Following on from Konami's announcement of an announcement yesterday, the publisher has announced that Metal Gear Survive will launch early next year on PlayStation 4. In North America, it hits on the 20th February, while in Europe, it releases on the 22nd February. It'll retail for the slightly lower price of $39.99/£34.99. We bet that you're all scrambling to place those pre-orders right now.
Snark aside, Metal Gear Survive does look... Kind of okay. It's built on the same fantastic gameplay foundation as Metal Gear Solid V, and it's obviously running on that lovely Fox Engine. However, couple Konami's reputation with the fact that it's a spin-off absolutely no one asked for, and you're left with a hard sell. It'll be interesting to see whether it has any impact once it reaches the market.
Is Survive on your to-buy list? Fashion a spear out of junk and start jabbing crystal zombie things in the comments section below.
Comments 24
I genuinely hope this bombs, in order to send a message to Konami.
Absolutely no one cares.
Not caring for a game, fine. But wishing that a game bombs, that shows disrespect for the team behind this game that have no fault for what happen between Kojima and Konami.
Yes, we can be mad at a publisher for crappy decisions.
Yes, we can criticize games for thing that could be better.
But writing out a game that is only out in four months, without even playing it. That is bad form.
@HungryWolf welcome to the site of Hypocrites, besides......it is not made by telltales point n click or in V.R.
It looks great crafting zombiez yah I'm in.
Dropping a game that literally no one cares about into what already looks like a very busy spring period seems like a brilliant idea Konami...Seriously, do they not have teams looking at release schedules and forecasting the pros and cons of their release window?
do you see the "fantastic" stuff you get if you pre-order, emotes and face paint
seriously though why are pre-order DLCs so bad now a days
Aaaaahhhhhh .... 🤔, now it makes sense why they included MGSV as a free PS Plus game this month — Clever devils trying to build up hype.
For what it’s worth, I loved TPP, but doubt I’ll play this unless it reviews extremely well.
Punished Consumer: A Fanbase Denied By Their Series
I mean the gameplay looks decent lol ... I'll pick this up when it goes for $20
Its the weapon to surpass Metal Gear?!
If this doesn't have loot boxes I'll eat an actual snake.
If they added a certain chick who's almost naked would persuade me to buy it later.
@HungryWolf I respect who have respect for me.
I'm glad Kojima is with Sony now, I'm not angry about what happened between Kojima and konami, they are and for this, they are destroying metal gear name just to spite Kojima, Metal Gear is my concern, not what happened between Konami and Kojima.
So yeah, I hope this game turns out as a total disaster for Konami, don't need to even play, just by what I see until now it's clear that is just a defence/build/zombie game using metal gear name.
@FullbringIchigo pre-orders are bad because people buy no matter what.
For some reason, people nowdays think that they are obliged to buy stuff from companies, no matter how bad they are.
@VRDart i don't think i have to buy everything even if i like a series otherwise i would own AC Unity and Syndicate and have AC Origins pre-ordered i just think if they want more people to pre-order they should offer better pre-order bonuses
I wait till it goes free to play, like it should from the start if it even stands a chance of surviving
It looks good, despite how much I think Metal Gear should be done.
"Nobody bought metal gear survive, guess we'll just use MGS for pachinko"
Why are we still here?
Just to suffer...?
@VRDart Same here, I doubt the game will sell much but I do feel bad for the game developer team, none of their fault regarding the drama.
Love the All Might avatar btw.
@ToddlerNaruto don't feel bad for the devs, they'll be paid and with luck, they'll get a job in a better company.
And thanks, All-Might is the best.
@VRDart Hopefully, Konami is doing downhill fast imo and they made this game as a desperate shot at staying on top.
You're welcome, I started watching My Hero Academia S02 earlier and I'm already on Episode 19, great series.
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