Ever wanted a life-size Bloodborne statue on your lawn? Of course you have. The good news is that Prime 1 Studio – makers of fine licensed monoliths – has announced two gigantic effigies inspired by From Software's iconic PlayStation 4 exclusive action role-playing game.

We particularly like the Lady Maria, sitting with her head bowed on a large Victorian chair. Of course, don't expect either of these to be affordable in the slightest – you're looking at four figures, if not even more. Worth it, though, eh?
[source imgur.com]
Comments 14
These are the most beautiful statues i ever saw, i just can dream of having them in my house.
Bloodborne in my opinion is still the best PS4 exclusive to date, and yes i've played Unharted 4.
Prime 1 makes nice statues. Have there Geralt on pre-order and waiting for Ciri to go up.
Usually the size and material makes the $700 price tag worth it, in my opinion.
Fantastic looking statues,especially like you say the one sat in the chair.Never played Bloodborne but would be happy to own these
Those are pretty expensive for something that will break if dropped once :s
This is amazing.
@Wazeddie22 ur in luck! Bloodborne is on sale right now! At least I'm pretty sure it is. 😝
These are awesome. God I loved Bloodborne, as much as I enjoyed Uncharted 4 I have to say, I think BB takes the top spot as my favourite PS4 game.
@ellsworth004 Thanks for the tip!However as much as I think the game looks great,I was absolutely hopeless at Dark Souls and literally got nowhere so can't really see me being any better at Bloodborne..
This is always hard: will I get one of those, or a PS4 Pro, Scorpio and Switch for the same amount of money???
Where can I put my preorder in??
As gorgeous as they are, I'm busy waiting for a sale on a certain 4k HDR TV and will buy a Pro right after.
I would love it if Demons Souls got remastered because I think it would be worth people seeing where it all started especially since it only got a small cult following.
Also I'm going to stick my neck out qnd say at E3 Bloodborne 2 will be announced and coming in 2018.
Aw man, do want. Reminds me I need to go back and replay Bloodborne at some point.
Those are some very fancy statues.
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