Wow, we're really rocketing towards the summer now aren't we? A little while back it felt like 2017 had only just begun, but here we are five months in and we're buried beneath a mountain of PlayStation 4 goodness. Sony's console has smashed it out of the park so far this year, and April only added to our backlog misery. Boasting a surprising amount of high quality releases, last month made for another great period of gaming - but only one title can claim our prestigious Game of the Month award.

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Bronze Trophy: Puyo Puyo Tetris

A colourful puzzler that editor Sammy Barker had to be physically wrenched away from once his review was complete, Puyo Puyo Tetris is a hugely addictive title. "It's hard to imagine the PS4 getting a better puzzle game than Puyo Puyo Tetris," Sammy wrote, adding: "SEGA's brilliant blend of brick building and blob busting makes for a frantically fun multiplayer experience, but it's got enough depth beyond its surface simplicity to keep you occupied for a long, long time." It scored a rare 9/10 from the overlord.

Click here for our review of Puyo Puyo Tetris

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Silver Trophy: The Sexy Brutale

One of those games that came out of nowhere and ended up being way better than anyone expected, The Sexy Brutale nabbed a 9/10 from reviewer Simon Fitzgerald. Simon reckons that the narrative-driven puzzler is "perfectly presented with outstanding audio and visuals" and that it's "a very different type of game to anything on the PS4 currently". Talk about a surprise hit!

Click here for our review of The Sexy Brutale

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Gold Trophy: What Remains of Edith Finch

Packing an interesting story and a fascinating approach to gameplay, What Remains of Edith Finch is another success story for The Unfinished Swan developer Giant Sparrow. Reviewer Graham Banas gave the game an outstanding score of 10/10, calling it "a touching story about a tragically unlucky family hits all the right notes". "Between the most realised home we've ever seen in a game, the incredible voice work, and the moving, intriguing story, this is the genre's new golden standard," Graham concluded.

Click here for our review of What Remains of Edith FInch


Platinum Trophy: Persona 5

For years we waited patiently for Persona 5. Even after the heartbreaking delays, we sat there, still supremely confident that it would live up to expectations. Fortunately, the wait was more than worth it: Persona 5 is a role-playing masterpiece, and one of the best games on PS4.

We gave the unbelievably stylish title a 10/10, writing "Persona 5 sets the benchmark for modern Japanese RPGs: it oozes style, charisma, and polish quite unlike anything we've played." Indeed, we had nothing but praise for Atlus' latest, calling it "a masterpiece from top to bottom". Game of the Month, or Game of the Year? We'll see soon enough.

Click here for our review of Persona 5

And that's it for another month. What games did you enjoy in April? Vote in our poll, and then tell us all about your adventures in the comments section below.

What was your Game of the Month for April 2017? (62 votes)

  1. Persona 5%
  2. Puyo Puyo Tetris%
  3. The Sexy Brutale%
  4. What Remains of Edith Finch%
  5. Other%

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