Technically, Battlefield 5 hasn't been officially announced yet, but it's looking more and more inevitable that the shooter - which we know is currently in development - is going to be revealed very soon. According to German publication, official sources have confirmed that the game's going to be shown next Friday, the 6th May. This follows numerous rumours of media outlets securing invitations to the reveal event.
Following on from the disappointing Battlefield Hardline, we suspect that developer DICE will be avoiding any unnecessary risks, and will likely be crafting something a little more traditional. The Swedish studio's last Battlefield release, Battlefield 4, got off to a rocky start back in 2013, but as far as we're aware, it's come on leaps and bounds since. Hopefully, this upcoming instalment - due to launch later this year - will be a return to form.
Are you craving open maps, tank-on-tank combat, and crazy multiplayer glitches? Sit and snipe in the comments section below.
Update: IGN has confirmed that Battlefield 5 will be official revealed next week, on Friday the 6th May. The boom's definitely coming.
[source, via]
Comments 15
Ok, so announced in May 2016, released November 2017, patched and finally working as advertised by 2019. Looking forward to it.
hell yeah. i hope it's not Bad Company 3 ( although i have been a fan of this series since the first installment). I want a full on warfare this time with jets, tanks, helicopters,etc
Updated the article, IGN's confirmed that this is happening.
Hardline worked from the off, as did star wars, I can't see another Bf4 tbh.
@Dan_ozzzy189 Agreed, I think DICE and EA learned their lesson there.
I will buy if the setting is WW1 or WW2 not if its set in modern day.
So close
I'll be getting this for sure if It's WW2 or even WW1 but could definitely do with a new Battlefield and none of these jumpy crap close quarter shooters.
I like this Battlefield vs COD bro fight.
@KAPADO uhhh what bro fight, nobody's even mentioned that. .....
@BladeRider I meant it between the 2 companies.
Both EA and Activision will put out compelling products and will take shots at each other.
Fighting for my money! When it's looking like they will both get it this year.
All but modern warfare and I am in.
If I want modern warfare, sadly, I just switch on the news.
I don't mind BF:Hardline, the problem I had with it are the maps, they were about as big as bad company 2 (vanilla) maps. You get a grappling hook and a zipline, but it was extremely limited on where you could use that stuff. There really wasn't a point.
Still happy enough with the amazing BF4 but if it was a full remake of 1942 with the original artillery spotting system, ships , U-boats , B-17s ,Lancasters , Stukas etc and the best dogfighting in any game ever then I'd pay £100 gladly. Probably the best game ever.
@Bumper_Duc That sounds like BF4.
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