Destiny 2 will gear up and form a strike team starting 8th September if a leaked retail poster is to be believed. The image shows artwork of three Guardians alongside the game's logo and an 8th September release date. That's a Friday, and while big new games sometimes drop earlier in the week to coincide with North America, it doesn't seem out of the realm of possibility really.
Also worth noting is that there appears to be PlayStation branding on the poster, potentially confirming that Sony has the marketing deal for the sequel yet again. The only thing that gives us pause is the enormous emphasis on the '2' in the logo, but given the number of expansions that Destiny has received, it seems reasonable that Bungie would want to hammer home the fact that this is a fresh start.

Update (12:45PM GMT): Another image of the poster has emerged, this time indicating that pre-orders will come with beta access.
Update (14:15PM GMT): Kotaku's gone on record saying that the poster is real and that Bungie's aiming for an announcement today. It's also believed that a beta will come to the PS4 in June, with more information on that through here.
Update (18:30PM GMT): Maybe that trailer was for something else, eh? Still, if posters are in stores then a reveal is surely coming soon.
[source leganetwork.it]
Comments 27
Looks pretty legit I'd say.
@ShogunRok Agreed. And if posters are out it means an announcement is imminent.
@Bliquid it is actually the 3 guardians from the live action promos
It fits with what we have come to expect from Destiny. Still not sure I am going to buy it though. I really hoped that we would build on Destiny not abandon everything we have come to acquire and not sure I want to put that grind in again and again and again. I hated the issue that with every new and quite expensive expansion, everything from before became obsolete - only now will Vault of Glass be worth doing again. All those weapons you worked hard to acquire - useless. I never liked te way they balanced weapons either with PvP dictating how effective weapons were in PvE. Just because PvP prefer 'shotguns and auto rifles' doesn't mean these have to be useless in PvE.
In my eyes, expansion is just that an expansion - not a 'replacement' and that's what each brought. I know we did get some expansion, new areas, maps, strikes but they virtually replaced the Raid and Raid gear, replaced weapons and armour - I know some got 'drip fed' back and we had to feel pleased to get the opportunity to earn these again.
Having the opportunity to keep using my Vex, Necrochasm etc beyond the expansions - let alone into Destiny 2 would have been what I wanted!
What's with that bloody humongous 2?
I don't speak French, but in the second image, top right corner - is that a 'coming first on PlayStation 4' logo?
Pretty legit methinks, the release date is highly likely as well considering Destiny and it big expansions come out in September
@Turniplord it's not - it's exclusive content for ps4 - or something similar - so same as last time
Ugh, no helmets to show typical military faces ... hopefully that's not a sign of a change in style.
I'm gonna be that guy & call an epic fake. That '2' looks like it was added by someone who just bought photoshop. Could have done better..!
@ShogunRok @get2sammyb If this is an official poster, they have made the game look generic in comparison to the first game
Yeah I'm calling fake too, so many typos. Septembre? C'mon.
@FaultyDroid Where's the art from then?
@FaultyDroid Looks like it's real - Eurogamer's Tom Phillips says it is, anyway: https://twitter.com/tomphillipsEG/status/844899091301781504
Tom's been spot on with a lot of Destiny 2 stuff.
Another "Leak" eh?
It seems that 'leaks' are de rigueur as far as game announcement go nowadays - so much more exciting and edgy than a plain old 'announcement' - gets people talking, raises anticipation.
In contrast an 'announcement' is just the mechanics of the first stage whereas a 'leak' lets people share in a guilty pleasure.
Oh, BTW, same thing applies if it's 'fake news'.
Bungie will face a challenge giving us more than just other ways and places to kill (a broader range of) aliens and creatures.
50 ways and all that.
@FaultyDroid It looks pretty legit to me?
@kyleforrester87 I think that it's because it's French or Italian? They have the E and the R the other way round
@Throb A likely story!
Don't scree this up, bungo!!
Mega excited for this! Probs time to upgrade to PRO. Comes out 1 day before my bday 😄 Hopefully with ps3/xbox 360 days over, Bungie can let loose on the tech side of things and blow us away!
Real or not, I'm hyped. Can you plz try to update when pre orders go live? I would very much like to grab one of those ultimate editions
Edit: Thanks (;
Hopefully it'll live up to what the 1st should have been, will be keeping an eye on it.
It would be make more sense to release on a Tuesday Pacific Time.
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