No one’s going to skip the stellar-looking Sonic Mania over its weak roster of trinkets, but just a heads up: the game doesn’t have a Platinum Trophy. The inconsistency of Sony’s achievements system has reared its ugly mug again, with the full-length 16-bit throwback netting just 18 Trophies – and primarily Bronze ones at that.
Does it matter? No, before you start in the comments section, we agree that in the grand scheme of things this means very little. But it is symptomatic of a wider issue on PlayStation at the moment, where games like My Name Is Mayo are free to launch with a full-set of Trophies, but “proper” games like Sonic Mania don’t.
We still believe that a Platinum Trophy should be mandated in every title at this stage.
[source psnprofiles.com]
Comments 56
What a unnecessarily daft system. Sort it out, Sony.
meh, they aint really that important anyway besides there are many digital only games that don't have them
but yeah it is a bit inconstant although i thought it was up to the developers if they put them in or not?
Ah. The Megadrive games had the same problem. Used to drive me nuts.
@kyleforrester87 😂
Been playing RE4 a lot lately. It doesn't have a platinum either:(
May get it on Switch instead!
I remember when the only trophy system was bragging to your friends about the ending or making it up and hoping they never finished it 😂
In any case they are so inconsistent I don't pay much attention to them anyway, some VR games throw 5 or 6 golds at me in 20 mins or I can put 50 hours into the Witcher to get 1, so how am I suppose to attribute value to them.
All I need for this game is a classic soundtrack and somebody to race in splitscreen and I'll see everything the game has to offer anyway
@carlos82 I remember when trophies were just bragging rights too. Now a good chunk of folks only buy games for the Platinums forgetting it does Nothing.
I imagine part of this is the dev team having to make Steam acheivements and Xbox Ones too and those are value based not ranked like on PS4. They probably didnt have a goal beyond 100% to warrant Platinum.
@BLP_Software I've already seen some idiots on the Facebook post saying they won't buy it because of this, I mean how sad can they be? Its almost as if gaming didn't work perfectly well for over 20 years without such a thing 😃 and it doesn't seem to have hurt the sales of BOTW or MK8 🤔
I like trophies. They're fun to get, especially in games that I thoroughly enjoy.
But, I won't buy a game just to specifically get trophies. Kind of defeats the whole purpose of playing a game.
Never seen the appeal of trophies myself, as playing the game has always been the main draw for me. With that in mind, I'm getting the Switch version for the portability and TV play!
Yes I like trophies..love trophies but am I bothered about this?no,because most platinums I never seem to achieve anyway!
Having recently got a Switch,the total absence of trophies and achievements doesant bother me in the slightest..I'm just playing and having fun for the game
i understand why some people like collecting trophies..but what does it matter if a specific trophy is gold or platinum?! does getting platinum trophies get you anything?
@manu0 street cred bro.
The Trophy/Achievement systems are rather retarded to begin with IMO. "You made your Character", "You passed tutorial", "You beat a stage" (very few games should get this one for their difficulty).... Those are not actual achievements, those are simply participation awards to make players feel better. I never pay any attention to them since they do nothing. Getting one for an actual accomplishment is fine, but many games these days simply give them away, hence losing any meaning they may have once had.
@MadAussieBloke i have all of 2 platinum trophies, one was Assassin's Creed 2 and the other Final Fantasy XV
i only got the AC2 one because i just wanted to explore that entire world, it was brilliant and got it quite by accident
as for FFXV we ll i got that from just playing the game normally
@manu0 @kyleforrester87 @FullbringIchigo I have literally THOUSANDS of bronze trophies, hundreds that are silver or gold, and a handful Platinum.
All from just playing games the way I normally do. There is no incentive for it to me.
But here's the weird thing, they genuinely mean nothing. To put that into perspective people are willing to boycott this game (And entire systems at that!) because they don't have a feature that adds no value beyond an arbitrary checklist.
If you got like...MyNintendo points or something for it then sure I guess? But trophies don't do anything. Its a number. And I have no idea what Gamerscore does on Xbox apart from tell the world how much of a "real gamer" you are.
@kyleforrester87 but the thing you did for the trophy doesn't change whether it's gold or platinum...
@BLP_Software @manu0 I think it goes without saying that the best trophies are the ones that make you play the game in a different way and experience something new.
There's a bit of a completionist in every gamer and I think most of us will put up with a couple of stupid, grindy trophies if we get the itch to 100% a game. My tolerance for such trophies is very low though so I've got to both really love a game and respect the majority of trophies it's asking me to go after if I'm going to get them all.
As for the Platinum it's just a way for us to feel like we can put it on the shelf and move on with our gaming lives. My backlog haunts me sometimes, so I can also appreciate it must feel kinda nice to Platinum every game you buy.
But whether it's a Platinum or a gold or just a bronze, whatever, when you're at 100%, you're at 100%.
@BLP_Software yeah i'm pretty much the same, i have never gone out of my way to get any trophy in any game i play, if i get them i get them i'm not fussed either way
Good platinum give me reason to replay some game that I really like and extend that game length. Games like transistor, shantae half genie hero and nier automata has more replay value for me because it's fun to replay it to get the platinum.
@wiiware Is it not fun to replay on its own merits?
who cares?
Really doesn't matter. The game still looks stellar! I'll pay for that beautiful intro that comes with a free game lol
I'll just stick with my Switch version of the game, then. Platinum trophies are always the main appeal of PS games to me.
Okays. I would have liked a platinum trophy in this game, but it isn't going to change whether or not I buy it.
It's not gonna stop me from enjoying the game but it's just weird! That PS+ Got game basically gives you a trophy for reading for 4 hours and Sonic Mania doesn't have one? I am sure getting all the chaos emeralds will be CRUEL
I don't really care about trophies so I'm fine with that.
While this won't stop me from purchasing it, I would like some sort of consistency when it comes to trophies.
Not the streets I grew up on bro. I would more likely get punched in the head for said platinum trophy. That being said, I'm one of those weird people who couldn't give two $h!ts about any of the trophies. They don't give me any enjoyment and that's why a play.
Getting it on Switch anyway
I never try to get trophies they just seem to happen so i dont care if this has platinum or not. When ever spotify changes track i think ive got a trophy because im an idiot.
@BLP_Software It's fun but I still have a lot of new games to play, with platinum trophy at least I have reason to replay my favorite game without regret lol
I still have horizon, persona 5, yakuza 0, and zelda botw in my backlog
In the end, I have more fun trying to obtain plat trohpy for my favorite game, so platinum trophy is valuable to me, not that I won't buy game without platinum trophy, but I can buy it anywhere, not just on playstation.
I enjoy trophies, but not bothered about what colour they are. I pay more attention to the percentage. Usual "complete" metric I use is main story complete with 70% of trophies.
@BLP_Software MyNintendo points don't do anything either
This will affect my enjoyment of the game, if I don't hear that little 'ding' sound effect at the end of every level, telling me that I am a skilled player, and validating my life-changing gaming achievements.
@Octane Its more than what trophies do!
I do not care about lack of plat trophy still waiting for the ablity to turn trophies off all together.
@BLP_Software "Temporary bragging rights" is indeed one word more than "bragging rights"
@Octane You get a possibility of a discount or some kind of goody. Its basically virtual currency.
Better than seeing a number go up and getting nothing! No matter how temporary
@BLP_Software I still remember when my special birthday offering was 10% off of a bunch of games I already owned... Good times.
@Octane Really? I got half price. Huh.
@Giygas_95 Most games have optional content. This comes in many forms from quest lists, side tasks, DLC, and yes, Trophies. Some games (more and more, with open world style) are almost purely optional content. You can choose to blind run to the end of the game, skipping everything that is not absolutely required, but I would pose the question, why are you playing a game that you just want to rush through? (speed runs aside).
A trophy is game content as sure as any other. Its a list of ways to play, things to achieve, and challenges to surmount, directly from the developers of the game. The only way it differs from normal game content is that its viewable from outside of the game.
So when Trophies are terrible, thats game content thats terrible. It should be weighed, judged, and reviewed as such.
@dryrain I would love this functionality. As much as I enjoy trophies. There are a few multiplayer games that I will never play long enough to get all of the trophies, and they won't let us delete trophy entries that are greater than 0%, so this would be the next best thing.
@thedevilsjester All I said was I just enjoy playing the game itself...
@Giygas_95 Thats the point I am trying to make. Trophies ARE the game itself. Its no different than any other game content except that some of it is visible outside of the game.
@thedevilsjester I know, but I'm just saying you didn't really have to write all of that. My original comment was just me saying that I don't really care to hunt for trophies and I like the portable nature of the Switch version which is why I'm going with that one. I'm not downing people who do enjoy trophy collecting.
I'm just curious here, but do you think by getting the Switch version, which won't have trophies (maybe it'll have built in achievements, who knows) that I'm not getting the full experience? Trophies have always been just an optional extra to me.
@Giygas_95 It depends on the game really. Some games have terrible trophy lists, they shouldn't have even tried. In which case you are not really missing out on anything. Its analogous of games with a bunch of pointless filler content. If its a game like that, then you are not missing out on anything, and you should get it on the Switch (its an amazing device, portability is awesome). However if the trophy list is well designed, then yes, you are not getting the full experience.
@thedevilsjester Provided the Switch version performs just as well as the other ones, that's what I'm going for. I have 3D Sonic 1 and 2 on 3DS which are impeccable portable iterations of Sonic's first two Genesis games, and I have the DS classics collection for 3 and Knuckles. I also have CD on my PC which makes it sort of portable. I just love having Sonic's games on the go.
Not having a platinum isn't the be all and end all, it's not enough to make me not want to buy the game but it's enough to make me cancel my pre-order and switch to a different platform
Sometimes I wonder how many real trophies people who care about platinum trophies have, but then again trophies have little meaning either.
My trophies sit in a rubber maid tub because being a good bowler is something others couldn't possibly care about.
@DM666 Thats fantastic but why does every article people have to tell you buy it on the Switch is getting old fast? Is there not a great Nintendo site somewhere?
@RainbowGazelle Wow when i started gaming i did not have any trophies and somehow i had way more fun.
Most trophies are fillers and make the game a chore instead of fun.
Ubisoft made a good call with Primal getting a lot of collectables instead for the trophy making it fun and not a chore. Trophies sometimes make games even less fun Tombraider 2013 PS4. The multiplayer trophies made take a break from the game after i got them. I think i would have more fun getting kicked in the ****.
@Flaming_Kaiser Owning a PS4 and a Switch I tend to get multiplatform games on PS4, because there is no platinum I've gone for the Switch version - it was just the deciding factor on this occasion!
@DM666 I will get a Switch when Metriod is released maybe. And wow those controllers and extra's cost a massive amount of cash. Maybe its better to trade in the PS4 and get a PS4 Pro!!! 😁😂🤣😋
At least i got my mini SNES and yes i hate Nintendo with their annoying ways of making it almost impossible to get one.
@Flaming_Kaiser Yeah, I agree. I was being sarcastic in my post, but I guess I didn't make it clear enough.
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