It's around this point in the generation where Sony's lineup really starts to swell, and we saw at E3 2016 earlier in the year that it's making a serious investment into exclusive PlayStation 4 software. With the likes of God of War, Spider-Man, and Horizon: Zero Dawn all on the way, the future looks bright for exclusives in this post-Uncharted 4: A Thief's End era.
But beyond the big names, the Japanese giant's always been great at supporting its systems with a trickle of left-field content – games that tend to be appreciated by fans, but fly under the radar otherwise. We've put together a list of five upcoming titles that perhaps aren't getting the attention that they deserve by both players – and the platform holder itself.
These are five titles that are almost guaranteed to be good, but have been presented poorly thus far, or simply haven't had a whole lot of grunt put behind them – the kind of titles that we hope this video will rekindle your excitement for. But which in our list are you most looking forward to – and did we criminally exclude any other underappreciated gems from the clip?
Which of the following underappreciated gems are you most anticipating? (148 votes)
- Dreams
- Gravity Rush 2
- The Last Guardian
- New Hot Shots Golf
- WiLD
- Other
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Comments 43
100 foot robot golf. All day, every day.
So weird that Dreams hasn't had a big splash at events, when I first saw it I thought everyone would hype it up (not necessarily to No Man's Sky levels but perhaps around there, they promised you can create ANYTHING for goodness sake), but I've heard almost nothing from the general gaming public for ages. Media Molecule even have fortnightly streams where they show off the game, but still no one's talking about it much. A shame imo
Also Gravity Rush 2 has been terrible at being shown off enough, shoutout to that trailer from E3 that Sony didn't even play on stage, it was just released around the time of E3. Shame Sony, shame.
Michel Ancel made some of my favourite games, so I'm eagerly awaiting W!ild. Only I wonder if it will ever show up. Just like Beyond Good & Evil 2, also from Ancel, you never hear anything from the game.
I absolutely can't wait for The Last Guardian and Gravity Rush 2, but Dreams is also looking awesome. I've watched a few of their archived streams and it's fascinating, especially watching skilled artists model brand new things from scratch. Definitely worth keeping an eye on. Media Molecule is a great studio
I fail to see how The Last Guardian has flown under the radar. It's been hotly anticipated since being announced a million years ago. From the list, Gravity Rush 2 is the one people should be excited about I reckon. I STILL can't figure out what Dreams is...
I'm excited for PS4 Hot Shots Golf. Loved the others even if I'm not great at them. They're so fun.
Last Guardian is less under the radar and more used up all its hype at E3 many years ago when it was a PS3 exclusive.
Nice shout out for Dreams, got my vote.
Good timing on this list, my wife and I were discussing this afternoon what to play now that I'm holding off on FFXV, maybe on PS5. So disgusted with them.
Love the Hot Shots Golf series, haven't played many in the series but the ones I have played are amazing! Definitely looking forward to that!
WiLD looks absolutely amazing. I can't wait! I'm excited for all of these games though.
The only one I'm really interested in is TLG, but I'm not going anywhere near it before reviews come out, so I'm not sure if I'm excited about it per say.
Gravity rush 2 and last guardian for me, and maybe wild if the game's good. Although different gameplay wise, art wise wild remind me of mark of kri on ps2.
@Lolzified Yeah, shame on sony for not showing gravity rush 2 trailer on it's e3 presentation, it's only 1 minute for pete's sake, just show it after the lego games trailer. And with the game's release so close to ff xv, I hope gravity rush 2 can still find an audience.
About dreams, maybe people hasn't talked about it because now it's only exist as a tool for making games? I'm sure if they release info on single player people will talk about it more.
of those Gravity Rush 2 but my most anticipated exclusive is Kingdom Hearts HD 2.8. Final Chapter Prologue
My vote was between Dreams and Gravity Rush and Dreams got the nod, the creation tools look incredibly powerful and very exciting to the point I think they could probably release it as is without an actual single player game. In all honesty I'm looking forward to pretty much all of them and it's the diversity and quality of titles like these which put Sony ahead of its rivals, even Nintendo who used to always have the best first party/exclusives have been surpassed.
Not to fussed with this selection, I'm pretty sure they'll all pass me by. I understand the warmth towards gravity rush 2, I played the first but just not really my thing. Surprised hell blade didn't make the cut on this list. I loved heavenly sword, one of my first ps3 experiences
I agree don't think The Last Guardian qualifies. Therefore I chose Gravity Rush 2. Need to see more of Wild to get me interested, might pick up Dreams if the community actively supports it.
TLG and GR2 are the games I'm most looking forward to this year. I have no concept what dreams is and when it comes to MM games I tend to buy them because they are so imaginative but don't actually enjoy playing them that much. Wild does interest me at all and I didn't even know they were making HSG and know that I do I'm not bothed either way.
I'm quite looking forward to the new Everybody's Golf and Gravity Rush 2 is looking pretty good, but most of all I can't wait to play FFXII in all its glorious HD refinement.
Everybody's Golf and TLG, although I agree I'm not sure TLG is really flying under the radar, people are just a bit numb to it now.
It's a pretty good place for it to be to be fair as people's expectations arnt huge so hopefully it'll get appreciated for what it is.
Dreams for me, I believe in Media Molecule. Absolutely loved Littlebigplanet.
The Last Guardian has been stuck in development hell, I'm hopeful but I'll await reviews. Gravity Rush 2 should be interesting, would have been more excited had it been a Vita game though.
tbh im a massive PlayStation guy but none of those really do anything for me played GR on the Vita and wasnt blown away so not hyped for that, loved SotC but never really liked Ico and TLG reminds me of that but im glad its on the way after being in development for seemingly for ever, Dreams i have absolutely no interest in at all, really have to be in the mood to play Everybodys Golf not bought one since PS2 (which i still play from time to time), WiLD looks neat but need to hear more about it
Last Guardian is rumoured to be coming out on PS5
Actually forgot about Dreams. It'll be like RPG Maker back in the good ol ps1 days, really looking forward to it but never actually buy it. Speaking of which has anyone here ever played RPG Maker and is it any good??
I wouldn't have thought The Last Guardian counted because it's a pretty famous game, but I chose it since it I'm slightly more excited about it than Gravity Rush 2. Wild and Dreams look interesting they just need to show more about them.
To be honest I wouldn't say any of these are flying under the radar so much. Wild I guess I see the least amount of 'talk' about. I know they don't seem to get as much 'column inches' or featured at E3's presser, a few seem yo get more talk than games like Hellblade for example. Of these 5 though, only wild has any interest to me but its still at the 'meh' stage and like the other 4, I doubt it will be purchased.
Preach it.
Gravity Rush 2 and Last Guardian are 2 of the best looking games in some time. And Wild as well, though I'm sure that one's far off.
The Last Guardian is very much a niche game and will not be to a lot of peoples tastes. I think it will be agreat game but probably will not sell very well
The Last Guardian and Gravity Rush 2!
Don't agree with the Last Guardian. Was literally something on PlayStations Twitter recently. Wild i've seen nothing since Paris games week and had to wait 1 year to see that as well.
As for Dreams again been promoting the Live Streams on Twitter throughout the year. It's too hard to demonstrate at this stage as the streams are all rather similiar
Everybody's golf.
one game that's tricky to master and difficult to put down.
But most importantly a whole lot of fun for any generation.
@RawShark I agree that os why i selected Gravity Rush 2.
@Bhattiboy That is also true can't wait to play it. But i picked Gravity Rush 2 because i had to choose one.
@dryrain I did preorder it the releasedate is already present.
I'm super hyped for Assault Suit Leynos.
would rather have this then what we got with no mans sky , all the media just making anything up and praising it when they had screen shots only and then it continued on and this is why i dont care for any reviews from sites there so biased and bandwagon jumpers these days . then after it releases and its broken mess and completely different from what the dev said in interviews they try to act like its a surprise when it was this site and so many more that hyped up that game with no proof just photos and you guys guessing. Its so sad but media is to blame for this and it should be normal to make and release a game but people like you want clicks so you always hype up stuff instead of being honest on a product and then games always fall short .
@wiiware oh gosh, completely forgot Gravity Rush 2 was the same week as FFXV. Hoo boy. GR2's gonna have a tough time. Good point about Dreams.
TLG isn't really under the radar, but I'm eager for it to release.
GR2 isn't as well-publicized as it should be, though, which is a shame, because it looks incredible.
Yeah, not sure I'd call TLG "under the radar". Looking forward to it though.
Probably Nioh or WiLD.
@Lolzified I know, outside of Dualshockers nobody in the gaming media is talking about it.
Some honourable mentions: Drawn To Death, What Remains of Edith Finch, Rez Infinite, Wattam, Matterfall, Hellblade and The Tomorrow Children.
Can't wait to see how Dreams turns out, I loved LBP when it was originally released.
I voted for Dreams with Hot Shots a close second. They seem to be changing hot shots a bit. I need more info on the new one. The old ones were great
I am not excited for any of the small titles from Sony. I am mostly excited for Spider-Man. Sony hasn't impressed me with any great titles so far and my most anticipated series UC4 was underwhelming IMO.
Everybody's Golf, such a great series. Me and the wife love playing this though funnily enough neither of us even like Golf despite living next to Royal Liverpool in Hoylake . Not to fussed about the other games.
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