Today at 10:00 PST - that's 18:00 BST - Bungie will be blowing Destiny 2 wide open with a full gameplay reveal. We'll have the stream live here on Push Square along with all of the news, so do check back if you're interested in this blockbuster sequel.
In other Destiny 2 news, good old NeoGAF has provided us with some rumours/leaks/pure speculation, this time mainly concerning the technical aspects of the game. User thatsmytrunks, who claims to know people who have played the game, has said that Bungie's latest will run at 60 frames per second and will be optimised for PS4 Pro and - rather oddly - something that the user calls "the next PS4". Hmmmmm.
The user also claims that there will be PS4 and PC cross-save - but not cross-play - meaning that players will be able to transfer progress between the two platforms. Lastly, there's mention of more exclusive PS4 content, which seems like a given.
What are you hoping for in Destiny 2? Do you think that any of these rumours could be true? Pray for the return of Peter Dinklage in the comments below.
[source blog.us.playstation.com, via neogaf.com]
Comments 25
Bring back Dinklebot!
I would like more Moon Wizards!!!
"That wizard came from the moon"
Certainly interested to see what Destiny 2 offers but must admit I am disappointed that Destiny and all the hours I spent in that to get the gear I did counts for very little. I really hoped that Destiny 2 would be a Destiny sized expansion that builds on the Destiny universe - much like the Expansions did except open up new planets, new places on Earth etc as we push backed the Darkness. Its not as if Destiny and the expansions are not installed on the HDD so could have linked to those so no disc swap was necessary.
@BAMozzy Just playing devils advocate here (I do get your point) but dont ALL hours spent on any game ultimately count for nothing?
Definitely interested to see what Destiny 2 brings to the table. I hope it can do enough to win me back. Impress me, Bungie.
@BAMozzy Yeah, who'd have thought all those exotics you spent hours getting just to fill up your vault space would ultimately not be worth anything.
Can't wait for tonight, I'm really hoping Bungie nail D2.
Im more interested in this new ps4 quote....hmmmm
Well, crap. My PC crew is interested. Time to get ready to pre order.....
@BAMozzy Sadly the nature of MMOs I'm afraid, though I did like that the mechanic that you had say an exotic you really liked but you had a rare with better stats then you can swap them. So at least I could keep my favourites.
This "new PS4" is curious. I know there's been whispers of PS5 been announced soon. But I wonder if that's only because an analyst claims it'll be out next year plus Digital Foundry did an article saying PS5 could come out next year but won't be a massive step up from Pro.
Hope this isn't the case because it's way too soon.
This should be an interesting release. Myself and many others thought the original Destiny was nothing but a cash grab, so Bungie would have to work hard to win back the trust of people in my position. On the other hand, they already have a huge audience who might not have as high a standards. Will they just cater Destiny 2 to the crowd of people who put up with the flaws in Destiny or are they going to try and do (what I would call) a proper release to win back some of their lost market?
@NathanUC Have to imagine more of the latter, otherwise Destiny 2 would be called Destiny: Something and it'd be another expansion-style thing. Going full-sequel is the only real option that Bungie has when it comes to winning over new players and growing the franchise as a whole.
For Bungie's sake, though, I hope it does look like a real step forward. I don't think it can get away with it looking just like the original Destiny only with a 2 on the box.
Thing is, realistically if the "A" team were working on Destiny until TTK, they've only had 2 years proper to work on this sequel. I wouldn't be surprised if it is a lot more of the same - potentially reusing environments from the first and expanding upon them along side new areas to bulk it all out.
@ShogunRok Absolutely. The gunplay was fantastic, but just about EVERYTHING ELSE was sub par. If they just fix all that (which is a big task to undertake), I think we could have a truly great game.
The change to 60fps should be nice
PS4 Pro 2.0?
@kyleforrester87 Worth remembering that Destiny 2 is being developed by multiple studios, though - not just Bungie. Way more manpower than the original Destiny ever had.
@JesWood13 PlayStation 4 Portable!
@ShogunRok Good to know!
I am expecting dual wielding, more swords/axes/spears and a much larger vault/inventory... maybe some destiny 1 save carry over shader or weapon/armor but doesn't really matter much. Anything else is a plus... already such a good game. So ready!!!
@kyleforrester87 Hopefully they moved to a new engine, and thus have been able to progress rapidly. I remember reading an interview in which they stated it would literally take a full day to change something small on an animation or sound, because it would take 10 hours to load, then make the change, and then another 10 hours to compile.
@RedMageLanakyn I was banking on a new engine several months ago but @ShogunRok convinced me it's unlikely to be the case. Hopefully we'll find out in a few hours I hope they do, as I read stories about how hard it was for them to build new spaces with the current one.
@kyleforrester87 @RedMageLanakyn Did I? I can't remember yesterday never mind several months ago. Probably a tweaked version of the original engine I imagine. I'm sure it'll be better optimised for hot fixes and additional content in any case - can't see Bungie making the same mistakes on that front. But yeah, don't think they've had the time or resources to move to a wholly new engine.
@ShogunRok Well they started work on Destiny in what, 2010? So if they reworked the engine and upgraded their hardware in 2015 when they started on Destiny 2, that would certainly allow for a better environment for hot fixes and patches and such.
@ShogunRok yeah you did coz I made a mental note to bring it up at this EXACT moment so I could be all WAAAZZZAAAAAAP when they confirm it's on a new platform.
I like Destiny but got stuck on this mission where the objective was on top and I couldn't find out what to do next. Looked up online nothing. I really would like to only play SP without clans or groups of people. can this be done?
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