PREY may share a lot in common with BioShock, but you’d think it’s more akin to DOOM if you just watched this launch trailer. Bethesda clearly feels that the best way to sell its new first-person shooter is by turning up the volume, and so there’s just under 120 seconds of unadulterated action on display here. Are you planning to pick up the reboot this week?
[source youtube.com]
Comments 13
I'm still worried about the control issues. I'd love to get this at launch, but it's too risky if it's going to ship in the same state as the demo
@NathanUC I think they said the input lag will be patched for launch, but probably best to sit tight, yeah.
@get2sammyb I don't recall input lag - or maybe I just wrote off what I experienced as remote play's hijinks. My bigger concern with the controls is the lack of remapping in the demo - this is another instance where said remote play glues the battle actions to rear touch pad. Honestly, if L2/R2 are the one true choice for action input, why aren't they mapped to Vita's actual shoulder buttons by default? ¯(ツ)/¯ I won't even ask what's the deal with more and more games opting out of control remapping at all lately.
The demo proved that Prey is very much mu cup of tea, but with the studio discussing a Switch port since last December, I'll spend some time in the waiting stance anyway. Still halfway into Dishonored, too.
meh I was really looking forward to this but the demo bored me to tears so I'm giving it a miss - it's a shame
Yeah...looks like Doom in space. It looks like a FPS throwback, not like a AAA 2017 release. Not saying it won't be fun though!
Once I heard this was supposed to be like Bioshock my interest dropped but decided to try the demo anyway..
There are loads of games I want but after my play through this isant one of them.
i deleted the demo after 30 minutes, i'd had enough. if it's supposed to be a shooter, the section of game chosen seems ill-advised to me. the concept that was being developed by human head for prey 2 looked way better than this before bethesda canned it.
I liked the demo, I just hope the story is good
I found the demo interesting, but how it all works in a full game is unknown. Like all new games pro reviewers and input from gamers play throughs will help me decide if, when, and at what price i may make a purchase.
The demo has only a brightness setting and no option to disable camera motion blur. I can eliminate that blur by using a non game setting and maxing de blur and de judder, but that causes edges of some moving objects to blur which is still much better than the entire screen blurring.
Played the demo, I liked the story and that was it.
I didn't like anything else, to be honest.
Wow, lots of "meh" comments. I didn't play the demo. Maybe I would feel the same, but I have liked all the trailers. I'll wait for reviews on this one.
ive got it pre-loaded already,skipped the demo..its good to know the input lag is getting fixed,but i must admit i am a bit of a stickler for options and wot not,hopefully thats addressed too - In terms of controls,they can be changed in the accessibility menu in system settings..great feature.Well,theres already been a update patch..Arkane are awesome imo,i am sure its going to excellent.
Like many of the above commenters, I also played the demo and came away unimpressed. Seen this style of FPS done before (and a lot better). However, the thing that worried me the most was the combat. Maybe I just need practise, but it felt janky, awkward and was hard to hit those alien smoke spiders.
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