pants, he exposed himself and began to urinate on video games and accessories. The suspect left the area after he finished." Maybe he was incensed by the PlayStation 4's recent sales success?
In truth we probably shouldn't laugh because there's likely a much darker story at play here. Having said that, will someone please think of the video games! After all, it wasn't that long ago that we reported on one excited individual who opted to choke the chicken over Sony's system in an electronics store.
[source facebook.com, via gamespot.com]
Comments 21
Urine for it now!
Had to get a "choke the chicken" in there didn't you? Disgusting.
I was going to make some kind of pun, but I don't want the comment section to get bogged down in them.
@Quintumply I imagine the colour flushed from his cheeks when he saw the cops outside his house.
I wonder if it was over Konami titles - after all, they've decided to do so on everyone else. Yeah... that'll show 'em.
@get2sammyb Of all the bizarre crimes I've read about recently, this has got to be number one.
This is a new low for humanity.
Must have been p**sed off, so he decided to p**s on!!! That being said, I haven't heard this story on the news yet...and I live in Pennsylvania, but I could only imagine cleaning up the mess...probably with the games cleaned off and put back on the shelves...imagine getting those games. Other than that, after working at Wal-mart and target in the past, I could only imagine where he put the pants.
You can take a man out of Bosnia, but you can never take the Bosnia out of a man; a headline in America, Tuesday in Sarajevo
What is it with games and ding-dong related oddity? Next thing you know someone will try to simulate intercourse with a game disk. Inside of a store, of course.
@JLPick i worked in retail and i have cleaned up worse, believe me
I will not buy these games they have to much of liquid assets on them.
If he needed to deposit his liquid assets he could have asked.
was it a wii u ?
Slow news day! but I do love the pic at the top of the story!
@DerMeister We've all tried that already haven't we? -Looks at Thrust master joystick-
The poor guy went for a job interview - they said Your In the computer department!
@FullbringIchigo At Walmart in just one night, there was a pile of crap up front of the registers, with a trail leading back to the toys area...there was another pile smooshed in the fabric department and in the female bathroom, all over the wall and a pair of underwear stuck to the windows. Yup, never missed the job.
I remember one time when I worked at a linen store, I found that a customer had used a wicker hamper for a toilet. Not a pretty site.
@JLPick More then likely they just damage the games out and throw them away.
@JLPick i remember one time a woman just stopped and did a dump in the middle of an aisle and a man saw her do it and threw up, poop and puke not a nice combo
and this other time a guy was drunk in the toilet and didn't make it in time, then drunkenly fell into his own mess
or when some women let her kid do a dump on the bread shelf
glad i got out of it to be honest although there was some funny moments too such as when a 90 year old lady chased our store manager trying to ram him with her shopping trolley or when a customer dropped a cake she brought and another customer (not looking where he was going) slipped on it and went face first into a pillar
Wow, some of the stories here are awful! It was bad enough when I worked at HMV and some guy spilled coffee all over the DVD chart wall! "Sorry mate!" He said to me, and scuttled away, leaving me to clean up!
Screw anything worse than that!
@Quintumply oh there are worse things that happen believe me
the worse thing i ever found was a dead body when doing a toilet check, sat on the toilet with his trousers round his ankles and a needle on the floor (he over dosed apparently)
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