Grand Theft Auto V is the best-selling game of all time, according to American sales tracking organisation NPD. Now there are some caveats here: this only applies to the United States, so there may be titles that have historically performed better – though it’s perhaps worth noting that Rockstar’s opus finished second in August 2017’s report, meaning that it’s still scarily relevant four years after release.
“Grand Theft Auto V has now been on the market 49 months and has achieved 41 Top 10 chart appearances, 16 more times than any other single title in reported history,” explained NPD's Mat Piscatella. “In addition, Grand Theft Auto V is the all-time best-selling game by both revenue and units in tracked sales across PC, console, and portable with digital and packaged combined.”
It’s worth mentioning that games like Minecraft amassed a lot of their sales “off the grid” so to speak, so Grand Theft Auto V’s status as the best-selling game ever could be called into question by releases outside of the NPD’s reach. Nevertheless, we know that the title had shipped 80 million units as of May 2017, which is an astounding achievement to be frank.
[source usgamer.net]
Comments 41
Fully deserved imo (though I'm sure someone will disagree with me below!!). Although I've never really got into the online side of the game, I loved the story mode (completed it twice so far) and the open-world is one of the best ever created.
Not surprised. People just won't stop buying this game. Quite frankly, it's insane.
I still play and love GTA Online. It's a different beast nowadays since when it first came out. Still a great looking sandbox game too, I can't wait to see what RDR2 and (maybe?) GTAVI look like being built for the PS4.
Somebody in some college somewhere will be creating a course about this games record sales in relation to the decline of civility and the rise of gun violence in the US. That's sort of a joke, but it will really happen.
GTAV is up there with Tetris and Wii Sports then.
Well deserved, pure madness saying that though!
It sold more than Tetris? Good lord that's a scary thought.
I've somehow still not managed to get this game yet, despite enjoying the previous GTA games. I will do at some point, maybe I'll grab it when it's getting close to disappearing from the top 10 charts.
my favorite ps3 game ever.well deserved.to my favorite franchise of all times.gta and God of war
Game deserves to sell well but I'm still surprised by this achievement. It's on multiple systems but to sell that many I have to wonder if people are buying 3 or 4 times. I bought it twice (PS3 then the PS4 remaster).
@Gamer83 I can't imagine there are 80m differ people in the US playing GTAV so I'm gonna go with double dipping. A lot of double dipping. It's still a lot though. Can't imagine there's no 6 and that it won't sell well. Maybe FFXVs next weird carnival mash-up can be GTAV inspired where Noct and the boys let it loose.
Biggest game of all time. Made the best part of a billion dollars alone in it's third year just from the online side of it. I only go back to it every so often as it's not massively my thing, but the sandbox world they created (even though other games like Watch Dogs 2 do certain things hugely better) is to be applauded. Game changer.
Well, I double dipped for this game. Had it on 360 now on One. The only game I can think that can pass GTA5 would be GTA6.
Not really surprised, it's ALWAYS on any chart.
Was this game ever bundled with a console? If not, it's even more impressive.
Granted i've not played this one but whenever i've played any previous GTA game they've just been hugely average to me, i cannot understand why it's so popular, there's so many better games out there.
@crimsontadpoles I think it's on sale at the PSN store ... and that NEVER happens!
best game ever made
Good God, I dont think any game will be able to beat that until GTA VI probably
Double dipped on PS3 & PS4. Got plats on both. It's one of the very few games I truly enjoyed playing online. Story mode finished twice and 2nd time was as fun as the 1st. This really is a solid game and it's success is well deserved, also because of the numerous free online updates packed with fun content. Only drawback is not seeing GTA6 anytime soon.
As for the constant appearances in the top charts isn't surprising. Always a console bundle with GTA5 to be found. Also, a lot of people double dipped while upgrading to PS4. Broken discs being replaced by new copies. Perhaps sold their game and bought a new one afterwards. So many reasons why it's possible for GTA5 to keep thriving in the charts.
My bet is either GTA6 arrives during the end of PS4 era or as a launch title for PS5.
@Aexurion I can easily see Rockstar releasing GTA6 on ps4 and then again on ps5. It's free money after all.
@rjejr The 80 million figure is worldwide. Still huge, of course.
Ive played every GTA game. They have all been ground breaking in their own right imo. As a 13 year old the first game was a revelation as to what games could be. As such i think people my age are the core audience for the main game at least. Online is for them yunguns.
Haven't played GTAV in a few years but I met the guys who voice Michael and Franklin last year at a Comic Con in San Antonio. Sadly, Steven Ogg (Trevor) wasn't there that day because he had to go back to film stuff for The Walking Dead. Either way, it was a cool experience and I told them that I never imagined I'd be actually meeting them.
@naruball Sure, I agree. I'll surely double dip again if that's the case.
Doubt other game has more sales, even Minecraft!
Bring it to Switch at some point and it'll get another decent sales spike!
I wonder if the GTA franchise will dethrone Super Mario
Still waiting on that single player dlc...
The lowest this goes on PSN is $36, while other old games are $20. Goes to show when a game sells, no matter how old it is, it never deeps that low.
Im not surprised. I thought it was good, but i havent finished it. I will one day.
My favourite game of all time from my favourite developer, not one Rockstar game has been bad imo.
@itshoggie I wouldn't hold your breath, now GTA Online is a massive success and probably even bigger than the main story of the game itself, I fear they will never bring any single player dlc. I just hope this isn't now the trend they are setting for RDR2 and GTA VI.
I am the only person in the US that doesn't own it. BUT, I did buy it for my stepson, so i guess I've contributed to this milestone. I must say though, I've watched my stepson play it online alot and it does look pretty fun. Just not my cup of tea.
@Get2SammyB Uh...didn't the original Wii Sports sell 85+ million units between the Wii bundle 2006-2010 and the standalone version 2011-2014?
Thing is it's not showing any signs of slowing down so will prob definitely be the best seller by the time sales do drop off...
@Reanfan7 Globally, yes. This is just tracking the US (and I'm not sure whether it includes bundles).
I've never played any GTA games
I dont care for gta never played and never will dont like games Where you plaY as a criminAl
@Mahe "The 80 million figure is worldwide"
Thanks, that actually makes more sense. By the time I got to this sentence -
"Nevertheless, we know that the title had shipped 80 million units as of May 2017, which is an astounding achievement to be frank."
80 million units sold. Wow what a coincidence as that is the same number of npc's in Gta 5 that i have done hit and runs on.
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