Sony has announced that the price of a one year subscription to PlayStation Plus will be raised to $59.99 USD / $69.99 CAD in North America and Canada respectively on the 22nd September.
As well as that, a three month subscription will soon set you back an extra $8 as the asking price increases to $24.99 USD / $29.99 CAD. The monthly plan will remain at $9.99 in the US, but Canadians can now expect to pay $11.99 a month.
Sony says that the price increase is due to current market conditions: "PlayStation Plus strives to enrich your PlayStation experience through a world-class service built for our fans. This marks the first time that PS Plus membership prices will increase in the U.S. and Canada since the launch of the service in 2010. The new pricing reflects the current market conditions while enabling us to continue providing exceptional value to our members."
It is not yet clear if this price increase will have any impact on PlayStation Plus in Europe or Japan.
How do you feel about this one? Try not to start a fire in the comments section below.
Comments 105
Guess I should get a years worth now before the price hike.
This will end well.
What a joke.
This is bull They better be giving us triple A's and more extra incentives if they're tacking on extra digits to the price!
Language -Tasuki-
Uh oh. Take cover. Comments Section dwellers are coming.
...And they look disgruntled.
You can stack up your subs not sure what the limit is but you can do it for a few years atleast. Not suprised by the price increase its been the same for years. Its a decent service so happy to pay what I need to pay. I paid £33 for my last 1 year sub for PS Plus in europe if you shop around you should never pay full price.
ridiculous,with their bullsh*t worthless games they ask for more?steam is far better and cheaper
Language - get2sammyb
This makes it the same price as Xbox Live right? I've always been surprised that Plus was $10 less to be honest.
You can get these deals around the holidays for half price. You NEVER have to pay full price if you don't want to.
I understand this is going to be a sensitive topic but I need everyone to remain reasonably calm in the comments section. No swearing and no lashing out at other users, please.
Possibility of better PS4 games in IGC? Or PSVR games will be added in IGC? (I prefer the prior). But this might be nothing, LOL.
@ShogunRok Yes, was just coming to say the same. Feel free to air your frustration/disappointment, but let's try to keep our language family friendly please!
In North America, there'a always holiday deals on these things. Sometimes almost half off but usually 40%. BE smart about it & buy them then. You can stack two years worth of subscriptions on.
There are not many products that have not increased in price since 2010.
I think it's bull....they give us these D rating games especially on the PS4 and want a price increase ....
To be honest, apart from the games on PS+, which I really don't care about/expect great titles any longer (I see the games as a bonus, really), the service kind of improved lately, with more cloud storage space and more stability. I for one can't remember any outages on the recent past. Of course I would like to have it staying the same price forever, but I can't be that much bothered by this somewhat small increase if it affects Europe.
As long as sony ditched ps3 and ps vita it's okay I think, just give us good free ps4 and ps vr games. 1 old AAA games and 1 new good indie game each month for ps4 / ps vr is good, like in the old day when sony gave us uncharted 3 on ps3 and hotline miami on ps vita.
@Dreamcaster-X I've always gotten the discounted PSN Plus subscriptions (year for $30), except last year I absolutely could NOT find any online/in-store retailer that offered them! This year is actually the first year I've not had an annual subscription, and I can totally live without it honestly (minus the added discounts during sales...miss those!).
Can you buy one of those Plus cards and pay in advance?
Mine is set to auto-renew by credit card in January.
@GamerDad66 Simply buy 12 months now if you want and disable auto-renew, no?
Usually Best Buy via eBay has them on sale so I never really pay full price for PS+ but this kinda sucks.
Hopefully it means an increase in the quality of the free games because the actual PSN has been pretty solid and improved quite a bit. I just tire of seeing mildly polished indie titles as the free games. But Tricky Towers was pretty awesome.
I laughed audibly when I read this headline.
I will most certainly not be renewing my PS+ when it expires in November.
Nobody likes a price increase, but the first one in years I can handle. I will be incandescent with rage, however, if the $10 hike in the states translates to a £10/10 euro hike over here.
if they announce September's games on Wednesday and is all indies there will be a riot
The price has remained the same since its launch 2010. Given they've added Vita and PS4 I'm surprised it hasn't risen before now.
Why are people so angry? I know no one likes price increases but in the last six years I've been hit with price rises to;
Phone bill
Internet bill
What you have is the usual people who complain about PlayStation Plus complaining about PlayStation Plus. Sony is greedy, give us more AAA games, I'm cancelling now etc. I don't get this people. If you don't like the service and think it's a waste of money then don't subscribe.
Anyways you can always pick up PlayStation Plus cheap online. That and you can still stock up before the price increase.
I don't like price rises but I have never paid full price so I will just shop around. I will only get upset if they start doing it year on year for no reason. I would like a rethink of ps plus game wise but this is life and business.
On the bright side, maybe they are planning on selling the new PS4 Slim and Neo on Sept 22nd as they expect people to buy it w/ their new consoles?
OK, there was no bright side there.
On the bright side, maybe the PS4 Slim will be much cheaper and they are doing this to recoup some of the cost?
At any rate, the new consoles won't be out before Sept 22.
Edit - OK, actual bright side - they could have raised it NOW, instead they gave us 4 weeks before the new price kicked in, that was nice.
Was it not only increased a few months back?
Someone has to pay for the new consoles being sold at a loss it's just business. I'm going to take the advice from above, if the price hikes come to the UK I'll pick up a couple of years worth before hand.
@JesWood13 you are now paying about the same as europeans have been paying for years, just saying.
@get2sammyb Xbox Live Gold is the same price as PS+ - At least in the UK. However if you shop around, Gold can often be found for around £32 (or a 12+1 for £34) but a PS+ 12 month card is about £36 (CDKeys)
If the price increases in the UK again, I wont be renewing when my annual sub runs out and the end of Sept, it really just wouldnt be worth its asking price
Nope. Sorry Sony. Unless the free games get significantly better.
@BAMozzy Thinking about the US, though. I believe (prior to this change) the MSRP for Xbox Live Gold was $60 and PS Plus was $50. Obviously both have special offers, etc, though.
I've already extended mine for another year two weeks ago before this announcement. Wonder if I should add another year to it before the price increase.:/
This is going to rub a lot of people off the wrong way, but I don't mind. PS+ easily pays for itself twice over in my case. Hoping this leads to better games in the IGC and more updates.
I think it's time they add 2 oppositions one for just online access at a discounted price and the other option is too have it contain online access and games. This would work well for both sides.
Expect the triple A games to come out starting September......or maybe it's just a troll
@get2sammyb I can't comment on US prices as I have never looked at them. As I do own both an Xbox and PS) and have since both introduced subscription services and in the UK at least, the RRP has been the same.
Maybe it is 'cheaper' in the US - in which case PS fans have been getting a better deal than us in the past. I just assumed the price was the same...
70 bucks!!!!!!!!!!! That is taking the piss, the service wasn't really worth fifty a year, worth even less at seventy...
@RawShark Don't start your "Comment Section Dweller" garbage here. This is just sony abusing their market share. We need to boycott this.
@ShogunRok I appreciate that we need to keep this comment section family friendly, but I feel that there are no other words in this case.
I am moderately ticked off!
Sony knows Great Britain and Japan are the best Island countries in the world over charging the countries around us more. Put the prices higher Sony! Woo woo.
I was already on the fence about renewing when my subscription ends in March. I have never yet gotten a free game I cared about, and I only play online sparingly. I'd hate to quit Rocket League but I just don't think it's worth it...
@TomKnows We don't NEED to do anything! If you don't like it then don't pay, it's that simple.
Current market conditions my a $$
@dazzlerJJD This guy here gets it. I mean on average each Push Square article gets about 10 comments then as soon as a Plus article comes up it shoots up to nearly triple digits, largely because people just to say how bad and shady Sony is.
Sigh...gonna pick up a card today and save $10 for my next year.
If you look at it subjectively and rationally it is just a nicker a week.
Most of us spend more than that a day on junk food or over-priced coffee from one of those chains.
And I know people who spend £30/month on their phone contracts.
PS+ is cheap as chips really - free games and discounts off discounted games.
@get2sammyb So if we add an "e" at the end of sh!#, we are good though, right? ..noticed that in an article posted here the other day.
@itshoggie pretty sure they increased the cost for one month and three month subscriptions, but left the annual subscription price the same.
I don't feel like I'm getting better service, I'm glad I reupped my year earlier
This will probably inspire a new "Hitler Gets Mad" video. The knee jerk reactions and general complaints will be interesting reading.
In reality it is only 19 more pennies per week. However any flak Sony recieves from this price increase is in large part their own fault due to their choices of "free" games provided each month for the PS4.
However 1$ is not equal to 1 euro. Electronics are more expensive here. For example new games cost up to 70 euros! However some things like phone bills are cheaper on some not so developed countries but game prices are the same in the whole region.
As for Plus cards they are very rarely discounted here. All sell them for 50 euros. I wouldn't mind a minor increase if there was an increase in quality but there has not been much. Free games are not so interesting, I struggle to play online in some games, Plus launch discounts are not that good etc.
In case I am very mistaken (I have never played on x-box) Live costs 50 euros here so they may not increase the price in Europe.
Eh, I only use my consoles for single-player exclusives anyways. All my friends are PC gamers so I wasn;t planning on buying it at all anyway.
PS+ price increase: 22nd September
Destiny: Rise of Iron: 20th September
Coincidence? I think not
To pay to play online is a bit mad.
Not really interested in free games I buy games i like usually within the 1st 2 2nd week of coming out to expect them to appear in PlayStation Plus within the 1st 2 2nd week 4 3 is Mad.
If you feel Sony is taking you for a ride do not get Mad just don't add another subscription. .
No more online play.not so there are games out there that you can play online Hustle kings No Mans sky to name a few.
What my umm bug bear is I can play pro evo online on ps3 but ps4 wants cold cash its not the money folks i can easily afford 40 quid a year I just feel paying to play online is well Mad
push square always flatters sony
@get2sammyb This does match up with Xbox live. I subscribe to both services, the difference is, the games with gold are almost always retail games and they get 2 Xbone games and 2 360 games and all the 360 games are backwards compatible. I may actually let plus lapse as most of my multiplayer time lately has been with Forza Horizon and GTA V on Xbox.
Meh, not really worth it anymore. I rarely play online and the games have been pretty useless. Sticking to steam seems like the smarter move for now.
I am not happy about this
I can't believe people actually pay money for PSN and Xbox Live.
Told you.
@Kage_88 I'm with you on this. I'd be more sympathetic to a price increase if the games were yours (at least, in the conventional sense that you don't need to purchase a PSN subscription to play them after you stop paying for it). As it stands, it feels and always has felt like a cash cow to me.
If people really feel it's good value, that's fine. I prefer games with the ability to make my own servers, thus allowing the games to be preserved by the community long after the official servers are down.
I kinda feel like, if you don't see value in the service for $10 more, then you really, really shouldn't pay it.
Make sure you've got Auto-Renewal switched off first, of course - they'll try to take the money without really informing you.
Not living in the US I'm not sure what market conditions are causing the price increase, but I'm guessing it is more vague marketing bull to justify a price hike that is solely to increase Sony's profit margins.
To be honest I'm not sure there is a reason for the charge to play online other than for Sony to capitalise on what Microsoft started the previous generation. Even the store is slow as hell to download from even though free service on PC happily cap out my internet speed. I almost never went with the PS4 when they announced the requirement of plus to play online so if it increases in the UK too I think I'll be done, I already expected the Neo to be me out anyway. This generation may be the death of consoles for me and I know a few other people who feel the same.
I'm very disappointed. The plus games are mostly junk I will never download and now it's more expensive to play online which is 80% of my gameplay. This is what happens when you dominate the market, you get greedy.
"Current market conditions" meaning consumers with more than average expendable income are increasing in number and happen to be the ones that are extremely apathetic about the cost of this rather expensive hobby. God I hope Nintendo doesn't follow suit.
Since when are you such the optimist?
@Fenriswolf- No your not ok. And if you purposely do it you will earn yourself a vacation from the site.
Thanks for understading.
@Major-Zero This is still a public forum, so we need to be appropriate all ages.
@TomKnows So you going to boycott your phone company when they increase your phone bill? How bout your local dairy when the price goes up on milk? How bout the gas station when gas prices increase? It's called inflation compare the price of alot things to their price now to what it was 5 years ago. It's nothing to do with greed.
The 'market conditions' are that Sony is dominating this gen and figures it can do whatever the hell it wants. It happens at all these companies when they have a highly successful console.
@Gamer83 See my comment above. It has nothing to do with dominating this gen. It's just inflation.
Sony knows it can get away with this since it's holding multiplayer hostage behind this paywall.
Oh well. I like the cloud storage and sale discounts, so I'll likely continue paying for it.
Guarantee if the PS4 was running in a distant second place you wouldn't be seeing this.
If it equates to a solid £10 quid over here then I wont be too bothered, however when anything goes up in price, consumers are right to ask what are we benefiting from with this increase.
Take away the shopping around savings online and ya looking at maybe a fiver, six quid, which isnt so bad.
Having had the PS4 since the start, I cant say i'm too surprised with "a price rise" after this amount of time, but whether its "market factors" or just plain old "cobblers", Sony know they can get away with it, leading the way as they do in sales and safe in the knowledge that the majority of those who say they wont renew, will actually do so, through a combination of a lack of conviction and the next big release.....
@Gamer83 How can you guarantee that? You work for Sony now?
In the past six months, my Netflix went up a dollar a month, the place I work at has risen prices on things 50 cents, everywhere you look prices have been going up slowly. It's inflation which is just basic economics.
Just going by what I've always seen in this industry. When one company is well ahead of the competition it gets arrogant, starts thinking it's untouchable and then will try and push the envelope a bit. You really think if the roles are reversed with Xbox One doubling PS4 sales that Sony would up the price on PS Plus knowing it could enrage the customers it does have? Not a chance.
At the end of the day though, this isn't a huge deal. I'll make a sarcastic joke like '#fortheplayers' but the truth is anybody who's a savvy consumer hasn't paid full price for a year of Xbox Live or PS Plus in years. Sony and MS could up the prices on their services to $120 and it still shouldn't bother anybody who knows how to use the internet and find good deals.
Gotta love comments on psplus articles.
They're entertaining to read so by all means, let the nerd rage flow through you.
@adf86 I plan to not pay it. But I also have more than one console & PC. If you can get a PC, I advise you to do the same. I'll play whatever games still allow on-line access, without PS+.
Sony is doing this due to the scale of people it has, even if people like me quit, they know they can still make money on those that remain.
@Tasuki Yes. I do boycott a company when they don't meet my expectations of fairness. My opinion; this is not inflation, but Sony slowly acustomizing us to pay more. I'm to PC.
@Gamer83 That is true, I don't think I have ever paid full price for a XBL Gold or PS+ card. I have my PS+ and XBL Gold paid up till around Christmas and then at that time of the year several places like Best Buy, Gamestop and even online sites have the cards on sale for a good price.
@TomKnows Not inflation? Last time I check Sony doesn't own McDonalds, Chili's, Walmart, Safeway and other places that prices went up on goods and services?
I usually get my ps+ and xbl membership online at a discounted price but considering xbl costs more I always manage to find a better deal with the year of xbl (around %50 off) than I do for ps+ (around %25).
I understand inflation but at a time when people have generally not had much nice things to say about ps plus it is surprising.
@Tasuki I find it funny people will jump in to defend a company without actually thinking through what they are getting. On the PS3 online gaming was free, the only reason it costs anything now is that they saw Microsoft get away with it despite it being the most stupid charge in gaming. The plus games aren't a patch on what they used to be so they will be saving a lot of money there too - think of any inflation here as counteracted the way snack food companies do, they charge the same prices, but give you less content. Plus at its current price is going to be far more profitable than it was in the PS3 era.
The other thing is when you mention the likes of phone contracts, energy bills and Netflix costing more you also have to understand that they all have competition. Plus doesn't, at least not without spending a huge chunk on a different system - I game on PC too so I have the option to boycott plus and still play online (for no charge I'll add). I can also get about seven games from places like Humble Bundle for a few dollars if I want a better gaming service than plus. Not everyone has that option though, but it doesn't make plus value for money and people should complain about price rises.
Console manufacturers used to sell systems at a loss and recoup those losses in software licenses for their systems. The problem now is they know the community won't just accept additional charges to use their systems, but actively defend the same charges. You are already effectively paying a premium to play games on the system without any other charges tacked on. If you're happy paying for a service that is free elsewhere then that is fine, but realise that a lot of people aren't and it will drive sales of consoles down, even if profit margins go up for Sony as they already make a killing with plus.
@Bad-MuthaAdebisi I had many great deal in the Netherlands with PSN. So what am i missing?
@Dichotomy Ofcourse they get the games for free server don't use energy they don't have a staff yes.
@TomKnows I extensively researched getting a PC last year and frankly the whole thing was a chore. There's too much faffing on for it to be worth it. It's why you can't put a price on convenience, people will happily pay to just have a box that guarantees it will play the games you want without the worry that some won't work or having to go into the game's files to get it to work with joy pad's etc. Plus the money I would have paid for a PC I'd happily use it to buy more PS4 games because that's where I prefer to play my games. And until such time when PlayStation is no more then there's no other platform I'd rather be on.
Back onto the topic, I still maintain that a tiered Plus subscription might be the way to go. At least for PS4. Silver, Gold and Platinum, silver for those that want just online, gold is what it is now and Platinum adds in PS Now.
@JaxonH I was optimistic? Must have been the vacation, we just got back Sunday night.
@john_c If I "look at it subjectively" it p*sses me off. Objectively though, it is still a price increase that seems unnecessary - "market conditions" is awfully vague, and seems more like another way of saying "we want more money and here we see an opportunity".
Language - get2sammyb
Hahahaha.....wait really?!(oh well...)
OH they have balls to do this considering the utter crap that gets churned out on the PS+ games
"The new pricing reflects the current market conditions while enabling us to continue providing exceptional value to our members." Lousy explanation, very vague. If it rises in Britain with no added benefits then I'm boycotting it.
Sony is out to make money, like every other corporation. They're not your friend, and they're not #4theplayers. If they think they can get away with price hikes with little to no repercussions, they will.
Agree with ~ @Pink_Floyd , @TomKnows and @adf86 about boycotting , @Bhattiboy yes yes and yes , @TVRFLY and you shouldn't be , @Kage_88 , @crazycrazydave here here , @Dichotomy Yes I am one ,
One of the big reasons why I have not purchased a PlayStation 4 is the mandatory PlayStation Plus subscription in order to get the full experience by using the online feature of the games. I have been holding out in hopes Sony would reduce or eliminate this mandatory requirement but now this.
Sony needs but a tenth of what they rake in from all the lemmings feeding into this to maintain PSN, it's a cash cow just like Micro$oft's Live for the Xbox 360 and One. I never did and never will want a PlayStation Plus subscription.
Free games, as the saying goes "If something is free, you are the product." I have no problem purchasing a game if like it, I do not care about so called free games.
RIP eighth generation.
I'm not boycotting it, I'm saying that their should be oppositions like one for online, and another for online access and free games every month. For me I hardly download the games because they don't offer the games I desire but I do play online almost daily. So boycotting it is foolish to say for most if not all people since rarely games only come with a single player.
If the price does bother people then go with Nintendo or PC.
@Pink_Floyd My small comment on boycotting was for TomKnows and adf86 . Sorry for the confusion but I do like your idea about splitting Plus in lieu of a (I would hope to be much) reduced price. I myself have ponder this years ago.
"exceptional value"
@Flaming_Kaiser I understand English is not your first language, so apologise if I misunderstood your reply. I'll break down your seemingly sarcastic reply into a few quick points.
My post pointed out you can already get more games for cheaper via services such as humble bundle so a price increase for this reason is solely for Sony's benefit.
Servers for games are usually ran by the game's developer and the cost is iPad when you buy the game. If they use Sony's they rent them, thus paying any fees already. So we are left with Sony's servers for their store which the over priced games on it pay for. I mean if you went into town and people charged you to go in their shops how would you react?
As for staff, when I buy their games and consoles I kind of expect that will pay for the fees and not have to pay more later. Would you pay an additional fee for the right to watch your DVDs a month after you bought them?
As I said, you can get better online experiences without paying for them. Couple that with the fact you already pay a premium to game on consoles means plus is a complete rip off which is what a lot of PlayStation fans said about gold last generation.
*Included, not iPad lol.
if this comes to the uk i'll sell my ps4
@Tasuki Teheee! I love it when you get tough. I was just making a joke sherrif, calm down.. And ya might wanna talk to your writers then, they used the word in an article just the other day.
@Tasuki Actually it's Hyper Inflation, prices are increasing at a far more rapid rate than they used to...
Look at cars for example when I was born the going rate for the average low-end car was WAY under $10,000 now you pay $20,000+ for low-end cars or $14,000-$18,000 for explosive deathtrap mobiles that are more dangerous than the old recalled Ford Pinto's of the late 70's early 80's.
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