Destiny 2 PS4 PlayStation 4 Beta Guide

Destiny 2 is shaping up to be the biggest game of the year (sorry Call of Duty: WWII and Star Wars: Battlefront 2) and Bungie wants to give you an early taste of the title via its PlayStation 4 beta. But what time does the Destiny 2 beta begin? And how do you get in the Destiny 2 PS4 beta? Worry not, eager Guardians – we (along with, let’s face it, the rest of the gaming media) have answers for all of your questions.

We've played Destiny 2's PS4 beta and found it fun but familiar. You can read our hands on Destiny 2 impressions through the link.

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When does the Destiny 2 beta begin?

The Destiny 2 beta begins on 18th July at 10:00 PDT – but there’s a catch. Only those with Early Access codes obtained by pre-ordering the space-faring foray will gain entry to the Destiny 2 beta on the aforementioned date – everyone else will have to wait until the Destiny 2 open beta begins on 21st July at 10:00 PDT. Activision’s clearly hoping that you’ll pre-order in order to get an extra three days of gameplay.

Here’s all of the important Destiny 2 beta timing information you need:

Destiny 2 PS4 Beta Early Access Start Time

18th July, 2017

  • North America: 10am PDT / 11am MDT / 12pm CDT / 1pm EDT
  • UK/Ire: 6pm BST
  • Europe: 7pm CEST / 8pm EEST
  • Asia/Oceania: 2am (Wed) JST / 1am (Wed) AWST / 3am (Wed) AEST
  • Your Local Time:

Destiny 2 PS4 Open Beta Start Time

21st July, 2017

  • North America: 10am PDT / 11am MDT / 12pm CDT / 1pm EDT
  • UK/Ire: 6pm BST
  • Europe: 7pm CEST / 8pm EEST
  • Asia/Oceania: 2am (Sat) JST / 1am (Sat) AWST / 3am (Sat) AEST
  • Your Local Time:

Destiny 2 The Farm Social Space Unlock (One Hour Only)

23rd July, 2017

  • North America: 10am PDT / 11am MDT / 12pm CDT / 1pm EDT
  • UK/Ire: 6pm BST
  • Europe: 7pm CEST / 8pm EEST
  • Asia/Oceania: 2am (Mon) JST / 1am (Mon) AWST / 3am (Mon) AEST
  • Your Local Time:

What Time Does Destiny 2's PS4 Beta Begin?

When does the Destiny 2 PS4 beta finish?

Assuming there are no extensions (which aren’t unprecedented) the Destiny 2 PS4 beta is currently scheduled to finish or close on 23rd July at 21:00 PDT. That’s 05:00 BST the next day in the UK. Here’s how things look around the world:

  • North America: 9pm (Sun) PDT / 10pm (Sun) MDT / 11pm (Sun) CDT / 12am EDT
  • UK/Ire: 5am BST
  • Europe: 6am CEST / 7am EEST
  • Asia/Oceania: 1pm JST / 12pm AWST / 2pm AEST
  • Your Local Time:

How do you get in the Destiny 2 PS4 beta?

How do you get in the Destiny 2 PS4 beta?

The easiest way to get in the Destiny 2 beta on the PS4 is honestly to do nothing. The open beta will begin on 21st July, and we’ll let you know when the client is available to download. If you simply can’t wait that long, then you’re going to need to pre-order for an Early Access code. Exactly how you get your beta code will depend upon the retailer you order from, but if you’re buying online then you’ll probably want to check your emails, while your receipt may contain the crucial information if you’ve purchased from a physical store. If you pre-order on the PlayStation Store, then you won’t need to redeem anything – you should be able to download the client directly from Sony’s storefront.

There are other ways to get codes, of course. Bungie’s said it’ll be giving some away on social media, and you can expect many gaming websites to do the same. Just keep your eyes and ears peeled on Twitter and Facebook, and there’s a good chance you may get lucky if you partake in the odd shameless retweet.

What's in the Destiny 2 PS4 beta?

Unlike past Destiny betas, progression is locked in the Destiny 2 beta. This means that you won’t be able to gain levels or unlock any loot – and naturally your progression won’t carry into the final release.

Here’s what you will get access to, however:

Destiny 2 Beta Full Content List

  • The opening story mission: Homecoming
  • Two Crucible gameplay modes: Countdown (Midtown map) and Control (Endless Vale map)
  • One co-operative Strike: The Inverted Spire
  • Six selectable sub-classes: Hunter (Arcstrider and Gunslinger), Titan (Sentinel and Striker), and Warlock (Dawnblade and Voidwalker)
  • Around 20 weapons and 45 armour items
  • Access to the new social space The Farm (For one hour only on 23rd July at 10:00 PDT)
  • Four emotes
  • One exclusive Emblem for use in the full game

Will you be trying out the Destiny 2 beta? Have you secured Early Access, or are you waiting for the Destiny 2 open beta to unlock? Let us know in the comments section below.