E3 2017 begins in earnest this weekend with a handful of media briefings, but there’s plenty of time for gaming while you wait for all of the shows to get underway. The question is: what games will be part of your pre-presser warm-up? You know the drill by now.
Graham Banas, Reviewer
With all sorts of E3 conferences to have my eyes glued to, I'm not going to have all that much time for playing games, but servers permitting, I'd like to spend some more time with Killing Floor 2. I'd wanted it for some time, and it being a PlayStation Plus game was all the reason I needed to jump in. Now if only the servers would work consistently!
Liam Croft, Reviewer
When I'm not watching E3 conferences, Nioh and RIME will both be taking up the majority of my time.
Stephen Tailby, Reviewer
This weekend will definitely go quickly – not just because it's E3 time once again, but also because I'll be spending any spare moments playing a clutch of racing games. DiRT 4 for its thrilling point to point rallying, and WipEout for its tight and twisty anti-gravity action.
Victor Nowogurski, Moderator
Just a bit of the same this weekend: Overwatch as the Anniversary event wraps up, Tekken 7, and Borderlands 2.
What will be keeping you enthralled in between E3 2017 announcements? Share your gaming itinerary in the comments section below.
Comments 35
Killing floor 2, I love that game so far and I was afraid I would suck at it due to it being a shooter, than I discovered the whole game can be enjoyed as a hack n slash.
Also final fantasy 15 and lego star wars the force awakens. Traded in a bunch of sing star and guitar hero games I had lying around for ps3, got enough out of it to buy final fantasy 15, lego star wars the force awakens deluxe and pokemon omega ruby.
I've been neglecting Horizon almost since launch so I've cleared a space just to play this. I've just arrived at Meridian and am about to join the hunters lodge, if almost forgotten how great this game looks. Speaking of looks I'm also having a blast with Wipeout which looks phenomenal in native 4K 60fps and HDR, a fantastic showcase for what the Pro can do do and £30 for 3 games worth of content 😃
I almost forgot I have a code for the Windjammers beta test and what fun this is, think Pong with frisbees on the Neo geo. I can see myself losing a lot of hours to this when it launches
Finished playing what remains of edith finch, now playing watch dog 2 demo.
After 85 hour of nier automata, I think I'll play shorter game first before playing persona 5 or horizon.
Same thing I've been playing all week: Elder Scrolls Online. I have the Morrowind expansion but decided to level up my Warden a little before getting into Vvardenfell properly. I love this game.
There are a few other games installed that I've been working through but I'd be lying if I said I expect to touch owt other than ESO this weekend.
Currently I'm at work and then meeting up with my sister to go see Wonder Woman. Afterwards I'll have Saturday evening and Sunday for some preE3 gaming. I'll trying and wrap up the platinum on Day of the Tentacle which has been fun and goofy. Then I will sit down and enjoy episode 2 of Telltale's Guardian's of the Galaxy "Under Pressure" & finally Injustice 2 like usual grinding points and boxes for the Push Square guild. As always anyone is free to join and help out guild ID 1CX1E!
Probably not playing a lot this weekend - with E3 news and videos, Canadian F1 and England vs Scotland to watch, I will take a break from gaming. I may get a few hours in on something in between but nothing 'planned'...
Doom. What a game. Highly recommended. Starts slow but then .....
Batman: Arkham Knight. It's great in parts but those drone waves are just annoying. I absolutely love the way they've incorporated Joker into this game, though.
A hangover at work😑
Killing Floor 2 for the first time! And ofc, Overwatch cause i'm 50 points away from Diamond
I just got to a point in Horizon where it's peaked my interest again, there's certainly a point in the game where the difficulty goes up and makes it more fun/challenging. The size of the map (and collectibles) is still pretty daunting, and I feel like I spent too much time in the first third killing stuff when I should've been ignoring them.
I have been playing Killing Floor 2, I thought the servers were taken offline because I couldn't find an online game, but last night I was able to.
There are a few games that are on sale that I'm interested in getting, but my backlog is way too large, I feel like I shouldn'tget anymore games...at least for the time being.
Persona 5, baby. Maybe a little Tekken 7, but it's likely gonna be P5 all weekend.
@spakai My copy hasn't arrived yet, but seriously can't wait to get started on this.
I'm still working through the third play through of Nier. Man that game is great! I just picked up Horizon, Nioh and The Last Guardian from the PSN sale...came to $105, which snagged me the $15 credit!
Hoping to find time to start horizon zd. Just got a bbq tomorrow to do with family and friends for my youngest daughters 12 birthday the when they all go to bed my time starts.
Still playing Mafia 3 and Kick & Fennick on PS Vita.
PS4: Kingdom Hearts BBS, LocoRoco Remastered
PsVita: Child of Light
Just got the Aqua campaign left in BBS & then watch Recoded & that will be the end of the KH collection. Despite racing through as a KH vet, I still sunk in 120+ hours. So much content.
Also feels like I'm about to finish Child of Light on Vita. Really great game.
Learning Wipeout, plus Darksiders and I picked up Darksiders 2 in the sale 20 minutes before it ended last night so I might get round to starting that.
Beat Sly 4 last thursday, now playing First Light and then Horizon after that. Gotta continue with KH: CoM too.
Plus the long and grinding road towards Diva's F platinum.
Hollow Knight for me! This game is just incredible.
I've been lucky in getting into the Windjammers beta. Really liking it, won't have to many modes and it doesn't have a variety in shots like Disc Jam has but it offers a nice alternative. Plus getting into matches was surprisingly quick.
Finished Persona 5 earlier, so may jump into Persona 4 which I picked up the other day.
Also just subbed to PS Now.
Starting up Resi 7 again (I wanted to do it last week but got distracted with Breath of the Wild and Farpoint replays). Also started up Severed on the Vita and already have repetitive strain injury. Was also hoping for some sale buys but to be honest, nothing has quite taken my fancy in the E3 Sony sales. Maybe more titles will be added.
I'm on vacation, so I'll be out and about. I will mostly be on the 3DS with Fire Emblem Echoes and Animal Crossing. Tekken 7 and Disney Afternoon Collection for PS4 if I have time.
Overwatch for the whole weekend. That double XP weekend made it for me so I am going to stick with Overwatch for this weekend.
I'm enjoying it as well!
wipeout fishing dirt 4 sniper ghost warrior massive back log
Still going strong with Horizon Zero Dawn and bit of MvC3
@Th3solution It is worth a go... Just don't play it on a bus or train - people will think you are having some kind of fit!
Nothing this weekend but the mrs has brought me the thrustmaster T300 steering wheel along with dirt 4 for my birthday on tuesday so just waiting eagerly for that.
Still going strong with the amazingly good Persona 5 plus its been a while so had a go at Dragon Quest Heroes 2.Also have only 2 more minikits to find in Lego The Force Awakens so the plat should be mine very soon
Been playing World of Final Fantasy the last couple of days. Such a cute game (not the chibis, I hate those). Started off quite boring with all the tutorials but it's been getting better and better.
Uncharted 3
Killing Floor 2
TitanFall 2
Still hacking my way through the surge, really liking this game. Picked up prey on sale and from what I've played so far it's really good. My birthday was today and got some PSN cash so I pre-ordered ff12, I loved that game on PS2 and can't wait to see it on PS4. With what I had left over I got Victor vran Overkill edition, looks like a fun Diablo like game.
I need to stop buying games and play the ones I have....🤔
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