The nature of Overwatch means that most critics are only really just getting stuck into the final game, and that includes ourselves. However, a handful of publications already feel like they've seen enough of Blizzard's latest to review it – and, unsurprisingly, the early signs are positive. In fact, they're so good that the title's yet to drop a single point, with four "perfect" scores on the docket so far. Yeah.
Game Informer - 10/10
Overwatch is an amazing experience. It's fresh and consistently fun, with matches that are great in random groups, but astonishingly good when played with friends. Blizzard has taken its masterful art of polishing and perfection to the team shooter, and things will never be the same.
Destructoid - 10/10
Truly, I believe that we'll be seeing a lot more of Overwatch in the years to come. Blizzard has a great track record when it comes to long-term support, and given how good it is out of the gate, it can only get better from here. Blizzard has truly snatched victory from the draws of defeat.
The Escapist - 5/5
Overwatch is a fast, fun, and fresh take on the class-based shooter. Blizzard has made sure its first new IP in 17 years is polished to perfection.
Twinfinite - 5/5
Just as Team Fortress 2 burst onto the scene and captivated so many with its charm, and accessible gameplay, Overwatch is poised to do the same with its sharp gameplay and likeable characters. There's little doubt that the next great class-based shooter has arrived.
Keep your eyes peeled for more Overwatch coverage over the coming days. In the meantime, feel free to share your first impressions on the shooter below.
Comments 53
"Overwatch is a fast, fun, and fresh take on the class-based shooter. Blizzard has made sure its first new IP in 17 years is polished to perfection." Does Heroes of the Storm not count? I know it features characters from all its other franchises, but like Smash Bros. I would consider it its own IP.
1/10 Effing Bastion
I think it's a fantastic game, but I just don't see the value in it's current content/price. It's easily going to be a game that grows into something amazing though.
Leave it to Blizzard to generate this much hype though. It's unbelievable how well they can market a game.
But better than Battleborn then!?
I didn't think it was that great based on Beta. It was a lot of fun for a day or so, then it got pretty old.
It's a good game, but saying its 10/10 seems excessive.
It's a fun game. For a short while. But doesn't deserve a perfect score. A game with two modes, no single player, for $60? There's some serious favoritism going on here. These are the same people that probably gave The Last of Us and Uncharted 4 less than a 10. They can shove off.
@NathanUC That's Activision for you
@Kellanved I agree
@Cleric20 I think Battleborn has better/more content, but Overwatch is MUCH more polished already. Right now, I greatly prefer Battleborn, but I'm sure that within a few months Overwatch will match/exceed Battleborn. In a year or two, it will be no contest.
Nice, a bit early to review properly though maybe? I don't really think it's for me but maybe I'll give it a go down the line. Well done Blizzard! More Diablo 3 please
Overwatch or overrated?
After playing the Beta its a good game but far from a 10/10 more like a 8-9/10 , i actually think Battleborn is better especially if your into MOBA's. Battleborn is worth a full rental price Overwatch is definitely not going off the content in the Beta.
@ScreamAimFire99 Since when is having a single-player campaign a requirement in order to be good? The game isn't designed to be an SP experience. If they stuffed one in it would be clunky, makeshift, and dull. It'd be like saying League and Dota suck because they have no singe player, even though no one in their right mind would ever want to play against bots for 10 hours.
11/10, too much awesomeness!
Wow, just wow. I mean, Overwatch is an amazing game, as far as gameplay is concerned. But the lack of modes seems to matter a lot less when "EA" is not written on the box. As light as the content was in vanilla Battlefront, it was still more than what's here.
metacritic only has one review so far, but its a different one than listed above and its 10/10
Its high noon....
Found the Heroes to be unbalanced in the Beta test enjoyed the game though but would not buy it until they nerf some of the Heroes. Also no campaign.
Meh, we will see, they were all over the Division and Destiny too, and look where it got em....
Fun for a day but I have no interest in playing beyond the beta.
@dryrain have a watch of the GameSpot 3 part series on Overwatch, they stated that heroes are intentionally not balanced for 1 vs 1 play. I'm sure they will be keeping an eye on stats and make changes going forward though
Its one of those games, i will get my moneys worth over the long haul. Its fun to me in short bursts. Kinda like a break from my rpg and other games from time to time.
I've played Overwatch more than most single player games that have come out in the last two years ALREADY, and it's technically the first day of release still. In addition, I've bought three copies — two for me (one PS4 and one PC) and one for my buddy. I've never felt this way about an online game before... maybe not since Modern Warfare 2. So all you naysayers can shove it. Go play games you enjoy and stop trying to downplay this one. It's already a massive success and it's here to stay :/
I found the beta really boring.
@Arckadius Heroes of the Storm used existing IPs already, Overwatch all the characters are brand new. Not part of the Warcraft, Starcraft, Diablo, Lost Vikings universe.
@ScreamAimFire99. Except it's not Activision But Blizzard that made this game.
@Tasuki Except it's about marketing when it comes to hype not development. Which is Activisions job.
@ScreamAimFire99 That's makes nonsense. So according to you any game even if it not made by Activision that is marketed through hype is done by Activision. Wow that makes no sense at all.
Don't be daft. That was in part to the original comment. But then again you reek of bias with your little Overwatch avatar so you can't even comprehend properly. So this conversation is done.
I tried the beta and hated it. It seemed pretty shallow to me. But I'm glad other people will have something to enjoy!
@NathanUC Reminds me a lot of how Splatoon by nintendo was small at first and evolved into a much better, more content filled game throughout the year.
98/100 on Metacritic - that's just insane. I do however expect it to drop to maybe 85-90/100 once all the reviews are out.
A multiplayer only shooter should cost $40...
@whywai88 It does cost $40 (well for the base edition on the PC). I'm surprised they didn't offer the based edition for the consoles as well. That would certainly get some people who are on the fence to buy it.
May give it a look down the line when there is more content as the core mechanics look very good. Without a campaign though it's unlikely to draw me in, I guess I'm just a bit old fashioned and see mp as an optional extra rather than the game.
@ScreamAimFire99 I can comprehend just fine, and I did read the original comment. It's you that can't comprehend, my friend. The previous use said
Leave it to Blizzard to generate this much hype though. It's unbelievable how well they can market a game.
Which you replied that's Activision for you. Which if you look Activision has nothing to do with Overwatch.
And no my avatar doesn't cloud my judgement. I just know my game companies. Now we are done.
I'm a big fan. It feels like it'll take me 100's of hours to get even competent at all characters and learn the plays.
I really wasn't interested in this at all, along with Battleborn, but hearing nothing but praise has made me take a little notice. I probably won't get it straight away, but I'm definitely intrigued!
So be it. It's a bit pricey in it's current form though.
@DrClayman To be fair, as much as people complain about quantity, quality is always more important. As a Battlefront fan who played it for months, the gameplay isn't a shadow on Overwatch. The few maps in vanilla Overwatch already can provide dozens and dozens of hours of varied gameplay.
@Cleric20 Yes and the game does run a lot better.
The reviews are ridiculous...
It's oversimplified, not varied enough and the only catch for you to level up is boxes with animations, voice samples and costumes? Really? Also this is a full price title. The presentation is awesome but compared to games like GTA V, Diablo, The Witcher - I know different genres - the content gameplaywise on offer here is disappearingly little. Not much meat on the bone. 5/10 after playing the beta extensively.
The reviews are bit over the top 10/10 for an online only multiplayer shooter?
I'd like to get the game but I won't be picking it up till it's £30.
Played the beta and thought it was a 7/10 but some friends of mine put in over 20 hours and loved it its not for me but it was ok
The 'value' aspect really is pretty subjective - it depends what kind of game and experience you're going for. I see Overwatch as the shooting equivalent of Rocket League - loads of fun in quick blasts that can turn into an entire night of fun. Which is fine - except that's not the kind of shooter I'd usually buy. Seems like an incredibly polished and well-constructed game, but it's just not quite for me. Like Star Wars Battlefront it's something I might get eventually though depending on the cost of any expansions, etc. Oh and if they did a single-player, story-based game I'd be all over it in a heartbeat.
Have none of the reviewers ever played TF2? It's the same damn game, just instead of original characters they have copy pasta'd characters from other games. It's not worth $60 if you have a PC capable of running TF2. Sure, everyone is playing it now and singing it's praises, but we all know in 2 weeks it'll be barren. Remember The Division?
@SegaBlueSky good comparison with rocket league, its not the must grind for upgrades kind of game, but more you play for fun and for cosmetics. Personally I really like it, the depth of the different characters and the way they are all so different is great. I've bought it as a game to dip in and out of when you have a spare 30 mins - that being said, it does have that "just one more game" thing going on
@Napples I highly doubt it will be barren in two weeks, especially with rank play coming next month.
Is there split screen?
There are around 50 new "articles" on PushSquare every day. Now some 8/10 reviews have been released:
Gotta say I want this game now.
@nyarth Sadly, I highly doubt it. I don't actually know, though. So hopefully there is...
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