Update, 19th September 2018, 8am BST: This article has been republished following Sony's announcement of the PlayStation Classic.
There’s no doubting that the PSone is one of the greatest video game consoles of all time. The plethora of brand new IP, quality RPGs, and game-changing releases that landed on Sony’s debut PlayStation is arguably unmatched by any system that came before it or followed up on its success.
So, with Sony admitting that it's thinking about a PSone Classic console, we thought we’d have a go at compiling our own list of games that we think would deserve a place on a line-up for a PSone re-issue. Without further ado, these are the 20 games we would want to appear on a PlayStation Classic Mini.

Ape Escape
The Ape Escape series was the epitomy of PlayStation during the PSone era. Strong mascots led the way for Sony in its debut generation, and the adventures of Spike still live long in the memory for us as he perilously tries to clean up the wrongdoings of ape Spector and the army he has spawned.

Castlevania: Symphony of the Night
Continuously referred to as one of the greatest video games of all time, Castlevania: Symphony of the Night is an essential inclusion. The journey through Dracula’s castle is 2D gaming at its very best, with unforgettable boss battles, a vast and sprawling map, and the twist that spawns an entire inverted castle. The title is still used as a source of inspiration to this very day and it’s easy to see why.

Chrono Cross
Things drastically changed for the JRPG genre back in 1997 and Chrono Cross, sequel to the classic Chrono Trigger, felt like the first game to really react to that and bring in a few innovations of its own. The ability to run away from every battle and the stamina bar were two departures that made Chrono Cross feel fresh in a crowded genre, as well as earning it the title of one of the greatest PSone JRPGs.

Crash Bandicoot
Crash Bandicoot is PlayStation at its very best. The Bandicoot was the Sony mascot for a generation and played a big role in so many childhoods, which is why the remastered PS4 trilogy is getting so much attention in 2017. Quality level design, memorable characters, and an incredibly fun gameplay loop is why the Crash Bandicoot series will never be forgotten by so many, and in turn helped PlayStation become the brand it is today.

Crash Team Racing
When he wasn’t collecting wumpa fruit, Crash Bandicoot was hitting the streets in Crash Team Racing. This kart racer was incredibly popular and it helped to flesh out the franchise with 15 playable characters, numerous game modes, and power-ups for days. PlayStation’s answer to Mario Kart was a successful and popular one, and to this day it remains one of the best kart racers to not feature an Italian plumber.

Final Fantasy VII
The JRPG classic that changed gaming. Cloud’s journey to stop Sephiroth is widely regarded as one of the greatest of all time, and a collection of PlayStation classics such as this wouldn’t look right without Final Fantasy VII. The turn-based combat was flawless, the story epic and grand, and the characters are still remembered fondly in 2017. Some may that its sequels went on to become better overall games, but it’s Final Fantasy VII that changed the industry forever.

Gran Turismo
Another industry defining game comes in the form of Gran Turismo, the real driving simulator. Back in 1997, GT changed the game for driving simulators and spawned one of PlayStation’s most popular franchises. The title brought simulated racing to the masses with over 140 cars and 11 tracks in its initial release, and sequels more than doubling those numbers.

The Medievil franchise may have been lost to time, but its legacy will never be forgotten. The adventures of Sir Daniel Fortesque represent Sony’s commitment to developing brand new IP, because there had been nothing really like Medievil’s trek through Gallowmere before it, and nothing has quite emulated it since then. Because of that, the title belongs on a line-up of PlayStation classics.

Metal Gear Solid
The first PlayStation release in one of the greatest video game series of all time, Metal Gear Solid symbolises yet another industry defining moment. The story of Shadow Moses brought along with it a deep, engaging, and sometimes wacky story, and cut scenes that a 1998 player would never have experienced before. Combined with memorable boss fights, innovative gameplay, and remarkable characters, and you’ve got an incredible experience that still holds up to this day. One of Sony’s very, very best.

PaRappa the Rapper
PaRappa the Rapper is widely regarded as one of the originators of the modern rhythm game genre. The rapping classic featured songs that everyone would find themselves tapping their foot to as well as a gameplay loop that kept you on the beat, all the while engraving the lyrics into your head. I gotta believe!

Resident Evil
The survival horror pioneer belongs on this list for being yet another PlayStation title that changed things upon its release. Limited ammunition made every shot count, inventory management made you consider every item you picked up, the mansion was simply an unforgettable setting, the zombies were menacing and posed a very real threat, and then the voice acting was a real source of comedy. An extraordinary title that signified a landmark moment in the industry.

Resident Evil 2
The sequel that managed to improve on everything that came before it. Resident Evil 2 is considered by many to be the crowning achievement of the series thanks to a wider range of environments, a better story and cast of characters, and much improved dialogue. The same classic survival horror gameplay loop is present but it’s everything surrounding it that’s built upon which helped to create one of the best horror videogames of all time.

Silent Hill
Yet another classic survival horror series that was founded on the PSone. Harry Mason’s search for his daughter through Silent Hill takes players to some truly unimaginable and grotesque places with twisted and horrifying enemies to fight along the way. With a very limited range of weaponry on offer and the prowess of its monster, it’s this combination that kept Silent Hill players up at night.

Spyro the Dragon
We return to another PlayStation mascot in the form of Spyro the Dragon. At the time the title made full use of the PSone’s capabilities with outstanding graphics and smooth gameplay, but it was the character of Spyro and his personality that lives long in the heart of many gamers. A likeable dragon who you could root for in his quest to defeat Gnasty and free all the dragons in the Artisan World. Another PlayStation classic that helped to form many childhood memories.

Syphon Filter
The taser must not become a relic of the past. Syphon Filter is another definitive stealth experience that found its home on the PSone with an immersive plot, excellent AI for its time, and a huge arsenal of weaponry on offer. Gabriel Logan set himself apart from Solid Snake by taking advantage of the gadgets he had at his disposal, and this combined with the excellent stealth based mechanics on offer, it’s easy to see why Logan was just as successful at his job as Snake was.

Tekken 3
One of the best fighting games of all time found its way onto the PSone in the Spring of 1998. The graphics, sound effects, and music were revolutionary at the time, but it’s the fighting itself that did the talking. A large amount of attacks and combos were there to be learnt, fluid controls kept the game easy to pick up, and the action itself was explosive and incredibly entertaining.

Tomb Raider
It may be hard to go back to in this day and age, but the original Tomb Raider belongs on this list thanks to the legacy it has created and the resulting series of games it has spawned. The world trekking adventure of Lara Croft was revolutionary back in 1996, featuring a female lead character and a cinematic approach to gameplay that at the time was unprecedented.

Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2
The Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater series lived and breathed PlayStation during its heyday, and the second instalment is widely considered to be the definitive one on the original PlayStation. It had a huge impact on the sports genre back in 2000 with a level of growth over its predecessor the industry had never seen before within a skateboarding game. It belongs on a list of PlayStation’s greatest thanks to being such a quality experience that it hasn’t been surpassed by another skateboarding game to this day.

Twisted Metal 2
The PSone was the home to car combat games, and it’s Twisted Metal 2 that hit this genre’s peak. The sequel expanded on everything the first game did right, and in turn offered more cars to destroy, more tracks to race around, and more characters to get to know. The genre may have fallen by the wayside in recent times, but revisiting Twisted Metal 2 would still be just as fun as it was 20 years ago.

The futuristic racer may have been birthed on other consoles, but it’s the WipEout series that tweaked and fine-tuned the genre to become racing perfection. As a PSone launch title, WipEout brought something completely original to the console along with a booming techno soundtrack that created waves throughout the industry. It was an early showcase of what the PSone could do, and sequels then went on to build the classic WipEout series we know today.
Is there a game we missed? Would you be there day one for a PlayStation Mini Classic packed with PSone titles? Get nostalgic in the comments below.
Comments 147
Great article, Liam. I think you've got all of the bases covered here for a popular commercial product. I'd probably add Jumping Flash and Tombi for my own personal tastes; I think you'd need Ridge Racer Type-4, too.
Of course the problem with all of this would be licensing and getting the requisite third-parties on board, which is why it'll probably never happen.
Fun to speculate, though.
That's a pretty good list although the main thing Sony would have to do is actually create enough units to satisfy demand unlike the Nintendo Minis with the limited numbers just asking scalpers to buy them up and charge buttloads for them
What about Croc?! Will never forget that game.
I have just managed to finally grab a snes (will see if it actually comes) and then I see this and this needs to happen!
Alien and Die Hard trilogy defined the PS1 for me. So so so many hours on those games.
Can't sony just repackage leftover ps tv's in a mini ps1 case as many of these games are already available on the ps store? Then they can add more ps1 games to the store as they seem to have stopped that now that these games cannot be played on the ps4
Blows my mind that PS4 still cannot play PS1 games. It has to be a marketing decision at this point.
Personally, every time I try to go back and play these games, I play for a couple hours and then never again. Nostalgia can only go so far with me.
I'm sure when I have time to think I'll have more suggestions to add, but soul blade for sure for me
...where have i see this list before ?
I rather have remasters to fair i dont like the old 3D games they are really bad. For me this list is about the games that should be remastered. Without the games who are already remastered ofcourse.
Twisted Metal 2 should have been remastered its a million time then the last game on the PS3. And the terrible Twisted Metal Black which was censored to death here in Europe....
Instant buy
I'd swap Gran Turismo for GT2, Resident Evil for RE: Director's Cut, Twisted Metal II for TM III, and Crash Bandicoot for Crash 3. And how about Vagrant Story and Final Fantasy Tactics?
Other to consider: Final Fantasy VIII and IX, Street Fighter Alpha III and Mega Man X4.
They would make ridiculous money on this. Excellent list, so many happy memories.
I'd love a new Ape Escape.
PLEASE SONY Make this even though i have a psone
@KratosMD Just can't see it myself.
I imagine a future where you can stream all of these old games sometime. Wouldn't that be fun?
But then again, I'm still waiting for all the old arcade games...
just think of the memory it would need! FF7 was 3 discs itself!
Well, to copy my list off the forum..with 1 minor change having thought about it:
1. Final Fantasy 7
2. Final Fantasy 9
3. Metal Gear Solid 1
4. Tomb Raider 2
5. Silent Hill
6. Resident Evil 1
7. Resident Evil 2
8. Resident Evil 3
9. Command & Conquer: Red Alert
10. Klonoa
11. Gran Turismo 2
12. Wipeout 2097
13. Tony Hawks Pro Skater 2
14. Destruction Derby 2
15. Die Hard Trilogy
16. International Track & Field
17. Crash Bandicoot 2
18. Spyro 1
19. Tekken 3
20. Oddworld: Abe's Odysee
You know what's great about Sony hardware? I can play all of my PS1 games on 4 different systems, and I don't have to buy them over again. So for me there's no need for a PS1 mini.
Something like this would be amazing. I still play PS1 games like Tekken 3 with my friend when we get drunk because it's so good for multiplayer.
Awesome list covering most bases. I'd personally add in Legend of Dragoon, Breath of Fire 3 or 4 and Tales of Eternia for more of an RPG spread. Maybe a few Bullfrog classics too?
Jumping Flash 2!
Ridge Racer Type 4
Crash Bandicoot 2 instead of Crash 1
Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver
Soul's Edge
And just for nostalgia's sake: Toshinden 1 or 2
syphon filter for the win.best PlayStation 1 ever
Bishi Bashi Special.
As long as it's fantasy, I want Point Blank 1 and 2 with 2 recreated G-con 45s please. And if that's happening there's time crisis too...
Micro Machines.
Dino Crisis
Parasite Eve
Star Wars : Dark Forces
The hits just keep coming, huh? What a great console.
No thank you. Most of those games have not aged well or have new versions that I would rather play. Even though some of those games are great and I have fond memories of playing them, they just don't hold up today. Probably the only ones that still hold up are the RPGs and Castlevania.
Nice list but needs more fighting games. As others have said Soul Edge and Alpha 3 should be in there.
There is a horrifying lack of Brave Fencer Musashi in that list!
Would remove the RE games too, everything else is Playstation gold.
What?? No Suikoden or The Legend of Dragoon. Those two are alot better then Final Fantasy VII as far as RPGS go
Im one of those people who dont really see the point in companies putting effort into porting old games to current gen. Im not TOTALLY against it but something in me just says, go get a ps1 for $10 and have at it. But whatever its all good lol. OK HERES AN IDEA! A reboot of BUSHIDO BLADE!!! the free roaming, limb chopping awesome af fighting game! Id be in love!
Seeing Ape Escape reminded me of how big a deal it was to be the first release to use the double analog controller for the PSone. It also reminded me of the 'can it be done without missing something in translation' articles before the PSP release.
For fun, they should throw in Captain Blasto and Intelligent Cube.
Replace Chrono Cross with Xenogears and that would totally get my money! (although I still own most of those games...)
@Tasuki fixed it for ya buddy.
What?? No Suikoden or The Legend of Dragoon. Contrary to popular opinion I personally prefer those two over Final Fantasy VII as far as RPGS go, though I appreciate these changes wouldn't make for a more desirable PS1 mini overall. Plus I'm sorry for every time I censored one of @kyleforrester87s naughty swears. He's such a dude!
Legend of dragoon
FF tactics
Bushido blade
The Lost World
Beyond the beyond
Absolutely fantastic list of games, makes you realise just what a great console the ps1 was.
I'd have to give honorable mentions to Ridge Racer revolution and destruction derby (mainly because they were the first 2 games I owned so played the heck out of them.
I'm shocked the original grand theft auto didn't get a mention. It's only like the greatest game ever made
@kyleforrester87 Not personal opinion, story wise both games were better, The characters in FF VII had no personalities. Cloud was a whiney EMO brat while Sephiroth was your sterotypical oh my mommy was mean to me so I am a bad guy villain. Yeah. The only reason it got as popular as it did was because of Sony's marketing if they marketed Suikoden or Legend of Dragoon the way they did FF VII then alot more people would have played the other two.
But I forgot it's against Sony Fanboy protocol to speak the truth of how mediocre FF VII is, kinda like saying how Hideo Kojima is way overrated as well.
And for the record sorry but not sorry, rules are rules and what kind of mod would I be if I just let everyone break the rules.
@Tasuki "not personal opinion" before you go on to state a massive personal opinion haha. But uhhu marketing is the only reason and all those millions of FF7 lovers are biased fanboys without real taste, keep dreaming though
Was Dino crisis ps1 ? Loved it regardless
@kyleforrester87 Yes, cause it's not hard to see that clearly those 2 games were better then FFVII. Reverse the roles if Legend of Dragoon and Suikoden got the marketing budget, was pushed as the killer app for the PS all those fanboys would be saying the reverse. People are coporate sheep. Whatever the coporations want people to like that's what people like. People are to afraid to be different and thus conform to what the coporations want us to like.
Let's be honest remove the Final Fantasy name and marketing budget and you have a pretty average RPG that I am positive that if it didn't have those two things no one would have remember it.
@Tasuki Fair does, obviously we won't change each other's minds. But I don't really like Uncharted but I know they are hugely popular so I just assume people are "getting" it in a way I dont. Nothing wrong with being in a monitory but it's always a better look to do it with some good grace instead of insulting everyone else's opinion. (Not that you were particularly insulting mind you, just saying. Perhaps taking a dump on would have been a better phrase lol)
@kyleforrester87 I am not a fan of Uncharted either but that's because I feel that it should be more of a movie, then a game same with the Metal Gear series. Those it's plain why people love those games, Final Fantasy VII there isn't beside corporate pushing and people afraid to go against the grain so to speak.
And it's not an insult when it's the truth. I mean I enjoy Zelda Ocarina of Time but honestly it's not that great of a game and I am not afraid to say that. It's a mediocre 3D adventure game and really only gets its praise because it was a Zelda title. There were far better games during that time like Zelda OoT that don't get the praise because they weren't Zelda.
@Tasuki Okay. Well, err.. enjoy CoD! :')
Great idea for an article. 😘
Final Fantasy Tactics
Street Fighter Alpha 3
Medievil... But also harry potter games on ps1 were amazing
@kyleforrester87 CoD has always been more of a guilty pleasure of mine. I am not to good at it as is evident by my KDR but I still have fun with it.
Nice list ,I'd add only 4 personal favourites, Hogs of War ,Panzer Front ,VRally and PES98 ( the one with Paul Ince & Fabrizio Ravenelli on cover) .
Hey.... this was a post on your forum yesterday. Someone copied the idea into an article?? lol.
As fun as the concept is, it will never happen.. the storage space alone for all those ISO images would be so cost prohibitive, it would never happen. SNES images are only a few meg in sizes.. some games ie: FF games) use multiple CD images. It'll never happen.. but I admit it sure would be a cool little item, even if it did end up as $200.
@Party_Cannon Wouldn't say it'll never happen. If you had 20 games over 20 discs that's what, like 15gb? A 64gb USB drive is like a fiver.
I mean, get a PSTV with a 32gb card and you're half way there. Only reason that'd cost so much is it's a proprietary memory system. A box with inbuilt memory would be cheap as chips.
I actually only liked Metal Gear, CV, TR, and CC out of all these. Racing ahh, I can't identify with non human charactwrs
Damn I miss Syphon Filter Would love to see the series return with a new entry or even a get a remake.
Well that's all the kids games covered 😬
I mean, Spyro 😂
Fade to Black is a favourite of mine, revolutionary console graphics for the time. Tomb Raider, the original, was a master class of level design and immersion.
Tekken 3 is spot on though, also revolutionary as a 3D fighting game which went hand-in-hand with sessions of ISS ⚽️
@Galvatron I hated Fade to Black so damn much lol
@kyleforrester87 - shocking statement! Fade to Black was stylish and whilst a bit of the essence of Flashback / Another World was lost in a 2.5D view, I was enthralled with it.
Back then it was FF7, Tekken 3, ISS, Tomb Raider & Metal Gear Solid. Gran Turismo too!
You gotta hand it to Sony, every Playstation generation down to PS4 has truly sublime classics.
Including Fade to Black lol
Well I came in to cry about Syphon Filter not being on the list, but it is. Pretty impressive list actually.
Language -Tasuki-
@LeeHarveyOzgod Watch the language please.
A great reminder that PSone is my personal best console of all time.
Wipeout 2097 was the better Wipeout.
Missing 'One'
@Tasuki Gotta say for me, I agree as well on Legend of Dragoon at least. I like FF7, don't get me wrong, but I LOVE Legend of Dragoon. I've played through it more times than any RPG except maybe Chrono Trigger, so at least a dozen. Never got my hands on a Suikoden game, though I did pick up the second one for my Vita.
@RedMageLanakyn I believe Suikoden 1-3 are available on the Vita as PSONE classics. Start with 1 as there are spoilers in 2 concerning 1.
The five I'd want for sure... Metal Gear Solid, Resident Evil 1, Resident Evil 2, Twisted Metal 2, Castlevania: Symphony of the Night
To fill out the remaining list
Parasite Eve
Silent Hill
Destruction Derby
Ridge Racer
Crash Bandicoot 2
Crash Team Racing
Tomb Raider 2
Tekken 3
Resident Evil 3
Dino Crisis
Spyro The Dragon
Gran Turismo
Brave Fencer Musashi
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater
Klonoa: Door to Phantomile
@JonnyMack don't forget these were CD's, at most these games would take around 20gb in total
@dkxcalibur I agree 100% on this. Maybe im a minority but a rather have good remaster / remake.
For what it's worth here's my list and I'm sure I've missed many and it'll change by the end of the week but for now I present
Resident Evil
Resident Evil 2
Resident Evil 3
Tomb Raider
Ridge Racer Type 4
Destruction Derby 2
Die Hard Trilogy
Metal Gear Solid
Tekken 3
Final Fantasy VII
Final Fantasy VIII
Final Fantasy IX
Syphon Filter
Gran Turismo
Castlevania Symphony of the Night
Parapa The Rappa
@carlos82 Which you may think won't sound much, but compared to a mini nes, snes or megadrive who's games were in magabits, the cost of goods is likely to be ten or twenty times the amount for the components of these devices
A non starter!
@JonnyMack a 32gb micro sd card can be bought for a few pounds, I have a Raspberry Pi and enough power/memory to play and hold these and many more, this cost me about £60 total at retail. With today's technology it'll cost peanuts to make such a thing and 20gb of memory will in no way be a limiting factor in all of this
Great to see Ape Escape getting a mention! I was crushed that we never saw 4 get a release!
@carlos82 @JonnyMack Yup..storage space and the (minimal) associated cost is at the bottom of the list of reasons the PS1 mini hasn't happened yet.
@kyleforrester87 definitely, however if I were Sony I wouldn't make such a device anyway. I'd secure deals to distribute these on PS4 similar to how Xbox will now do with original Xbox games, that way we could have the benefits of increased framerates and resolution which these games would benefit greatly from. Unlike 16 bit sprites which are seemingly ageless, early 3D games look much worse today by comparison so could do with the extra processing power
@carlos82 I believe the Nes and Snes mini's upscale to 1080? They'll look pretty awful on HD TV's if they don't anyway, even though you're right the art style has aged better.
Obviously the PS2 re-releases are a higher resolution so I would like to see them release PS1 games in the same way. Sure it doesn't need to be on a dedicated console but there is a novelty factor there.
Thanks for reminding me about Medievil. I've never played it but always meant to get around to it, so I just bought both 1 and 2 on ebay.
I'll be firing up the PS1 for first time in a couple years.
@kyleforrester87 Don't get me wrong if they released such a thing I'd be first in line trying to pre order and luckily have the Snes mini pre ordered. If they ever do i hope they give it a punchy cpu to upscale it properly.
Thinking about it if Nintendo keep doing this and others join in, at what point do we catch back up with ourselves? 🤔
The megaman legends collection hands down
Awesome. Id like one for the PS2 too
No Team Buddies? What a waste of money this would be
My wishlist:
Ape Escape
Castlevania: Symphony of the Night
Chrono Cross
Crash Bandicoot 2
Crash Team Racing
Darkstalkers 3: Jedah's Damnation
Final Fantasy VII
Final Fantasy Tactics
Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver
Metal Gear Solid
Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee
Resident Evil
Silent Hill
Spyro the Dragon
Street Fighter Alpha 3
Tekken 3
Vagrant Story
It's impossible to fit in everything I consider a must-play from the PS1 days without putting more than 30 games on the thing. Damn Capcom and its fighting games.
@Gmork___ For me its the other way around i dont see the use for playing old relics they just ruin my good memories. I rather see them remade Resident Evil, Crash Bandicoot, Rachet & Clank are one of the best showcases why its good.
No no i im cool with an old game getting a complete overhaul/remake. Like the remake of resident evil 1 was awesome and that ratchet and clank game looked gorgeous. But simply just porting an old ps1 game over exactly as it was before, thats what i see as pointless. The exception are the arcade archive games which were never on a home console. Those are awesome!
Great list though i think Digimon World needs a spot too
I've always been partial to Battle Arena Toshinden.
Haven't played it for close to 20 years, but that intro sticks in my mind almost as much as the Resident Evil intro.
What's this back for? PS1 mini been announced or something?!
@kyleforrester87 SNES Mini released yesterday. I'll add a note to the article though to clarify.
I feel like we've been through this before.
Final Fantasy Tactics.
Street Fighter Alpha 3
@get2sammyb Ahhh.
Hope everyone who got one is enjoying it. I aim to get one at some point, providing they can get some more stock out.
I want all this ps1 classic remastered in 4k like parappa and wipeout, especially castlevania sotn
So many games, it's difficult to choose only 20, but you made an excellent list.
Series like Ape Escape, Medievil, Syphon Filter and Legend of Dragoon really deserve new games on PS4. I have hope that Spyro the Dragon will receive the same treatment of Crash Bandicoot and the classic trilogy will soon be available on PS4, can't wait for PSX.
For a moment i thought Sony announced a ps1 classic mini.
Yeah, that is what i was hoping for too.
I would be so down for a ps1 classic.
didn't sony already release a ps mini in 2000? :^)
No love for Vigilante 8? At one point, it was the only game I played lol
Great list, but I'd change a few out.
Bushido Blade instead of Tekken3, and Brave Fencer Musashi instead of Resident Evil 2. Also, toss in 1Xtreme
@Tasuki Watch your language please. FF7 and Zelda OOT ARE great games with a big heart and amazing plots. Your opinion is false.
I actually have a such a mini Playstation it's called Playstation TV and has most of those games on it. I guess I'm living the dream.
@1eyedlink Yeah ok my opinion is false, that's a new one.
Final Fantasy VII for me is when the FF series started to go down and OoT like I said I did enjoy it if you were to take all.Zelda refrences out, you will see its just a mediocre game.
If Sony ever made a PS1 Classic, I wonder if they would ever bother to localize any of it's Japan only 1st party exclusives to the West (The short answer is probably never), but something like that would be pretty cool.
@SwitchGlitch To be fair, most of the 3rd party games shown on this list are usually known to be synonymous to the PS1, like Metal Gear Solid, FF7, and Tekken.
I dunno about that.
The nes and snes min,i both had a healthy amount of third party titles too.
It would most likely hinge on if the likes of Namco, Konami, Capcom and Square want to play ball.
Vagrant Story
and they all should be remastered like Final Fantasy 9 that came out.
Great list! Would probably add in Devil dice, Mr. Domino, Einhainder, Medal of Honor, UnJammer lammy, Final Fantasy 1-6, Ghost in the Shell, Discworld, Brave fencer, Suikoden, Legend of Dragoon, Gradius, Legend of Legaia, Deception, Tenchu, Armored Core, Dino Crisis, T'ai Fu, Bushido Blade, X-Men, Street Fighter Alpha, and Marvel vs Capcom (20 years old, still better than MvC:Infinite).
The best game of all time...
Supply meeting demand!!!!
It really only needs these five daddies!
1. Final Fantasy 7
2. Tekken 3
3. Smackdown 2
4. Pandemonium
5. FIFA 98
I agree with those as well, but here's a few you're missing (IMO)
Tombi's awesome I've been thinking all week of pulling it and the sequel out of the parent's attic to play over the bank holiday weekend.
@feral1975 Legendary game!
Ah here's that list. Would still prefer a Squaresoft top 20 over a PS1 top 20 which didn't include Squaresoft, but a console w/ 10 Squaresoft and 10 non-Squaresoft games could be really good.
Lots of good game mentions in the comments as well. Abe's Odyssey is a must and I dont' even like it anymore, but back then it was something.
MGS has been remade or improved or something by now, no? I played it on PS1 then on Dreamcast using my Bleem disc and even that was a noticeable improvement.
Personally I feel PS1 aged terribly. Tony Hawk 1 and 2 are the only games I still go back to.
Can never get into Symphony. Started it umpteen times and it never grabs me. Weird coz Metroidvania is prob my fave genre. Resi 3 deserves to be on there too. My fave of the original trilogy.
@techdude Soul Reaver definitely one of the best PS1 games
Crash Bandicoot 2
Fear Effect 1 and 2
Parasite Eve 2
Tomb Raider 2
Not going to buy a PSOne Classic though.
Have my Vita where these games looks and plays great.
Yeah I would like to see final fantasy 8, legend of dragoon, final fantasy 9.
These early games are so hard to jump back into for me. The low polygon count makes them visually unappealing compared to some other classic systems with 2D graphics or even 16-bit. The old control schemes are a challenge to adjust to also.
For me, I would rather play a remaster/rebuild like the Crash trilogy. My memories of these PS1 games are nice how they exist. I would prefer not to have them shattered by a mini-console of the unaltered versions. That does not mean that others cannot have fun with it though, it is just not for me.
I would definately include Porsche Challenge, Dino Crisis, the one on the train (Midnight Express??) and most definitely Driver & Theme Hospital.
I dunno... I don't think games from this particular era hold up that great. I feel no nostalgia for terrible 1st gen 3d polygonal graphics. Skip the PS1 (and Nintendo should skip the N64), and go straight to PS2 (and GameCube for Nintendo). Let people who haven't touched these games in almost 20 years remember them fondly, and don't drag em out to show how God-awful ugly they really are...
Needs G-Police, Vandal Hearts, Tomb Raider 2, Resi 3 Nemesis, and Rollcage Stage 2, Final Fantasy 9
Parasite Eve
Vagrant Story
@Outkastar "Gonna sting you real good...."
Great game and better than Twisted Metal I reckon.
Surely Driver should get a mention? Outstanding car physics and a big influence on GTA
@Tasuki Legend of Dragoon thats the game Blue point should remake.😁
@Flaming_Kaiser Um ok???
@SoulsBourne128 About time someone put Einhander. Gaming excellence right there.
i think the problem we have run into here is: 20 games simply isn't enough. we need more like 50 games to be satisfied. in my case, close to half of those would be jrpgs...
@VanguardKaiser fantastic picks... agreed 100%. in fact, i just completed parasite eve for the first time a week ago and really enjoyed it. the golden era of square and jrpgs came flooding back to me. einhander in particular is a great choice since it has never been made available on psn.
@sketchturner i agree with you in some respects... although jrpg's on ps1 still look and play very well. some of the best jrpg's of all time are on the ps1 in fact.
How about The Lost World Jurassic Park or Alien Trilogy? To this day, I still hope someday SEGA (or whomever) would make an Alien Trilogy HD Remaster - something like the latest Doom.
Have no nostalgia for PS1 at all. My original gaming days ended around SNES/Amiga time. This totally passed me by until I got a PS2 late in the day. I'd argue that the graphics on SNES were more enjoyable to look at than PS1 and all it's blockiness.
1. FFVII is a pointless addition here unless you just want to notch it in because it was one of the defining games from the PS1 generation. But everyone and their dog has played it and it's available to play on our toasters, I believe. Some of the PS1s lesser played, but great RPGs deserve the spot, like Suikoden3, Alundra, Grandia or Legend of Dragoon.
2. Thats a lot of space needed.. especially the multi-CD games. How much do you think this thing should cost? You don't need an expensive ARM cpu to do the emulation.. even the old PSP emulated PS1 at full speed, so the biggest cost factor is storage space. Sure it's come down in cost, but even the $80 SNES Mini only has 500mb on its systemboard.
@tomassi ..umm.. okay. But the topic was for a PS1 classic, and there's already a SNES one. And just because you didn't play it doesn't mean it was a garbage generation. As a matter of fact, you sure must have missed out on a great gaming generation.
@Party_Cannon I didn't say it was a garbage generation, I said I wasn't interested in it. I don't think the graphics hold up well in comparison with other consoles. In my opinion games on the SNES have aged far better hence why I compared the two. It's got nothing to do with SNES mini's or PS1 classics or whatever is already on the market.
Peace x
I would personally switch Final Fantasy 7 for 8 or 9 instead. I love all three, but 7 gets all the love, and you can already play it in a myriad of ways across PS4 and PS3. We still can't play 8 or 9 on PS4, though, and I would love to play through them again.
I would also add Croc or Gex 3D and Ridge Racer Type-4 or Rage Racer in here. Also, the original Colin Mcrae Rally was a big deal back on PSOne. I played it to death. In terms of its gameplay, it still holds up well today. I can see that making the cut! Otherwise this is a pretty solid list.
I'd probably add in something like Star Wars: Racer and Parasite Eve personally, but it's a pretty nice list.
What I would expect from SONY is a larger collection of games. Probably closer to the 20 range, if they were to do it all. They are all about justifying that value. If it was at 10 games, I think they'd go for the $70-$80 price range. 20 games they'd hit $100.
It'd be more interesting if they released some huge Classics collection that included PS1/PS2/PSP/PSV titles or something like that though. A huge assortment of games.
Titled: The PlayStation Classic [Mini]
While that's a great list, most of those games are on PS3/PS4.
I'd rather have other games on the PS1 Mini...just can't think of them right now.
Oh, hang on, what about Driver?!
Brave Fencer Musashi please!!!
I guess we can count Ape Escape out given the PS1 Classic doesn’t come with the DualShock or Analogue controllers
How about nearly every game on that system, stop messing about with the license crap (which should be abolished in this stay and age) and release every game available. Every company from he worst like EA have been sitting on great franchises for years and haven't done anything about it because of license issues. It's the 20th century and I agree with the CEO of netflix everyone should have access to all content for what they pay that's the same service eg netflix UK vs. US content and vise versa
That is by far the worse selection of ps games anyone could ask for.
How about asking for games that rarely get noticed like
Tobal no2 (most likely won't happen in the west because it's a Japan only release)
Breath of Fire 3
Breath of Fire 4
Beyond the Beyond
Castlevania Symphony of the Night
Legend of Dragoon
Parasite Eve
Blood Omen Legacy of Kain
Legacy of Kain Soul Reaver
Chrono Cross
Panzer Bandit (most likely won't happen in the west because it's a Japan only release)
Battle Arena Toshinden
Battle Arena Toshinden 2
MM Legends
MM Legends 2
It doesn't have a Dual Shock Analog controller so it wouldn't be able to play Ape Escape sadly Anyway it's soooo CUTE I NEED IT!!! Would be cool if Crash and Tomb Raider and MGS and RE and WipeOut3 and GT and Driver and CTR was on it to. If not then it can't be the Ultimate PS1 sadly. Oh well, I'll wait and see what other games are on it
Metal Gear Solid
WipEout 2097
Destructive Derby
Destructive Derby 2
Gran Turismo
Silent Hill
Crash Bandicoot
Battle Arena Toshinden
Tekken 3
Gran Theft Auto
Resident Evil
Resident Evil 2
Tomb Raider
Tomb Raider 2
Ridge Racer
Ridge Racer Type 4
Final Fantasy 7
Oddworld Abe's Oddysee
Dunno if it's been said but Einhander
@VanguardKaiser Just about to suggest that.
Can't see it happening though.
Got to G-POLICE For me
Legend of Dragoon.
Medal of Honor (I don't know what series). my 90 yo dad still play this game in his old psOne.. believe it.
Would love to see Diablo 1 on there!
Not sure if I'm going to buy one. I feel PS1 games have aged really badly, a lot worse than SNES, but it might be cool to own one. Everybody's golf should hopefully be on it to. I wonder what the loading time's will be like 🤔.
Tenchu 2
Tomb Raider 1
Tomb Raider 2
Colony Wars
Syphon Filter
Crash Team Racing
Silent Hill
Soul Reaver
Metal Gear Solid
Mechwarrior 2
Armored Core
Dino Crisis
Legacy of Kain
Here's my probably non-standard wishlist, quite unlikely but it'd be cool if some of these titles were included. Old 3D games seem to age a bit harder than pixel games imo, but I consider most all of below as classics. Starred entries being most wanted.
FF Tactics
Digimon World 2
Chocobo's Dungeon
*Star Ocean 2
Legend of Dragoon
*Legend of Legaia
Chrono Cross
*Wild Arms 2
Street Fighter Alpha 3
*Harvest Moon: Back to Nature
Castlevania: Symphony of the Night
*Mega Man X4
*Mega Man Legends
*Misadventures of Tron Bonne
I know some ppl mention Ape Escape, and it's a good game but unlikely since it's not dual shock controllers.
Other games I'd be interested in is Croc, Breath of Fire 4, Worms, Oddworld Abe's Oddysee. I recall liking one of the Twisted Metal games. Oh yeah, and Marvel vs Capcom was good fun. An obscure but fun rpg most probably haven't heard of is Guardian's Crusade. Oh, and Threads of Fate was a fun one.
If there's one PS console I'm going to buy for Christmas, it's gonna be this one.
That said, I'd put a 2 after each now-Activision-owned mascot you put in there. Spyro 2 was the perfect mix between the first game's fantasy-inspired style and the third's refined gameplay, while Crash Bandicoot 2 is more or less the definitive Crash experience.
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