For years now Sony has loved a good Spring digital games promotion program, and this year's Play Collective may be its best ever. It spans six titles all set to release over the next six weeks with PlayStation Plus pre-order discounts and a bit of additional marketing muscle behind them. And it all starts on 21st March with… Everything.
Not literally. Everything is the name of a game that's been quietly gathering buzz for a while now, with the premise being that you can play as whatever you see – including, we believe, Worldwide Studios president Shuhei Yoshida. "Everything is a simulation of reality where everything you see is a thing you can be, from animals to planets to galaxies and beyond – you can be the Universe or create your own." It's out on 21st March.

It'll then be followed by the hotly anticipated Rain World on 28th March. "Climb through the ruins of an ancient civilization, evade the jaws of vicious predators, and discover lands teeming with strange creatures and buried mysteries," the official blurb reads. "Find your family before death finds you." Reviewer Simon Fitzgerald is super hyped for this one.
Then on 4th April, the hotly anticipated PaRappa the Rapper Remastered will spit some sick beats, bringing the PSone original to the PlayStation 4 with high definition (and 4K on PS4 Pro) graphics, Trophy support, and remastered sound. It'll be followed on 11th April by the uber-exciting Phantasy Star-inspired Cosmic Star Heroine.
But there's no stopping there: on 18th April it's the turn of Full Throttle Remastered to complete the classic Double Fine collection on the PS4 and Vita, with oddball adventure game What Remains of Edith Finch taking up the rear on 25th April. What an absolutely insane line-up – as if you thought 2017 couldn't possibly get any better. There's a trailer embedded above.
Comments 39
Too many games! Too many!
This needs to happen for the UK!
I really don't think I'd play any of these. I quite like Indies on the whole, but these just seem a bit pretentious or I didn't want to play them the first time around.
Might get Parappa though. Everyone loves Parappa. Best MOBA I ever played.
@viciousarcanum It kinda is. Expect all of the dates to be the same and most of the pre-order discounts to carry over.
Unlucky PDog but your release date is one of the worst in gaming ever. Poor puppy, keep kicking and punching though.
@THRILLHOU I could see how you'd maybe put the pretentious label on Everything, Edith Finch, and Rain World... But the others? Nah. Really strong, varied lineup.
@get2sammyb yeah but the rest is personal taste. I'm not a fan of point and click or old school rpgs. Still, at least nobody can accuse Sony of a lack of variety!
Cosmic Star looks cool but the one I'm most interested in is Full Throttle but I won't be getting that because it's an almost guaranteed PS Plus title..
Cosmic star is on vita too right? Sounds like a great bunch of games. Feels like we have been waiting for full throttle for ages now. Can't wait 😊
I've been holding out on getting a Pro until the right game came along. Parappa in 4k? Consider me sold! /s
Weaker than previous groups of indie games they've highlighted. Only interesting game in the bunch is Cosmic Star Heroine, and even then, classic JRPG-inspired indies are practically a dime a dozen at this point.
Liking the look of Parrapa and Cosmic Star
Oh man I'm looking forward to grim fandango on my big screen! But the rest look awesome as well!
I'm glad I'll be broke when these come out...
I want almost all of these xD omg my wallet
Bloody hell 2017, slow down already!
Rain World is the one with the slug/cat thing, yeah?
My wallet hasn't stopped crying all year.
Parappa 100% day 1 for me, I would say Full Throttle is as well but they stuck the other 2 DF remasters on Plus pretty quick so that'll be a wait and see wanna give it a try though
@themcnoisy Uhm...why? I don't see anything wrong with it. And besides, there were worse game releases, like Mirror's Edge Catalyst, Deus Ex Divided Mankind, Battleborn, Let it Die (fun game but releasing it after the week that got TLG and FF15 was a mistake), Far Cry Primal, Paragon, etc.
@SoulsBourne128 April 4th = Persona 5 day
I'll finally be able to get Parappa at last.
Aside from the nostalgia of parappa - and it is probably more nostalgia than fun - I don't think I'd pick up any of these if they were free.
Don't care about any of these. Parappa dropped the ball by not remastering the cinematics. If it included Lammy it would have been nice.
Maybe Full Throttle since I have heard good things. But I already Grim Fandango and Day of the Tentacle.
Noticed some of these cropping up on the uk store for discount pre order and thought how great they all looked...wonderboy is on there for pre order!
@sinalefa I just finished Tearaway Unfolded about an hour ago. I know you said it wasn't your thing - the first third was too slow and kinda meh - but the middle was very Paper Mario and the last third Mario Galaxy and it had a nice ending. Really looking forward to Dreams now more than I already was.
When I see this list all my brain comprehends is future PS+ games, not anything I should buy now. I still can't even bring myself to start DotT, Lumo has been ok.
I guess that after playing Knack any game must feel fun
Tearaway never worked for me. Just like Puppeteer, I see the love and care but gameplay is nothing special, although I managed to beat that one. I left Tearaway after the plot twist so I am not sure what third is that.
I am right now at my forwarder's office getting ready to pick up my Switch. Zelda arrives in a couple of days that will feel eternal. As is waiting for the two guys ahead of me on the line here....
Preordered parappa, the discount is quite nice.
This is great. The only qualm I'd have is that at least two of these are practically guaranteed to be PS Plus games at some point.
I think i'll pass on all these games, well maybe not the last one.
I haven't bought a single game for the PS4 this year, can see that continuing for another couple of months
Edith Finch is on my want list so I will be getting that at launch. I like that these games are getting a promotional push.
@roe yes it is the life of a slugcat. Looks very interesting to me
@Simon_Fitzgerald Me too Simon, I'm really looking forward to Rain World.
Everything also looks interesting, although I'm not sure I'd get that straight away. PaRappa is PaRappa, so we know what we're getting there, and What Remains of Edith Finch looks very intriguing.
Really cool set of games. I love seeing games trying new things. The diversity on offer is excellent.
What Remains of Edith Finch
Cosmic Star Heroine
These two look awsome.
And maybe Full Throttle.
@sinalefa "I guess that after playing Knack any game must feel fun"
Not gonna lie. that probably did effect my liking TU so much, it was really a whole lot better than Knack. Have I ever mentioned to you how much I hate games that dont' have camera control in them? Ever since Spyro on the PS1 let you hold down the triangle button and let you look around I've disliked games w/ a fixed camera. Well 2D games are ok, nowhere to look, which is also why I dislike 2D games in general. I'm actually hoping Knack 2 lets you look around. Sure Knack wasn't good, but it had the makings of a good game in it. I hated Uncharted 1, really didn't like it at all, but U2 is still 1 of the best games I've ever played, U4 was slightly behind, so I'm holding onto hope for K2.
Still waiting on your Switch, did your government ban it or something? Well good luck and enjoy Zelda when it arrives, I'm still annoyed about the expansion pass, I get in my own way sometimes. I'm deciding between Lego Dimensions or Skylanders Imagintators next. Like you said, everything seems better after Knack.
If you played TU up to the first plot twist I'm guessing that was chapter 6, it does improve after that, and again for the last 6 chapters - there are 18 in all - but probably not enough to get you to like it. I liked it better than Puppeteer which I also completed b/c of the 3D world, which lets you look around for things. It certainly looks and feels like and indie game overall though, and usually I'm not a big fan of those. Well I'm not a big fan of paying for them anyway. Oh, I also just started EDF 2025, that game is too much stupid fun. It's rated M (18) but I'm letting my 12 year old play it with me anyway, it's thats stupid and fun.
Since taxes here are brutal and partly due to that local retailers overprice, I exonerated my Switch. Paid $38 as opposed to $150 in customs so I can wait those extra days.
I would never compare Knack to Uncharted. You may hate it but it was not a bad game. It was my first PS3 title so it holds a special place in my heart, yet I will admit the flaws. Maybe Knack 2 will actually be enjoyable, although that trailer they showed was meh. Didn't even have original music.
@sinalefa I dont' think I saw that K2 trailer. Graphics were more PS4, the first game was like an HD version of a PS2 game. Still fixed camera though, ugh. I did like the first game enough that I'll still pick up K2 for $10 instead of waiting for $5 like I did w/ the first game, my kids enjoy playing 2 player games together.
I wasn't so much comparing U and K as I was hoping for a similar jump up in K2 that U2 had. U1 on PS3 looked 50x better than Knack on PS4. Graphically I'd say this trailer does look like a similar jump between U1 and U2, but graphics only. So far it looks like an HD version of Knack all around. And I'm not impressed w/ the supposed added 2 player as my kids are playing the first in 2 player just fine. Song was ok, I prefer known songs in trailers myself, Mafia 3 had some of the best trailers, not holding that against K2.
Been waiting for Cosmic Star for a looong time, rain world looks just my cup of tea too. Only thing left is for a release date on Eitr
If some or all of these games just aren't for you well, that's fair enough. It's kind of pet peeve of mine, though, when indie games get dismissed as "pretentious". Admittedly the criticism is sometimes valid, but really, it's okay if games are sometimes about more than just shooting zombies in the face.
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