PlayStation boss Andrew House didn't beat around the bush at Sony's planned PlayStation VR press conference in San Francisco earlier today. In a presentation that lasted 30 minutes, the Welshman very quickly discussed the platform holder's commitment to innovation, before confirming that its fancy PlayStation 4 peripheral will retail for $399.99 in the United States and £349.99 in the UK.
That's an impressive price point, especially when you consider that the Oculus Rift and HTC Vive both sell for significantly more, but it did omit one major detail: the required PlayStation Camera will not be included in the box. Presumably, the manufacturer will encourage retailers to build bundles around the optical extra, but if you don't already own one, then you'll need to shell out a little more.
The company's also opted not to include any PlayStation Move controllers, which is perhaps the bigger disappointment here. With the glowing wands not included in the box, the install base is going to be split, and subsequently it's unlikely that developers will opt to build their games specifically around motion controls.
Despite these setbacks, though, the price is very good, and considering PlayStation's brand power and retail presence, the platform holder now stands a very strong chance of dominating the fledgling virtual reality space in this first phase. It's clearly got support, too: it expects to release 50 compatible games within the launch window, with more than 230 developers actively working on the platform.
It's now down to Sony to get as many people to try PlayStation VR as possible
And perhaps the feather in its bow today was the unexpected announcement that it's teamed up with EA Games and Lucasfilm to create a PlayStation VR exclusive "experience" based upon Star Wars Battlefront. Additional details on that are forthcoming, but it's not hard to imagine how this could end up being a very big deal – even if it's a watered down version of last year's PlayStation 4 game.
Finally, the manufacturer added that it will be offering a Cinematic Mode in PlayStation VR, which will enable you to play all of your PS4 games on a simulated cinema screen. This functionality's never going to be the main selling point for the peripheral, but it's a nice bullet point – as is confirmation that everyone who purchases a headset will be able to download The Playroom VR for free.
A promising start for PlayStation VR, then; the initial blast of good news was immediately tempered by the confirmation that the mandatory PlayStation Camera will be sold separately – but even taking that into consideration, the price is still far better than many anticipated. It's now down to Sony to get as many people to try this as it possibly can, because seeing really is believing when it comes to VR.
Are you happy with PlayStation VR's price point, or is it still too steep for you to consider? What do you make of the PlayStation Camera being sold separately? Which games have got you most excited for virtual reality? Enter a different dimension in the comments section below.
Will you be buying PlayStation VR in October? (180 votes)
- Yes, without a doubt
- Maybe, I want to try it first
- No, it's too expensive for me
- I'm not interested in VR
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Comments 61
I plan to buy it. I think the price is mostly reasonable, and mos tpeople expectd that number anyway. I'm ready for VR.
I'm in. Virtual reality is hugely exciting to me. Having been lucky enough to try this a couple of times now, I can tell you that it really works - and the experience is surreal in a way.
I'm looking for a paradigm shift in games because I feel they've got a little stale of late, and I hope this can bring it. But I also feel this tech is going to be a game changer for stuff like education eventually, so I want to be a part of this first wave.
I do totally understand the scepticism, though. And while the price is good, I also appreciate that it's still very expensive at the end of the day.
For some 400 will sound expensive, but people also buy new cell phones every year that regularly run that much or more. I think this price point is spot on, any less and it looks cheap and a gimmick, any more and you might as well get a rift.
I think VR gaming will find a niche market, but for the most part, it's a fad.
VR is the opposite of what I want in gaming, I want a relaxing experience. I don't want to wear a helmet, I don't want to create space in my living room, I don't want to use motion controls, and I don't want to be cut off from what's going on within my radius.
The price point I think is comparable with Oculus Rift. It maybe $200 cheaper but by the time you add in the extras required to game, It is comparable especially as it also has the lowest resolution and smaller field of view.
The HTC, the most expensive and $400 more, is the complete package. It comes with Two motion-tracking hand controllers and two infrared laser-emitting base stations used to determine where the player is standing and has accelerometer, gyroscope, front-facing camera, laser sensor built in.
Oculus has the same resolution and FoV as the HTC and comes with the Xbox gamepad, remote control, infra-red sensor peripheral to track movements included in the box with its dedicated Touch hand controllers set to be released before the end of the year.
Obviously of you don't have the PC capable of using either of these, ,then PSVR is the only option.
The AMD Sulon HMD though could be the best of them all - highest resolution and has its own processor built in so doesn't require any specific computer set up. It also has "spatial mapping and tracking" sensors that make augmented reality applications possible as well as VR so more versatile but as yet no price.
PSVR is certainly the entry level and I guess its priced competitively for that.
It doesn't come with the "mandatory" camera which means its closer to £400 plus the price of a game.
The Rift, while more expensive, comes with a game or two aswell as a controler and a camera.
There are about 30 million PS Move owners, and the last numbers I saw stated a 15% adoption rate for the PS4 Camera, which if that still held would be about 6 million units, so not bundling it by default is a smart move.
@thedevilsjester The Move controller is still a shame though because devs can never target it exclusively in case someone doesn't have a wand. The PS Camera I generally agree that it's not a major deal - even though the price is a tad misleading for those without one.
@get2sammyb "I do totally understand the scepticism, though. And while the price is good, I also appreciate that it's still very expensive at the end of the day."
Well said.
And June isn't October but I think we all knew the holidays are a better time to sell a $400 peripheral than the spring. Will steal all thunder from the NX, but not any from the PS4 since you need one of those.
So what do you think, 4th times the charm? 3D display, Move, Wonderbook
@get2sammyb I don't think this is much of an issue for three reasons. The first is that the PS4 controller can act as a wand for a huge number of uses. The second is that games like Heavy Rain have proved that you can have a great game, and just add a little optional move support, and make the game twice as good.
The third is that they can safely assume that anyone willing to pay $400 for the headset, is more than willing to drop $30 on a move controller.
I think the GearVR is a great example of this, over 90% of the games on there (that I have looked at, so maybe its just my taste in game) require a controller, yet this hasn't stopped them from making those games, and they far, far outnumber the games that don't require the controller. I dont think this is going to be an issue.
Take RockBand as an example. You can buy the game without the "extra" controllers, but you can't actually play it without them. So why sell the game by itself? Because millions of people will already have the controllers, they can buy the stand alone package. The rest can buy the bundle.
There's nothing misleading. The Camera is required so if you don't have one it's more than $400. Doesn't get more simple than that. It's not much more so it's not a big deal. The only issue I can see is that, at least where I live, the camera is very rarely in stores. It's odd because that doesn't usually happen around this way. I'm sure it will be fixed by the time PSVR launches since Sony isn't stupid, but on the chance there is a supply issue I could see that causing some bad PR.
Is the Move Controller a necessity? Most of the images or footages I've seen far has the player using only the DS4.
@WanderingBullet For some games it will be but for most it won't
@DopeSamurai Gotcha, thanks.
Now, let them fight! VR wars begins...
Add in all the extras and it's far more than the console was at launch. I won't be buying it, it's too niche, too expensive despite being cheaper than rivals and will end up doing a kinect.
The problem with the move controllers is you need to have some decent distance away from the camera. Its impossible in my bedsit room.
I also found the camera, pick up window light reflection, which then broke the move controller movement.
I guess you cannot use the vr set without a some distance.
Also does the vr set have its own headset built in?
If i can use it in my room, its a must buy. Otherwise not
I'm excited for VR but I hope it doesn't take too many resources away from traditional game development.
We went through all this with the Wii and Kinect and look where they are now.
PS4 is selling like hot cakes because Sony has given us what we wanted. A high powered console with "traditional" controls. It left motion controls behind.
I'm sure PSVR is cool but I don't necessarily want to attach an expensive helmet on my face waving my arms around, talking and looking around to play a game. I'm happy sitting on my ass moving my fingers on a controller.
I'm in, but I still do reckon there will be a lot of dusty head sets of various brands kicking around people's houses in a few of years time.
The cinemtaic mode with the VR is a good feature previously Sony were selling units that did just that for just under £800.
Do the laystation Move controllers from the PS3 work on the VR?
I am really surprised after seeing other VR headset prices Sony hit that $399 mark! I am ALL IN on this one. Games in VR and Netflix on simulated movie like screen. Hurry up October I cant wait.
i would love to buy it and the price is reasonable for what it is but it's still WAY out of my price range
With no move controllers or camera in the price I can say happily 'I'm Out'. Nevermind the the monetary extra the UK are paying. That's annoying but not putting required accessories in with the headset just to keep the price below competitors is the final straw on VR for me. I want a price for everything I need not leaving it up to retailers to make up bundles. Thanks for price but no thanks.
Really happy with the price - was hoping for £299 but was fearing £499 so this is a good result in my book. Will be waiting to see what games make the launch but have to admit I'm seriously, seriously tempted. Also very excited about FromSoftware, Grasshopper, Atlus and Oddworld Inhabitants being announced as having VR games in production!
I am going to be that person...the pricing is right, but I can't forget PlayStation Move, WonderBook, VitaTV and even my beloved PSVita: products that Sony launched and then abandoned a18 months later.
Happy to be proved wrong but for now I am not bringing more clutter to my home.
My preorder is sorted in a bundle with a camera so all I can do now is wait. I'm hugely excited for this as it feels like a genuine leap forward for gaming that we haven't had in a long time. The possibilities are huge outside of just gaming and we'll likely get some cool things cinema related and maybe some social experiences. Also I get to play Rocket League whilst the wife watches TV
@JoeBlogs i think i get what they are trying to do, the camera is already available now so not only does it mean people who already own one wont have to buy it again with the VR but it also helps spread the cost so your not forking out so much at once
Plus it's not coming out until October. Plenty of time to get a PS Camera and 2 move controllers before. Though I imagine supply will be fairly tight for PSVR until next year.
I have a 14 foot wall I project onto when gaming. Replacement bulbs would be about 400 bucks so I'd consider buying a virtual reality headset just to use the theater play option. Supposing it works like it's advertised to
I think the price point is quite reasonable, so kudos to Sony on that one.
Myself, I'm not currently interested in VR, so unless a game comes out that I really want, I don't see myself biting for the foreseeable future.
To be honest, when it comes to VR I want to wait for the technology to properly establish itself. And even then I'm not really interested in PlayStation VR. Vive HTC seems to be the most impressive in terms of what it's capable of, it includes everything from the word go, and it's going to be more open platform than any of the others. It's more expensive but by the time you've saved it up, it seems like you get more value for what you get. But hey, that's just me.
@dryrain I'm assuming so, unless I missed something those are the only Move controllers that Sony ever made.
The PS4 camera is already at number 16 currently in the Amazon UK best seller list, up from 223rd position!
Move controllers also at 159 from 934 so it looks like PSVR has made its mark...
I'm weeping with joy! It's all i asked for... VR to watch all my current movies and play current library of ps4 games. I was gonna upgrade to 60" 4k screen but I'd rather have a virtual 200" imax like feature. Cant wait till October! Anime, game of thrones, the division, destiny elder scrolls online, COD, etc in huge vision! Wish ps4 was smaller so i could take the whole package with me on business trips and holidays Haha this is an evolutionary day for gaming.
Omgosh if the star wars battlefront VR is a story driven rpg with FPS mechanics im in there! What a flipping great day to be a gamer! This is exactly what drives a new to be successful tech - great content, long lasting content, top quality content. Well done Sony!
@joeblogs personally what about you? I was talking about myself. I mean no disrespect buddy but if Sony want me to fork out my hard earned for a new piece of kit I'd expect a bundle for everything I'd need to make it work.
The point I was more making is it's Sony's place to give us a full working kit not a cut down marketing price to try and undercut others. I would like to see 'options' available from them.
Yes I know I can buy at retailers, I know they will do bundles in the shops. For someone like me tho who has trusted sony this time round (was MS last gen) and has went totally digital on all my purchases this gen so as I don't ever have to go near a retailer again (yes I'm the gullible sucker paying over the odds on day one for games just because it's digital) I'm left at this moment with only one option to purchase seperately or obviously pass on VR.
I don't want a marketers price to sell a product I would like a price for a complete VR system to use on my PS4. It's really that simple McFly I know you guys are excited by the price. I would be too if it was a truthful price that got me everything I need. I want VR to work this time round. I want to be using VR. I've got my own VR dreams also but I'm just saying with the info Sony has released so far at this point I think Im for leaving it.
For me it'll not be a day one purchase now unless Sony offer a VR bundle with a complete price. I ain't going to any retailers this time round. I've spent way too long queuing outside retailers in the past, ain't happening anymore. Thats all I meant. Enjoy bud
Already have a camera so not worried about be that(read that demand for ps4 cameras went up 1000 percent on Amazon yesterday!) I am actually happy that the move controllers will not be required for most of the games. Being able to look around in the game is enough as I could care less about wagging stupid sticks around, and traditional controllers are just more responsive and fun for me. I will definitely preorder, gotta put that camera to use!
@get2sammyb Do you happen to know if the PS3's move wands will work for it, or if you have to go out and buy a newer version of it?
This will be a good thing for me to pick up next income tax year...probably not, until then though, it's still a hefty expense when you can get quite a few games with that instead. Plus, I want to wait and see what nintendo has planned for this holiday season (NX rumors). Other than that, what I've been hearing about the VR, it definitely sounds very entertaining, but I want to also wait and see if Sony will continue it, or if it will be another Wonderbook or Move item and get discontinued rather quickly.
@JLPick The PS3 wands will work.
@joeblogs True. I think I'm just expecting their full announcement too early. This announcement is obviously to get the info and price out there. All the other options Im moaning about will most likely follow closer to release date. I would have been gutted with 2 cameras also lol Up to know I don't think there has been much need for the camera.
So it's going to be more like £400-£450 I don't see how this is clearing the hurdle cleanly after announcing the price would be £350. I may still be tempted if all my game's run as smoothly in cinematic mode in MP and look as crisp as they do on my gaming moniter, but it's no pre order for me. The other's may be more expensive but the scope of game's will be massive I reckon compared to the PSVR and everything you need is in the box to use VR and i'll soon have a rig powerfull enough to run it so I doubt i'll be picking the PSVR up this year, maybe next year if it live's up to the hype, we'll see.
Gaming things I'm too old to understand:-
So far what I've seen is motion control doo doo and first person games. I already own a Wii you know. And FPS are icky for me. A whole game that's literally just the shooting segments n Zelda. OK, maybe not but you get what I mean.
If Grand theft auto 6 VR or Red Dead Redemption 2 VR were announced... system seller?!
@get2sammyb GAME UK are doing a pre-order bundle, VR headset and camera for £389.98
I have the camera and two move controllers. Any idea if the Move Navagation Controller will be supported?
@get2sammyb Sincere question - I only just noticed - on NL no less - that this doesn't have a headset. Didn't your brain think it weird that the video was so close but the audio was farther away? Headphones or earbuds would seem like a more natural approach to this.
@Grawlog Thanks, that helps, and makes sense. I don't think he's wearing any in that pic on the couch. Though I am old and my eyes are bad but I didn't see anything in his ear.
They don't show him wearing earbuds in the pic because that will make it look more piece-meal. It gives a slicker appearance without them. That's advertising for ya. All about perception
@JaxonH @Grawlog Thanks guys. I see now where he is wearing them in the vid but I didn't know if it came w/ them. Also, NL only had the 1 pic, not the vid.
Guess I shouldn't complain, at least they are included. I know my wife would just love sitting next to me on the couch watching me play XCX for 150 hours while I have a screen strapped to my face and also earbuds in my ears.
@Grawlog No, thank you, I will use my noise cancelling ones, why not completely immerse myself in CG worlds
@rjejr The pic which shows what's in the box has earbuds in them (and a ton of cables).
You know I thought "maybe I'll try this after all" but then you need all of this other crap so no thanks.
I love how in the pic the guys friends are laughing him at how stupid he looks with thing on.
They better make a WIPEOUT game for this VR Headset, that would be sweet.
They predict to sell of 8 million units in 2 years time which is a tiny install base which 3rd parties won't support and Sony will have to decide to go all in or not, in turn software output for PS4 will suffer.
@rjejr It comes with headphones.
@get2sammyb To misquote Crocodile Dundee...
Those aren't headphones, these are headphones.
Know what the best part is though? This blurb from the official PS VR homepage.
(edit: oops, forgot the link)
Just Plug and Play
Getting into PlayStation®VR couldn’t be easier. Just plug the PlayStation®VR headset and your PlayStation® Camera* into your PlayStation®4 system*. You're ready to go.
Putting aside for now that the box doesn't even have a camera in it, how does that bit in the blurb - couldn't be easier - match up w/ what is in the box, there are half a dozen cables in there. Does the headset even plug into the PS4 or does it plug into that extra box and the box plugs into the PS4?
Newsflash Sony, yes it could actually be easier.
@rjejr I actually totally agree with you. The number of cables is terrifying.
@get2sammyb How PS VR plays out in real life.
Fair warning, the first 5 minutes are a bit slow, but they set up the last 5.
@get2sammyb I've got a pair of Bluetooth headphones, I don't suppose you know if they'll be compatible?
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