PlayStation VR is now a year old, and what better way to celebrate than with the announcement of a dozen or so new games? As part of a PlayStation Blog post, Sony bigwig Shawn Layden has claimed that the “best is yet to come” for the company’s virtual reality headset – and he’s proven his point with a list of 60 new titles set to release for the format over the coming months.
We’ll break it all down for you below:
Launching in 2017
- Anamorphine
- Ark Park
- Blade And Soul: Table Arena
- Brain Voyagers
- Bravo Team
- Chernobyl
- CoolpaintVR
- CubeWorks
- Discovery
- DragonBlast VR
- Dream Angling
- Drunkn Bar Fight
- End Space
- Everest VR
- Fishing Master
- Flatline: Experience the Other Side
- Ghosts in the Toybox
- Gunheart
- Gran Turismo Sport
- Hex Tunnel
- Honor & Duty
- Hopalong: The Badlands
- Justice League VR
- Light Tracer
- Megaton Rainfall
- Monster of the Deep: Final Fantasy XV
- Moss
- No Heroes Allowed VR
- Nothin’ But Net
- Obduction
- Pixeljunk VR: Dead Hungry
- Prana
- Quar Infernal Machines
- Radial-G: Racing Revolved
- RadianVR
- Rec Room
- Run Dorothy Run
- Sculptrvr
- Serious Soccer
- Shooty Fruitie
- Snow Fortress
- Stardrone VR
- Stifled
- Super Amazeballs
- Survios
- The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim VR
- The Inpatient
- The Rabbit Hole
- The Solus Project
- Virtual Engagement Confronting Fears
- VirtuGO
- VR Apocalypse
Launching in 2018
- Alvo
- Ariel
- Blasters of the Universe
- Chainman
- Cold Iron
- Dead Secret
- Dragonflight VR
- Drone Fighters
- Dungeon Chess
- End of the Beginning
- Golem
- Knockout League
- Penn & Teller VR: Frankly Unfair, Unkind, Unnecessary and Underhanded (including Desert Bus)
- Pixel Ripped 1989
- The American Dream
- Torn
- Xing: The Land Beyond
There are a ton of stealth announcements here: Run Dorothy Run is an endless runner based on The Wizard of Oz; Knockout League is the virtual reality boxing game that we’ve all been waiting for; The American Dream is a “satirical VR trip through a 1950s World’s Fair where guns are a part of the daily routine”.
The exciting part is that these announcements are all coming prior to Paris Games Week and PlayStation Experience; it's safe to assume that the manufacturer probably has even more to reveal.
[source blog.us.playstation.com]
Comments 25
I don't think Sony's supporting PlayStation VR.
@get2sammyb Indeed
In before someone says "how many are AAA or experiences"?
@adf86 Oh, you know it's coming!
"Justice League VR"
Wait, what?
Hey Sammy, you're missing out some titles from EU Blog post. Blade and Soul tabletop game, Gunheart (super promising title), etc.
*Registered an account just to let you know
Shame that even if we get skyrim VR AND Doom VFR, we do not get Fallout 4 VR...
@viciousarcanum I wouldn't get too excited about that, sounds like a Spider-Man Homecoming type thing. Will probably be free, though.
@MattAces Thanks for sharing!
Also Alvo was revealed to be a counter-strike like shooter that supports Aim and cross platform!
Will "No Heroes Allowed" be a separate buy, or will it be an update to the original? Will DOOM VR have Aim support? Is The Solus Project worth the money?
Outside of the above, I'm really looking forward to Moss. I've had good experiences with PixelJunk, so their game is on my radar as well. Bravo Team sounds cool...VR Counter-Strike...but I need to see how it's implemented.
@lacerz No Heroes Allowed is a new game. Don't think DOOM has Aim Controller support. We gave Solus Project a 4/10 I think.
I wish we could get something similar to Sorcery. That game was ace and would be even better on psvr.
Well that's a nice way to close out its first year. I look forward to seeing if any of these stick as leading PSVR games.
They need mainstays, not steam shovelware.
Great that there’s a plethora of support, but l’m personally missing ‘The Persistence’ off that list. Like you indicated in the last paragraph, Sammy, maybe it’ll get announced towards the end of the year.
Good to know, as I see the PSVR as a real console in itself. And I love, love that helmet. I use it a lot for 3D movies (Guardians of the Galaxy or The Force Awakens in Imax-size screen are just unbelivables experiences !)
By the way, is someone here also concerned by the "tilted screen" issue ? It's a software problem that renders the screen of the cinematic mode more or less tilted. Centering the screen with option won't do anything (as the screen recenter in front of you, but still tilted to the right).
I've seen on forums that a lot of people encounter this problem since last updates, and Sony says nothing.
Does anybody see what I'm talking about, or.... ?
Really wanting a full 3D platformer like the playroom VR robot rescue. That was awesome!
Good to see the support continuing from Sony. Long may it continue...
PSVR alone has more games than Xbone. xD
dam this is impressive
Drunkn Bar Fight!
Can't wait.
...it's really good to see this kind of support... and yes, I'd like more buy-in from larger publishers (it will come I'm sure) - but - as many have said, it's starting to feel like a console in its own right, which maybe the way to go in the future... have PSVR 2.0 as a separate entity perhaps and not reliant on owning a PS4 Pro? (or the option at least...) by the time it comes around, there could be in excess of 200 titles for it... that's a ruddy good start to any new console!
@Bobobiwan change the cinema mode screen size --that sometimes fixes it. The last firmware update seems to have fixed that problem on mine.
Man you guys better get on top of your PSVR reviews or you'll be left in the dust! You haven't even reviewed Skydance's ArchAngel yet... or even bothered to fill in its page here on the site. That game's pretty freakin' sweet, PushSquare
@StygianAgenda yeah I did that and everything else, but nothing worked... Until I try to recalibrate in every direction in the REVII demo (wich contents a calibration room, at the beginning of the tutorial). The problem was almost solved at that time.
And it seems to having fixed itself since. Maybe a firmware update, like you wrote. Anyway, I enjoyed the new version of Eve Valkyrie all day long, everything now works as a charm
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