Naughty Dog re-worked Uncharted 4: A Thief's End's story "100 per cent", according to creative director Neil Druckmann. Many of you may remember Amy Hennig's unceremonious exit from the Californian company a few years back; this resulted in the story being re-written, actors changing, and what seemed like an exodus from the award-winning developer at the time.
It's unclear exactly what Druckmann – working in collaboration with his The Last of Us cohort, Bruce Straley – changed, but according to the twosome, this is the "biggest, most ambitious" game that the legendary firm has ever made. "We want it to be a mind-blowing, eye-popping, sweaty-palms adventure," said Straley. "Everybody is bleeding out of their eye sockets to make it come together."
And, of course, there's more talk of this being Drake's last ever adventure. "It's time," Druckmann declared. "Sometimes, a character just lets you know it's time to move on. For me, that was part of the intrigue of coming back to this world. You never see something successful in the industry end. It usually just fizzles out."
The studio's already delayed the game a couple of times to get the ending just right, so it's going to be really interesting to see where this story finishes. This author is of the opinion that Nathan Drake's a dead man walking, but many disagree. Where do you stand on the debate? Are you surprised that the developer essentially scrapped the game and started again? Dig up buried treasure below.
[source, via]
Comments 19
I hope it ends with him and Elena having a son to pass on the Drake legacy.
"For me, that was part of the intrigue of coming back to this world. You never see something successful in the industry end. It usually just fizzles out." That's one of the best quotes I've heard all year (though we are only coming on March thus far). I may have never played Uncharted aside from a store demo, but this is an intriguing way to deal with a series. Sure some will lament the loss of the only lead the series has ever known, but he's sure to go out with a bang.
@Sonicfan11589 I'm with you there. But how I would end it is have Sully die about midway through but not before telling Drake that Elena's expecting. Cut to the last scene of the game and Nate is standing at his grave. He gives this emotional speech about Sully saved his life and was the father he never had. Elena comes over with a baby in her arms, she looks at the headstone and says "I see you've had her name added".
They walk away together with the camera slowly panning down to show the headstone saying: Here lies Victor "God Damn" Sullivan, lovable adventurer and "sometimes" thief. Loving father to Nathan & Sam Drake and grandad to...Ellie Drake.
I refuse to believe that they will kill Nate off, the "Thief's End" I think means for someone like Sam, Sully or maybe Nate adventurering ways but if any studio is going to do it, it's Naughty Dog.
I just can't see them killing off Sully, people almost expect it to happen, it would be rather cliched at this point.
Uncharted has never felt overly dark and oppressive. Why start now? You don't necessarily need to have "one of the good guys" die for good. although I can understand it's role in prompting emotion or motive. We also have Nate's brother and that dark skinned women, so why knows how big of a role they will or will not play.
Anyways......I've always liked Chloe over Elena.
Yeah, considering that there was originally hope for a late 2014 release when the game was first announced, I had assumed that after Hennig left the game was basically started over. They probably kept the setpieces and assets they'd already built but not much else.
I can see drake dying but giving his wife a son before his demise. So the adventure could live on but go a different route. It would be great if they never even made a off shoot of the game and ND created another great character and new IP. I will miss drake but it's best he doesn't live forever. I can't imagine PlayStation without a uncharted game but life must move on.
@sub12 you can say the word black, it's ok. Yeah I preferred Chloe over Elena since she is so fine. But Elena seems more like the perfect wife and mom over Chloe.
Yes, Chloe is the summer fling that you'll never forget, Elena is the good wife.
Well, here's hoping the story, and the game, knocks one out of the park. It's definitely been a rough time at ND lately, so I hope their work pays off.
Next gen truly starts in April.
I still think the games going to end on a drake being presumed dead moment. Come ps5 announcement we will get a teaser, "they said I was dead, that I wasn't coming back" and boom. Uncharted 5, launching exclusively with the ps5. The big problem nowadays is they could never keep it a secret long enough for it to be the Mic drop moment at the end of the show. Either way, if this is really the end I will be happy, after all kratos deserved the God of war 3 sendoff that should have ended his story even if I'm salivating for God of war 4.
I really can't see Nate being killed off and I think it would be too disappointing for the fans. At most I can see Sam being killed and we see the grave with maybe Elena and just 'Drake' before pulling back and seeing Nate and the name 'Sam'. I think if someone close to Nate does die, it may cause him to re-evaluate his life and career and maybe 'retire' unril the next game.
I suppose another alternative is that he could be assumed dead or fake his death and then after the credits, see a character that looks like Drake.
Killing off Drake is like killing off Mario, Sonic or Masterchief. He is an iconic character for the PS and Sony
@BAMozzy They'll pull a Dark Knight where Sully visits Rome and sees Drake, who he and everyone else thought died 6 years ago, sitting at a local cafe drinking an espresso with Elena on his side. Their eyes meet and Drake kindly nods, then all of a sudden Drake's attacked.... By his 4 y.o. son who's playing "superheroes" with a Voodoo doll he and Sully found on their last adventure together and that was gone missing alongside Drake which contained $50 million worth of diamonds.
I would be happy if he died
I really enjoyed the first three and played them all through twice. Loved the co-op. It'll be interesting to see what two guys who are into heavy, deep and meaningful action will do to what used to be a bright and lively thriller
Pretty much confirms what most figured happened. Obviously the direction wasn't 'dark' enough for Sony. I'm a little disappointed because Uncharted was never about that. I'm looking forward to the game but I hope Druckmann and Straley, while adding their spin to it, didn't change the style too much.
Seen a lot of people say the same thing about the new Tomb Raider games. I love both but I also see where people are coming from. Uncharted 4 will likely be an awesome game but yeah this whole 'everybody has to die' stuff is completely f**king stupid. It's possible to wrap up a series nicely without all that stuff, but it seems that's all anybody cares about today. Guns, blood and guts. It's pathetic. I love my shooters but something that is just fun to play like the Gravity Rush or Ratchet & Clank, isn't bad either.
Why did Amy Hennig leave? Was she really forced out by the company?
(o_O )
Anyways, I don't think "Thief's End" refers to Nathan Drake. I think it refers to some previous adventurer who started the quest that Nathan and his brother are now on. But this "Thief's End" was so dramatic and important that it has dangerous ramifications to Nathan and Co.
Also, if I was to bet money, I would say his brother is going to die. Most likely after betraying Nathan, and then he goes out like a hero, trying to make up for his betrayal and all of his past mistakes.
btw, I have the Uncharted Collection, but haven't beat the first game yet.
(o. o )
She was definitely forced out, we'll never get the full story but it seems pretty obvious. Doesn't mean 4 won't be awesome, it might even end up better than it was on track to be, but I will say if they go all dark like TLoU I'm not going to be pleased.
I don't believe a Thief's End refers to Drake, seeing as both Drake & his brother went treasure hunting in there young years which i believe leads into this story Uncharted 4. I believe it'll be his brother the title is referring to a Thief's End, they get a final ending but still leave it open if they ever want to come back to Uncharted.
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