It's around this point in the generation where Sony's lineup really starts to swell, and we saw at E3 2016 earlier in the year that it's making a serious investment into exclusive PlayStation 4 software. With the likes of God of War, Spider-Man, and Horizon: Zero Dawn all on the way, the future looks bright for exclusives in this post-Uncharted 4: A Thief's End era.

But beyond the big names, the Japanese giant's always been great at supporting its systems with a trickle of left-field content – games that tend to be appreciated by fans, but fly under the radar otherwise. We've put together a list of five upcoming titles that perhaps aren't getting the attention that they deserve by both players – and the platform holder itself.

These are five titles that are almost guaranteed to be good, but have been presented poorly thus far, or simply haven't had a whole lot of grunt put behind them – the kind of titles that we hope this video will rekindle your excitement for. But which in our list are you most looking forward to – and did we criminally exclude any other underappreciated gems from the clip?

Which of the following underappreciated gems are you most anticipating? (148 votes)

  1. Dreams%
  2. Gravity Rush 2%
  3. The Last Guardian%
  4. New Hot Shots Golf%
  5. WiLD%
  6. Other%

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