March has been another great month for Sony's current-gen console, a machine which seems to be keen on completely stripping us of our free time. Back at the end of February, we were forced to point out that PlayStation 4 exclusive Horizon: Zero Dawn would be, if anything, featured in this month's article - but did it make the cut? You'll have to read on to find out.

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Bronze Trophy: Danganronpa 1&2 Reload

Two fantastic Vita titles wrapped up in a single package, Danganronpa 1&2 Reload is stuffed with great storytelling, memorable characters, and grisly death. Reviewer John Cal McCormick awarded the collection an 8/10: "One part Persona, one part Ace Attorney, and one part Battle Royale, Trigger Happy Havoc and Goodbye Despair are two of the very best murder mystery titles available for PS4 right now, together in one pack." John praised its "frequently surprising story, full of engaging characters, anarchic humour, and jaw-dropping twists".

Click here for our review of Danganronpa 1&2 Reload

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Silver Trophy: Toukiden 2

Successfully building upon its already great predecessor, Toukiden 2 is one of PlayStation's very best monster hunting titles. Reviewer Jenny Jones praised the sequel's combat and atmospheric world, writing that it "has some truly addictive gameplay and tonnes of content to chew through". "Nothing quite compares to the power trip of ripping off the body parts of a giant demon," Jenny concluded, opting for a score of 8/10.

Click here for our review of Toukiden 2

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Gold Trophy: NieR: Automata

Although we're still trying to work out how to properly pronounce 'automata', we can't deny that this crazy action role-playing release is one heck of a ride. Editor Sammy Barker was on review duty for this one, scoring it 8/10. "An oddity that grows in stature the more time that you spend with it, NieR: Automata is so much more than you think it is – and it's all the better for it," Sammy concluded.

Click here for our review of NieR: Automata


Platinum Trophy: Horizon: Zero Dawn

Bet you didn't see this one coming, did you? Horizon: Zero Dawn missed out on February's Game of the Month award mainly because most of our staff hadn't had a chance to actually play it, and a European release date of the 1st March gave us the perfect excuse to push it into this month's list of nominees instead.

Long story short, Horizon is a fantastic open world action RPG. Clearly snagging all of the good games for himself, Sammy covered Guerrilla's latest, ending his review with a big old 9/10. "Debuts don't get much stronger than Horizon: Zero Dawn," he wrote. "The tactical action stands leagues ahead of what we've come to expect from the genre, and the presentation is quite simply unmatched." A worthy Game of the Month winner.

Click here to read our review of Horizon: Zero Dawn

What have you been playing this month? Vote in our poll for your favourite game of March 2017, and then tell us all about your adventures in the comments section below.

What was your Game of the Month for March 2017? (86 votes)

  1. Danganronpa 1&2 Reload%
  2. Horizon: Zero Dawn%
  3. NieR: Automata%
  4. Toukiden 2%
  5. Other%

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