We're now into the busy last few months of 2017, and that means big release season is upon us. September saw the launch of juggernauts such Destiny 2 and, er, Knack 2, but October's looking like a real blockbuster month in its own right. Let's take a look at its promising PlayStation 4 games, shall we?

Battle Chasers: Nightwar
Publisher: Nordic Games
Release date: 3rd October
A turn based role-playing title with a great art style, Battle Chasers: Nightwar looks to attract hardcore dungeon delvers. Even though we can't stop writing Nightware instead of Nightwar for some daft reason, we're looking forward to putting this stylish adventure to the test. Hopefully the loot is worth the trouble of tracking down a review copy...
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Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen
Publisher: Capcom
Release date: 3rd October (NA), 5th October (EU)
We write these articles in order to highlight games that we think show real promise, but sometimes, we beat ourselves to the punch. Indeed, we've already reviewed Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen on PS4, and guess what? It's still a fantastic action RPG. You can give our review a read through here.

Middle-earth: Shadow of War
Publisher: Warner Bros.
Release date: 10th October
A vortex of microtransaction controversy has shrouded Middle-earth: Shadow of War in scepticism, but we're still holding out hope that beneath all the bullsh*t lies another great action title. An expanded sequel to an already surprisingly good game in Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor, the highly praised Nemesis System makes a return, allowing you to forge dynamic relationships with randomly generated orcs and their armies.

The Evil Within 2
Publisher: Bethesda
Release date: 13th October
The Evil Within was an enjoyable but flawed survival horror outing, so the stage is set for its sequel to build upon what the first game got right. Eyeing more psychological terrors and a fresh roster of suitably creepy enemies, we're hoping that The Evil Within 2 propels the property to new heights. Resident Evil can't have all the fun, after all.

South Park: The Fractured But Whole
Publisher: Ubisoft
Release date: 17th October
A follow-up to the well received South Park: The Stick of Truth, the crassest kids on television are back for another role-playing title. The Fractured But Whole promises more goofs and gaffs while refining the gameplay structure that its predecessor introduced. Expect fart jokes, social commentary, and that all-important South Park attitude.

Gran Turismo Sport (PS4 Exclusive)
Publisher: Sony
Release date: 18th October
It feels like Gran Turismo's current-gen debut has been in development for at least a thousand years, but it finally roars onto PS4 this month. Gran Turismo Sport is supposedly going down that service route, offering a product that Polyphony Digital will expand upon over time. Whether that means the initial release will be disappointingly narrow in scope remains to be seen, but we fully expect the actual driving to be as polished as ever.

Assassin's Creed Origins
Publisher: Ubisoft
Release date: 27th October
Assassin's Creed has gone full action RPG with Origins, providing players with a sprawling map, quests, loot, and a completely reworked combat system. While early impressions suggest that the quest design won't be living up to the adventures found elsewhere in the genre, the Egyptian setting and the intricacies of Ubisoft's latest open world should be enough to hold our interest.

Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus
Publisher: Bethesda
Release date: 27th October
The bloody Nazis have taken over America, so that means square-headed hero B.J. Blazkowicz is back to blow stuff up in entertaining fashion. The shooter sequel promises more guns, more mayhem, and a mental storyline. If it sticks to the gameplay template of its predecessor, we should be in for another bombastic good time.
October is looking pretty stacked, then, but which games have caught your eye? Vote for your most anticipated in our poll, and then share the hype in the comments section below.
Which October 2017 release are you most looking forward to? (102 votes)
- Assassin's Creed Origins
- Battle Chasers: Nightwar
- Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen
- Gran Turismo Sport
- Middle-earth: Shadow of War
- South Park: The Fractured But Whole
- The Evil Within 2
- Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus
- Other
Please login to vote in this poll.
Comments 39
Evil Within and Wolfenstein for me this month. Hopefully both do really well and we get more of each.
Basically want every game in the list eventually, though
Edit: aside from Assassins Creed of course..
Awesome month. Really looking forward to Assassin's Creed, Gran Turismo Sport, and South Park, but also very interested in The Evil Within.
@get2sammyb Still got New Order unopened on your shelf?
Dragon's Dogma arrived in the post so probably won't get around to much else. Have yet to fully properly start Shadow of Mordor so Shadow of War (and probably Shadow of WhateverComesNext) will have to wait.
South Park and Gran Turismo is what I'll buy in a whiff the others I'll wait for the reviews first
@kyleforrester87 Unfortunately, yes.
Brill month. I want all of those games at some point. I need money and a time machine.
@get2sammyb Sort it out lol
I will only get Dragon's Dogma from this month's new games. I do want most of the others but I will wait for sale. Money are not enough for all of them and also got Pillars of Eternity today, so I am not in a hurry,
@get2sammyb @kyleforrester87 I bought it off the store when it was dirt cheap, downloaded all 55GB of it, left it there for months, then deleted it when I needed to make room on my hard drive.
Assassin's Creed Origins for me - just pipping Wolfenstein 2 as I think AC will have a much more expansive world to play in. Wolfenstein will no doubt be a great and fun experience too. The only other game on this list of interest is Evil Within 2 and I will add Forza 7 to the list of games I will own by the end of October...
@ShogunRok and you call yourself a professional.
Not too much for me this month. Assassins Creed Origins and Wolfenstein II are a maybe for me, and I might get them either on sale or when I'm less busy with other games.
Very promising month, South Park and Wolfenstien are highlights for me.
Oh nice, I started getting emails one morning about backing a game called Battlechaser that I presumed I pledged to while drunk (bad breakup). Pleasant surprise this morning!
Just South Park and GT Sport for me this month.
I'll probably pick up everything on that list eventually (Battle Chasers looks pretty good!), but they'll be 2018 and beyond pick ups.
Interested in Assassin's Creed and Battle Chasers mostly. Will probably hold off on AC until black Friday and get it for half off and would prefer to have Battle Chasers on the switch but who knows when that will come.
Ive been a huge Gran Turismo fan since the first one but GT sport just doesn't seem very appealing to me. Not too interested in only doing online and challenges would prefer a proper career mode but will wait for reviews before making a conclusion.
The one I'm most excited about is Battle Chasers but I'll probably get that on the Switch.Otherwise it's gotta be South Park and Wolfenstein 2.
Overall Mario Odyssey but on PS4 The Evil Within 2, then GT Sport and Mordor. Wolfenstein 2 I can buy on Switch.
Battle chasers looks cool, and mario odyssey for me this month
@kyleforrester87 someone has to
Wolfenstein for me. I'm not playing shadow of war, even though I'm a fan of the original. Absolute shame, but I'm not willing to support the sheer level of contempt that WB have for their customers.
Very high quality lineup, but with Mario Odyssey arriving and a holiday to pay for I won't be picking any up just yet. Will definitely get South Park eventually, and very curious about Wolfenstein and The Evil Within 2 as well. But all the others look great too!
Mario for me. Nothing else compares.
Mario and Wolfenstein. October 27th will be the best day this year.
I want Shadow of War, South Park, Gran Turismo, AC and Wolfenstein. I will need to wait for The Evil Within 2.
But what I'm really excited for is Super Mario Odyssey.
Dragon's Dogma, Shadow of War and AC Origins. Not in that order, though. I've already played Dragon's Dogma on ps3 and I'm more than willing to have another go at it, but I think it'll wait after I'm done with Shadow of War and AC. The problem is, these two seem to be really time consuming too. It's a common problem lately, maybe there's nothing interesting for a while, and then the good stuff all comes out at the same time. I've completed every game I've ever bought (even the really bad ones, just on principle) and I don't want to stop now, but there's just not enough time. Well, it's a good problem to have, in a way
Wolfenstein,although i bought the the first two day one and haven't played them yet...Happy to help keep Machine Games existing,you know they bring that classic ID gunplay and production values.i've been trying to finish Doom before i get started.
Bethesda has my money. Twice.
Getting AC Origins on day one. I'm going to be paying very close attention to The Evil Within 2 and Hidden Agenda. Both have potential.
South Park! Working through the games I've picked up over the past few months though. Midway through World 3 on Mario + Rabbids. Pokemon Gold, Steamworld Dig 2, Yakuza 0, and Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 are next. Super Mario Odyssey will be my end of year holiday title.
Battle Chasers: Nightwar
Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen
These are the two games i want to play. Bethesda games i only buy after a month or two when they are patched. Assasins Creed ill get this one on the discount.
Man, with the promotional art for Dragons Dogma and Shadow of War being so similar, why would I need both?
I don't buy many games this time of year cause my wife wants to have things for Xmas gifts but she did pre-order South Park for me as my anniversary gift.
Origins for me. I love a good open world, and since Horizon and Zelda it's been a pretty lousy year for sandboxes
Battle Chasers is $29.99 not $34.95.
@Th3solution Better get Dragons Dogma cheaper better complete and no microtransactions. 😀
I am all about Wolfenstein from that list. I thought Assassins Creed was ok looking but will get a hasty price drop I imagine. I want South Park but can't afford. I won't touch Shadow of War for the loot orc malarkey for a good long while.
I'm looking forward to Assassin's Creed: Origins, South Park: The Fractured But Whole, Middle-earth: Shadow of War, The Evil Within 2, and Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen PS4.
Am I the only one that's actually looking forward to picking up the physical copy of Friday The 13th this 13th??? Actually, I won't be playing it (possible though), but it'll be added to my Freddy and Jason collections which continue to grow more and more throughout my life...even have the original NES games (Nightmare On Elm Street and Friday the 13th) in their original packages still sealed. Actually, there's a lot of great games coming out, and with also owning the Switch, there's even more...but I still have yet to purchase Knack 2...and I'm still playing Everybody's Golf to death right now, so have many games to look forward to within the next few months, with more coming close to the holiday season too.
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