No, the Big in Japan sale isn’t the only promotion on the European PlayStation Store right now. FML. Sony’s also rolled out a bunch of new digital discounts, spanning must-owns like Rocket League and What Remains of Edith Finch. The highly acclaimed The Sexy Brutale is £8.39 with PlayStation Plus, while the likes of Amplitude and Song of the Deep are £3.99.
The sale extends to discounted add-ons for free-to-play titles like SMITE, and even pre-orders for some upcoming digital games – including SUPERHOT, which isn’t live on the PlayStation Store just yet but is mistakenly included in the PlayStation Blog post so must be getting close. Again, you can find the full list of discounts through here.
Comments 20
I follow PSVR Frank and he's saying Superhot comes out on the 17th 😃
@carlos82 Yeah, it's listed as 17th July on but still waiting for confirmation. Sounds right, though.
I did pick up the Unfinished Swan as never played and loved Edith Finch. This has been on my list for some time now and was down to £2.49. Was close to getting the Sexy Brutale as it looks ace but I couldnt justify it.
The Sexy Brutale is an absolute bargain at that price, couldn't recommend it more!
Patiently waiting for NA to wake up...
Hmmm Verdun for a fiver... But already have BF1🤔
Salt & Sanctuary £7.40 PS4/PS Vita cross-buy. Pretty happy with that!
Song of the deep has to be a PS+ title soon...
I will not bite
Very tempted to grab The Sexy Brutale or Edith Finch! Or both?
Sony are always brilliant when it comes to sales.
@Quintumply Treat yourself
@Simon_Fitzgerald I'll be getting it finally!
@PostmanPatinator wouldn't bother with Verdun, bf1 is a far far better game and experience, Verdun is janky, glitchy and inaccurate with shooting :/ save your money Pat!
@get2sammyb Somewhere in your head is there any rhyme or reason for when you include region in the title or subtitle and when you don't? Is it a character count like twitter? This article has it, the Japanese game sale didn't hours ago, and you wrote both.
For the record I prefer to see it included, even if only in the subtitle or caption, I always read though.
I'd buy Song of the Deep for $3 if this sale comes West. More West? Wester?
@Hego Cheers man, will put it towards something else then!
What about North America?!
@Bad-MuthaAdebisi It is identical, even the visuals are pretty much the same with the exception of some lighting effects.
Damn you Sony I don't want anymore games! (realises its only 10pm and wife is asleep, runs to Playstation)
@Reanfan7 You guys had the Golden Week sale! Last few years it has been Golden Week sale in last/first week of April/May for NA, Big in Japan for EU in last/first week of June/July.
@rjejr - good luck getting an honest answer to that question, he's more likely to have a petulant fit in written form, then paste another awkward JPEG of Taylor Swift before the restraining order from her legal team finally kicks in 😂😂😂
Just picked up What Remains of Edith Finch in the sale along with the snazzy Matrix theme, hopefully the former is as good as the reviews say. Trailer certainly offers an interesting premise.
@Galvatron Like this.
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