With sales of Infinite Warfare purportedly disappointing, Activision seems eager to start the Call of Duty cycle afresh, with Sledgehammer Games seemingly teasing this year's iteration of the popular first-person shooter. And, with historical settings back in vogue thanks to Battlefield 1, it looks like that may be what the Advanced Warfare developer's teasing.
There's not much to go on yet, but boss Michael Condrey tweeted out a holiday image with an M1911 pistol on it – a popular weapon during both World War I and particularly World War II. The developer then uploaded a New Year video, showing an old engine and lock system. The sounds are the key here: a large clock tower bell sounds, similar to Big Ben.
Alright, so London's famous clock tower still sounds the same in 2017, but there's something about all of the analogue imagery here that makes us think the developer will be turning back time rather than looking to the future yet again. And while that may seem a little copycat after Battlefield 1, it's worth noting that this game has been in production for two years already.
The question is: what kind of setting do you want from this year's Call of Duty? Respawn in the comments section.
[source twitter.com, via twitter.com, neogaf.com]
Comments 16
Headline misleading, not a surprise at all.
@Quintumply But therein lies the sarcasm, sir!
Funny thing is, it looks like a copy of that Horizon Zero Dawn's new year ad.
@get2sammyb Haha, I know. Was being sarcastic right back.
That went well.
Personally I hope that they aren't responding to the vocal internet crowd but making the game the want to make - if that happens to be a more historical setting - so be it.
I prefer the more modern/futuristic setting as that is a better setting for a fast paced arcade shooter and gives developers the opportunity to be creative - not only with story, weaponry and gear (as they don't have to conform to historical accuracy) but also with movement, environments (instead of the 'drab' colours of warfare). Modern Warfare was a great game but plays slowly by comparison to more recent CoD's.
Its no secret though that Sledgehammer have an interest in historical settings. Maybe they could be doing an 'alternative' history game with a steampunk style futuristic warfare...
Whichever time period they use i get a feeling that a mw2 remaster(and in future WaW) will be included...the only thing that might prevent this happening is if cod4 becomes a stand alone purchase on disc and sells well,then they might skip releasing remasters as a bundle with any new cod and just release them as separate remasters, but then saying that its Activision so it will be bundles first then stand alone releases of the remasters
A game can't be developed in direct response to another game...
Otherwise all these delays make no sense.
To be honest I've gone off the fp shooters after all the last 3 call of duty games. The thing that doesn't sit well with me, is that the franchise hasn't listened to their fans once!!! And now they have realised that they ain't immortal they are gonna say that the nxt cod has been in development for 2yrs😂😂😂 Yea what eva u say. They would of gone the futuristic way but sales are shit so they HAVE to listen to what people want now, not because they wanted to. It's because the share holder's are probably pissed. I'm that bored of all the shit that has been going on since the first mistake ( Advanced Warfare ) that it has started making me dislike the developers in the franchise. Which in turn is putting me off this type of game. I honestly don't even think I will buy Modern Warfare remastered WHEN it comes out stand alone and I used to love that game!! With Supply drops and pay to get good weapons,,, well it's funny. I bet when this franchise started they actually cared about gaming but now all they care about is more zeros. It happens with everything. Sport is the same. I can't watch shitty football anymore. I am neva gonna buy a game until It has been reviewed!! The games I love though are games like Uncharted, Horizon Zero Dawn, Last Of Us, Detroit looks amazing, Crash, God Of War, Spiderman, GTS, Days Gone, also that Death Stranding looks awesome too but I defo am not looking forward to any other fp shooter. So bored of the corporate that ruins everything it touches!!!!!
@Lloydeee You have been asked several times now to watch the language. We will see you in a few days -Tasuki-
The bell definitely gives the setting away, I reckon this'll be set in WW2. I can imagine Sledgehammer going for alternate history though
I use to love black ops 1 and mwf2. And played ghost but quickly into advanced warfare got very bored of the franchise and sold it soon after purchace. Some time went by and i missed shooting things lol. So i caved and decided ti get bo3. Same thing. Just wasnt feeling it. The other day i jumped on the battlefield1 wagon. Not sure if ill ever get off. Loving it.
@BAMozzy Activision seriously needs to do what they did this year, have two CoD. It's at the point now that the fanbase is split, half want an old school boots on the ground type CoD and the other wants the furtristic rocket jumping type. By only releasing one type you are going to alienate half of the player base.
I haven't brought a COD game because I personally wanted it since MW3, but if this new one is a historic one it will almost be an instant buy. There's so much they could do, possibly WW1, a proper Vietnam game, redo old battles or do tons of scenarios from WW2 not done in COD such as Burma, Kohima, Iwo Jima, Manchuria, Chinese Theatre, Aleutian Islands, Kursk, Operation Barbarossa, Italy and many more. Maybe even missions from the Axis PoV or alternate history scenarios such as Operation Downfall, or if Germany managed to push past Stalingrad and Moscow, or maybe even in Britain. Finally I reckon the Korean War would make for an excellent COD game, mostly WW2 era weapons, never done in a video game (I think) and could be the place for a good narrative.
I hate futuristic call of duty.
Go alternate timelines - it worked well for Wolfenstein (imo).
@Rudy_Manchego now that would be cool !
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