StarBlood Arena, the totally-not-RIGS-but-still-kinda-RIGS arena shooter for PlayStation VR, will launch on 11th April in Europe and North America. In the video embedded above, Scott Campbell from developer WhiteMoon Dreams talks through the title's PlayStation Experience trailer, and expands upon some of the nuances that you may have missed.
There'll be a pre-order bonus in the form of three extra skins on the PlayStation Store, as well as a free injection of BloodBux which comprise the release's in-game currency. We're just not sure about this one, though: the developer seems passionate about it, but a mech shooter is the most obvious virtual reality experience ever. Sigh.
Comments 4
Bloody hell, Ricky Gervais gets everywhere, these days.
Not exactly my sort of game - but I will be getting it as we are being totally starved of good content since launch on PSVR (with the obvious exception of Res7). Derivative as it looks, it still looks like a competent game - made by a team who obviously have a higher skill set than the lot that made Ping Pong!
But I really do not get Sony - not at all. Rigs was a great game, but it did not sell and Sony executed what was a very talented studio.
So what do we have here? Something that looks basically the same premise as Rigs - with just an 'overwatch' skin.
“The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results” (Albert Einstein).
Add to that the problem of basing a game around multiplayer on such a small install base, and it is the kiss of death.
Talking of the 'Kiss of Death' - on Sony's track record, if I were one of the Devs on this, I would be already arranging an interview down the Job Centre.
Looking forward to this though
Rigs failed because it was £55
This Game looks "amazing", but the only thing holding it back is the fact that Sony hasnt invested in any games that make getting a PSVR compelling, and its not fair to indie developers that their audience is limited that way since Sony is only allowing underfunded indie developers to make their case in buying the new headset. Its also not fair that Sony is rewarding its headset owners like myself to have to settle for games we would have never bought outside of VR because they dont look worth our money or time.
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