Hey, Yakuza 0 is out today, and we highly recommend it. The PlayStation 4 exclusive has seemingly pushed the niche series into the corner of the mainstream eye for the first time in forever, and as far as we're concerned, any success that it finds is well deserved. The game's launch trailer is short but sweet, showing off all the stuff that you can expect from this gritty crime drama, including those addictive trips to the local disco.
And as if you needed anymore reason to add this one to your wishlist, SEGA has revealed that it'll be releasing free downloadable content every week until the 14th February via game updates. The DLC will apparently include bits and pieces like costumes, weapons, items, and crafting components. You'll be able to nab all of this stuff by talking to Bob the clown, who hangs around the CP shrines in both Kamurocho and Sotenbori. You'll know the guy when you see him.
So, are you buying Yakuza 0? Show us the most brutal of moves in the comments section below.
[source gematsu.com]
Comments 22
As I have said l loved the game and it was worthed it, but I have a few questions that I don't want to google, to avoid spoilers.
If I finish the game, can I keep playing in order to do side quests, completitions etc? Also there is a trophy to finish it on legendary mode, do I need a new game for it or I can redo the main quests only?
Cant wait. Hurry up Amazon Prime!
My copy was delivered this morning. Just got home, so as soon as I've had lunch and finished up a few other things, I'm jumping right on that
@Melucine when you finish the game you can continue in 'premium adventure' - this is the game with no story left - just continue to get the completion to 100% - there are 7 or 8 missable trophies though, so if you miss them during your first playthrough then you need to get them on your next.
There is a trophy for completing on legendary - however, it's like dead souls, you have to start a new game on legendary - meaning nothing carries over - but you can just fly through the story as all that needs completing is the story for the trophy.
The good thing is that legendary unlocks no matter what you play on first and there is no normal/hard trophy (in the others you had to complete normal without going to easy, then hard to unlock legendary, then legendary - this time it's easy/medium/hard then legendary.
@Turniplord Thanks for the info! I will go on with the normal mode and check missable trophies after that, at worse case I will try to do them while playing on legendary.
The more I'm hearing about this game the more want it, how long is the main story?
My copy was sent this morning so I'm praying that it arrives today
I'm hyped for this!
@PlaytendoGuy Same here! I think @ShogunRok said at least 20 hours in his review.
Just booting it up now, I didn't realise there was local multiplayer minigames 😃
Anyway picking up from my local Game this morning they only had 2 copies left, granted they wouldn't have had lots to start with but he did say they'd had a lot of interest in it
@Quintumply @PlaytendoGuy Yeah, I'd say 20 hours if you really rushed through it. Took me almost 40.
@carlos82 It's apparently sold out in quite a few places. I know Sammy was having trouble finding a copy on Amazon, for example. Good signs for SEGA.
Those in the UK struggling to get a copy should try Argos as they're only £39.99.
Just got back with my copy, waiting for it to install so I can get going. What a start to the year with this, Resident Evil VII and Gravity Rush 2.
Already got my copy, going to plat shantae first then I'll play this game.
@TrueAssassin86x lol true that! I say wait and play the backlog and try to knock one out at a time, but I know it's hard lol
@wiiware what's Shantae?
Bah Amazon let me down today hopefully tomorrow!
When does the first DLC release?
@smythelove Shantae half genie hero, a 2D platformer game by wayforward. It's good, you should try it if you like 2D game.
Got my copy today and been having a blast with it. I heard the story was good but it has engrossed me more than any other game since the Witcher 3. Was also glad to find out that the pre order copies were the business edition so it came with a pretty decent business card holder.
@wiiware cool sounds like fun
@zimbogamer Yeah it is very good and that trailer I saw on the PA blog looked really cool!
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