At what point does smoke signal a fire? Crash Bandicoot has been hinted heavily for the PlayStation 4 ever since the start of the generation, and while Shawn Layden's shirt troll was the biggest tease yet, the platform holder is showing no signs of stopping this trend. It's the social media team of PlayStation Middle East who are latest to join the party, tweeting a picture of the marsupial alongside the slogan: "Most wanted person… Where are you Crash?"
To be fair, this probably means nothing, as the community manager who posted it is likely just trying to tap in to the hype surrounding the character. Said specialist also used an image of the redesigned 'Coot, so they get no brownie points from us. But could this actually happen? Surely there's a way Sony and Activision could make this work – there seems to be more than enough interest these days.
[source twitter.com, via neogaf.com]
Comments 39
In my opinion they shouldn't tease anything. It will be better if they closed the next E3 with a black screen, playing only the sound from when you take the mask. Do something like this and leave the show like a boss, everyone will be talking about it for months.
Crash Bandicoot VR? I'm not sure how it would work but I'm sure it would sell...
To be honest I'm not that interested in a new Crash game, as I never played the old ones much.
If Sony were teasing a new Dark Cloud game however...
Don't assume something is happening until it actually happens...
I said Crash wouldn't happen countless times, even if it did, whose gonna develop it?
Ape Escape, MediEvil, and a Legend of Dragoon remake/reboot would restore my faith in Sony.
Crash VR, just no...........no.
I wouldn't mind seeing a new Crash game, it wouldn't have to be developed by Naughty Dog, just as long as the title has some QA. Anyways, say want you want to say, but Crash Bandicoot 2 and 3 are both great, and have aged very well (the first game, not so much). Plus 3D platformers are slowly becoming vogue again.
If the current trend for 2D platform games grows up and follows the same path, its inevitable that 3D will follow and with Yooka-Laylee due out in October, this could be the perfect time for Crash to return...
You know, they could start small. Release the first three games or the first game only with updated graphics, trophy support etc. Then if the feedback is positive and the people want, you can go bigger and start experimenting with a new game. Still trying to forget Crash of the Mutants so yeah, nothing of that sort.
@sub12 I don't really care for Crash or VR tbh, I liked Crash back when I was younger but I've moved on from it. Just saying this would probably help sell VR... But I can definitely see why you wouldn't want it on VR haha.
If it was a PS4 Exclusive then I might get excited
am i the only one who grew up playing the snes then saw/played pretty much any ps1 game and thought....YUCK! ? plus i just dont like crash' attitude lol. look at me im so cool lol. anyway i hope (& believe it WILL) come for the sake of all those who grew up loving it whether or not i "get it"
I was a SNES and N64 kid, but Crash 2 and 3 are great games, honestly, they are.......Crash 1 is solid, but feels a bit dated in conparison.
But, growing up, I did think that most PS1 games looked like p00p (mostly due to the texture warping), but the Crash games always had high production values.
@sub12 Mind your language, please - TheMightyPunram
I hate that you guys call it trolling by Shawn Layden. I mean, this guy had a specific reason why he wore the shirt at the event and he explained that to Anthony Carboni on the couch after the show.
If they're going to do it, they should just do it already. This has been going for eight years now. At this point, nobody is going to care unless they actually pull the trigger.
I'm ready for Crash to make a comeback, personally.
What do you think it would cost to buy the rights for Crash Bandicoot Make the corporate executives give up their bonus this year and use that money to buy the rights. Just do it, Sony. Then do a Sly Cooper / Crash Bandicoot mash-up, and make an improved PS4 Playstation All Stars game. And use some pull with Capcom and toss in some Street Fighter characters, too, since that's a PS exclusive this time around. And, hey, push Capcom to make a new Power Stone game, too, and allow some of the Sonny characters to appear in it. Even trade! And gamers win.
Might sound like pie in the sky fantasy, but these gaming companies need to figure out that their old franchises can come back with a vengeance if they use their freakin' heads and give their old characters new exposure. I want a Play Station All Stars with DLC character packs for all the major gaming companies: Atlus' w/Persona & 3D Dot Game Heroes and Demon's Souls & Vanillaware's Dragon's Crown...Sega and Golden Axe & Phantasy Star & Alex Kidd & Wonderboy & Vectorman & Sonic...SNK and Metal Slug & World Heroes & Samurai Showdown & Fatal Fury...Bandai Namco and Mr. Driller & Tekken & Soul Caliber & PacMan...Koei Tecmo and Ninja Gaiden & Dead or Alive & Rygar & Bomb Jack & Tuikoden & Disgaea & Dynasty Warriors...EA...Activision...Square Enix...and so on.
Heck, if I were Sony I'd offer to do the programming and give all the profits on the dlc character packs to the other companies and, in return, see if those companies would maybe, say, release their next game on PS4 a couple weeks earlier than on the competition...or perhaps get those companies to sell some dlc packs on their games and feature Sony characters. Tons of cross-selling opportunities out there...lots of profits to be made. 😀
Not going to happen...
I'm of the belief that something Crash related will happen. I think it's just a case of when.
@Carl-G Nope. Xbox one exclusive. sorry bud =(
I don't know how a crash game would shape up nowadays.
@AlexKidd Agreed!
Either show a new game or shut up, Sony. So sick of them teasing Crash
And why do people actually want a new Crash game? The last ones didn't sell worth a crap, and ActiVision owns the rights to Crash, so the game won't be as good as they where when Naughty Dog did them. And why would Naughty Dog do another Crash game when they have bigger named games like Uncharted and The Last of Us they can easily do more with gameplay and story wise.
I loved Crash games back on the PSONE, but that's where they should stay, in the past.
Brace yourselves for the Crash Bandicoot kickstarter announcement at e3! This is for the payers!
Not sure I ever played a crash banidcoot game but seems there is a lot of love still foe the series. There are other games i would like to see made before this though.
I'd only want to see a new Crash game if it was really completely new in just about every way. The same old gameplay, as good as it was back in the day, just isn't enough in today's standards. Unless it's a smaller, downloadable title.
Honestly though I think we're more likely to just get a remastered version of the originals, which would be a shame.
Everyone who disagrees with the idea of a Crash reboot must have been Call of Duty and Halo brainwashed. I'd play the hell out of a PS4 Crash game and never think twice about making a wrong decision regarding purchasing a PlayStation 4.
Sadly, I don't know what to say in terms of announcements at game events.. If it happens.. Then PlayStation owners win.. If it doesn't, then.. We take an L..
Not sure who would develop that would make it justice. Some people were not happy with the latest Sly Cooper, so I figure this could be the same.
I love the 3 original crash games however meh.
@drpepperdude100 I think they will not do the legend of dragoon its not mainstream enough. I would love see it but I see people getting the same stuff every year so why waste a ton of money when people dont buy it anyway.
Legend of Dragoon is my favorite rpg with FF7.
@SegaBlueSky If they remaster it like Rachet and Clank i wont complain.
@Flaming_Kaiser It's a more universal type of game than most of the stuff they have put on the PS4.
Wiki Quote:
In 2009, GamesRadar included it among the games "with untapped franchise potential", commenting: "A massive, epic RPG designed to compete with the then-juggernaut Final Fantasy series, Dragoon actually succeeded in its task. It was just as beautiful, nearly as deep, had a touching story, and actually improved upon FF in a few ways (avoidable random battles, for example). (...) [G]iven The Legend of Dragoon’s cult status among PlayStation loyalists today, we’re astonished that Sony has allowed this series to fade into obscurity."
On December 22, 2010, Sony released The Legend of Dragoon on the PlayStation Network. The North American version was released on May 1, 2012. The title was the best-selling PSOne Classic for three months, remaining in the top 5 for five months.
A remaster collection would be more than welcome and would sell very well.
I bet my gaming thumbs crash is announced at e3, Sony need some bombshells if they hope for this years show to be half as good as last years and this is without a doubt one of them. They have a cosier relationship with Activision these days.
I don't love Crash, but I've always liked him, I'd be interested in a new one for sure.
Well, there must be a new platformer of some kind for the ps4 at e3. God of war 4 has to be at e3, but will probably have a release date of march 2017.
I think it's just to see if there is enough 'want' for the game. Something tells me that it will be revealed at E3. Hopefully, if they DO make another Crash Bandicoot, I hope that they also make a new Spyro Game that's not like the Legend Of Spyro titles or Skylanders...it would also be nice to have the original Crash and Spyro games (PSOne-PS2) come out for PS4 as downloads remastered...or even a nice big collection of the games!
If anything was to happen with the crash licence then it would surely spread around the internet like wildfire before a reveal.
If they get the right team involved to handle making a new crash game it could be brilliant
Honestly, I'd much prefer a new Spyro in the same vein as the original trilogy or, at least, Hero's Tail. I always have and still do prefer Spyro over Crash. I just struggle to keep Crash up for any period of time, unlike Spyro which I'll happily play start to finish over and over.
Yeah Yooka-Laylee looks good.
Hopefully Crash will be back one day. Maybe even the original Naughty Dog founders can come back and help consult to make this a great Crash Bandicoot game. CRASH BANDICOOT FOREVER!!!
RELEASE IT NEXT WEEK ON PS4 and let me buy from the store right now! Thanks.
Spyro was also great.
The two complimented each other. Although Sony never monetized them the way Ninty do with Mario, Pokemon, Zelda, Kirby or MS with Halo.
Bring me back my Crash, Spyro and Ape Escape!
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