Wow, March's PlayStation Plus lineup is looking pretty explosive. Alongside the bombastic Broforce, which was voted into the selection by PlayStation 4 users, you'll be getting the rather good Galak-Z on Sony's newest system. As long as you like blowing things up, that's not too bad, right?
Meanwhile, PS3 players can look forward to Super Stardust HD and The Last Guy - two downloadable titles that were, for the most part, well received. Last but not least, Vita enthusiasts will be able to nab Flame Over and Reality Fighters.
How does this offering look to you? Happy? Sad? Full of absolute rage? Join the never-ending discussion in the comments section below.
[source blog.eu.playstation.com]
Comments 86
Galak-Z! Back of the net!
I like indie games, but this month looks one of the worse, saying that I will try all the games because you never know! Also, The Division will keep me company for a long time.
I'm usually the person that defends PS+ to dead but this is just ridiculous. while Gold is getting better with the month + is getting worse and worse, and I know the games with Gold aren't the best or newest games around and some of them have been free for ps3 with + but still.
I'm still going to add these games to my library and I won't say I won't subscribe because that would be a lie, I already have the 365 days PS+ card laying around for next monh XD
P.S. I have nothing against indie games but a retail game once every 3 months on ps4 would be nice.
Excellent month. Can't wait to play Broforce, Galak-Z is awesome, and Flame Over looks like an interesting concept. Super Stardust HD is great, too
Broforce is a maybe but wont pretend to not be disappointed. I know we can't get all the new big AAA games but are launch titles or ports like sleeping dogs really unthinkable?
I'm not downloading Galak-Zed just because of the name. It doesn't work in the UK dammit, short-sighted fools!
Galak-Z is excellent. I still throw it on now and again. Broforce looks pretty good as well.
Apart from that though, this is really poor. The Last Guy? The Last Decade if I'm not mistaken. That's got to be what, 9 years old now? Wow. Super Stardust was popular a while back. Never played it. Probably won't.
The Vita titles are terrible though. Poor vita.
Are they still giving out this rubbish ?. Looks like I still won't be renewing my sub this month. Oh well.
@Bad-MuthaAdebisi nothing? Really? I mean if they offered free rentals or better discounts I'd be happy with that.
Thing is they're stuck having to give away games now due to Microsoft doing the same thing.
I reckon they should ditch the ps3 and vita and just plough the extra cash into the ps4 stuff.
@Bad-MuthaAdebisi I agree completely. I'm whining, but I don't care anymore. This month is not good and I'm fed up with "indie" games. If that tag is inappropriate, then I am fed up with playing below par games with under performing graphics. I didn't buy a ps4 for this!
Galak - Z is great fun but still waiting for them to release the final episode.
Great games but I have most of them already. Broforce should be interesting at least.
Months like these make me wary to buy Indie games when they're new. I mean, Galak-Z and Flame Over are decent games and definitely worth the money I paid for them, but knowing I could have got them for technically-free six months down the line really stings. Still, it's only 40 quid a year, I'm hardly going to complain about one or two months that are bad for me.
Reality fighters, though? The only people fighting reality are the Sony marketing execs claiming Plus incentive games are "top rated".
Yes Galax z great going Sony. Last few months have been great.
Reality Fighters... why.
Yeah, gotta say this is probably the worst month so far.
@Johnnycide Cash across the formats is almost 99% guaranteed not to be the issue here, this is an intentional marketing decision.
It's not a total loss, but this is a pretty dire month. Yes The Last Guy and Stardust were well received - but 8-9 years ago! Almost a decade old and both were quite cheap and cheerful even back then. They've officially hit the bottom of the Vita barrel too.
At this point it's worth putting it out there that the PS3 and Vita titles no longer add any value to the package. I'd rather they just cut them out so they can focus on better PS4 games, If they're cross buy, all the better. But at this point focus on the one console that isn't basically dead.
I have to say, I agree with those that are disappointed in the game selection and Sony need to start throwing in some bigger budget games. It was understandable during the first 6-12 months of the PS4's existence but now there is less reason for them to not include bigger budget titles.
I'm all for indies on PS4 but I don't JUST want indies, some retail AAA games would be nice too, but I suppose it's cheaper for them to offer indies over retail games?
PS+ maybe should be re-branded IndiePlus from now on! heh
@Johnnycide Definitely. They should get rid of PS3 for sure and maybe 1 or both Vita games on PS+ to give PS4 a better selection. Good idea.
I'm gonna wade in here and say that I sort of think we're at the point where Sony needs to be considering the audience's reaction a little more - it's not doing the service's appearance much good, regardless of how enjoyable the included games are.
That said, will people ever be happy?
@ShogunRok can't please everyone obviously but still. As someone said earlier this was understandable for the first year be we are entering the third year now.
@WebHead I do tend to agree - the PS4 has a decently sized library of games that you'd think would be a good fit for Plus by now.
What a poor month!! In all honesty what a poor year for IGC!!!
I know Games with Gold is often compared to IGC but with 4 full retail releases available - all playable on XB1 - this makes IGC look even worse! Borderlands, Sherlock Holmes: C&P, Lords of Fallen and Supreme Commander 2 are far more appealing and also quite varied in genres too. I know PS maybe outselling the XB but considering how good IGC used to be compared to gold - back when I wasn't having to pay for online (which isn't up to the same standard as Live but more forgiveable as it was free) it is VERY disappointing. If I didn't need PS+ for online, I would definitely cancel as the IGC is AWFUL!!!!
2 games on PS4 I never ever would have thought about buying. I'll give them a bash because they are free but I used to be a gold subscriber(xb360) and I must admit I feel like a second class citizen with the PS+ freebie titles over the last few months. Step up your game please Sony. Give us an eye catcher of a freebie title so we can all stop moaning lol.
Absolutely abysmal
Some months I play the free games other months I do not. Either way I pay the money so I can play online if occasionally I get a game I like its great if not it does not bother me. The fee is so low each month how do people expect AAA titles? No set of games is ever going to please the whole audience. You also get the PS Plus discounted games in the store saving money.
Galak - Z Is boss though. Honestly. It's like 80s cartoons and solar jet man. It's great.I mean I usually just rag on things because I'm a cynical get but give it a go. I bought it at release and must have sunk 30 odd hours in.
I was going to get Galak-Z so glad I never now as I can get it for free, it also got very good reviews. PushSquare gave it a 9/10 as well as Polygon 9/10, looking forwards to playing it.
I'll be downloading both Broforce and Galax z and I quite like the fact that they offer games I wouldn't normally buy. I can see why people are unhappy about not getting full retail games especially when there are a few obvious candidates. I just wonder if it is a deliberate attempt by Sony to push indie games and help bring more developers on board
These Plus games seem to be getting eerily similar, which is hardly surprising when its indie after indie each month. Usually I don't mind one bit, but this is the first month I'm probably not even gonna bother trying them. Luckily I've done a lot of Share Play lately, so I've still had a good months worth of Plus
Poor showing again. I have Bro Force on steam and don't play it and oh look another crap game.
If is still wanted to play sidescrollers i would have my NES booted up in front of me. Instead i have one of the most powerful consoles made so far and am being offered sub par games by its creator. Not being funny but you would think they would want to show off the ps4s capabilitys not the fact people still make 16 bit games in the 21st century.
Crybabies xD
Anyway Broforce is awesome, Galak-Z seems preety slick and I kinda want to try Flame Over
So, fine month for me!
Of course I wish they gave some triple A game but...can't really complain, some games are nice this month
Give a three months heads up and refund with a selection of two or three freebies if you must. Rentals on Vita and Ps3 need to go.
Another month without plus (since November no plus to me), I'm not a multiplayer guy, so I'm missing nothing.
Sony should just be honest and rename the thing Indie plus
@WebHead Ask Square Enix, like I keep telling people "publishers and developers have to give Sony approval in the first place"
@darkswabber Helldivers was a retail game and that was just last month.
If anyone is worried this weeks game, the vita games look brilliant. Flame over is fireman Sam after being sold a rogue like trip off Norman when he's an old ginger drug dealer and reality fighters is when someone tries to mimic mortal combat with the budget of your weekly packed lunch. Cant wait!
@darkswabber how is MS gold program better?? March has Borderlands (ONE!) for March. PS gave both 1 AND 2 for free YEARS AGO!!
Watch the language -Tasuki-
As always I will lock them in but probably never play them especially Broforce.
@adf86 I know and I liked helldivers so far
@Mickael486 I didn't mean to say Gold is better than + I meant that they have more retail games and I would like to see retail games with + on PS4 more often.
This seriously needs to stop now, this indie hate (and it is hate let's be honest) is starting to become toxic at this point and for what? Because "I need them AAA" you can have any AAA you want!!! Go to the shops or Amazon or ebay "but I'm on a budget" then use the used game market that's what it's there for, goodness sake! Every month a Plus update comes along and every month I find myself having to support the developers because some so called gamers trash their games (which they haven't played BTW) for reasons like "it looks like it belongs on an Amiga" or my personal favourite "I didn't buy a PS4 to play Pixel crap" implying that a AAA game with high production values graphics is "objectively" better then a then a pixel indie title. It's like saying Dude, Where's My Car is better then Gone with the Wind because it was shot in colour! Yes... it's that idiotic of way of seeing it. I'll probably write a book about it, I'll call it PS Plus: Or how I learned to stop worrying and love the games.
A lot of you are being whiny little babies. This list appears to be a list of great quality games. You guys seem to think good games only exist on discs with a $60 price tag. Great games are great games. The size and prize tag should not automatically make a game bad. Ironic that this post now makes me the whiny little baby.
People are confusing the indie hate for bad selection hate. The lines are being blurred. I dont hate the selection for being indie, I hate it for including two ancient games like SSHD and The Last Guy as well as a mediocre one in Reality Fighters.
I'll admit, we are definitely overdue for a decent triple a title in the mix.
@Bad-MuthaAdebisi Misleading and insulting? lmao okay!
Broforce looks good to me this month, will give the rest a spin if I get time. Would it be better to have "bigger" games? Dunno. Maybe. Who cares. Happy Wednesday, folks!
I'm excited about Galak-Z but still think this is another poor month. I honestly don't think it's going to get better though. This is probably their plus strategy until at least July.
Hmm disappointing, with xbox one having some 360 backwards compatibility support and the offerings on games with gold generally being better lately I don't feel playstation owners are getting a good deal with ps plus, they made plus mandatory for online play it's been downhill since
First time I've ever commented on the PS Plus Games. I'm not hating on indie games, and not expecting AAAs for free, but am distinctly unexcited by this selection. I've really enjoyed some of the PS4 games (Valiant Hearts, PixelJunk Shooter, Grow Home, MGS prologue), but the past few months have not caught my interest at all. But I have a big enough backlog of games I paid for, and don't mind paying my subscription just for the server access alone. So no biggie, just would have liked to have an new game to get excited about.
another crap month , least I got games with gold that's a much better line but yeah more of the same crap
When will Sony be honest to us and tell us that we won't see triple A games any more in PS+? I have 3 more months to go and then will my PS+ end, not gonna pay for another year. I will play on the XBO for the multiplayers, MS knows that there is more than just indies.
@adf86 The point is "value proposition". It's basically that a service should communicate why its product offers more than other similar offerings, such as Gold. Obviously, the majority of the people on this board aren't feeling the love with the neverending indie games being shoehorned into plus. This is nothing to do with indie hate or quality. It's to do with people's acknowledgement that the value proposition is slowly lessening in terms of what is available elsewhere. I like indies and I like my old Volkswagon Golf. Both do their jobs well. If I see other consumers getting triple AAA games and Aston Martins, I'm still going to question my purchase as a consumer. We need to be concerned and real about what is happening, not accept it because we don't want to be seen as whining.
Anyone care to join me in the quest for liberation? By liberation I mean blowing the living s**t out of everything and then escaping on a helicopter.
@Mickael486 I have both systems and Gold has been and still is offering better freebies than PS+, yes you mentioned Borderlands, I have the physical disk so the digital version is most welcome. we also get Lords of the Fallen this month also. I like the odd indie game but these that we are getting lately are terrible (that includes Bro Farce).
lol another month I dont need to buy PS+
XD 4th month in a row.
Its not about the 'indie' itself but from my perspective, these games 'generally' lack depth and variety. They are also not exactly great to look at either and whilst that isn't necessarily an issue in itself, combined with other factors, for me its just another reason to dislike a game.
This months offerings are both repetitive in their gameplay, clear the level and move on to the next virtually identical and repeat. Now I am not saying that can't be 'fun' in a shallow way but I want more from my games these days. I played games like this to death in the 80's and as gaming evolved, so my tastes and preferences have too.
When SM64 showed what a 3D world and how an Analogue control stick can offer, I couldn't return to the 2D realms anymore. When games added depth with a narrative and dialogue, it added more to gaming. I can't enjoy these superficial games that feel like they belong in a bygone age anymore.
Its not the fact these are 'Indie' but its what they offer as a game. Maybe for younger audiences that missed out on the 80's era or those who feel nostalgic about that time can enjoy these.
Its not the fact that visually they are antiquated but combined with the very dated game play, lack of depth etc, they really don't have any appeal. If I were to review and compare something like Broforce with something like Aliens: Colonial Marines (a game that was slated) for example, Aliens: Colonial Marines wins on so many levels - Story, visuals, audio, variety of modes, etc etc but because 'broforce' is 'Indie' and 'budget' it gets a much higher rating.
The fact that I would rather play something like Aliens: CM and even Duke Nukem Forever to these even though those 2 have become synonymous with 'poor', says a lot. I don't know how much these games 'cost' but I bet I could buy games like Killzone:SF, Infamous:SS, Watchdogs, Wolfenstein: TNO, Knack, DA:Inquisition, TR: Definitive, Dishonoured, Destiny etc all for around the same price or less - I know they maybe 'older' but offer A lot more and I bet in a year or 2's time these will still be the same price but games like Fallout 4, (which can be bought for a few pounds more now) will be less. Obviously I am referring to their cost and obviously not the fact that these can be acquired for free this month.
Looking at what Gold is offering, I know Borderlands can be picked up for very little money on disc but its gameplay offers so much more than any of this months IGC offerings. I picked Borderlands because its probably the oldest offering. I would rather play any of Golds games on my XB1 than any of the PS+ offerings. They have much more depth and likely to last me the 'month' or more - unlike these which I would be bored of after 30mins or so.
Its NOT because they are 'Indie', Its not because visually they are not worthy of this gen - its the very shallow and dated game play primarily. If visually they looked next gen, whilst it would be more bearable to spend time looking at the game, the shallow and dated game play would still become an issue for me.
I would rather spend my time playing the story, battling Helghast in the visually stunning Killzone: SF for example than downloading and clogging my very limited HDD space with any of the IGC games so far. I can count the hours I have played IGC games over the last year on one hand!
I didn't buy PS+ for the IGC though, I don't buy digital games either and the few DLC's/Season Passes I have are not discounted until after the 'Season' of DLC by which time its too late for me. Therefore, the 'only' benefit to me is the online play on PS4. Admittedly its not 'that' expensive over the year but I don't feel I get 'value' for money - certainly not compared to 'Gold'!
Awful. Get it together, Sony.
I can defend a lot, but two PS3 PSN games THAT OLD? I think they're severely overestimating the number of gamers who could possibly care about these games and don't already have them. Really, this whole lineup is pretty weak. Reality Fighters shouldn't even exist, let alone be given away FOUR YEARS after release. Flame Over might be decent and I may give Broforce a go, but that's it.
As I usually say, it's still ridonkulously easy to feel I'm getting my $50 a year worth out of Plus. This is by far the worst month I think I've seen, and I can forgive it as long as the trend doesn't continue that direction. Time will tell, I suppose.
My ps+ subscription just run out and it's the first time ever that I won't subscribe. I've been defending the service for a while, but this month is terrible. Just terrible.
@Shellcore People keep comparing it to GWG but there not on direct competition, they are services that are exclusive to both platforms, the point people forget is that for most PS4 is the primary platform in terms of sales so there's more incentive for publishers to put there games on GWG to make up for lost sales.
@BAMozzy Or maybe because Broforce might well be the better game, Aliens CM was an absolute dog turd that wastes a beloved IP in every single way not to mention the dodgy goings on behind the scenes. The whole point of IGC is for people to try games that they normally wouldn't be interested in but no of course all people want is more of the same apparently.
I don't have a problem with indie games being given away but I do think it must hurt indie gamers. I think a lot of people look at them and just think, bah they'll be free within the year.
However, there should be some bigger giveaways every few months. That helps entice people into keeping up their PS Plus payments. I hope the vita doesn't get stopped because I still don't consider that console dead and actually, free games encourage me to play.
@adf86 I do try most of the indie games we get and the majority just don't appeal to me at all... I just can't put anything over 4/5 hours into them. Where as Injustice I never got round to buying due to not being a big fighting game fan but I like DC, that actually had me playing for a good 15-20 hours. They could give us plenty of AAA games that people haven't got round to buying due to the amount of games already out, and I'm sure it would bring in better publicity and more subs... It just feels like they're giving us almost the same types of games every month.
@adf86 Broforce in my opinion is not the 'better' game. It has no 'story', it has no real variety either. I am not talking about the variety of 'characters' and slight variation in abilities but the basic gameplay is not varied - Alien: CM offers a bit more variety in its mission structure inc a 'stealth' mission. It has quiet moments, hectic moments and scary moments all wrapped up in a progressive story dialogue. Visually the difference is night and day too. I know Aliens:CM had a few bugs and didn't live up to the expectation and source material but visually its still a better looking game and at least has the iconic look and sound of the movies. In fairness it should look and sound better as well as offer a lot more variety (co-op, MP, campaign) as it has a bigger budget and studio development team. If I had the choice to spend £5 on Alien: CM or £5 on Broforce - I would buy Alien: CM because it offers a lot more in every aspect. Given the choice of £5 for Alien CM or Broforce for free, I would still spend £5 rather than play something so superficial and dated - not just visually!
If the whole point of IGC is for people to try games they normally wouldn't then why are we getting so many similar games. 2D platformers, 2D shooters etc. Admittedly these games were a bit rarer on last gen but never the less these games have been around (almost) since the dawn of video games at home - certainly since the 80's. 80-90% of my game collection were similar to these in the 80's and the recent IGC games all seem quite similar so not really offering variety.
@JoeBlogs Borderlands itself is a great game. Admittedly it is quite dated and could be bought for 'pennies' if you didn't own it but that doesn't make it a 'bad' game. It offers a lot of game time and fun and until now, you couldn't play it on XB1. It is still quite popular amongst gamers and for some, one of the better games on last gen. If this were to release today, I know I would pick Borderlands over Broforce. Borderlands has a lot more depth to it, a good story with side quests, replayability with multiple characters and new game +, Lots of loot to find and even though its older, looks and feels a lot newer than games like Broforce.
The point though is that its a BC game that if you don't have your last gen console or games anymore, can now play again. I would take a great classic AAA game over some mediocre 80's clone 'indie' game EVERY time. Of Gold's offerings this month, Supreme Commander 2 appeals the least but I would still prefer that to ANY of the games offered by IGC this year. Not because the IGC games are 'Indie' or that SC2 is 'AAA' but because of the game-play and variety of modes, forces etc that game offers. It doesn't matter if its 'old', it still offers a lot more than these 'new' games - especially as these 'new' games have very dated game-play. I wouldn't want to play 'Pong', 'Arkanoid' or 'Space Invaders' just because they get cloned by an indie developer so why would I want to play 2D platformers/shooters etc.
@BAMozzy taste is subjective, but Broforce is better than CM haha.
Actually very excited for it, i almost picked up not a hero but figured I'd wait for this as they are so similar.
As an aside, Fez, Axiom Verge and Towerful are three of the best games this gen. So I'll always be interested in this kind of release.
@BAMozzy Well I hope for the industry's sake that your in the minority because I shudder to think how low people's standards will go if we get to the point where people prefer to play one of the most loathed games of the last 5 years over a game was loved by critics and Youtubers and a big seller on Steam and was voted to be part of IGC, if people were that sick of platfroms then they wouldn't have voted for one.
Psyonix revealed that Rocket League was the most downloaded Plus ever, yes an indie, go figure.
@JoeBlogs You will have to get in behind me, I've been wanting to that for months, frankly for this site's community I expect better.
@Rudy_Manchego you're not wrong. I didn't buy Galak-Z because I figured it would be on IGC soon. I really like the dev as I loved Skulls of the Shogun but why pay for something when it will be free in a few months.
@adf86 I'm sure I heard that Xbox One and PS4 are in direct competition. They each have dedicated services. Games with Gold is currently a more attractive proposition value wise. That was my argument. I agree PS4 has a higher install base, which is why PS Plus is lacklustre at the minute. There is no incentive for Sony to try harder. The value is diminishing and therefore customer satisfaction.
@BAMozzy Spot on. My thoughts exactly : )
Terrible....just terrible. I'm getting sick of saying this but that's another month in a row I'm not going to re-subscribe.
@adf86 ......slow clap! that was the best example anyone could have come up with! by the way, have we added each other to psn yet? i see you like street fighter, perhaps we could have some friendly violent matches sometime? mines Gmork___
@adf86 I know A:CM is 'loathed' by the industry and part of that comes down to the 'expectation' that we expect from a AAA game and the price point that these are sold for. A:CM also had the weight of the source material hanging over it and so the disappointment was two-fold. However as a 'game' and not taking the price or source material into consideration, it offers a lot more than 'Broforce' - in depth, quantity, variety and visuals too.
If this was released at the same price point and labelled as 'indie' - maybe not have the 'Alien' tag and therefore not that expectation, it would certainly NOT get the criticism it did. I paid £5 for my copy and whilst it does disappoint me from the 'Alien' perspective, as a game its OK for a fiver.
I know Broforce was voted in but look at the competition it was up against. Would it be voted in against an 'older' AAA release? If it was up against Lords of the Fallen and Sherlock Holmes: Crime and Punishment? If it was up against Infamous: Second Son, Killzone: SF, Watchdogs, AC4, Wolfenstein: TNO or similarly priced (now) AAA release?? I very much doubt it!! Whilst I know some people will own these by now, particularly those who have had their PS4 a while, I bet there is significant numbers that don't. I know that the 'potential' people that don't have these games is a lot higher on a new release but that doesn't necessarily mean its going to be 'downloaded' by more. Some who own these games may download it and sell/trade their disc version. It can also generate more income for the studios with sales of DLC.
I know some 'Indie' games are 'great, unique etc' and to dismiss 'all' because of that label is wrong. In my opinion though, the majority are nothing special, offer superficial experiences, look awful (although not necessarily important but if the game play is superficial I don't want to looking at very dated visuals as well)
Fez maybe Indie and good but it was that modern twist of rotating the 2D world which makes it unique - its also last gen not this. Axiom Verge is yet another Metroidvania clone that doesn't offer anything 'unique', looks and feels dated but is one of the better clones so fulfils that 'nostalgia'. Towerfall is yet another 2D nostalgic trip back to the 80's for couch co-op play.
I am not denying that 'Rocket League' is quite unique and been a bit of surprise hit but is not exactly very 'deep' and relies heavily on 'friends' to get the most out of it. Its gameplay is shallow and repetitive though.
I know its a case of 'each to their own' and I don't want to categorise all 'indies' in the same bracket. There are exceptions to every rule. Like I said earlier though, Its NOT the fact that these offerings are 'Indie', Its not the fact that they can't compete visually with even last gen (or in Broforce's case even PS1) games, its the lack of variety, depth etc in their game-play. If I was offered a choice to play Broforce OR a AAA game from PS1,PS2 or even PS3 era I would probably pick the AAA game as it offers MORE variety, depth, options as well as better visuals (although like I said that's the least important but IF I have to look at the screen, it can enhance the experience - I would still pick these AAA games though if Broforce looked 'next gen')
@BAMozzy I can't say that 'nostalgia' played a 'part' in my enjoyment of 'metroidvania' style games, since I never 'played' Metroid or Castlevania in my 'youth'. I just thought it was a 'brilliant' game chock full of great 'gameplay', a brilliant 'soundtrack', great 'graphical style' and spoonfulls of 'atmosphere'. In short, it was '20 hours' of the some of the best ps4 gaming I've 'done'.
I've 'played' Towerfall for over 40 'hours' and believe me if it were 'just' nostalgia talking, I'd have 'stopped' playing a long 'time' ago. But the 'gameplay' is up there with the best of them with tons of 'depth' both single player and 'co-op', it has 'a' great soundtrack and the 'graphics' are extremely detailed with 'lots' of small flourishes that 'make' it a joy to look 'at'.
Sorry for all the ' marks, I am 'just' seeing what it's like 'doing' it so much, honestly I find it a bit 'difficult' to do hahah
@kyleforrester87 Each to their own as I have always said. I certainly won't criticise or say your preferences are 'wrong' (the ' marks are easier than making certain words italicised or bold btw) - its your preference/choice etc.
I really can't see how an 8/16bit game can have a great graphical style or create atmosphere compared to modern graphical styles with much better lighting and more character detail. I also find 2D lacks a lot of the depth (literally as well as metaphorically of 3D 'generally'. You really can't have the finer details that make games come alive in this graphical style - just look at the 8mins (or so) E3 Uncharted 4 game-play. The finer details from the sand-bags moving and leaking from the bullets hitting, the individual look of each character in the market place, the look of the environment that immediately places the setting, weather etc, the clothes moving in the breeze before getting caught up and dragged along by the jeep, etc etc. The way the characters move, talk etc you know exactly the emotion etc.
I know some indie games can take you on an emotional journey and deliver a great narrative. Like I said I don't dismiss games 'just because' they are 'indie'. I do want more than a superficial blast though but I can appreciate that these can be 'fun with friends' after a hectic day at work but get that from AAA games and a lot more on top.
As I said 'each to their own' - if you (or others) are 'happy' with these offerings - great! Personally though these games have no appeal - not saying that next months 'indie' (or the months afterwards) releases won't appeal at all but in the year I have owned my PS4, I can count the hours I have spent playing the IGC offerings on 1 hand - 2 at most as they have bored me and I would rather play a 'last gen' game - let alone any new gen games I have than these. I certainly won't criticise you for liking these or expressing your opinion on them but don't expect to be criticised for expressing my opinion on them either!
I don't buy PS+ for the IGC or buy 'digital' to benefit from the sales - its still often cheaper to buy on disc anyway. Its not exactly a huge outlay but if PS4 was free to play online - like the PS3 is - then there is NO way I would consider PS+ as it offers me no incentive or value - I certainly wouldn't miss access to the games I have downloaded if I cancelled - not that I plan to.
@BAMozzy It's okay mate, just pulling your 'chain'
I really do think you're absolutely wrong there, though.
Holy entitled crybabies, Batman! Everybody so angry!
I've only played Super Stardust HD, and haven't played any of the rest of these, so it's a worthwhile showing for me. It's bizarre to see so much indie hate on here--like you're begging for less variety and fewer options. I think it's pretty unrealistic to expect a bunch of free $60 games every month for the $5 whole dollars per month this service costs.
@ShogunRok you cant please everyone for sure.
But it appears theres no effort to mix the bag and appeal to everyone.
It could very easily be construed as "if you dont like "indies" then its tough", because people that dont enjoy them, quite literally get nothing.
It being free doesnt make it good or fun etc.
My personal issue is I do not enjoy side scrollers any more, at all.
There is a vast scope for what a developer can do regardless of size, just look at Ninja Theory, they are absolutely an indie studio, yet they came out with a fantastic DmC reboot.
And its those kind of games Id like to see on the IGC.
As a side note, this isnt me bashing "indies" before anyone decides to get on their high horse about it.
@Quorthon Id like to see something more like Devil May Cry on there.
@BAMozzy these are my thoughts also.
Many of the games offered I havent been interested at the outset, and I never enjoy a game I have no initial interest in.
I have tried games from the IGC despite that, and have still found it to be true.
An example being Rocket League, I had no interest, tried it for around 2 hours and just did not enjoy it at all.
Same with that Grow Home game.
The problem with many small devs is that they release games so similar to others, and there isnt nearly enough diversity among them.
Broforce looks EXACTLY the same as Mercenary Kings, another game I tried and it was just a yawnfest!
@ToOGoodOfAPlaya I find games like these very superficial and think they would be better off on mobiles (or other portable gaming device). Games that you can play to kill 10-20 mins whilst waiting at the Dr's or travelling on the bus that can be put down and not played for months. At best they are 'after pub' games - games you play after spending a night in the pub.
Whilst there is nothing wrong with that, that doesn't fit in to what I want from gaming these days. I don't want superficial experiences anymore and can't play some of the classic 2D games for more than 20mins without getting bored - games like Super Mario Bros, Sonic etc even Rayman Legends bored me!
Like I said its not that these are 'indie', its the game-play. I struggle to play Star Wars: Battlefront for more than half an hour because the game play is so superficial. I appreciate that these are 'better with friends' but so is being stuck in a traffic jam!
Fancy a crack at Broforce so that'll be good this month, SSD HD is well worth a go if you've not already too
I seem to say this every month but the people who constantly complain the freebies each month need to get a grip, yes it would be nice if a few retail games were added now and then but until they do what good is constantly complaining doing? Nothing
If you just want AAA games added would you be happy every month if you had both? I don't think so. The games are a bonus to plus not the reason to have plus anymore if your not happy with the service don't subscribe to it.
@GlynCR Im not happy because the service isnt nearly as diverse as it absolutely could be.
I dont care who makes the game, I just want a nice story driven game one month, then a shooter, then a DmC style game, then maybe a sports title etc.
But that isnt happening.
@ToOGoodOfAPlaya I don't remember seeing many sports games on plus, but if they added them people would complain that they don't like that sport, I'd like a bit of variety but I don't instantly feel the need to complain that Knack or AssCreed hasn't been put up yet
As for story game Grim Fandango was just on plus and that's one of the best story driven games ever
I'm coming into my 3rd year as a plus subscriber and I've had plenty of value out of the games offered - many of which I would never had gone near in the past
@GlynCR I didnt like Grim Fandango first time around unfortunately.
And Ive never enjoyed a game I dont initially have interest in.
No doubt some people would complain still but Id wager less so.
As it stands, if you dont like a partical art style or gameplay type, you are severely limited in what you have offered.
My point is there is absolutely no reason for it not to be more varied.
Worst PS+ month ever.
Sony, get your sh*t together, you are starting to suck...
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