Who fancies another look at Final Fantasy VII Remake, then? Speaking at the Monaco Anime Game International Conferences this weekend, Tetsuya Nomura has revealed two brand new screenshots from the hotly anticipated role-playing game. One shows off Cloud in a stealth-esque scenario, while the other sees the spiky-haired hero paired with Barret and taking on a scorpion.

"Here is a new image of Final Fantasy VII," director Tetsuya Nomura told Gameblog.fr. "I've put a lot of attention into the combat system, and it's going to happen without interruption. In meetings, we've had a lot of problems with the grenades." It's not entirely clear what the issue is, but Nomura did stress that there'll be no friendly fire on grenades.

"Here is the first boss in the game," he continued. "It's a Scorpion, and the scenery will be partly destructible. Sorry, I asked to show a video, but the company refused. The menus are not yet final, but I will talk more on another occasion."
Looks like it's coming together fairly nicely, doesn't it? It's great to see some progress, but let's hope that there are some new trailers and gameplay videos readied soon. In the meantime, do bring your Buster Sword into the comments section, and let us know what you think about these all-new images.
[source gameblog.fr, via gematsu.com]
Comments 30
ATB gives me hope for turn based battles!
Look at that command menu! Hopefully it's an option to be fully turn based for that old school flavour.
Yayyy! Those could be pre-rendered photoshop jobs for all we know because its Nomura! But at least its not dead.
Problems with grenades? If its friendly fire, you can set an ID and have it only damage something that's programmed to correspond to that ID. Its not hard. Its probably even easier in UE4 than how I do it.
"I asked to show a video but the company refused" now that just reeks of BS. This is the company that gave you the finest slapping away from FFXV because nothing was happening for 6 years. They are probably best in locking him in a cage until its done. SE isn't a firm to refuse announcing something so far in advance. Maybe they just learned after letting Nomura loose too many times.
Looks great! I cannot wait to play this! (Although I'm sure I have to) haha.
Just started playing the original on PS4. Never owned a FF game before. Best place to start right? Haha! Enjoying it so far. Lot of stats and item combinations to pay attention to that I seem to struggle with at times! This looks great!
@daveofduncan Better late than never. I'd never played it until like 2010 either. Played it on my PSP!
I literally started playing the opening of the original for the first time yesterday. Absolutely loving it so far, hope it stays this good!!
Looks ace, can't wait!
@daveofduncan enjoy!!
@get2sammyb It's too bad you never experienced it back on PS1. It was a graphically stunning blockbuster at the time. I still love it, but now everyone just looks like they're made out of legos.
Looking good! The menus are like Kingdom Hearts.
@get2sammyb I first played it on the PSP too. Good fit for a handheld! Although it looks dated it's still one of my favourite games. I thought the deformed chibi-lego characters were cute.
I played and completed the original for the first time last summer and thought it was incredible. Hope this is just as good or better! It's gonna be hard to beat that nostalgic feel I had while I was playing it.
Final Fantasy 9 is still the best
This game won't be out until after the UHD 4k remastered edition of KH3 releases on PS5.
First boss battle? Friendly fire? They gave us a resistance ring in FFXV (not sure how I got it) so we can have magic damage on or off, just ask them how they managed it.
I really honestly don't see this game ever getting done. It's going to be like Xenogears, they'll finish 2/3rd of the remake in 2 parts then they just release the last 3rd as somebody reading a book to tell us what happened or an anime film. It's all just to keep us interested and paying attention to Squenix.
I don't trust Nomura at all (stick to character design plz) but whatever I am looking at looks OK!
Not bad for a game that'll come out for the Playstation 10
I played thru the original twice on my ps1 freaking loved it. I have a vita collecting dust does that ps4 version cross play with it anyone know? Otherwise I can just get my original ps1 disc and pop it in my ps1 or 2 but I'd love to play it on a handheld.
I really hope the battle will be like kingdom hearts series rather than final fantasy xv, xv combat is too slow.
You can download the original ps1 game on the Vita. I have 1 thro 10 on the Vita its a nice bubble.
Is this all we have after 14 months? It will be released when we get settled on Mars at this rate.
@Nono18 No cross play im afraid, you'd need to buy it from PS1 classics section on the store
Double the amount of pics than KH3, so it comes like 2 years before that one. I hope I am still alive by then.
@bobbycuckoo @kyleforrester87 ah ok thanks for the replies. I'll have to do just that!
I wouldn't want this to play like FFXV at all, so I know where people are coming from when they complain about it being real-time. However, like I've rambled on about before, the original FFVII wasn't fully turn-based. Okay, you could put everything on "Wait" but the intended battle system was that enemies continued to attack in real-time while you made decisions (hence "Active Time Battle"). This is effectively that but just, presumably, on a faster timer. I guess one major difference they could create is if you (and maybe the enemies) can walk around independently of their actions, like in FFXII, IIRC.
If you think about it, the original ATB system was basically really clunky real-time where every action per character was on a universal (or global) cooldown.
In FFIV to IX, they were effectively real-time with everything on a universal cooldown. Beyond those, XI, XII, XIII, XIV are very similar. It's only really X that was actually turn-based out of the series from IV onwards. You can go and play the original FFVII right now, put ATB on "Active" and see how turn-based it really is. Ramp up the speed and it's even more evident.
@daveofduncan I had an opportunity to start here years ago but chose to start with FF1 onwards instead. Never regretted the decision. But FFVII did shape many of the franchise's now iconic trends and recipes, so hey. And it has an expansive skill customization in Materia system, so you can have be prepared for a lot regardless of your active party.
Note: be careful with AP grinding, though. I actually got carried away and lost my Underwater materia to it because mastered materia spawn level 1 copies into the inventory and the game silently deletes other orbs when you run out of space. XD
Just quick note, the ps4 veraion comea with cheats you can turn on/off. I think its no random battles , 4x speed , and health/mp regain. Health mp regain just heals yoy after ever hit , so you can still get one shotted and you stay dead till revived.
Tho I guess you just remote play it if you already have it on the ps4.
@Miles_Edgeworth it does. I can't stand JRPGs, but even I loved FFVII when it came out. It's one of the few ps1 titles I would happily play again for about the 20th time.
But that's back in vogue now, so even better!
Looks fantastic, as expected. As good looking as recent Final Fantasy games have looked, I just love the art direction from VII and it's good to see that they're keeping that dingy feel intact.
I think it's looking really good! FFVII is my favourite game of all time and I cannot wait for this to release. Just need to see those videos.....
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