Monster Hunter: World will provide you with numerous ways to slaughter your prey in return for new clothing and equipment. This brand new trailer debuted at Comic-Con 2017 demonstrates just how satisfying the animal cruelty can be, with one clip showing the character running up a wall kung-fu movie style – before twisting in the air and landing a devastating strike on a dino-thing.
The combat’s looking really good, but we do wish there was a bit more response from the animals themselves. We appreciate this is something of a Monster Hunter staple, but it’s moving onto PlayStation 4 here, and it’d be nice to see the creatures flinch and cower as you smash them – hopefully it’s not too late to improve that aspect.
Comments 33
I need this like right now!
I love the bit where he runs up the wall and spins in the air before thwacking the monster. Really good.
Can't wait!
Nice to see that people are warming up to this game. MH fans were really bashing it in the reveal trailer. 'Westernized crap', 'unworthy spin-off', etc.
@Nickolaidas I'm guessing those were just Nintendo MH fans.
Literally my most anticipated game of next year. Like many hunters from the first game, I've been waiting for this to come back to a PlayStation for the controls and the visual fidelity.
Now, which weapon to main, Gunlance or HBG?
I am still to be convinced that this is a game for me. The more I have watched, the less inclined to buy. I am certainly not interested in sending up a flare to call in 'assistance' from friends.
I cannot deny that visually, the world and its 'Monsters' are well realised. I also quite like the 'dynamic' nature of the world, the way the Monsters may interact. I do wonder though if things like 'environmental' traps, pathways etc, reset or remain open/used.
I haven't written this off yet but its not exactly moving up towards my 'wanted' list - let alone 'must buy' list. Its slowly dropping from my 'wait and see' list towards my 'leave' list...
Finally this series is exploring its potential!
PETA is gonna have a fit.
I want to see new environments. Tired of that one jungle. Where are the volcanoes, tundras, mountains, plains, etc.?
Still not sure if I'm getting this. The portability was a huge draw for me. I barely even touched my Wii U copy of 3 Ultimate.
@Nickolaidas my friend is a die hard monster hunter fan and he lost his mind when it was shown, those other people don't care about the franchise they just care about their console "superiority".
@Tingle_The_Great man I don't doubt this, but they would be super late at bashing MH...I wonder if they've done it already? searches internet for abused crying Rajang picture
@SoulsBourne128 oh come now, Nintendo MH fans are the reason we're getting this. That being said it probably is the diehard Nintendo fans bitter they aren't getting XX in the west lol
@Ps4XboxGamer I guess you can untill the end of time. 😀 😁 😂 🤣
@BAMozzy It looks like you have to really do a effort not to want this.
@viciousarcanum I just want a cool game never cared for MH but it looks kinda awsome. Toukiden is something i like to so i hope it gets good ratings so we all have a awsome new game to play.
@Flaming_Kaiser I think the game itself is doing a great job of convincing me it isn't worth my time...
@BAMozzy The flare is most likely for people already in your game. In the 3DS you could ping or throw a paintball to let people know you were fighting a monster, so they could help. I think this is just a visual representation of that.
@Grieva-SeeD- trick question... the right answer is switch axe.
@Constable_What I couldn't care less, If I bought a game like this, I wouldn't want to have 'friends' to help or want to jump into a friends game to 'help' either. I hate the concept of drop in/drop out gaming.
@BAMozzy It isn't drop in or out. What you're misunderstanding or what I'm not explaining thoroughly enough is that the maps are really big with people splitting up on their own to track down their prey. In the 3DS version you could tell your friend for example "I'm in zone 6 the monster is here.". Because each playing field was seperated by a loading screen.
In this game it is apparently an open sandbox where it'll be much harder to tell someone exactly where you are. Hence the flare.
To be clear you can do all of this on your own (You will probably need good gear though), and if it anything like the 3DS Monster Hunter games in terms of fundamental design, which it seems like it is, then you have create undertake a new quest for multi-player with all players present.
No drop in or out.
You aren't expected to help when you're doing your own thing in Single-Player.
It isn't that kind of game. Whether or not this is your kind of game is completely up to you, but you post a lot and a lot of what you're saying is kind of misrepresenting what the game is about. That's fine. I just want to present a different perspective.
I don't know anything about the environmental stuff though. Those were not in the other games to my knowledge.
@Constable_What I got the impression that the game was not a shared world experience - like say Destiny for example and that IF you were struggling to take down a Monster, you could send up a 'flare' and if your 'friends' happen to be online, they could 'jump into your game and help you. Regardless, its still not looking like I game I am likely to buy and you are only making it sound less and less appealing to me...
This looks so cool!
I really wish there was dismemberment thou
@BAMozzy That's your prerogative man. Gotta play games that you like!
@Constable_What Indeed. I will still keep my eye on it - just in case it changes my mind but its moving in the wrong direction for me at the moment.
@Ps4XboxGamer Its amazing how many people think this, and Ace Combat too for that matter, are PS 'exclusives' but they are both multi-platform releases...
You can't deny that it's a much more westernized MH, but that doesn't mean the game will be bad. They're doing a great job showing off how things will work.
Regarding the article, I agree about the monsters...they seem too passive. Don't think I could say the same about previous entries like MH Freedom.
I'm still excited for this. In a kill or be killed world, there's no time to be nice to the monsters.
I loved the MH games on Nintendo systems so I will like this. Day 1
@Ps4XboxGamer Is this going to be your schtick? Because it's already getting old.
@AFCC You can break the parts of monsters like their armor, fangs, scales, horns, etc. You can also cut off their tails.
I don't mind the game not having any disemberment. This is Monster Hunter, not God of War. If there's one thing I hated about the disemberment in Toukiden is that even if you disember all of their body parts, they can still use their annoying attacks. In Monster Hunter, there are some enemies where you can prevent their attacks occuring by breaking/cutting their body parts, like the lamp from Gobul, the beak of purple Gypceros and the poison sac of Great Wroggi. This issue also happens in God Eater. Even if you destroy all of their oracle cells, they will still use those annoying attacks (mostly the homing ones). Atleast Soul Sacrifice and Freedom Wars doesn't suffer that type of problem.
Yeah, I'm also considering getting it for the Xbox. lol.
I never really liked the hunting part of the game, but I could craft different clothes and armor all day long.
Also, I really like multiplayer games where I get to work with and alongside other players instead of competing against them.
(^_^ )
I did try swagaxe. Not scene, cool weapon though.
@SoulsBourne128 I just say dismemberment is nice cause like this the blades just seem sticks...right? If they don't cut... xD
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