As you may or may not have heard, sparks have been flying over NieR: Automata protagonist 2B's bottom. Those of you who have played the recently released demo may have noticed that the womanly android has a particularly prominent behind, which can be glanced when she's busy climbing ladders or jumping thanks to the fact that she wears a relatively short skirt.

Naturally, the presence of such a robust rump has stirred up controversy, with some citizens of the Internet arguing that it's all a bit unnecessary. Needless to say, controversial or not, the web's already swamped in fan art that highlights 2B's bum, and it's become such a popular subject that Automata director Yoko Taro has posted his thoughts on Twitter.
As translated by Siliconera, Taro writes: "With 2B's butt controversy going on, there's been loads of outrageous images being uploaded, but since it's a pain in the butt to go around collecting them all, I'd rather receive them through zips on a weekly basis." We think it's safe to assume that he approves.
Funnily enough, a thoughtful fan did actually compile all of the art into a zip file, as evidenced by Taro's follow-up tweet: "After saying 'send me zips of 2B art' word got around and I actually got a zip. The Internet is great." At least someone's happy, eh?
So, what do you make of all this? Is the world ready for big robot bums? Don't get too cheeky in the comments section below.
[source twitter.com, via siliconera.com]
Comments 30
I love it, I don't even care. Look at all those PS4 owners on Pornhub. Get over yourselves. She's one sexy cyborg. I didn't bitch about Gladiolus showing off his hardbody in an open leather shirt in FF15 and I won't moan about this. At least she doesn't look like she's underage like those Bravely Default kids.
The fact that the director is joking about people praising the cybernetic booty is hilarious.
People really love to complain about nothing.
Not again......
Time to get some popcorn.
@kyleforrester87 to be fair Gladiolus was balanced out by Cindy and Aranea, the latter of which is now a permanent companion of mine, albeit one who's not allowed in the car 😃. As for 2B I can't say I noticed her bottom when playing the demo so I may have to give it another go later on
@carlos82 Ah Cindy, now that's a classy broad.
Regardless of posteriors, she's a super cool character design. Really good.
@get2sammyb Agreed, really like it. I love the designs of a lot of the Bravely characters too, some of them are just way too sexy for their age though.
Hmm...! :/
The robutt, you could say.
The only outrage in here is why pushsquare doesn't provide the link on the zip
Saw neogaf having a freakout over him being okay with this, was funny.
@kyleforrester87 MY EYES
Didn't notice when playing the demo, i really do like the overall design of her though...also checked out some of the fan art, some fantastic stuff been done
I hate my generation on the internet sometimes (most of the time). Overly sensitive little cry babies... I'm glad at least Yoko Taro is more or less disregarding the whiners. Good on him.
@SecondServing Don't worry about it mate they made her 18 in PAL territories!
I love this dev.i say i would say I love big butt .and I ain't gonna lie
I'll have to try out the demo, I have no problem with the butt controversy. No big deal at all.
The dev sounds really chill. I love it.
There is no controversy here. Girls have butts. If you don't want to see them, then don't look under their skirts. Problem solved.
Just another reason to buy P:
There was nowt wrong with her behind, nowt wrong at all.
People don't have to believe me, but I didn't even notice. I also haven't seen any complaints about it but if there are it doesn't surprise. Probably the usual obnoxious suspects.
Just let it be.
Didn't even notice to tell you the truth, i don't go around trying to find sex stuff when playing a game. How on earth do people even notice these things when playing a game? they must be trying to seek this stuff out or something its strange.
@banacheck That's usually how it is now. There's an unsettling amount of people who nitpick something just to criticise and make an overblown deal of it. Unfortunately, this has happened in the games industry way, way too often recently.
People are f---ing ridiculous these days... 😑
NieR always causes controversy

Christ, people are such children these days. God forbid some fan service leak into our games. People moan about how games need to 'grow up' but then act like children when a woman's body is featured in said games.
People just need to grow up it's a bum at the end of the day.
Nothing wrong with a big bum or two.
Hahaha, i know she has a figure, but i just thought that was her skirt! Demo was to interesting for me to notice
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