A leaked Black Friday 2017 flyer suggests what we’ve all been expecting: the PlayStation 4 will finally hit that all-important $199.99 price point. While it’s only Kohl’s hinting at the door buster thus far, it’s safe to suspect that other retailers will offer a similar deal. Interestingly, it looks like Microsoft may try to undercut Sony by offering the Xbox One S for $189.99, but the PS4 Slim is by far the better deal as it includes double the hard drive space for just ten bucks more.
Other offers listed in the flyer include DualShock 4 controllers for $39.99 apiece, and Sony Gold Wireless headphones for $69.99. It’s still early so we’re sure there’ll be lots more deals and offers announced over the coming weeks, but it looks like the Japanese giant is about to get really aggressive with its console ahead of the holidays. It’ll be interesting to see whether it opts to discount the PS4 Pro, too.
[source blackfriday.fm]
Comments 36
Honestly I might grab the xbone s just for the uhd player.
@NathanUC Was thinking the same thing, but if PSVR gets a decent discount, well I might just have to snatch that instead
Tell you what I'm hoping for. A PS4, GtSport and an extra dualshock for €250.
@Mart1ndo_ It's missing the extra controller, but this Amazon deal isn't far off what you're after: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Sport-500GB-Bundle-download-Thats/dp/B076DFG9BR/
VR price decrease would also be awesome
@BLP_Software There's actually a good chance the PS4 could come "last" in November, though obviously they're all going to do well.
Yeah, I seen that. But for black Friday I'm hoping to get the controller as well. Also id say 7 November could be a day to keep an eye out. Sony will have to try too derail the launch of XB1X.
@Mart1ndo_ I think people are really exaggerating what the Xbox One X is going to do. It's far too expensive to tempt the mainstream consumer who's still waiting for the PS4/Xbox One to go below $199, and there's very little Sony can do to change the minds of the people who've already pre-ordered the One X, because they're likely to be Microsoft's most engaged fans who have been waiting desperately for the upgrade.
Good point.
Also should be pointed out that you will get $60 of "Kohls Cash" (in store credit basically) for buying the PS4. Essentially makes the ps4 $140 for me and give the credit to my wife so she can get clothes or whatever. She will love me for it lol!
I am sure that this was predicted - even when Sony didn't drop the price at E3 this year.
As a games machine, the PS4 is almost always going to be better value than the Xbox One S. Its a different proposition though if you are invested in the Xbox ecosystem (therefore owning games/peripherals, maybe even Gold) or looking at purchasing a 4k HDR Bluray player inn the near future. The XB1s is 'fantastic' value compared to the price of Standalone players and doubles up as a 'great' games console too.
If someone were to ask me as an unbiased console gamer, which I think is the better buy, I couldn't say 1 specific for all as I think it would depend more on the person, their needs and situation. I would still recommend the Pro over the Slim - regardless of their current TV though...
@Mart1ndo_ Sony are launching the Frozen Wilds on the 7th and you could argue Sony don't need to derail MS at all - if anything, it may end up benefiting Sony anyway. More 4k consoles may mean more devs making more effort on the Pro/X enhancements - therefore benefiting Pro and owners.
Then there is the price difference. Even if Sony opt to do nothing with the Price, its still £100/$100 difference and if you shop around, that difference is greater with some retailers bundling in games, peripherals etc too increasing the 'value'. Its also helped by the fact that many people think 'Dynamic' 4k is 'equal' on both systems. Games that are obviously significantly lower resolution on Pro are still 'dynamic 4k' on both so it 'seems' that gamers are getting similar on the Pro for a lot less money.
Then their is the healthy lead that Sony has. I very much doubt that the arrival of the X will suddenly see MS selling double or even triple the PS4 numbers to close that gap. Assuming its 2:1 difference now and PS4 is at 70m (meaning Xbox are at 35m), Even if MS sell 2:1 from Nov onwards - and at the rate Sony sold in its first 4yrs, MS wouldn't catch up until Nov 2021 - 4yrs from now. I doubt Sony will be waiting 4yrs to bring out its PS5 which will no doubt affect sales of the XB1.
Another aspect is Exclusives. Sony has a a lot they have revealed and more to come. MS may well be tight-lipped about their future releases - those beyond E3 2018, but as Sony are more open about longer term projects, as well as the fact they have more studios etc, they have more exclusives. People may well be willing to settle for 'lower' visuals to play games like Spider-Man, Days Gone, Last of Us 2, God of War etc. Even without Sony dropping Pro prices, People will still want to play these games.
So MS has to try harder to convince people that the X will not only play the multi-plat games better but also that their gamers won't miss out too much on the exclusives by having decent games to offer. As I said, Sony also have such a big lead in terms of sales, even if MS do turn it around and out sell Sony 2:1 at the same rate Sony sold the PS4 in the first 4yrs, it will take another 4yrs to even catch up. I doubt the X will make that big a difference...
Thanks for the heads up @get2sammyb, I knew my patience would pay off !
This is the year Ryan will finally own a PS4 . Already built up my PS4 library to 40+ games so I am ready .
@BLP_Software I'm tempted to get the PS4 Pro, but is there any point if I don't plan on owning a 4K HDR TV?
"PS4 Slim is by far the better deal by virtue of being a playstation" - fixed that for you (sorry 🙏)
The Xbox is the better deal. The UHD Bluray player is a big deal.
@waluigifan1 That XB1 S only has 500 GB vs 1TB PS4, not alot of exclusives (10 max that I care about), and I don't plan on watching/owning 4K BluRay movies/shows anytime soon.
So the PS4 is still the better deal in my eyes. Games don't need to be on 4K BluRay discs.
Wow,Kohls? Nice to see I can get me some cheap controllers on credit.
Cheapassgamer is going to be lit in the following weeks with their annual Black Friday deal master threads. Check em out if you want a head start on BF deals.
I'm hoping for the witched 3 complete for 20$ or breaking down and buying it for 44$ at GameStop this weekend. I can't deal with a 43gb download via PSN
@BAMozzy I dont want to be mean but people dont buy the cheaper bluray movies streaming movies are getting bigger. To be fair i buy less and less why buy something i watch one time. Exclusive games more rpg's yes i cant care less if games look a little worse.
@Rob_230 If you like playing games yes If you want If you want to watch movies go for the Xbox.
@waluigifan1 I forgot UHD Blu-ray was even a thing TBH. I still haven't seen one of these in a shop, but each to their own.
The blu ray player is a big deal if you have a 4k tv what's the point of 4k tv if you don't wanna play 4k content and I have both so I'm not worried and streaming does not look as good as a 4k blu ray trust me I have 100/mbs internet and 4k Netflix, 4k blu rays look better hands down
@whoisbdub I remember when 4k uhd player is a big deal for xb1s, now there's barely any talk about it. I guess gamers like games and exclusives rather than watching 4k movie.
And most 4k tv scaling for movie/blueray is very good.
@wiiware hey man your preaching to the choir I def would rather have a ps4 then xbox if I could only have one but a 4k blu is nice to have and could push a cinefile to xbox I just think it was a misstep to have a 4k machine without a 4k drive I'm not losing sleep over it and I'm sure neither are most ps4 owners but it is nice to have. And no hd upscaling pales in comparison to try 4k video with hdr speaking from experience
@get2sammyb I want to say stores here charge around $300 for one here. At least that's what target had.
@ToddlerNaruto your also missing out on the backwards compatibility. I bought one just to play Gears of War.
@waluigifan1 Tempted to buy xbox1s to play xbox and xbox360 games, but there's already too many games to play on my ps4 and switch, and xbox1s price is still about $400 in my country.
@Chronicus_Pr1me I'm also looking for a $20 TW3 this BF as I went to buy it last week for $25 but the 50GB (mine said 50GB) scared me off. 😆
Only deal I'm really looking for this holiday is on Switch controllers, preferably a Pro but I'd take another pair of Joycon at the right price. Hopefully no Switch sales as I paid $403 Friday.
"but the PS4 Slim is by far the better deal as it includes double the hard drive space for just ten bucks more"
Not to mention a far superior game library. (imo)
@waluigifan1 I know XB1 has backwards compatibility, but I already own a 360 so unless they actually play/perform better on the XB1, it's not tempting enough.
I only have enough money for one console this Holiday and I've already bought 40+ PS4 games, so guess which one I'm gonna be getting?
@Dodoo Agreed 100%! I already own 45 PS4 games and there are still 150+ PS4 games I want to have.
Compared to the Xbox One which only has 16 games I desire, at most.
@ToddlerNaruto Yeah exactly and it's been like that since the second half of the 360's life (hence why I jumped ship to PS after having both first Xbox's).
I'm like you and have a list of PS4 games to buy as long as my arm! The only thing I feel I'm missing on X1 is Ori and Forza...
@Dodoo "Not to mention a far superior game library. (imo)"
Yeah, no joking. The PS4 game library is immense.
@Mahe Yes it is! I just wish I had the time to play all of those awesome games.
@BUDSclass201 @Mahe Yeah that's the only problem having such a good game library. Even if all I did was play games 24/7, 7 days a week I doubt I'd have time to play everything I'd want. Also having a Switch and Zelda doesn't help either!
@BUDSclass201 @Mahe @Dodoo Same here, I'll be lucky if I can beat at least 50% of my PS4 game backlog by the time the PS5 comes out.
Don't get me wrong I'm not complaining about having so many awesome games to choose from, there just isn't enough free time in the world to play them all.
TBH I've sadly become more of a game collector than player XD.
@ToddlerNaruto "TBH I've sadly become more of a game collector than player"
lol likewise I now read more about games than I play them! (thanks PushSquare)
@ToddlerNaruto Ooooh, so many games even before actually owning a PS4? That's pretty neat. What game are you most excited to play?
@Dodoo Seriously I own 45 PS4 games now and I can see myself having 100 PS4 games by Summer 2018, Fall 2018 for sure.
My PS4 Game Collection: https://www.gamefaqs.com/community/Toddler_Naruto/games/owned?platform=120
@GodOfPie I'm honestly most excited to play Ratchet & Clank and Kingdom Hearts HD 2.8: Final Chapter Prologue. I've been a huge fan of both series since I was a teenager in mid 2000's.
After that, I'll be playing inFAMOUS: Second Son, The Amazing Spider-Man 2, Transformers: Rise of the Dark Spark, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutants in Manhattan, and Star Ocean: Integrity and Faithlessness.
Finally, I'll be getting to God of War III Remastered and Ascension (PS3), Assassin's Creed (Ezio Collection, III PS3, IV Black Flag, Rogue PS3, Unity, and Syndicate), Batman: Arkham Knight, Rise of the Tomb Raider, Middle-Earth: Shadow of Mordor, Watch Dogs, The Order: 1886, Resident Evil (4 and Revelations 1-2), The Evil Within, and Until Dawn.
There are other games in my backlog but they have much lower priority.
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